Major flaws that constantly bother you

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Admiral Sunna Kyndai
I've had a couple incidents where the quest pointers sux and I have to go off the beaten track and diagonal jump up to quest areas, for example the deciphering the transmudane quest, where you have to go through the glacial ruins, I had problems going to the entrance and once I finally got in there were several exits to the place that mislead you into thinking thats where you need to go............... and finally once you get down to blackreach the map there is total crap! it wouldn't show where I needed to go....... just plain difficult.


okay, I visited my humble "room" at the College of Winterhold and behold... the fleshy dead Dragon I was talking about. Note the bones above it, it's also a dead Ancient Dragon.


Active Member
What bothers me most right now is that my saves got wipes when I had to restore my computer but thats not the games fault. I dislike the lack of continuity, like the fact that I can kill the emperors double, get caught and turn into a werewolf to escape and then kill the real emperor only have to go to jail for a little bit and then become a hero for the imperial legion and hear general tullius give speeches where he says stuff like long live the emperor. I know they cant really do snything about that but it still bothers me.


Panem et circenses
Cant ya drink blood and go back to lvl 1 vampirism, and then ppl wont be your enemy? (well not for another 4 days) or at least that is how I read it.. maybe i read wrong

I tried, but did it wrong. Everytime I went into a house where ppl were sleeping they would just wake up as soon as I set the first step. I could solve this by going to the winterhold college, but I haven't tried. I just stopped playing after this and started a new char. Having much more fun on that one :D


New Member
The thing that bothers me the most is after I completed Loud and clear for the thieves guild Dampened Spirits doesn't start and I really want the nightingale armor because I mostly use stealth when I play


The Progeny of Vikings
I've also been getting the 'dragons dropping dead from the sky' glitch as of late. It seems to happen only in the Reach so far.. had a big nasty blood dragon materialize outta nowhere and die in a river, and another one right inside the gate of Markarth. Dunno if the corpse is still there.. hope not! And I hope there won't be many more of them as it really ruins the immersion.

Other flaws include the aforementioned Louis Letrush and his clones near the Whiterun stables, one of them half-buried in the ground.. should probably just kill them to remove the eyesore. Skjor of the Companions came back to life, too, and he's giving me quests like nothing ever happened.

Let's see, what else.. well, the mammoths still fly occasionally, though very rarely. The quest where you're supposed to return the executed man's amulet to the woman in Solitude is bugged beyond repair. I'm also stuck with a bunch of briar hearts in my inventory which the game STILL considers plot items even after I completed the quest, so I'll probably have to remove them via console. And ever since patch 1.4 a couple of miscellaneous quests from Whiterun are bugged: the developers changed the names of two locations: Secunda's Kiss became Secunda's Shelf, and Valtheim Towers became Valtheim Keep. The misc quests associated with them no longer work because of the name change (i.e. kill the giant and kill the bandit leader, respectively).

These are all minor annoyances, but they do add up and detract somewhat from the joy of gaming. Then there's the fact that the game was really damn near unplayable out-of-the-box, requiring extensive ini file tinkering and messing around with drivers & CCC settings, not to mention several reinstalls. I finally managed to get it running smoothly and looking pretty, but it took a lot of effort, effort which I as a paying customer feel Bethesda should've done for me. I think Skyrim is the first game that has made me work so hard just to be able to play it!


Article Writer
My favorite hold, Dawnstar, is now completely abandon save the immortal NPCs because of the non stop Ancient Dragons harassing unprotected holds. It's a shame I have no reason to go there anymore.

Perkless in Skyrim

Bad to the Dragonbone.
I weigh nothing. My progress can be blocked by a dragonfly. Only gravity seems to acknowledge my existence unless I'm attacking something. Talk about loss of immersion.

Gold that I've stolen is still considered stolen so if the guards confiscate my stolen goods, any stolen gold is taken as well. o_O Does this mean if I have nothing but stolen gold in my possession the merchants won't take it? How do they even know it's stolen?

The already mentioned lack of awareness on the part of NPCs. Farengar asking me, time and time again, to visit the College in Winterhold even if I'm the frikking Arch Mage.

Unkillable people and invulnerable children. I can watch a beheading or decapitate someone myself but the kids are gods. Why put them in then? More loss of immersion. If I kill a quest giver then I should be screwed. I'll know better next time. If I can fail a quest objective I should also be able to fail an entire quest. It's nice that I know I'll always be able to complete all the quests (with the notable exception of the Civil War quests for obvious reasons) but it's not realistic.
NPC deaths have on effect on other NPCs generally. An NPC's spouse or parent can get killed and it means nothing to the NPC.


The fact that i am carrying around 22/24 Stones of Barenziah but every location is empty. The one in the thalmor embassy wasn't even there the first time i went there. Very frustrating.

Having missions that i cannot complete like Investigate Bards College and Kill the bandit leader at Nilheim. Oh, i cannot forget about the "Return to Esbern" mission that i don't remember when i got and can't complete because he is at sky haven temple.



Button Pusher
Skjor resurrected after I finished the Main Quest, and is back in Jorvaskr telling me "You need to prove yourself, whelp" and giving me animal extermination quests.

Didn't even get a nice sunny day after the Evil was Vanquished, or much of a celebration.

The Jarl of Whiterun who just helped me get to the final quest, has nothing to say about it , and he's back to his old dialogue. I guess people are just really grim and pragmatic in Skyrim, and there is nothing to look forward to, maybe they would have preferred their dreary, repetitive world to end!


New Member
I've also been getting the 'dragons dropping dead from the sky' glitch as of late. It seems to happen only in the Reach so far.. had a big nasty blood dragon materialize outta nowhere and die in a river, and another one right inside the gate of Markarth. Dunno if the corpse is still there.. hope not! And I hope there won't be many more of them as it really ruins the immersion.

Other flaws include the aforementioned Louis Letrush and his clones near the Whiterun stables, one of them half-buried in the ground.. should probably just kill them to remove the eyesore. Skjor of the Companions came back to life, too, and he's giving me quests like nothing ever happened.

Let's see, what else.. well, the mammoths still fly occasionally, though very rarely. The quest where you're supposed to return the executed man's amulet to the woman in Solitude is bugged beyond repair. I'm also stuck with a bunch of briar hearts in my inventory which the game STILL considers plot items even after I completed the quest, so I'll probably have to remove them via console. And ever since patch 1.4 a couple of miscellaneous quests from Whiterun are bugged: the developers changed the names of two locations: Secunda's Kiss became Secunda's Shelf, and Valtheim Towers became Valtheim Keep. The misc quests associated with them no longer work because of the name change (i.e. kill the giant and kill the bandit leader, respectively).

These are all minor annoyances, but they do add up and detract somewhat from the joy of gaming. Then there's the fact that the game was really damn near unplayable out-of-the-box, requiring extensive ini file tinkering and messing around with drivers & CCC settings, not to mention several reinstalls. I finally managed to get it running smoothly and looking pretty, but it took a lot of effort, effort which I as a paying customer feel Bethesda should've done for me. I think Skyrim is the first game that has made me work so hard just to be able to play it!

I have just had this issue too! 'dragons dropping dead from the sky' I know this is an old post but I ran across it and wanted to point out it still happens even after so many updates. I was in White Run and all of a sudden a dragon appeared dead right in front of the market. And last week I had floating mammoths! They are pretty rare but so strange. It does kill the immersion but I try my best to ignore it. I think we are on release 1.9 and it still happens.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
Vampire gameplay needs to be fixed. It seems balanced, but no one appreciates the vampires, everyone is your enemy. Can't finish up quests. You're doomed to forever roam the planet if you didn't find the cure in time. Werewolf seems more fun.
Either way they're gonna hate you. You do kill them for food as a vampire and for sport as a werewolf. I mean, I wouldn't be your biggest fan either.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
I have just had this issue too! 'dragons dropping dead from the sky' I know this is an old post but I ran across it and wanted to point out it still happens even after so many updates. I was in White Run and all of a sudden a dragon appeared dead right in front of the market. And last week I had floating mammoths! They are pretty rare but so strange. It does kill the immersion but I try my best to ignore it. I think we are on release 1.9 and it still happens.
Why are y'all complaining about dragons dropping dead? They're like the cockroaches of Skyrim (except that cockroaches don't breath fire &/or ice at you of course). I can certainly use the scales and bones and Lord knows there are plenty of dragons around if I just have to kill one. In some places their like gnats they way they circle in groups. Who knew they were so social?

Two Bears

Active Member
Why are y'all complaining about dragons dropping dead? They're like the cockroaches of Skyrim (except that cockroaches don't breath fire &/or ice at you of course). I can certainly use the scales and bones and Lord knows there are plenty of dragons around if I just have to kill one. In some places their like gnats they way they circle in groups. Who knew they were so social?

The problem is that the cleanup scripts don't always work, which is exactly what happens with ash piles. This contributes to the bloating and potential corruption of save files. PC users can utilize the markfordelete command, but console users are stuck.

Kory Stukenborg

Proud Member of the Mercer County Facial Hair Club
Ulfric isn't dead what are you talking about? I killed Tulius. haha. But Ulfric isn't a true Nord as he says he is and Tulius isn't the loyal commander he claims to be. Overall, neither of them are really trustworthy.


1) It royally annoys me that when I kill a mubcrab or deer with a fire spell, its meat isn't already cooked.

2) Since the patch, I've been having more levitating mammoths, especially if two generate near one another. One of them shoots up, hangs in the air and then moves over before dropping. Definitely a prob with the game engine. Either that or it's an easter egg side effect from all the skooma Vroggi's been drinking.

3) The occasional issue with hirelings where they get in a spot in the envronment and don't move. They just stand there like a duffus. Had this problem with Marcurio several characters back--turned out it was teh elven armor i gave. Now having the same issue with Erik the Slayer. Not sure if it's the armor I gave him or not, but it's slowing me down! (Additionally, all the other issues with hirelings, like glitches with them being steward and whatenot)

4) When you aim your bow and shoot at a draugr and suddenly he shoots sideway at lightening speed across the room. WTF is that about? It's especially obnoxious right after your follower makes a snarky comment about draugr being slow and clumsy.

5) That my adopted kids can't beat up Braith.

6) Since doing my Forsworn Zealot character, I hate how little there is to do with Forsworn, given their history in Skyrim. I think they're awesome now. They've got bitchin' bows and my Zealot totally wants to marry Kaie. She's hot.

7) It pisses me off that the Dawngard DLC doesn't have an avoidable trigger. You hit level whatever and it starts. I don't want all my games flooded with vampires. This is why I don't have DG.

8) Why can't you do more for your followers/spouses/kids/friends? Really. Sometimes I feel like half of my playgame is what I'm imagining my character's doing in my head. Maybe more than half.

9) Also since patch, I'm having an occasional issues where moving NPCs or objects at a distance looking pixelated a little and then the resolution restores properly once they stop moving. Never had that problem (I'm on Xbox) before the patch 1.9. Not good, Bethesda. Not good.

10) Lastly, and popular one: Skyrim needz moar spouse options! (And more and better spousal dialogues)