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Stop Hodoring!
I put Skyrim on at around 8pm yesterday, I knew I had to be up early so I thought I'd go to sleep at like 1 am. I was still playing Skyrim when it was getting light this morning :sadface:


Once got home from my Girlfriend's house at about 3PM. Flicked the 'ol xbox on a played Skyrim for a 'while'

Turned it off at 5AM.

It was the dawnguard quest.

Didn't even finish it, either. o_O


Aravis, deadly archer
Haven't played Skyrim for a couple of months now. It is possible!!! Once you manage to tear your self away from it's magical grip that is. You could almost compare it to quitting smoking. Anyhow, when I played regularly, I think the longest I played was six hours. I just never got super addicted.


New Member
2 hours is what I play while I'm asleep to make up for time spent eating and pooing

Edit:That made no sense why did I post that?

You are not alone.A duck I am too

Sword&Sorcery Super Hero

Super Hero of the Fantasy Realm
That's normal friend. For me, I know when I boot up Skyrim again, I need at least a 3 hour span to get full satisfaction. There's just soooo much going on here, I begin to think I'm living in Skyrim!

First Play through: 200 hours solid.
This play through: 182 hours and counting.
Next play through: Guaranteed

Its no lie that you can start playing with a quest in mind, and find yourself having never completed it 2 hours later.


New Member
It's Funny when you say two hours.

I say two hours but then i End up getting Five.

Got attached to the main quest cause of the Markath Glitch Started 2 pm Let's say for Example Monday. And finally got off at 10 am on Tuesday


TES Is all Mine now cause of Skyrim, Skyrim will probably keep going for me for say. 2-6 more years, Then the Next Game


Active Member
I looked out of the window after playing Skyrim yesterday, and insects had become the dominant species. That was one session!


Well-Known Member
i play at least 8 hours every day, and have done almost 500 hours game time. that's kinda bad now i think about it, but as they say 'time isnt wasted if youre having fun' :D plus, it has been rainy season here for the past 6 months, so it's not like ive been missing out by not venturing out into 'the outside world'.. :p


Premium Member
It's actually possible for me to just pop on for half an hour and do a shorter dungeon, usually because I just want to blow off a little steam or have a tiny amount of time to waste before doing something. But normal gaming sessions for me do tend to last at least three hours.


Relaxing on Revis Island, with Revis and Holmes :(
Its no lie that you can start playing with a quest in mind, and find yourself having never completed it 2 hours later.


It's also no lie, that you can start a new character called Maximus Decimus Meridius, play for ten hrs straight, and then realise you've made him become a mage.....and have to go all the way back to the `and what is your name, Prisoner` screen.....:oops:

Hey, but that's all part of the fun isn't it :)


When I got Skyrim, life was very difficult because I played every night something like 12 hours and I stopped when I needed to go to school. x__X But of course Skyrim was more important than some stupid sleeping and eating. : D Few weeks after I finally started playing little less.

I'm almost sure that this is going to begin again after Dawnguard for PS3. But now it doesn't matter, I have no school, no work, nothing! All day long, Skyrim. All night long, Skyrim.


I usually play 3 hours a weekday - not much by most standards. I also have a family, job & pets so I think it's a decent chunk. I retired my first character after just over 400 hours, and I haven't looked at the second since it was creeping over 200. Weekends, I can usually log 8-10 hours. It's a rare occasion that I can play for "just a few minutes".


Lvl 30 Destruction High Elf Mage
a normal Skyrim session for me is 3-6 hours about 4 days a week. i have 60 hrs on my current char (lvl 30 mage).

in total i have 33 on a dark elf theif/mage, 37 on an orc warrior, 12 on a nord warrior (first char i made that i was bored with fast), 25 on my samurai redguard Katsumoto (Last Samurai) and 35 on Legolas (wood elf who i made similar to the LOTR char).

So in total i've played around 202 hrs of Skyrim.

the char im running now is the farthest and longest i've played and i think i will finally finish the majority of the quests with him.

Kruziik Vampire

Ancient Master Vampire
My Xbox is running on life support in a pool of ice water since it hasn't shut off since Skyrim's release. I've lost my job, my family, my friends, and my wife, but it was all worth it to be level 81 with 100% of the game completed on three accounts (one for each play style).

That really doesn't sound worth it, no offense. :p