Open (ingame) Skyrim Roleplaying Classes(and rulesets)

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  • Hey there, and welcome to our roleplaying section. Please take some time to read two of these useful resources below, if you're already a roleplaying expert, then there's no need to read the following beginner's guide, but be sure to read the rules.

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    Should i continue posting classes? this is only a taste!

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    Lost in a sea of lols.
    Here is my list of Roleplaying styles, challenges, classes, and rulesets to add realism
    These are only suggestions, please don't negatively comment on rules, take what you will from the ideas! I just felt like sharing :)
    The Lowly NPC
    Roleplay as any average-person living their life in skyrim, Get a spouse, a house, and maybe even adopt a child. No need for adventure!
    No fast travel!!! Carriages and Horses accepted.
    Don't wait, only sleep, unless you're waiting after an action to show it takes time
    Must earn money by ordinary means, no hunting Drougr, or Dungeon Diving.
    Must eat regularily, have 3 ordinary sized meals a day, eating 2 apples, sure. 45 potatoes? no.
    Can only use traditional hunting weapons, Dagger, Unarmed, Bow.
    No Adventures!( UNLESS thrust into one, For example, a Giant attacks your lonely Hjaalmarch estate! and you find one of The Jarl's belongings on his corpse, you would deliver it to the Jarl.)
    Paper map only. Yes, this means you are NOT aloud to press that useful map key, you have to navigate through the world on a traditional map, You can find pictures online, or you can use the one in the game case ((Optional, alot of people hate getting lost, even more then I.))
    Don't carry 500 septims at a time! Be realistic, carry a handful of gold coins around with you at a time, incase of emergency.
    -Starting Conditions:
    You start with some lowly clothes, a handful of goldcoins, and any 'special items' you might have from a former job, persay, A bow and arrows?
    If you don't like the start of the game for roleplay, feel free to suspend it, and just roughneck run it to a city you feel comfortable starting in.
    (if you have console commands, feel free to give yourself the extra cheat out of the starting area and items without having to prepare.)
    You can level the following skills(take or place some more if you wish, but keep it in reason)
    Alchemy, Mining, Blacksmithing, Archery, Sneak, Speech.
    The Vampire!
    Tired of living a normal NPC life? live an undead one!
    Sleep days(as much as possible, remember, you blood boils in the light!)
    No fast travel, Carriages/horses allowed, if necessary
    Don't wait(much, unless showing actions take time) Sleep.
    Must feed on blood every 7 day period, (atleast, feel free to feed every night!)
    Only mild, reasonable adventures allowed, No Dragon-slaying, Civil-war trought Adventures. WITH the exception of Dawnguard DLC( if you want to kil
    Get money through any means as you which, steal, be an honest smith, join the Dark Brotherhood.
    Papaer Map(Optional)
    -Starting Conditions
    Start in any village/town you choose, but with Vampirism (first stage, wait out the first few days)

    Bone Of The Foz

    errrrr..........Mining.......? :confused:


    Global Moderator
    Staff member
    The ideas are good, but even though you're discussing roleplaying, this really belongs in General Discussions. The roleplaying section is reserved for actual roleplaying -- that is a group of members who have agreed to a story and take turns writing their participation and posting them to the relevant thread. Any discussion, including those about roleplaying, should find their home in General Discussions.

    That said, I think the three meals a day rule could be bent a little, since following around real NPC's for a day will often show they only stop to eat a couple of times (though that meal can sometimes last six to eight in-game hours), and you can't become Thane of anywhere without doing favors for the Jarl who lives there, so you should probably take into consideration which holds require the least adventure to earn the title and rights to a house.

    But I love seeing how people keep the game interesting, and what play restrictions they combine to make a totally new experience for themselves. You have some fun ideas up here. ^__^

    Uther Pundragon

    The Harbinger of Awesome
    Staff member
    You may want to format your post a little better. Don't use all white or such a large font. I'll comment on the actual stuff you posted in a bit. :)

    Bone Of The Foz

    ''Always trust men who like big butts, for they can not lie.''

    I do like big butts.......... anyways a diffrent subject completely lol, i see where your coming from now i thought you ment Mining WAS a perk tree, silly me lol no thats a good idea to be honest with you, i had a n idea i put on a diffrent page the other day,

    living the life of an OUTCAST

    Not welcome in any major city (any hold capital, Rorikstead etc okay)
    can only enter a city capital if dressed as that citys guard so as not to be recognised
    Can only Trade with the kajiit caravans and fences earned through thieves guild,
    must pick a place to sleep that isnt a recognised in game base, such as bought/built home
    must only level Archery, Sneaking, Alchemy, Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Speech & One Handed (Daggers Only)
    Can Only Use enchanting to improve Thieveing Skills And Archery
    Can Only Wear "Found" Light Armor (Cannot Take From Killed/Dead People)
    Cannot Wear Armor Of Same Set, I.e All Leather = No/ Scaled Bracers/Leather Boots/Vampire Armor/Cowl = YES
    Cannot have more than 50 Arrows In Hand At Any 1 time, and Only Iron/Steel/Nordic/Glass/Ebony at that
    Limited to Man Made Weapons (Iron/Steel/Nordic/Glass/Ebony)
    No Weapon Enchantments
    All Smithing Materials (ingots/Hides Etc) Must be self obtained Through Mining/Hunting/Theft NO TRADER HORDING!
    Only Arrows (iron/Steel/Nordic/Glass/Ebony), Gemstones & Gold May be looted form dead enemys/corpse's

    Can Be Vampire/Lycanthorpe if wanted,
    Must Sleep Normal Hours Day Or Night, But Must Be In A Place You've Cleared Out (Valthiem Towers Etc)
    Can Enchant Boots For Carry Weight/Fire Resist/Muffle
    Must eat regular Meals 3 times a Day (Vampires Must Feed Nightly/Werewolves Must Hunt Every WEEK AT NIGHT)
    NO FOLLOWERS EXCEPT FOR ESSENTAL NPC'S (Serana etc, Must be dismissed asap And Dressed as you are)
    Only exception to armor sets is when wearing guards armor to enter city Capitols, essental followers must be same!


    Lost in a sea of lols.
    PART 2))
    -Also consider life before vampirisim, where you a thane? or a powerful man by means of connections? Or just a petty
    Skills are very volatile with the Vampires, Magic is allowed, to a degree, sneak is preffered, melee, not so much.

    Redguard/Khajiit Adventurer​
    Act as a Redguard caravaneer, you can use console commands to hack in some extra followers, or pretend to be strayed from your party, Act out selling items, trading, Tresure hunting, and sight seeing in the province of Skyrim​
    Must eat regularily.​
    Can not enter Whiterun without reason to do so(that the guards would let you in for)​
    Paper map (required)​
    Use traditional tracking skills, aswell as no fast travel, (carriage disallowance is optional, i personally dislike it.)​
    Don't do to many quests, certain quests hace an exception, keep within reason of being a caravaneer.​
    Leather armors only.​
    -Starting Conditions​
    Start with 150 gold​
    set of Fur armor​
    start at Riverwood, Riften, or any other borderline- town​
    Can not start off as a Werewolf or Vampire.​
    Light Armor​
    One handed.​
    Light magic(of choice)​
    Archery(if wanted)​
    Sneak(if wanted)​
    Alchemy(Within reason)​