How You Came Up With Your Username

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Well-Known Member
You don't like to be named after the greatest boxer in history ?

your right , mohammad ali is a legend but that name is too ... islamic , you know , to some people it might sound like terrorist or something ...


Qa'Darri - The unknown thief
My last name is Howarth, and I kind of use it as a play on words for "how art thee."


Dictator of my bedroom
My last name is Howarth, and I kind of use it as a play on words for "how art thee."

Nice, I like it.

And mamali, don't be ashamed of being named that just because it sounds too islamic, only ignorant dickheads will think you're a terrorist. Be proud that you're named after Mohammad Ali! (Plus, I honestly think most Muslim/Islamic names sound cool, but that's just me)


Well-Known Member
And mamali, don't be ashamed of being named that just because it sounds too islamic, only ignorant dickheads will think you're a terrorist. Be proud that you're named after Mohammad Ali! (Plus, I honestly think most Muslim/Islamic names sound cool, but that's just me)

awww , thank you , i hope ''' some '''other people were as nice as you guys :)

The Phoenician

Shiney, let's be bad guys.
I go by StormCrow (Battle tech reference) on all the paintball forums that I go on. But when i signed up for Xbox live it was already taken so i used the title of one of my favorite books.The last Phoenix.


Active Member
I've been using Ritterkreuz since 2001 on all gaming forums. It come from my days of playing Il-2 Stormovik. Best flight sim ever, in fact I still play the most recently updated version from time to time. The word is German for Knight's Cross.


I'm just a big, hairy American winning machine.
When I started playing Counter Strike 10+ years ago, in my first game(The first online fps I ever played) I kept tk'ing people (By accident), and this one guy said I was like Judas(Betraying my own team), and it's stuck haha.


Bring me my broadsword, and clear understanding.
The current username came into existence in 1995 while I was watching Angelina Jolie strut her stuff as Kate Libby in the attempted geekfest called Hackers. Jonny Lee Miller's character had been known as ZeroCool. He got into Angelina's pants in real life, so the nearest I was going to get to that would be adopting part of ZeroCool and adding it to the persistant part of any gaming name that I'd had because I was born in a Chinese year of the Dragon. So if any of that makes sense I ended up with ZeroDragon.


We must be careful about what we pretend to be.
So, I work at a summer camp and for one reason or another we have to pick camp names. I really enjoy astronomy and science (and at that point I was still a little obsessed with Star Trek) so I tried to pick between Altair (the galaxy that was fake on Star Trek and then real in real life), Monty (as a reference to Montgomery Scott), and Pollux (as in the Gemini Constellation).

I ditched Monty (I didn't like it as well as the others) and Altair (because I figured Pollux would be easier for small children to sight-pronounce). (Ironically, now the only people who pronounce it right are the kids because my fellow counselors alway think there's some trick to the pronunciation.) In addition, I really enjoy the mythology behind Pollux and Castor (minus the swan rape).

As you can imagine, "Pollux" by itself was already taken on every website ever, so I tacked a Captain on the front in honor of a bunch of badass characters. (Kirk, Reynolds, Hammer, etc. You get the idea.)


Well... It just popped up in my head, trying to make a Magic type of name, and I thought MagicBlade

Although I'm coming to regret the choice and thinking of changing it to something


Must be my Nord blood......
I believe I've answered this before.. But hey, why not?

Deep in the the darkest places of the Discovery Channel (by the way.. you and me baby we aint nothin but mammals) there lives a television series long forgotten by the masses formally named "The Deadliest Catch." Now, on this show, fishermen set out to catch glorious crabs (the kind that you eat at red lobster, not the itchy kind your sister gave me, however glorious they may be) in the dangerous oceans near Alaska.

And yes, I have caught crabs before. I know what you're thinking, "Troll, you're a fisherman?" No son, I happen to actually BE talking about the itchy kind in this separate paragraph. Confused yet? I am. Anyway, so I took my unfortunately "Itchiest catch" and decided to call myself The Deadliest Catch. However, that gave all the single ladies (no reference to Beyonce) a reason to think I was single; or "a catch to be caught" or some weird female pl***. Now, I'm a married man (and by married I mean I'm tied to a lady who owns my balls and steals my manhood (I'm kidding of course, I love her very much)) so I can't have these ladies thinking I'm single.

I'm not a troll. Well, I'm not an internet troll, but I have looks that only a mother could love, and not even my mother loves my face. She loves me as a person, I'm sure, but she has never once told me that she has love for my face. So clearly, the case for her face-love could not be proven in a court of law, so I cannot legally claim here that the woman loves my face. THUS, we must assume that I am one ugly fluff. AKA TROLL.

So, we take the "Catch" part of my name that is confusing vaginas everywhere and turn it into me being not entirely good looking and/or just plain annoying as hell... and we get the username "The_Deadliest_Troll."

So yeah... Ummm... Troll <3's you.



Tora Wolfborn has been my online alias for some time. If anyone asks, I tell them it's my Viking name :p (It was inspired in part by my love of Norse mythology, so that's half

It's particularly appropriate here, though....the first Skyrim character I ever created was my Nord, Tora the Wolfborn.

Two Bears

Active Member
Two Bears is my moniker on most of the forums that I frequent, as well as on Steam. It stems from the portion of Fallout: New Vegas' character creation process where you presented with a Rorschach test and the final inkblot looks like this:


Many players though it looked like two bears high fiving. A mod for New Vegas was released on Nexus which added that response. I took the name as tribute to the game and the series.


Professional Sweetroll Taster
mine is my first and middle initials, and my last name, how boring! I hadn't been on a forum in a long time so I kinda forgot that forum names are supposed to be...not just your I haven't figured out how to change it, but then I feel like, I'm not sure if I want to at this point! it might be confusing :p


I always use my name. I've tried using more creative names on other forums, but it just feels wrong when people call me anything other than Karen (so I love it here, I get to be just Karen! It's rarely untaken). It's cool on other people though, like I look at all you guys' usernames and I think, "that's pretty cool, wish I had something like that", but I always end up defaulting to my first name/combination of my first name and initials, and failing that, sometimes I add my birth year or something. Extremely unoriginal.

And agfazzone, I think you can contact Rayven for a u/n change if you want. :p I've seen other people do it.


Professional Sweetroll Taster
I always use my name. I've tried using more creative names on other forums, but it just feels wrong when people call me anything other than Karen (so I love it here, I get to be just Karen! It's rarely untaken). It's cool on other people though, like I look at all you guys' usernames and I think, "that's pretty cool, wish I had something like that", but I always end up defaulting to my first name/combination of my first name and initials, and failing that, sometimes I add my birth year or something. Extremely unoriginal.

And agfazzone, I think you can contact Rayven for a u/n change if you want. :p I've seen other people do it.

Oo I see, thanks! I might change it sometime,....but I'm not sure lol, I used to belong to a Lion King Fan Art message board when I was like 14, and my name was Larani, which was a character I made up that was like a parallel to myself...or it kind of worked....and I ended up using the name for one of my Skyrim characters..the other one, Liana, is a name I always really liked but I'm not sure if I want to take on a 'persona' on here and use it for myself, so I guess 'agfazzone' works out, at least for now:)


Oo I see, thanks! I might change it sometime,....but I'm not sure lol, I used to belong to a Lion King Fan Art message board when I was like 14, and my name was Larani, which was a character I made up that was like a parallel to myself...or it kind of worked....and I ended up using the name for one of my Skyrim characters..the other one, Liana, is a name I always really liked but I'm not sure if I want to take on a 'persona' on here and use it for myself, so I guess 'agfazzone' works out, at least for now:)
I think they both sound nice, but I know what you mean - I'm not sure I'd like it if people called me by an alias or something either. :p