Imperials or Stormcloaks, what one?

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Docta Corvina

Well-Known Member
Not really. Base on the subtitles shes having a Jolly good time at the Thalmor party. She even wishes that Elenwen would hosts more parties. Ulfric is right. She would hand Skyrim over to the damn elves.

A jolly old time? If I was in a room full of people I didn't necessarily trust, at a party run by people I really actually despised and who I knew could do real damage to my people if I offended them, I might just lie a bit and say I was having a "good time". I don't think Elisif is a genius, but if Tullius has the influence over her that so many people seem to suggest, I don't think he's filling her ears with genuine niceties about the Thalmor.


A Mage that loves a Templar
Hey, maybe the reason those grey-skins don't help in the war is because they're imperial spies! Those Thalmor are elves too. I bet they're working together. Maybe I should round up some men and take us a few prisoners to interrogate.

Hey Rolff :) look at what I found while I was in the New Gnisis Cornerclub :)


Let's go after Ambarys Rendar and Malthyr Elenil :) They seem to be hiding something. I'm sure Lord Ulfric would be interested in knowing why they have an Imperial officers uniform laying about :)


A Mage that loves a Templar
Ulfric Stormcloak. Some here on this thread call you a hero. But a hero doesn't use a power like the Voice to murder his king and usurp his throne. You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos, and now the Empire is going to put you down, and restore peace!

You know nothing about Nordic customs! Down with the Empire! Ulfric challenge Torygg to a duel and he accepted. Their was NO murder! If he couldn't defend himself during battle how is he to defend all of Skyrim? The only peace Skyrim will have is if you and your Thalmor masters are force outta the country.

She is part of the Imperial delegation. You can't dictate who I bring to this thread.

You're nothing more than the Thalmor's puppet.


the Magnificent Bastard
You have;
Two provinces to the south that need to be secured, jungles and giant forests.
You have to make sure the Argonians don't plan to expand anymore, need to protect that border.
You don't have a full army, not even half an army left, so below half an army.
Hammerfell is occupied need to help your ally who is still your ally.
Every single city is burning, no farms would be up and running, need to feed your people.
Don't forget you need to supply your forces, since every city is in the crap hole, need to get smiths up and running.
Protection for the civilians, so roads to secure between cities so they can send supplies to each other to rebuild.
Need to place soldiers in towns because town guards would have been mostly wiped out.
Your ships also are mostly destroyed from the Naval battle in the river that surrounds the Imperial city.
Need to attack the Thalmor at the Summerset Isles who are defending their homeland now, so it'll be a battle for every inch, cities to take over, forts etc. Have to make sure you're supplied with reinforcements which would take quite sometime to get there since you have limited ships.

Khajiit accepts the challenge of Emperor, but Khajiit will continue his argument as Khajiit.

Ozan would abandon the province. It may seem harsh, but it will not be permanent. Escort the refugees to Skyrim, perhaps other places.. There is no need for protection against the Filthy Argonian as they have not tried expanding yet. There was a reason Morrowind was invaded, it was because they enslaved Khajiit and Argonian.

Instead, Ozan would seek an alliance, pointing out that though the Empire was invaded, they should guess whose next. No need for a navy when an army may breathe underwater.

Back to the cities and settlements of Cyrodiil. They would have no garrisons, but mannequins upon the wall, perhaps summoned Daedra to fight back the inevitable.

This shall only prove as a lure, however. Trap the cities. Boobytrap doors, rig cielings to fall, destroy the ENTIRE city if need be so long as the Aldmeri soldiers are caught in the rubble.

This is not to defeat them but scare them. Ozan's Colovian force would have to remember all the weapons of deceit because only two or three cities would try to be taken. This is winning a battle without having an army to do so.

Addressing Hammerfell, this would be the difficult part. The force remaining would be split, holding mountain passes at Skyrim to ensure invasion is impossible, ambushes are certainty.

The other half would be sent to join Redguard guerrillas.

All guards would have to be replaced with absolute militia, prisoners conscripted, and swords given to all.

The Aldmeri forces were destroyed in the Colovian city. This means it would take some time to prepare for another invasion. Remember the Argonian reminded about whose next? They fight as guerrillas as well. A blockade may be set up to ensure the surrounding waters of the Summerset Isles may not be safe. When a ship is boarded by the very sea, it is sure to sink.

However, this is assuming the Argonian would join. If they do not, spark rebellion, specifically in Elsweyr and Valenwood as both local peoples fight in shadows. War weariness burdens their hearts as well, and if Khajiit could be proven the Aldmeri lied, then the fire burns that much more.

Notice how Khajiit mentions no field armies? Field armies are slow and are only effective against other land armies. If Khajiit has no army, why would he be direct?

One must remember, a dagger in the dark strikes just as hard as a hammer in the sun.


A Mage that loves a Templar
A jolly old time? If I was in a room full of people I didn't necessarily trust, at a party run by people I really actually despised and who I knew could do real damage to my people if I offended them, I might just lie a bit and say I was having a "good time". I don't think Elisif is a genius, but if Tullius has the influence over her that so many people seem to suggest, I don't think he's filling her ears with genuine niceties about the Thalmor.

Elisif is just another puppet of the Empire, which means shes the Thalmor puppet as well. Just like General Tullius. Shes not fit to rule. Shes too immature and can't comprehend what it truly takes to being the ruler of Skyrim. Ulfric is the best choice :)

Docta Corvina

Well-Known Member
Elisif is just another puppet of the Empire, which means shes the Thalmor puppet as well. Just like General Tullius. Shes not fit to rule. Shes too immature and can't comprehend what it truly takes to being the ruler of Skyrim. Ulfric is the best choice :)

Elisif is inexperienced and young and perhaps a bit naive, but that doesn't make her totally unfit to rule. There is more to being fit to rule than age and level of bloodthirstiness (or lack thereof) - something many people would do well to remember. She's not my first choice, but Ulfric certainly isn't even on my list. Perhaps when he gets his own house and Hold in order, he can reapply for consideration.


the Magnificent Bastard
Elisif is inexperienced and young and perhaps a bit naive, but that doesn't make her totally unfit to rule. There is more to being fit to rule than age and level of bloodthirstiness (or lack thereof) - something many people would do well to remember. She's not my first choice, but Ulfric certainly isn't even on my list. Perhaps when he gets his own house and Hold in order, he can reapply for consideration.

To quote Solitude thanes, Ozan has the utmost faith in the Colovian General's leadership.

Free to rule Ozan's paw.


A Mage that loves a Templar
Elisif is inexperienced and young and perhaps a bit naive, but that doesn't make her totally unfit to rule. There is more to being fit to rule than age and level of bloodthirstiness (or lack thereof) - something many people would do well to remember. She's not my first choice, but Ulfric certainly isn't even on my list. Perhaps when he gets his own house and Hold in order, he can reapply for consideration.

You said right. Shes inexperience and naive. She's also highly annoying on top of it. When I vote for someone to be president I want them to be highly intelligent and with experience. Elisif would not get my vote because of lack of experience. I could not ,for the life of me, see her as being Skyrim's next ruler. Skyrim already has problems, and she needs someone with experience. For Mara sake Elisif just became a Jarl of Solitude.

If the Empire chosen someone else like..... (You're gonna love this one) Balgruuf The Greater to be the next High King of Skyrim then perhaps I would be a bit more comfortable with Skyrim being in the proper hands.

Elisif is like Paris Hilton.


Well, I see it's business as usual in here. :confused:

I still find it oddly humorous that people think siding Imperial is "the majority opinion". Seems I'm missing something, as I've always found it to be the opposite case. But then, I'm not really keeping "tabs" on the overall debates. I'm only interested enough to keep posting when I see disagreeable opinions or misstated/untrue *facts*. :p

Well, perhaps we should take a poll...

From what I see, since I got here, the arguments for SC have been made by me, Raijiin and Ozan, with the occasional forum newbie posting a single post. I would be very interested to know where all the others are. Could you please find me some active members who have posted more than once or twice, arguing in favor of the SC's, recently.

In the last 30 pages:

Those who count themselves Stormcloaks, or consistently argue in favor of Stormcloaks:

OrexxerO (new member -- in this thread, nor more than a couple of posts so far)
g33kssquadstud (new member -- in this thread, nor more than a couple of posts so far)
Nadaddle (new member -- in this thread, nor more than a couple of posts so far)

Those who count themselves Imperials, consistently argue in favor of the Empire, or consistenly post pics, vids, and quotes that deride the Stormcloaks:

Docta Corvina
Mr. Self Destruct
Grogmar Ghrobash
agfazzone (new member -- in this thread, nor more than a couple of posts so far)

Allegedly Neutral:


WTF knows?:

So, yeah. Sorry. But I feel frakkin' lonely in this thread.

Docta Corvina

Well-Known Member
You said right. Shes inexperience and naive. She's also highly annoying on top of it. When I vote for someone to be president I want them to be highly intelligent and with experience. Elisif would not get my vote because of lack of experience. I could not ,for the life of me, see her as being Skyrim's next ruler. Skyrim already has problems, and she needs someone with experience. For Mara sake Elisif just became a Jarl of Solitude.

If the Empire chosen someone else like..... (You're gonna love this one) Balgruuf The Greater to be the next High King of Skyrim then perhaps I would be a bit more comfortable with Skyrim being in the proper hands.

Elisif is like Paris Hilton.

LOL Raijin, that may be the ONLY thing we agree on - aside from High Queen Pen. ;) Balgruuf should be High King, that's an administration I could wholeheartedly support.

Galmar Stone-Fist

Stormcloak General
Hmmph i agree with your decision on the Thalmor, But as you know the thalmor can't be attacked directly. And Elenwen, How in Skyrims dragon ass, did you get a compputer?! Did you use dwemer materials like me??!

Docta Corvina

Well-Known Member
Well, perhaps we should take a poll...

From what I see, since I got here, the arguments for SC have been made by me, Raijiin and Ozan, with the occasional forum newbie posting a single post. I would be very interested to know where all the others are. Could you please find me some active members who have posted more than once or twice, arguing in favor of the SC's, recently.

In the last 30 pages:

Those who count themselves Stormcloaks, argue in favor of Stormcloaks:

OrexxerO (new member -- in this thread, nor more than a couple of posts so far)
g33kssquadstud (new member -- in this thread, nor more than a couple of posts so far)
Nadaddle (new member -- in this thread, nor more than a couple of posts so far)

Those who count themselves Imperials, consistently argue in favor of the Empire, or consistenly post pics, vids, and quotes that deride the Stormcloaks:

Docta Corvina
Mr. Self Destruct
Grogmar Ghrobash
agfazzone (new member -- in this thread, nor more than a couple of posts so far)

Allegedly Neutral:


WTF knows?:

Hmm, I've been posting in this thread not for the whole lifespan, but for at least 150 pages of it. Likely more. My recollection has been that support comes and goes in bursts, on both sides. There will be newbies who will say one thing or the other, then leave. But poll after poll suggests that the support tends to be about even, with the Stormcloaks being the favored "underdogs" who though respected, might not necessarily be supported by pragmatist players.

I'm speaking on my own observations, drawn from here and elsewhere online.

Galmar Stone-Fist

Stormcloak General
Patience it is then the debate, the moot will take place soon. P.S. after Ulfric is the high king, I will send him to therapists to not be racist


Hmm, I've been posting in this thread not for the whole lifespan, but for at least 150 pages of it. Likely more. My recollection has been that support comes and goes in bursts, on both sides. There will be newbies who will say one thing or the other, then leave. But poll after poll suggests that the support tends to be about even, with the Stormcloaks being the favored "underdogs" who though respected, might not necessarily be supported by pragmatist players.

I'm speaking on my own observations, drawn from here and elsewhere online.

It's easy to click a button on a poll.

It's a lot harder to actually post in this particular forum, (which is what I'm talking about, not anywhere else online) and do it again and again, amidst tremendous pressure to change one's views. It doesn't matter if you feel vindicated by postings on other sites. If you get blasted in here by five or six different people all jumping on your posts, you will feel extremely pressured.

And bursts?

I've been here since December 25. Almost a month is quite a burst.