Is it just me or is it difficult making a character to side with the Stormcloaks?

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Well-Known Member
I remember talking to everyone in the Blue Place of Solitude. When I heard Elisif tell me what truly happened between Ulfric and the High King, I felt sick. The High King was doing his best for the people of Skyrim, but Ulfric wanted power. So he just walked into the High King's home, and in front of all his family and friends, SHOUTED him apart. No blade was raised, and the High King wasn't even able to defend himself against the power of the Voice. How is that honorable combat? Ulfric doesn't deserve power, or a honorable death. Hell, he doesn't even deserve to go to Sovngarde. I wouldn't want anyone like Ulfric in charge, even if he became High King the normal way.


Skyrim Marriage Counselor
of course, all humans have flaws.

when listening to ulfric speak uninterrupted within his castle i know the man believes he is doing what is right. he fights for skyrim and her people because he must.

his moral ground is solid.
That, or he's a Machiavellian man who calculates the best ways to present himself to gain support and buffer his ego.

Serebro Moniker

He who moves it moves it
Are you rating my post for bad grammar now?
I don't see a single mistake in that sentence. Please don't tell me you're getting petty.


I remember talking to everyone in the Blue Place of Solitude. When I heard Elisif tell me what truly happened between Ulfric and the High King, I felt sick. The High King was doing his best for the people of Skyrim, but Ulfric wanted power. So he just walked into the High King's home, and in front of all his family and friends, SHOUTED him apart. No blade was raised, and the High King wasn't even able to defend himself against the power of the Voice. How is that honorable combat? Ulfric doesn't deserve power, or a honorable death. Hell, he doesn't even deserve to go to Sovngarde. I wouldn't want anyone like Ulfric in charge, even if he became High King the normal way.
LOL, Are the only people you talked to Empire-supporting? Ulfric challenged Torygg, knocked him to the ground with a shout, and then stabbed him.


I'd say the Nord's hatred of the other races has more to do with nationalism than race, they're afraid that cause of the outlaw of Talos worship that every other race is out to tamper with their culture further. It seems like something that would go away once the Stormcloaks rid Skyrim of the Imperial soldiers and the Thalmor.

I personally find it harder to side with the Imperials. They'll kill any suspects without trail and are really just tools of the Thalmor, who again, will kill you with no discretion. The Thalmor take credit for everything life changing that happens in Tamriel; two moons returning? Thalmor did it! Oblivion crisis solved? Thalmor did it! (and certainly not a lowly prisoner, nope) The whole reason Khajiits aren't allowed in city walls if cause of how they worshiped the Thalmor for returning the moons.

My main character (the one I play as the Dragonborn) likes to stay neutral. So neutral that he enjoys wetting his werewolf tongue with soldier blood every now and then, after all they're expecting death at the others' hand anyway.


That, or he's a Machiavellian man who calculates the best ways to present himself to gain support and buffer his ego.

a man who doesn't calculate the best way to go about a righteous cause is a fool.
a man wisely buffers their ego when appropriate.

the thu'um was the bold and courageous decision.