Hurrr, I've been infected by Skyrim D:

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Article Writer
So about eleven days ago I finished my fifth playthrough of inFAMOUS 2, and it was still only around 8am, so I was bored and had another few hours to screw around before-- well before I needed to do anything, really. I asked for Skyrim for Christmas because everyone and their dog is talking about it, so it must be a good game, yes?

Yeah, okay, for eleven days, my life has been Skyrim, sleeping, and food. That should say it all. xD

I can't really think of anything to say... so ask away. xD


Dark Mage of Clan Thu'um
There's not much to ask since all of us here are just like you. I got Saint's Row 3 and Skyward Sword for Christmas and I still haven't played much of either because of Skyrim. :D

Welcome to the Forums!


Active Member
Welcome Shenzi! Nice choice in inFamous 2, I love that series! Skyrim, though, it gets into your blood, and there's no known cure, so it looks like you'll be with us for the long haul! :D


Article Writer
Saints Row 3 is another one I've been meaning to pick up and just keep forgetting about. xD

Windress, I DL'd the first inFAMOUS via that Welcome Back program the PSN had after being hacked and down for a few months, and when I finally got around to playing it, basically the same thing happened-- did nothing but play it, sleep, and eat for a week or so. inFAMOUS 2 has the great idea of that user generated content, but unfortunately, not a lot of people use it effectively. D:

EDIT: Yup! Somehow, I managed to find the time to eat and sleep. Probably only because I'm so keen right now to stay on a sleep schedule for Repticon this weekend!

I did think of something I could have added though. I've been playing as a female Wood Elf all this time, and I'm up to level 22, almost 23 now. I'm part of the Thieves Guild, I did the side quest where you have to be imprisoned and then break out (quite the awesome mission), and I specialize in using a sword and a spell in the other hand (most often flames) and also archery. I've taken out around 20 dragons so far.


Staff member
Hi there!​
Just curious, how did you find us?​
Thanks for joining our forums and I hope you find everything you need here! :D


Dave, The Quiet One.
Welcome to the forums,
You are infected, soon it will take control & then it will consume you