Is Linwe's Armor good for anything?

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Anthony Smash

just picked his stuff up, heard you can disenchant some of it, is it worth sacrificing? doesn't seem better than nightengale armor or thieves guild gear for that matter...


The Gentleman Owl
You can disenchant all of it, but none of the enchantment effects are useable, so it's pointless to disenchant it.

It's good for looking good (if you like the look, that is). It has kind of weak enchantments: Stamina, Sneak, Archery, One Handed, all at 15%. They are useful, but aren't too powerful.

Thieves Guild / Guild Master has a different set of enchantments entirely: Carry Capacity, Pickpocket, Lockpicking, Barter. I don't really find those enchantments useful.

Shrouded Armor comes with Poison Resist, Muffle, Archery, and the 2x Backstab. I think this is much more useful, the Ancient version has high enchantment numbers too, like 100% Poison Resist and 35% Archery.

Nightingale armor gets Stamina/Frost Resist, Muffle, Lockpicking/One Handed, Illusion. These are pretty useful too, and if you get them at level 32+ they will have high enchantment numbers.

It all comes down to what kind of character you are playing. Some of the sets are better or worse than others, but certain characters may like something that other characters wouldn't.

Anthony Smash

i agree with everything you just said! im running a straight up theif character right now, so the nightingale/theives guild armor are what im sticking to (until i get that Ancient Falmer Armor, so badass!) I plan on going to the dark-side (brotherhood) after i complete all the city influence quests so im sure ill opt for shrouded gear at that point. VERY insightful, THANKS!

Anthony Smash

too bad i already disenchanted it :sadface: hey, at least it upped my enchantment level x2!

Jersey Dagmar

Just in time for the fiyahworks show! BOOM!
It's good for making your character's arms disappear in first person...


Active Member
Nothing apart from it's a unique item. I collect unique items so when I saw it on him I was like ":eek: SWIPE!" :D It also looks cool on, I look like an actual thief. Never been too keen on the thieves guild armour.


Well-Known Member
I think the unenchanted armor from Linwe's posse is more valuable. It has the same look, but you can enchant it. Nice break from the standard leather/elven/glass look. You can collect about eight sets of it (minus some helmets here and there) when clearing the cavern. I don't know if the bandits that respawn there after you kill Linwe still carry the special armor.


The Fateless One
I for one prefer Linwe's armor over the Thieves Guild armor for two reasons. First are the enchantments that modestly buffs your combat skills for 1H and Archery. TG armor enchantments are inclined for the pure thief builds. Second is the fact that it is the closest thing in Skyrim to the hood and robe of Assassin's Creed. I play Skyrim via the pseudo assassin's creed way.

Though I would have prefer the upper body to have been sleeved instead of the arms exposed. My main character's scrawny and feminine arms are not aesthetically pleasing.

It will look good though if you have a male character with brooding biceps. :p



Active Member
Stats aren't that good but, it looks really good, so if you have a fair idea of modding and such you can change the texture of the thieves guild armor with that.