Imperials or Stormcloaks, what one?

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Seanu Reaves

The Shogun of Gaming
Ahahahaha. I am surprised we don't talk more. We seem to have similar personalities. Alas I may have my gem already countered. :p Oh well.


Intoxicated Arch-Mage
Ahahahaha. I am surprised we don't talk more. We seem to have similar personalities. Alas I may have my gem already countered. :p Oh well.

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."


Intoxicated Arch-Mage
Hahahahahaha... I doubt you know me. Though I may not be an enemy, I am still that wild card. Or so I say or so I am.

Never said I did know you. Though I was interested in this lore gem you were holding onto, my curiosity for lore information far surpasses my need to defend my chosen side. I enjoy hearing all sides of a debate, and I'm always looking for a good strong argument. One that makes me think twice about the reply I give, to counter. These days I tend to repeat myself to those who are new, or those who are old and yet still give me the same argument no matter how many times I counter it. I enjoy new debates, and whatever you have is most likely better than the "It was just my opinion" or "I can RP this" I've been seeing lately.

Enemy, ally or wild card. Makes no difference to me. ;)


Imperial Legate
There were good points to my last post. Just a few things I would like to counter. Having independence but uniting against a common threat is not contradictory. The United States and Israel are allies and would support one another in a war but both countries would maintain their independence and their own government. Secondly, regardless of whether people like each other or not if there is a threat that is big enough that threatens their existence they will put their differences aside. If the Dominion were to conquer Skyrim then all the other provinces would be in even more danger. So regardless of whether Skyrim is independent or not it is in the best interest of the other nations of Tamriel to stand with them. Now I know there is the belief that an independent Skyrim being able to lead Tamriel is viewed as pipe dream. We can agree to disagree on that one. Who's to say that Skyrim does not have the resources to support themselves? No matter what side is victorious they will turn their attention towards regaining their strength and will use whatever resources they have available in achieving that goal. There are two things that bind the Nords together: their hatred of the Aldmeri Dominion and their traditions. They have a common goal at this point so I think there will be no infighting. Plus Galmar in charge of keeping the Jarls in line and you know from playing the game he don't take no crap. Also the Thalmor want neither side to win. Because if any side were to win that would hinder their plans and give time for one side to rebuild their strength. I believe Skyrim can stand on it's own. And I believe Empire or no Empire, the nations of Tamriel are not stupid enough to try and take on the night of the Aldmeri Dominion by themselves. Also yes the Redguard should not forget all who fought and have their lives for all of the Empire. However in their mind signing that treaty was a spit in the face of those sacrifices. They took a stand and they fought to keep their land. The Dominion had no choice but to withdraw. This was without help and supplies from the Legion. True the Great War was able to weaken the Domnion enough that Hammerfell was able to hold it's own but just think if all of the Empire stood by their side. The Dominion was weak and exhausted just like the Empire was, probably more than they would care to admit. Also bear in my mind, not all Stormcloaks are racist xenophobes. Don't let some bad apples spoil the whole bunch. Just like that one Imperial Captain shouldn't define the entire Empire. There are good men and women on both sides who both fight for what they believe in with a passion and each have their own motivation for doing so. There is honor in fighting for what you believe in. The only dishonor is sitting back. A man who will not stand for something will fall for anything. Whether you Imperial or Stormcloak you still hate the Thalmor. They are the common enemy. No matter who wins all effort needs to be placed towards building up our strength and stopping these snobby, egotistical and self centered elves from conquering the world. Yes Ulfric is being used. He doesn't know that but does that make the cause he is fighting for less just. The Dominion wants no side to win. They want the war to continue because an outright victory from either side is not in their best interests. Most people count Skyrim out but the Nords are a tough and stubborn people full of pride and honor who will fight to the last breath to preserve their way of life regardless if the odds are stacked against them or if it's a pipe dream. Look how far the Stormcloaks have gotten with so little? Like Ulfric tells Tullius at the end of the Battle for Solitude: "It's a little more than a rebellion don't you think?" I believe Skyrim is more than capable of surviving as an independent nation. I wouldn't bet against a Nord. Like Galmar said they some tough son a bitches. Either way the Dominion is in for a fight. Skyrim will not go down without a fight. The Dominion may have defeated the Empire but it has not defeated Skyrim. It may be a pipe dream. But hey the Stormcloaks have already come far with so little, don't underestimate them. It would be a big mistake.

I get where the Stormcloaks are coming from, however Empire's already tried this once.

Ulfric's resolve (if he's smart) will end with Skyrim. He'll get his crown and 30 pieces of silver and then again, (if he's smart) let it be at that. If the combined Empire can't stop the Thalmor, it's absurd that Stormcloaks will be able to. Several of them even say they're tired of fighting the Empire's wars.

Honestly, I think he's willingly in it with the Thalmor (they're allies due to common interest), albeit not friends. In other words, he knows he's been/being played, however he wants Vengeance. Ulfric's very angry and wants to get back at the Empire while at the same time getting virtually *everything* he wants out of life. Kind of funny isn't it?

Ulfric's opting for the Platinum Revenge Package. Uhhh creepy.

Lord of Blood

High King Ulfric

Lord of Blood

High King Ulfric
LegateFasendil said:
Paragraphs are your friend.​
I choose when or not I want to use them since there is no requirement to do so.

Somehow I knew you were going to say that. Ahhh I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

Not petulance at all just stating a simple fact though it wasn't even worth bringing up since this thread is not about whether I use paragraphs or not so completely off topic.


Imperial Legate
LegateFasendil said:
LegateFasendil said:
Paragraphs are your friend.​
I choose when or not I want to use them since there is no requirement to do so.

Somehow I knew you were going to say that. Ahhh I love the smell of napalm in the morning.​
Not petulance at all just stating a simple fact though it wasn't even worth bringing up since this thread is not about whether I use paragraphs or not so completely off topic.

This is a "Debate". Therefore, it is certainly not off topic to be critical of the format in which your ideas are expressed. If you're trying to convey your ideas and convince others, jumbling everything together is not the way to go about it.

It's just like a continuous sentence that jumps around from point to point but never arrives at a conclusion.

Lord of Blood

High King Ulfric
LegateFasendil said:
LegateFasendil said:
Paragraphs are your friend.​
I choose when or not I want to use them since there is no requirement to do so.​

Somehow I knew you were going to say that. Ahhh I love the smell of napalm in the morning.​
Not petulance at all just stating a simple fact though it wasn't even worth bringing up since this thread is not about whether I use paragraphs or not so completely off topic.

This is a "Debate". Therefore, it is certainly not off topic to be critical of the format in which your ideas are expressed.

Well you the only one who seems to have a problem with it. The format I used in no way hinders or derails the debate. Therefore I see no issue here but I appreciate your unnecessary critique though obviously I don't care about it and can express my ideas in any way I see fit. You got a problem with it then it's a personal problem and not my concern.


Imperial Legate
LegateFasendil said:
LegateFasendil said:
LegateFasendil said:
Paragraphs are your friend.​
I choose when or not I want to use them since there is no requirement to do so.

Somehow I knew you were going to say that. Ahhh I love the smell of napalm in the morning.​
Not petulance at all just stating a simple fact though it wasn't even worth bringing up since this thread is not about whether I use paragraphs or not so completely off topic.

This is a "Debate". Therefore, it is certainly not off topic to be critical of the format in which your ideas are expressed.​
Well you the only one who seems to have a problem with it. The format I used in no way hinders or derails the debate. Therefore I see no issue here but I appreciate your unnecessary critique though obviously I don't care about it and can express my ideas in any way I see fit. You got a problem with it then it's a personal problem and not my concern.

Kinda figured that, noticed your Avatar is Ulfric. Or Jarl Ulfric, rather.

That's interesting because he doesn't concern himself with doing his job as Jarl either. What with the deplorable condition of his city, the murderers and bigots have free reign there. Yet it's always someone's else's fault. The Empire must be the reason why Windhelm is not being managed properly.

See the problem is though ~ People who really, and I mean REALLY want to understand like DrunkenMage are going to man up, put their try hard hats on and sift thru that. Average viewer might look at that for 7 secs tops and just ignore it.


Queen of Procrastination
Well you the only one who seems to have a problem with it. The format I used in no way hinders or derails the debate. Therefore I see no issue here but I appreciate your unnecessary critique though obviously I don't care about it and can express my ideas in any way I see fit. You got a problem with it then it's a personal problem and not my concern.

I have to admit I find it rather annoying as well. I know that grammar and paragraphs are not a requirement in this thread, but it does help you when you want to be taken seriously. Many people won't read lengthy posts with lots of text - especially not when that person doesn't use paragraphs which makes it difficult to read.
I don't bother commenting, though. It is not that important to me.

Lord of Blood

High King Ulfric
LegateFasendil said:
LegateFasendil said:
LegateFasendil said:
Paragraphs are your friend.​
I choose when or not I want to use them since there is no requirement to do so.

Somehow I knew you were going to say that. Ahhh I love the smell of napalm in the morning.​
Not petulance at all just stating a simple fact though it wasn't even worth bringing up since this thread is not about whether I use paragraphs or not so completely off topic.

This is a "Debate". Therefore, it is certainly not off topic to be critical of the format in which your ideas are expressed.​
Well you the only one who seems to have a problem with it. The format I used in no way hinders or derails the debate. Therefore I see no issue here but I appreciate your unnecessary critique though obviously I don't care about it and can express my ideas in any way I see fit. You got a problem with it then it's a personal problem and not my concern.

Kinda figured that, noticed your Avatar is Ulfric. Or Jarl Ulfric, rather.

That's interesting because he doesn't concern himself with doing his job as Jarl either. What with the deplorable condition of his city, the murderers and bigots have free reign there. Yet it's always everyone's else's fault. The Empire must be the reason why Windhelm is not being managed properly.

I addressed that earlier in the thread. I agree his treatment of the Dunmer is inexcusable and deplorable. I know he has more pressing matters to deal with but he can at least sit down and listen to the concerns of the Dunmer. I believe he is so caught up on the Nord's freedom that he doesn't care about the status of the foreigners in Skyrim.

Yeah I do like Ulfric, there some qualities I like about him. But he is a man fallible and flawed. The same passion he has for his people he should have towards all races in Skyrim. It's a shame he does not. Also I'm new to the game and lore. I know a good bit but there's always room for improvement.


Aldmeri Dominion
While you Imperials, and Stormcloaks fight over the southern lands of Skyrim, our navy will bring our armies through the Sea Of Ghosts. We will launch a three headed attack, taking Solitude, Winterhold, and Windhelm. Then we will unite the three armies and annihilate Whiterun.

You see Nords are impressive warriors, up close anyway. We Altmer will incinerate you at a distance. While our Bosmeri counterparts will pick yo off one by one, as thy are unquestionably the finest archers in Tamriel. And for those few and unlucky to survive this onslaught. They will have to face the Claws and speed of the Khajit.

In one swoop we will take the Capitol, the provential capitol, and the center of Magick from Skyrim. What will that leave you. The Reach? The Imperials and Stormcloaks alike already have their hands full with the Forsworn. The Rift? an expanse of petty thieves.

All Hail The Aldmeri Dominion.

Lord of Blood

High King Ulfric
Well you the only one who seems to have a problem with it. The format I used in no way hinders or derails the debate. Therefore I see no issue here but I appreciate your unnecessary critique though obviously I don't care about it and can express my ideas in any way I see fit. You got a problem with it then it's a personal problem and not my concern.

I have to admit I find it rather annoying as well. I know that grammar and paragraphs are not a requirement in this thread, but it does help you when you want to be taken seriously. Many people won't read lengthy posts with lots of text - especially not when that person doesn't use paragraphs which makes it difficult to read.
I don't bother commenting, though. It is not that important to me.

Proper grammar and spelling was used also consider the fact that I'm mobile by the way. Didn't think not using paragraphs would be a big issue on here as long as my point got across. Though honestly I was so consumed in typing the post and getting my thoughts out that I didn't even realize until after I posted that I didn't use paragraphs. So I do apologize if there was any inconvenience.


Imperial Legate
While you Imperials, and Stormcloaks fight over the southern lands of Skyrim, our navy will bring our armies through the Sea Of Ghosts. We will launch a three headed attack, taking Solitude, Winterhold, and Windhelm. Then we will unite the three armies and annihilate Whiterun.

You see Nords are impressive warriors, up close anyway. We Altmer will incinerate you at a distance. While our Bosmeri counterparts will pick yo off one by one, as thy are unquestionably the finest archers in Tamriel. And for those few and unlucky to survive this onslaught. They will have to face the Claws and speed of the Khajit.

In one swoop we will take the Capitol, the provential capitol, and the center of Magick from Skyrim. What will that leave you. The Reach? The Imperials and Stormcloaks alike already have their hands full with the Forsworn. The Rift? an expanse of petty thieves.

All Hail The Aldmeri Dominion.

Oh really. :p Hahaha.

Was there anything else you guys wanted while you're here? Take Throat of the World too while you're at it. Maybe Solstheim. Because those and most of the targets you mentioned are so critical to the Dominion's long term strategic goals.

No seriously, I think that's a good idea. You guys should go for it.

Oh yeah ~ That sig is ugly as hale by the way. I liked Nenalata's sig alot better.

Couldn't resist. :blackdragon: