Now that Ulfric is High King of Skyrim...?

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If in doubt , ask M'aiq The Liar.
What would you think he would choose to do when the Thalmor come in for round 2 of great war?

Would he form a military alliance with the empire to defeat them?

Or let his ignorance and hatred for them overwhelm him and fight in a non co-operatively manner?

I'm thinking of starting a Stormcloak character , but I'd feel guilty known by doing this I'll be leading Tamriel to its untimely demise.

Your thoughts?
Under the leadership of Ulfric I think Skyrim would be doomed to fall to the Thalmor. Now, if he were a smart man, Ulfric would get friendly with Hammerfell to better his odds.


Must be my Nord blood......
Depends....if the Greybeards get involved, it's over. Those old men don't play! And I'm pretty sure the Thalmor assholes would come knocking at their door.


Must be my Nord blood......
Be Fus Ro Da'ing mofos off cliffs and whatnot. Oh yea, and their leader is a F'ING DRAGON. We don't need no stinking Imperials.


If in doubt , ask M'aiq The Liar.
I'd like to think if Skyrim went independent they would still be civil towards the empire, or at least until the Thalmor problem was dealt with.


If in doubt , ask M'aiq The Liar.
Be Fus Ro Da'ing mofos off cliffs and whatnot. Oh yea, and their leader is a F'ING DRAGON. We don't need no stinking Imperials.

Haha , I can imagine it now :D

but i doubt the grey beards would get involved , be awesome if they did. You'd see High elves getting blasted everywhere :eek:
I'd like to think if Skyrim went independent they would still be civil towards the empire, or at least until the Thalmor problem was dealt with.
They might be, but would the Empire return the same? I wouldn't think it to be very likely. If they were smart, they would combine forces and take out the evil that is the Thalmor once and for all, but that is hardly ever how human nature works.
Be Fus Ro Da'ing mofos off cliffs and whatnot. Oh yea, and their leader is a F'ING DRAGON. We don't need no stinking Imperials.
But what if the Thalmor attack after the Blades have Parthunax killed? :eek:


If in doubt , ask M'aiq The Liar.
They might be, but would the Empire return the same? I wouldn't think it to be very likely. If they were smart, they would combine forces and take out the evil that is the Thalmor once and for all, but that is hardly ever how human nature works.

But what if the Thalmor attack after the Blades have Parthunax killed? :eek:

true , if someone played as a Stormcloak , but then joined the Blades and Kill big Parthy the dragon ..

Well I pity the fool .
You just don't do that.

bulbaquil not Sjadbek, he just runs him.
Consider that an independent Skyrim would be more able to ally with an independent Hammerfell as well. Both Hammerfell and Skyrim have harsh terrain well-suited to guerrilla warfare, which is why the Redguards were able to kick the Thalmor out and why I believe Skyrim would/will also be able to do so.

The trick is Cyrodiil, which is right next door to the Aldmeri Dominion and has a lot of flat, temperate terrain not particularly suited to defensive guerrilla warfare. I don't think Ulfric wants the Aldmeri Dominion to occupy one square inch more territory than they already do, and probably would ally with the Empire and/or Hammerfell against the Thalmor. Doing so would also make it much more likely that the Empire would recognize Skyrim's independence.


If in doubt , ask M'aiq The Liar.
Consider that an independent Skyrim would be more able to ally with an independent Hammerfell as well. Both Hammerfell and Skyrim have harsh terrain well-suited to guerrilla warfare, which is why the Redguards were able to kick the Thalmor out and why I believe Skyrim would/will also be able to do so.

The trick is Cyrodiil, which is right next door to the Aldmeri Dominion and has a lot of flat, temperate terrain not particularly suited to defensive guerrilla warfare. I don't think Ulfric wants the Aldmeri Dominion to occupy one square inch more territory than they already do, and probably would ally with the Empire and/or Hammerfell against the Thalmor. Doing so would make it much more likely that the Empire would recognize Skyrim's independence.

I'd love to think that , but I fear Ulfrics hatred for the Empire would make him a fool.
Consider that an independent Skyrim would be more able to ally with an independent Hammerfell as well. Both Hammerfell and Skyrim have harsh terrain well-suited to guerrilla warfare, which is why the Redguards were able to kick the Thalmor out and why I believe Skyrim would/will also be able to do so.

The trick is Cyrodiil, which is right next door to the Aldmeri Dominion and has a lot of flat, temperate terrain not particularly suited to defensive guerrilla warfare. I don't think Ulfric wants the Aldmeri Dominion to occupy one square inch more territory than they already do, and probably would ally with the Empire and/or Hammerfell against the Thalmor. Doing so would make it much more likely that the Empire would recognize Skyrim's independence.
Yes exactly. It's much like the current situation in Afghanistan. It would be an easy to deal with issue, but guerrilla warfare is very hard to beat, even if you have the enemy outnumbered and out-gunned. Same thing happened in Vietnam, it just doesn't turn out well for the invading forces. The Thalmor would have a hard time with Skyrim especially if they got Hammerfell on their side.
I say that the Stormcloaks fly a B1 over the Thalmor and carpet-bomb the dick out of 'em! Military tactics indeed.
Indeed. We will contact Albert Nordstein about a new technique that he is developing called "Magicka Splitting." He says we could make an explosion big enough to wipe the Summerset Isles off the map. ;)

bulbaquil not Sjadbek, he just runs him.
I'd love to think that , but I fear Ulfrics hatred for the Empire would make him a fool.

Admittedly, that is a risk, though I don't know if it's the Empire he hates so much as it is the Empire in Skyrim he hates. And even so, it still wouldn't stop Ulfric from being able to ally with Hammerfell. The most likely scenario would be for the Aldmeri Dominion to take Cyrodiil, but struggle to take Hammerfell/Skyrim (keep in mind, also, that the Dominion has the Dragonborn to contend with, and unless he's working for the Thalmor it's going to be tough to bring him down).


If in doubt , ask M'aiq The Liar.
I say that the Stormcloaks fly a B1 over the Thalmor and carpet-bomb the dick out of 'em! Military tactics indeed.
And get the Nordic Navy involved , and the army , oh wait ... :sadface:

Also, is anyone aware of the home land of the Thalmor?
Best form of defence is attack .
Now that I'd love to see in some DLC. :cool:

Rex Prime

Premium Airtcle Writer
was waiting for someone to mention that the Dragonborn (depending on player choices) is on Stormcloack side. Partharanux, Greybeards, The Blades, Companions, College of Winterhold and the power of the thu'um and the Sovngarde heroes on his side.....just imagine what kind of beating the Thalmor would get like this
was waiting for someone to mention that the Dragonborn (depending on player choices) is on Stormcloack side. Partharanux, Greybeards, The Blades, Companions, College of Winterhold and the power of the thu'um and the Sovngarde heroes on his side.....just imagine what kind of beating the Thalmor would get like this
Just to play devil's advocate here: I'm not sure that the Blades would really be on Skyrim's side honestly. I feel like they would be more inclined to be loyal to the Empire. The Blades did originate as protectors of the Emperor after all. Now, that is in the past, but Esbern and Delphine seem to value tradition. And I doubt both the Blades and Greybeards would support the Dragonborn at the same time, considering you have to stab either in the back to earn the other's favor.

The Greybeards are peace-loving also, and I almost doubt they would get involved in such a conflict in any way. The didn't even want to get involved with PEACE talks between the Empire and Stormcloaks.

Also, what is going to convince organizations like the College of Winterhold to fight for Skyrim? They have been hated and mistreated by the Nords, and a lot of them are High Elves anyway. Who's to say they aren't already spies.

Speaking of the Nords mistreating people: I think that if the Thalmor invade Skyrim there will be a problem with uprisings of some of the Elf population in some places. The first thing to come to mind is the Grey Quarter in Windhelm. Those Dunmer are treated like animals by almost all of the Nords they have encountered. They will be much more likely to sympathise with the Thalmor then they are to the cause of the Nords of Skyrim.

Just a few thoughts to spark conversaton here, since it seems one-sided a little :p

Rex Prime

Premium Airtcle Writer
The Blades one: they may not really be on Skyrim's side but they hate the Thalmor soo much, The Thalmor almost wiped out the Blades, why they won't fight the Thalmor then? after all they are sworn to obey the Dragonborn

College of Winterhold: yes, perhaps it's a possibility, The College may and may not help against the Thalmor. It depends on many things, if the Thalmor doing the destroy-everything-in-skyrim (Killing all non-thamlor and anyone who isn't an ally and destruct everything) then the College is will fight immediately.

Dunmer: yes, most dunmer will fight with the Thalmor, expect for a rare few.