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well known member
Im making a new character and I'm not sure if to be a mage, warrior or thief. Which one is the funnest one for you?
A Mage would be interesting...
It also would not hurt to become a Mage/ thief.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
Thief. I almost always play thieves. I love sneaking up on people and skewering them with a bow. My latest character is an herbalist that relies heavily on bows, poisons and potions.
How do you skewer somebody on a bow? Do you sharpen the tip? Wouldn't it be easier to use a knife or an arrow?


New Member
illusion mage is the funniest out of every style, making a whole village attack a chicken and then the cow AND then each other is funny



Active Member
Mix a little. Two handed light armor sneaky archer thingy :D


Master Nightblade
Seeing as how my main character is a variation of an "Assassin" build, I'm biased. That being said, it was my first character and in my honest opinion, the most satisfying to play with. The ability to sneak through an entire dungeon, bypassing all traps (Light Foot) and taking out enemies with an arrow to the back or a dagger to the jugular is immensely fun. Also, the average "Thief" or "Assassin" build presents the opportunity to sneakily grab things from shops in front of the shop owners faces whilst remaining undetected. Additionally, having the ability to walk around town in sneak and pickpocket jewelry off of unsuspecting marks in a fast, fun and easy way to make some extra septims.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
Seeing as how my main character is a variation of an "Assassin" build, I'm biased. That being said, it was my first character and in my honest opinion, the most satisfying to play with. The ability to sneak through an entire dungeon, bypassing all traps (Light Foot) and taking out enemies with an arrow to the back or a dagger to the jugular is immensely fun. Also, the average "Thief" or "Assassin" build presents the opportunity to sneakily grab things from shops in front of the shop owners faces whilst remaining undetected. Additionally, having the ability to walk around town in sneak and pickpocket jewelry off of unsuspecting marks in a fast, fun and easy way to make some extra septims.
Sorry. I don't mind the killing, but the thievery is just wrong. Morally opposed and will never play a thief. Won't deal with a thief in real life and will kill you in Skyrim if I discover you are one.


Master Nightblade
Sorry. I don't mind the killing, but the thievery is just wrong. Morally opposed and will never play a thief. Won't deal with a thief in real life and will kill you in Skyrim if I discover you are one.

Not that I'm saying thievery is morally correct, but how can you justify assassinating oftentimes innocent people for your sick and twisted pleasure yet put down a simple way for my femme fatale Wood Elf to put her innate abilities to use and maintain a wealthy standard of living for herself? It's not her fault she's one of the best thieves to grace Tamriel since the late, great Gray Fox of Cyrodiil. That being said, more than one would-be hero has met their end at the blades of my dual-wielded Ebony War Axes. Your attempts on my life would be met with a most swift and untimely death. :)

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
Not that I'm saying thievery is morally correct, but how can you justify assassinating oftentimes innocent people for your sick and twisted pleasure yet put down a simple way for my femme fatale Wood Elf to put her innate abilities to use and maintain a wealthy standard of living for herself? It's not her fault she's one of the best thieves to grace Tamriel since the late, great Gray Fox of Cyrodiil. That being said, more than one would-be hero has met their end at the blades of my dual-wielded Ebony War Axes. Your attempts on my life would be met with a most swift and untimely death. :)
So my morals are all twisted :) The hypocricy of having no qualms whatsover about killing someone for profit but being totally morally opposed to thievery and making it a point to hunt down every thief I know of and killing them silently, in public and then displaying their folly and their skinned carcassi nailed to the door of the local constable, probably comes from my mother.

Though married to an Imperial Noble she relished the theft of everything not nailed down from all of our friends, acquaintences and even from the Court and high-end merchants that we frequented. On that day when she was caught and threw her own son under the cart leaving me to 5 years of torture, hard labor and more near death experiences than I can count I knew my true worth to her. I had to have revenge.

Needless to say, she died in a most painful and tortuous manner. You should have seen the look on the faces of her dinner guests when the found her on display on the buffet table when they showed up for her latest soiree with all of their sundry goods she had illgotten as decoration.

Having made my way to Skyrim, I may be hated by the Thieves Guild, but I am respected and have worked with them in the past, with the understanding that, if I ever catch one of them at their activities, they will be summarily executed. I am sure they are very careful around me.

I am sure you are lovely my dear, I do love my wood elf friends. Your kind's skill with the bow is reknown and I can respect that. War axes? That's a new one on me. Can't imagine how you can pick a pocket with all that equipment on. Just don't let me catch you my pet or I'll have yet another lampshade from your lovely skin.

Perhaps we could meet at the Bannered Mare for a drink. We'll see who can walk away. :)
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Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
So my morals are all twisted :) The hypocricy of having no qualms whatsover about killing someone for profit but being totally morally opposed to thievery and making it a point to hunt down every thief I know of and killing them silently, in public and then displaying their folly and their skinned carcassi nailed to the door of the local constable, probably comes from my mother.

Though married to an Imperial Noble she relished the theft of everything not nailed down from all of our friends, acquaintences and even from the Court and high-end merchants that we frequented. On that day when she was caught and threw her own son under the cart leaving me to 5 years of torture, hard labor and more near death experiences than I can count I knew my true worth to her. I had to have revenge.

Needless to say, she died in a most painful and tortuous manner. You should have seen the look on the faces of her dinner guests when the found her on display on the buffet table when they showed up for her latest soiree with all of their sundry goods she had illgotten as decoration.

Having made my way to Skyrim, I may be hated by the Thieves Guild, but I am respected and have worked with them in the past, with the understanding that, if I ever catch one of them at their activities, they will be summarily executed. I am sure they are very careful around me.

I am sure you are lovely my dear, I do love my wood elf friends. Your kind's skill with the bow is reknown and I can respect that. War axes? That's a new one on me. Can't imagine how you can pick a pocket with all that equipment on. Just don't let me catch you my pet or I'll have yet another lampshade from your lovely skin.

Perhaps we could meet at the Bannered Mare for a drink. We'll see who can walk away. :)
If you would like to know more about Daelon's personality, be sure to look him up on the forums. Perhaps you can give him some input in to his character flaws.


Master Nightblade
The hag had received what was coming to her and was summarily cast into the void to serve Sithis. I do applaud some bloodshed on occasion. However, since my short time in Skyrim, through my rapid ascent to massive wealth and some local reknown, I've developed a powerful network of contacts. I could have you disappear with the simple wave of my hand. Should that attempt fail and I find myself having to undertake the task, I'd suggest exercising extreme caution and sleeping with one eye open before it's too late and you feel my Blade of Woe slicing through your neck like a hot knife through butter. If I had to take you up on your offer and agreed to meet you in person, my War Axes are reserved for more up close and personal dispatch. I caution you to watch your back, as any step, even in broad daylight may very well be your last.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
The hag had received what was coming to her and was summarily cast into the void to serve Sithis. I do applaud some bloodshed on occasion. However, since my short time in Skyrim, through my rapid ascent to massive wealth and some local reknown, I've developed a powerful network of contacts. I could have you disappear with the simple wave of my hand. Should that attempt fail and I find myself having to undertake the task, I'd suggest exercising extreme caution and sleeping with one eye open before it's too late and you feel my Blade of Woe slicing through your neck like a hot knife through butter. If I had to take you up on your offer and agreed to meet you in person, my War Axes are reserved for more up close and personal dispatch. I caution you to watch your back, as any step, even in broad daylight may very well be your last.
We will see who feeds on whom. My Lady Namia is not a gentle mistress. The Dragonborn does not bow.


Master Nightblade
If you would like to know more about Daelon's personality, be sure to look him up on the forums. Perhaps you can give him some input in to his character flaws.

Oh rest assured, I tend to learn as much about my target as I can. Exploiting your weaknesses are my specialty.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
Oh rest assured, I tend to learn as much about my target as I can. Exploiting your weaknesses are my specialty.
I invite you to visit my homes in Whiterun and Markath. Should you visit Whiterun, please do not hesitate to clean the place out and kill the housecarl. She is of no use to me and I find the outpost in that city far from ideal for my purposes. I believe I have some equipment that may be of use to you in Markath. Perhaps a turn on my enchantment table? The use of my laboratory? I will inform my housecarls that you may pay a call. They will be happy to accommodate you. If I may suggest, visit my library. Amongst the tomes you may find some information of interest. Should you decide to act impulsively, please be farwarned that the ward on my main chest may very well kill you and the reward, should you avoid it, would hardly be worth your time. There is a large stash of dragon bones and scales in the cabinet by the bedroom door. I am sure you will find them profitable and I have so very, very many of them. I would request that you call on my friend down at the general goods store in Markath so that she may make arrangements to clean up the bodies I am sure you will leave behind, she is very good at disposal and recycling.
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Master Nightblade
I invite you to visit my homes in Whiterun and Markath. Should you visit Whiterun, please do not hesitate to clean the place out and kill the housecarl. She is of no use to me and I find the outpost in that city far from ideal for my purposes. I believe I have some equipment that may be of use to you in Markath. Perhaps a turn on my enchantment table? The use of my laboratory? I will inform my housecarls that you may pay a call. They will be happy to accommodate you. If I may suggest, visit my library. Amongst the tomes you may find some information of interest. Should you decide to act impulsively, please be farwarned that the ward on my main chest may very well kill you and the reward, should you avoid it, would hardly be worth your time. There is a large stash of dragon bones and scales in the cabinet by the bedroom door. I am sure you will find them profitable and I have so very, very many of them. I would request that you call on my friend down at the general goods store in Markath so that she may make arrangements to clean up the bodies I am sure you will leave behind, she is very good at disposal and recycling.

Whiterun has grown stale to me over time, as such I find myself very partial to relocating to Markarth where I've always admired the beautiful architecture as well as the opportunities to be had there. However I've no interest in utilizing your laboratory or enchantment table as being a Wood Elf, myself and my race are generally distrustful of magic. I certainly would not mind making a thorough sweep of your establishment. Of course that would be AFTER you've been dealt with in a cold, calculating fashion. The whispered twang of my bow would more than likely be the last sound you hear before you're face down in the street covered in a pool of your own blood. I'd then employ the services of your contact down at the General Goods store to come and make the mess disappear. Problem solved AND some valuable loot to boot.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
Whiterun has grown stale to me over time, as such I find myself very partial to relocating to Markarth where I've always admired the beautiful architecture as well as the opportunities to be had there. However I've no interest in utilizing your laboratory or enchantment table as being a Wood Elf, myself and my race are generally distrustful of magic. I certainly would not mind making a thorough sweep of your establishment. Of course that would be AFTER you've been dealt with in a cold, calculating fashion. The whispered twang of my bow would more than likely be the last sound you hear before you're face down in the street covered in a pool of your own blood. I'd then employ the services of your contact down at the General Goods store to come and make the mess disappear. Problem solved AND some valuable loot to boot.


My Friend,

I do hope the courier found you without too much trouble.

Do be careful of my friend, DO NOT accept any dinner invitations from my shopkeep friend, and of the denizens of my adopted home. They will be very distrustful of your sort and rarely allow any others save the occassional Orc. The Markath guards do have a tendency to be rather knee jerk so please make an effort not to ply your trade in the public forum as I would hate to see them get hurt as they do tend to be rather protective of their Yarl (as figurehead as that may be).

Please feel free to set up your base of operations in the abandoned house next to my friend's establishment as I do currently own it. It is fully furnished and quite comfortable but I do suggest you avoid the basement. While my guest Molag Bol may currently away on business, he may return at any point and has a tendency to make things rather uncomfortable for the residents (although I am sure you are not the sort to be easily frightened). I would consult with our mutual friend Vex. He is very familiar with Molag and can best advise you of his capricious nature.

Another suggestion and a warning:

Do make it a point to visit my Orcish friend over at the forge. She can best advise you on methodology in your attempted assassination. As poison is not an option in my case and, given your relative novice status in your chosen profession, I believe you may not have the necessary firepower to accomplish your goal. She knows me well and would be your best resource for advice on the needed items.

The warning: should you decide that my home is your main goal, do be careful. While I have warned you of the protective ward on my chest, there are any number of nasty surprises about (some of which I have forgotten about myself and will occassionally run in to on accident, much to my chagrin). I would make a request though that you avoid my housecarl's bedroom. While not my favorite person, I have promised him his privacy. He will not hinder your activities. Just order him, in my name, to his abode and he will comply. As I make sure that he remains impoverished and under my sway, he should not be any trouble and certainly not profitable.

Again, if you should believe that things will get messy, just let me know and I will make sure that all interested parties will be available for your use and be expecting you. Please feel free to draw from the large sum of gold located behind the pillar just to the left of my front door in my entrance hall. This is Markath after all and one must get paid for their services.

Please be sure to avoid the Silver Bloods alltogether if you can (although they do own a large portion of the city). They are particularly nasty to your sort and certainly have the resources and connections in the right places to put a stop to any entertainment that you have set for yourself. I would hate to see either your or they get hurt.

Please do not forget to visit the Warrens when you visit. While the residents may be somewhat unsavory, they are excellent fodder and I often make use of their skill sets.


Daelon Du Lacque
Currently: Dawnstar, en route...
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Kory Stukenborg

Proud Member of the Mercer County Facial Hair Club
I play a combo of a warrior/theif. He is the most amusable character I have ever had. You should try the same. You could finish the theives and Companians questlines to hone your theif/ warrior skills.


Connoisseur of Hallucinations
I like a hybrid of all three. Sounds ridiculous, I know, but it can be fun. You can play around with any attribute from any classification and mix and match. For me this is very attractive because I love just slashing and stabbing with a sword or axe, but I also love being a stealthy archer. And then throw a little destruction and conjuration magic in there, toss some fireballs at unsuspecting bandits, or conjuring up an atronach to have a little fun with, it just makes it even more enjoyable. I don't really like limiting myself in terms of what classification I focus on - because I love all three.

Two Bears

Active Member
As many others have said, why limit yourself? Be a sneaky swordsman that uses destruction magic in the off-hand, or any number of variations thereof. It's the beauty of the classless system.


Active Member
I am currently playing a Redguard barbarian, and I am enjoying it. I also have a Khajiit Assassin which was also pretty fun