Imperials or Stormcloaks, what one?

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What I have a problem with, is that people post the same lore garbage over and over again, using different wording. IF I wanted to read and learn and rewrite everything to support the empire, I would go back and read the thread. I do not, and I don't want the same pieces of lore rehashed over and over again. I have read all that before, and do not need it thrown back in my face every single time someone quotes me on anything.

Understand? Post something new or let this thread go to the grave.

Understand? Lol. Who do you think you are? You just take an argument against you and re-use it against somebody else. And how would you know what people write? You don't read posts anyway?
People keep repeating their arguments because you keep repeating yours. They figured you didn't understand it, so they try to explain it to you once more.

No one drags you to this thread. No one forces you to be here. You keep returning. Did it ever occur to you that you are usually the person who starts the debate? I quoted Snake-Brother, and you replied to me, using a chess analogy to explain your theory. And then you say we keep replying to you? Honestly, if you leave this place today I won't do a single attempt to get you back. I could not care less. But quote me and I will quote you.

Stop saying the thread should just stop. If you don't want to participate, stop participating. But give at least the people who want to participate the choice to do so.

Really? I am trying to find something new to read and understand. I already know the Imperial side of things because I have read that early on in this thread. I have read and understood the stormcloak side of it, because I have read it before, on this thread and other forums.

and the Dossier? Notice how it says that a STORMCLOAK VICTORY SHOULD ALSO BE AVOIDED? The Thalmor know that if Skyrim were to become stabilized, then they lose.


Queen of Procrastination
What I have a problem with, is that people post the same lore garbage over and over again, using different wording. IF I wanted to read and learn and rewrite everything to support the empire, I would go back and read the thread. I do not, and I don't want the same pieces of lore rehashed over and over again. I have read all that before, and do not need it thrown back in my face every single time someone quotes me on anything.

Understand? Post something new or let this thread go to the grave.

Understand? Lol. Who do you think you are? You just take an argument against you and re-use it against somebody else. And how would you know what people write? You don't read posts anyway?
People keep repeating their arguments because you keep repeating yours. They figured you didn't understand it, so they try to explain it to you once more.

No one drags you to this thread. No one forces you to be here. You keep returning. Did it ever occur to you that you are usually the person who starts the debate? I quoted Snake-Brother, and you replied to me, using a chess analogy to explain your theory. And then you say we keep replying to you? Honestly, if you leave this place today I won't do a single attempt to get you back. I could not care less. But quote me and I will quote you.

Stop saying the thread should just stop. If you don't want to participate, stop participating. But give at least the people who want to participate the choice to do so.

Really? I am trying to find something new to read and understand. I already know the Imperial side of things because I have read that early on in this thread. I have read and understood the stormcloak side of it, because I have read it before, on this thread and other forums.

and the Dossier? Notice how it says that a STORMCLOAK VICTORY SHOULD ALSO BE AVOIDED? The Thalmor know that if Skyrim were to become stabilized, then they lose.

So you feel you need to type in caps to get your point across? Calm down. You act like a frustrated teenager. Is it really too much effort to write a post without hitting that damn caps button or being rude?

Your problem is that you don't read. You never know whether a post contains something new because, like you said yourself, you don't even read posts. You say you already know the Imperial and Stormcloak side of things. And guess what? I already know your neutral side - yet you keep quoting me. Once again: why can you quote people but can no one quote you back? A conversation is a two way street. Action/reaction. If you want to have a monologue where you can speak and no one replies, make a thread for yourself and ask explicitly for no one to reply to it.

Indeed. A Stormcloak side would harm them, because then stability returns. The Empire can let Skyrim go and focus on the upcoming war. They need the Civil War to continue so the Empire is distracted and loses forces. That means they wouldn't want an Empire victory either. Conclusion: they need the Civil War. And that is the point I was trying to make. The Civil War that Ulfric started, is helping the Thalmor. He probably means the very best, but look at it this way:
Is Ulfric going to defend the independent Skyrim borders from a Thalmor invasion? Is his rebellion going to crush a big ass army that almost beat the Legion several years ago? I don't think Skyrim would survive that. They would get invaded. I think it is better to stick with the Empire if you want to stand strong against this enemy.

...But not like you care. I mean, in the end it is all "lore garbage" am I right?

Lord of Blood

High King Ulfric
If you hate it so much, leave.

I really don't see why you even bother replying anymore.

Did I step into something?

No, you didn't. We were having a debate, and out of nowhere Jeremius offended someone. He said he wasn't even going to read his post and that person was boring. Usually is not like that. I have no idea why he is acting this way, but I am disappointed.
But the thread is not about drama like this. :) Welcome to the forums.

Thank you, haven't been to long joined and thanks for all the info I will follow up on it. Haven't to long gotten into Skyrim so I know a good bit of the lore but not all. I did read the Thalmor Dossier during Diplomatic Immunity and I did hear Tullius tell Ulfric this is what the Dominion wanted during the Battle for Solitude. So I had a little knowledge of that. I do think Ulfric's cause is just and it's obvious he is just a tool of the Thalmor. I was just trying to point out that the cause is just and that Ulfric does care about Skyrim and his people. And I agree that he don't really know he is being used by the Thalmor. Some information you posted I didn't know about though such as the last of the Imperial forces was in the Imperial City after they took it back. I read how Hammerfell rejected the treaty and fought the Dominion on their own and took that as evidence as the Dominon was just as weak and exhausted as the Empire and the Empire could have won if they kept fighting. Lots of loved ones died fighting the Dominion and many Nords feel the treaty was a slap in the face to the blood that was shed to fight the Dominion. The fact that the Stormcloaks came so far as they did is a prime example of how weak the empire had become. Plus Thalmor going around rounding people up was sure to start hatred. But you give valid points, some I didn't know


Queen of Procrastination
Did I step into something?

No, you didn't. We were having a debate, and out of nowhere Jeremius offended someone. He said he wasn't even going to read his post and that person was boring. Usually is not like that. I have no idea why he is acting this way, but I am disappointed.
But the thread is not about drama like this. :) Welcome to the forums.

Thank you, haven't been to long joined and thanks for all the info I will follow up on it. Haven't to long gotten into Skyrim so I know a good bit of the lore but not all. I did read the Thalmor Dossier during Diplomatic Immunity and I did hear Tullius tell Ulfric this is what the Dominion wanted during the Battle for Solitude. So I had a little knowledge of that. I do think Ulfric's cause is just and it's obvious he is just a tool of the Thalmor. I was just trying to point out that the cause is just and that Ulfric does care about Skyrim and his people. And I agree that he don't really know he is being used by the Thalmor. Some information you posted I didn't know about though such as the last of the Imperial forces was in the Imperial City after they took it back. I read how Hammerfell rejected the treaty and fought the Dominion on their own and took that as evidence as the Dominon was just as weak and exhausted as the Empire and the Empire could have won if they kept fighting. Lots of loved ones died fighting the Dominion and many Nords feel the treaty was a slap in the face to the blood that was shed to fight the Dominion. The fact that the Stormcloaks came so far as they did is a prime example of how weak the empire had become. Plus Thalmor going around rounding people up was sure to start hatred. But you give valid points, some I didn't know

I agree that Ulfric was a war hero in the Great War. I also believe that he means the very best for Skyrim. When I joined the Imperials and killed Ulfric, I met him in Sovngarde during the end of the main questline. He was talking about how much he cared about this province, and I believed him. I think his intentions are good. But so are Tullius' intentions. I just hope to find out which side will be the best for Skyrim.. :)
Did I step into something?

No, you didn't. We were having a debate, and out of nowhere Jeremius offended someone. He said he wasn't even going to read his post and that person was boring. Usually is not like that. I have no idea why he is acting this way, but I am disappointed.
But the thread is not about drama like this. :) Welcome to the forums.

Thank you, haven't been to long joined and thanks for all the info I will follow up on it. Haven't to long gotten into Skyrim so I know a good bit of the lore but not all. I did read the Thalmor Dossier during Diplomatic Immunity and I did hear Tullius tell Ulfric this is what the Dominion wanted during the Battle for Solitude. So I had a little knowledge of that. I do think Ulfric's cause is just and it's obvious he is just a tool of the Thalmor. I was just trying to point out that the cause is just and that Ulfric does care about Skyrim and his people. And I agree that he don't really know he is being used by the Thalmor. Some information you posted I didn't know about though such as the last of the Imperial forces was in the Imperial City after they took it back. I read how Hammerfell rejected the treaty and fought the Dominion on their own and took that as evidence as the Dominon was just as weak and exhausted as the Empire and the Empire could have won if they kept fighting. Lots of loved ones died fighting the Dominion and many Nords feel the treaty was a slap in the face to the blood that was shed to fight the Dominion. The fact that the Stormcloaks came so far as they did is a prime example of how weak the empire had become. Plus Thalmor going around rounding people up was sure to start hatred. But you give valid points, some I didn't know

Keep in mind that the presence of the Empire in Skyrim is established by, not the Legion itself, but by supporting militias (basically, recruits (granted there are some actual Imperial Legates to lead the militias and keep order). Also, that said (rather weak, admittedly) militia was able to capture Ulfric Stormcloak and would've executed him successfully, along with his top lieutenants, had the main questline's plot not interfered :p


Anouck: Sorry about that. I meant I don't read Mage's or your posts anymore because I already know you guys support the Empire and understand the Imperial argument. I see nothing new in either of your posts when I gloss over them so I tune out.

Imperials: Skyrim is part of the Empire. They believe that everything going wrong in Skyrim is because of Ulfric and the Stormcloaks. They believe that Skyrim has to follow its laws, even if those laws are actually a reiteration of what the Thalmor forced them to put into effect (This about right?),

Stormcloaks: Empire is weak for signing the WGC when hundreds, if not thousands, of soldiers (including Nord) dies to keep Elven rule from conquering humans. They feel that Skyrim should not be forced to bend knee to the Thalmor's laws. They believe that what is going on in Skyrim is this a slap in the face of those who died to defend the Empire that they feel betrayed them (Still right?).

Lord of Blood

High King Ulfric
No, you didn't. We were having a debate, and out of nowhere Jeremius offended someone. He said he wasn't even going to read his post and that person was boring. Usually is not like that. I have no idea why he is acting this way, but I am disappointed.
But the thread is not about drama like this. :) Welcome to the forums.

Thank you, haven't been to long joined and thanks for all the info I will follow up on it. Haven't to long gotten into Skyrim so I know a good bit of the lore but not all. I did read the Thalmor Dossier during Diplomatic Immunity and I did hear Tullius tell Ulfric this is what the Dominion wanted during the Battle for Solitude. So I had a little knowledge of that. I do think Ulfric's cause is just and it's obvious he is just a tool of the Thalmor. I was just trying to point out that the cause is just and that Ulfric does care about Skyrim and his people. And I agree that he don't really know he is being used by the Thalmor. Some information you posted I didn't know about though such as the last of the Imperial forces was in the Imperial City after they took it back. I read how Hammerfell rejected the treaty and fought the Dominion on their own and took that as evidence as the Dominon was just as weak and exhausted as the Empire and the Empire could have won if they kept fighting. Lots of loved ones died fighting the Dominion and many Nords feel the treaty was a slap in the face to the blood that was shed to fight the Dominion. The fact that the Stormcloaks came so far as they did is a prime example of how weak the empire had become. Plus Thalmor going around rounding people up was sure to start hatred. But you give valid points, some I didn't know

I agree that Ulfric was a war hero in the Great War. I also believe that he means the very best for Skyrim. When I joined the Imperials and killed Ulfric, I met him in Sovngarde during the end of the main questline. He was talking about how much he cared about this province, and I believed him. I think his intentions are good. But so are Tullius' intentions. I just hope to find out which side will be the best for Skyrim.. :)

Agreed. I don't see where all the name calling and other stuff come from. I guess some people can't handle being proven wrong and have to start drama over it.


Queen of Procrastination
Thank you, haven't been to long joined and thanks for all the info I will follow up on it. Haven't to long gotten into Skyrim so I know a good bit of the lore but not all. I did read the Thalmor Dossier during Diplomatic Immunity and I did hear Tullius tell Ulfric this is what the Dominion wanted during the Battle for Solitude. So I had a little knowledge of that. I do think Ulfric's cause is just and it's obvious he is just a tool of the Thalmor. I was just trying to point out that the cause is just and that Ulfric does care about Skyrim and his people. And I agree that he don't really know he is being used by the Thalmor. Some information you posted I didn't know about though such as the last of the Imperial forces was in the Imperial City after they took it back. I read how Hammerfell rejected the treaty and fought the Dominion on their own and took that as evidence as the Dominon was just as weak and exhausted as the Empire and the Empire could have won if they kept fighting. Lots of loved ones died fighting the Dominion and many Nords feel the treaty was a slap in the face to the blood that was shed to fight the Dominion. The fact that the Stormcloaks came so far as they did is a prime example of how weak the empire had become. Plus Thalmor going around rounding people up was sure to start hatred. But you give valid points, some I didn't know

I agree that Ulfric was a war hero in the Great War. I also believe that he means the very best for Skyrim. When I joined the Imperials and killed Ulfric, I met him in Sovngarde during the end of the main questline. He was talking about how much he cared about this province, and I believed him. I think his intentions are good. But so are Tullius' intentions. I just hope to find out which side will be the best for Skyrim.. :)

Agreed. I don't see where all the name calling and other stuff come from. I guess some people can't handle being proven wrong and have to start drama over it.

That is sadly often the case, yes. People state their opinion and quote other people. But as soon as someone quotes them back, they say their opinion is being disrespected. For some reason they think they are the only ones with the right of criticizing others - because no one is allowed to criticize them. And that is where the name calling starts.
Usually it is not like that here, though. It is a thread with a lot of traffic, so sometimes things go wrong. I just don't see why people act surprised when someone else doesn't see their way. I mean, this thread is called "the Imperial vs Stormcloak thread". Obviously there are a lot of people in here who won't share your view. But alas, you need that for a debate. Always agreeing with each other is boring. ;)

Lord of Blood

High King Ulfric
No, you didn't. We were having a debate, and out of nowhere Jeremius offended someone. He said he wasn't even going to read his post and that person was boring. Usually is not like that. I have no idea why he is acting this way, but I am disappointed.
But the thread is not about drama like this. :) Welcome to the forums.

Thank you, haven't been to long joined and thanks for all the info I will follow up on it. Haven't to long gotten into Skyrim so I know a good bit of the lore but not all. I did read the Thalmor Dossier during Diplomatic Immunity and I did hear Tullius tell Ulfric this is what the Dominion wanted during the Battle for Solitude. So I had a little knowledge of that. I do think Ulfric's cause is just and it's obvious he is just a tool of the Thalmor. I was just trying to point out that the cause is just and that Ulfric does care about Skyrim and his people. And I agree that he don't really know he is being used by the Thalmor. Some information you posted I didn't know about though such as the last of the Imperial forces was in the Imperial City after they took it back. I read how Hammerfell rejected the treaty and fought the Dominion on their own and took that as evidence as the Dominon was just as weak and exhausted as the Empire and the Empire could have won if they kept fighting. Lots of loved ones died fighting the Dominion and many Nords feel the treaty was a slap in the face to the blood that was shed to fight the Dominion. The fact that the Stormcloaks came so far as they did is a prime example of how weak the empire had become. Plus Thalmor going around rounding people up was sure to start hatred. But you give valid points, some I didn't know

Keep in mind that the presence of the Empire in Skyrim is established by, not the Legion itself, but by supporting militias (basically, recruits (granted there are some actual Imperial Legates to lead the militias and keep order). Also, that said (rather weak, admittedly) militia was able to capture Ulfric Stormcloak and would've executed him successfully, along with his top lieutenants, had the main questline's plot not interfered :p

Good thing it did happen though, I'm sure Ulfric wasn't looking forward to a shave from the Imperial headsman! Also I'm a big fan of Ulfric just wish he cared as much about other races as he do the Nords. Skyrim their home to.


Intoxicated Arch-Mage
You are really just plain boring, so I never really payed attention to your posts.

That is okay.

Why should I bother reading posts on lore when I play the game in-character in the first place, and never use my own opinions for anything in this game?

Lore is supposed to help you with in-game characters, it's to give you an understanding of setting, time, place, people. If you ignore lore to simply go "Well I RP this" that is plops, because how are you in-character when you ignore lore? Lore is everything about their world, about the TES.

Either you all can accept that I play the game in-character and never use the lore because I am not a lore-junkie, or you can keep trying to do the impossible. your choice.

Lore is everything, everyone who tends to write up a post uses lore. You're an Opinion-junkie, also someone who gets upset when proven wrong.

I would not bother, unless you support the Empire with lore, because these people are lore-junkie imperial loves who only see Empire red.

No. I've posted Pro Stormcloak arguments before.

What I have a problem with, is that people post the same lore garbage over and over again, using different wording. IF I wanted to read and learn and rewrite everything to support the empire, I would go back and read the thread. I do not, and I don't want the same pieces of lore rehashed over and over again. I have read all that before, and do not need it thrown back in my face every single time someone quotes me on anything.

Understand? Post something new or let this thread go to the grave.

What I have a problem is with people who debate but then bitch and cry when they're losing the debate. Instead of just taking it like a man, it's always "It's just my opinion!" "You're disrespecting my opinion!" "Agree to disagree!"

You like to say "Your posts are boring" "Lore garbage" "Same stuff" well I wouldn't post the same things to you, if you understood it in the first place. Also, understand this my little Princess of Opinion. Stop playing the victim of opinion attack.

You're like a parasite in this thread. Anytime someone quotes you, they get the whole opinion bullplops. When someone doesn't quote you, when they've decided to just ignore your crap and debate with another and when they think it's over... 'Jeremius has quoted you' or 'Jeremius has tagged you' and then we get "Sorry to get in between your debate but..."

You don't leave it. So either stop getting involved and hit the road and find another thread. Or accept you're going to be debated on anything I find a mistake. Don't like it? Suck it up, this thread is all about debate.

If you want to state your opinion and that is all, why haven't you done it and left? Just made your opinion and get lost. You don't, you hang around and then when no one is quoting you, bam I find you popping up for some of my attention in a debate.

If you want this thread to die, leave. No one in this thread would care if you left. They didn't the last time, they won't this time. It's not like this thread needs you here, it goes just fine. It tends to go in circles, and at times tends to discuss good lore. People still enjoy the debate.

But you don't like lore, so you're useless to everyone who wants to learn.


DrunkenMage-Look a few posts up. I give you very basic viewpoints on both sides. you can use whatever you want, but I will not care for it because I have read it all before from other people, and not you. When I look at your posts, all I see is "You are denying the lore, so here is what you should base your opinions and choices on." When I see that for the 100,000th time, I tend to tune out.

What I am saying is if you do not agree with me, just say so, instead of posting the same lore I never use when I am playing the game in the first place just to tell me I am not arguing right. I do not read the lore because 1) I am not a lore-junkie, and 2) I Play in-character and those characters might not think the way the "lore is pointing them."


Intoxicated Arch-Mage
DrunkenMage-Look a few posts up. I give you very basic viewpoints on both sides. you can use whatever you want, but I will not care for it because I have read it all before from other people, and not you. When I look at your posts, all I see is "You are denying the lore, so here is what you should base your opinions and choices on." When I see that for the 100,000th time, I tend to tune out.

You give useless view points. The most basic view point is that many in the Legion feel that Ulfric is tearing everything apart and they couldn't sit by and watch.

Bad manners doesn't affect me. Unlike you, my green bar is too good. Glad to know you have nothing other than using ratings, because you can't debate.

Edit: Also the Imperials believe everything going wrong in Skyrim is the Thalmor.

When I look at your posts, all I see is "This is my opinion! Leave me alone cause you're disrespecting me!"


DrunkenMage-Look a few posts up. I give you very basic viewpoints on both sides. you can use whatever you want, but I will not care for it because I have read it all before from other people, and not you. When I look at your posts, all I see is "You are denying the lore, so here is what you should base your opinions and choices on." When I see that for the 100,000th time, I tend to tune out.

You give useless view points. The most basic view point is that many in the Legion feel that Ulfric is tearing everything apart and they couldn't sit by and watch.

Bad manners doesn't affect me. Unlike you, my green bar is too good.

Edit: Also the Imperials believe everything going wrong in Skyrim is the Thalmor.

Yet, you all attribute it to Ulfric and the stormcloaks for not standing by while the Thalmor rule humanity through their "peace treaty" and do what they think is right.

So once more, you do not like my opinion? Tell me so, instead of throwing lore in my face that I could back and read anytime I want to.


Intoxicated Arch-Mage
Yet, you all attribute it to Ulfric and the stormcloaks for not standing by while the Thalmor rule humanity through their "peace treaty" and do what they think is right.

So once more, you do not like my opinion? Tell me so, instead of throwing lore in my face that I could back and read anytime I want to.

I've told you many times I don't like your opinion. You keep getting in the middle of a debate I have with someone going "Sorry to get in between your debate but..." Stop trying to get my attention and I wouldn't throw lore in your face.


Queen of Procrastination
DrunkenMage-Look a few posts up. I give you very basic viewpoints on both sides. you can use whatever you want, but I will not care for it because I have read it all before from other people, and not you. When I look at your posts, all I see is "You are denying the lore, so here is what you should base your opinions and choices on." When I see that for the 100,000th time, I tend to tune out.

It is exactly how people feel about you. You see, they have a conversation. A person says something, they respond. Then you get involved with your neutrality, and people respond to you since you decided to participate. You claim that you have read every single argument, but I highly doubt so. Because, as far as I am concerned, you do not read posts at all?
You think we imply that you should base all your opinions and views on lore. That is not true. But basing an opinion on an incorrect argument, is false. Like saying that Ikea makes great cars. Yes, it is an opinion - but invalid because this company actually makes furniture.
I've read your posts where you give good and bad sides on both factions. Well, usually just the Imperials because I don't really see you going against the Stormcloaks. I get that you're neutral. You just don't want to join a side. How are you going to debate on that? Imperials yell "The Empire!", Stormcloaks yell "Ulfric Stormcloak!", you yell "I DON'T KNOW, I DON'T PICK SIDES". You are like an agnostic-fundamentalist. You are extreme in not knowing. How long are you going to preach that? Whenever people tell why they pick a side, you feel the need to quote them just to say you don't pick sides.

You call us lore junkies and go on about lore garbage. Funny how you are the only one thinking that. The fact that no one has ever backed you up in that statement, might mean that people might be done with your "RP garbage"? And also:

I am going to leave this piece of advice for future "debates": If a person keeps going back to the same arguments over and over again, they are probably baiting you, and you should probably just end the debate right there.

But if a person is, like you say, going back to the same arguments over and over again, then eventually people will stop replying. But that won't stop the debate. There are always people who have something valid to say, and there is even stuff being said that hasn't been said before. Especially on the Stormcloak side there are a lot of arguments that are strong and have never been used.

People like that should get the same treatment. They are not really debating/contributing to the debate and thus just trying to derail the thread.

You come off as a troll, Jeremy. I can't ignore you, because you keep quoting and tagging the everloving plops out of me. When I reply, you cry victim. And in the end it is all about how useless the debate is and that people should not pick sides. You just wanted to state your opinion? You already did. Your job is done here.


Queen of Procrastination
Understand? Lol. Who do you think you are? You just take an argument against you and re-use it against somebody else. And how would you know what people write? You don't read posts anyway?
People keep repeating their arguments because you keep repeating yours. They figured you didn't understand it, so they try to explain it to you once more.

No one drags you to this thread. No one forces you to be here. You keep returning. Did it ever occur to you that you are usually the person who starts the debate? I quoted Snake-Brother, and you replied to me, using a chess analogy to explain your theory. And then you say we keep replying to you? Honestly, if you leave this place today I won't do a single attempt to get you back. I could not care less. But quote me and I will quote you.

Stop saying the thread should just stop. If you don't want to participate, stop participating. But give at least the people who want to participate the choice to do so.

Really? I am trying to find something new to read and understand. I already know the Imperial side of things because I have read that early on in this thread. I have read and understood the stormcloak side of it, because I have read it before, on this thread and other forums.

and the Dossier? Notice how it says that a STORMCLOAK VICTORY SHOULD ALSO BE AVOIDED? The Thalmor know that if Skyrim were to become stabilized, then they lose.

So you feel you need to type in caps to get your point across? Calm down. You act like a frustrated teenager. Is it really too much effort to write a post without hitting that damn caps button or being rude?

Your problem is that you don't read. You never know whether a post contains something new because, like you said yourself, you don't even read posts. You say you already know the Imperial and Stormcloak side of things. And guess what? I already know your neutral side - yet you keep quoting me. Once again: why can you quote people but can no one quote you back? A conversation is a two way street. Action/reaction. If you want to have a monologue where you can speak and no one replies, make a thread for yourself and ask explicitly for no one to reply to it.

Indeed. A Stormcloak side would harm them, because then stability returns. The Empire can let Skyrim go and focus on the upcoming war. They need the Civil War to continue so the Empire is distracted and loses forces. That means they wouldn't want an Empire victory either. Conclusion: they need the Civil War. And that is the point I was trying to make. The Civil War that Ulfric started, is helping the Thalmor. He probably means the very best, but look at it this way:
Is Ulfric going to defend the independent Skyrim borders from a Thalmor invasion? Is his rebellion going to crush a big ass army that almost beat the Legion several years ago? I don't think Skyrim would survive that. They would get invaded. I think it is better to stick with the Empire if you want to stand strong against this enemy.

...But not like you care. I mean, in the end it is all "lore garbage" am I right?

How does this get a bad manner rating from you, Jeremius, while you started all this by offending DrunkenMage without any reason? You called him boring and acted condescended. I didn't give you a bad manners. Yet I get one from you for a normal post? Really?


Intoxicated Arch-Mage
You're wasting time Anouck, all he can do is hide behind his opinion. Then give out negative ratings, it isn't the first time. You'll find many of the negative ratings awhile back were from him. He hasn't changed, just another troll still.

Using capitals and handing out ratings. Just the standard troll.


Queen of Procrastination
You're wasting time Anouck, all he can do is hide behind his opinion. Then give out negative ratings, it isn't the first time. You'll find many of the negative ratings several months back were from him. He hasn't changed, just another troll still.

It is sad, isn't it...

I will take that as a no. too bad, I had a good idea for a redguard Nightblade who was serviced to the royal family of Daggerfall.

You are really just plain boring, so I never really payed attention to your posts.

You fluffing hypocrite. So you type a post like this and then have the guts to give someone else a bad manner rating? The only one who has been throwing personal attacks, is you. I was mature and didn't give you a pin, even though I really felt the urge to. So this is what the great Jeremius does when he doesn't know what else to do.


I admit, DrunkenMage and Anouck have right opinions. but my opinions are based on my characters. Ulfric is likely out for himself, but others will not see it that way. I just decide to use my characters for the ease of not having to sift through lore to make a stupid argument.


Queen of Procrastination
I admit, DrunkenMage and Anouck have right opinions. but my opinions are based on my characters. Ulfric is likely out for himself, but others will not see it that way. I just decide to use my characters for the ease of not having to sift through lore to make a stupid argument.

Are you going to remove that pin or not?
Because I've seen a few posts of you that were very rude, that could be rated as "bad manners" without a doubt. I didn't do that, because I don't just spam a bad manner on people who disagree with me. You rated a post that was perfectly fine as "bad manners" while you are the only one who crossed the line of making a personal attack.

"You are really just plain boring, so I never really payed attention to your posts"

This is the ONLY post that contained bad manners in the last few pages, and it was from you. Not from me.