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New Member
Hey there. I love making the game more balanced and immersive. If you're playing on PC, I would suggest the Skyrim Nexus (and probably the Nexus Mod Manager). I have some great mods from there, from adjusting item weight and arrow speed to rewriting the follower AI packages. Also tossed in a few dragon mods to make them tougher, and hunt in packs.

If you're on a console, then the realism is going to have to be a little more self-imposed. It's still doable, but you'll have to think about it a little more.


New Member
Agreed, but it's still fun. Before I started installing mods, I used to do things like refuse armor that was on a corpse. Because, well, it belonged to someone else, and it didn't seem like it would fit me. I also try to walk everywhere, unless there's a reason for me to hurry. I was surprised how beautiful the game world was, once I started really just meandering through it.