Review Favourite race for which style you choose.

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well known member
I have found wood elves are resistant to desease and poison.

Since I mainly play a wood elf character.

My favourite and most favoured style is Assassin/theif .

I love that style...

Let's review your style of gameplay and how you mix in your race with that style?

Would be cool to know that wood elves are the most best style for assassin/theif .


Wood Elf , I love the Bow skill's . Only other one I ever tried was Nord warrior, but Quicky went back to W.E. I must say I have to laugh when the Nord's bad mouth me as "Little Elf" Plus other slanders and raciest stuff. They really should be more friendly or they might get " The Shaft " :p

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
Nord - warrior
Khajit - thief/assassin/mage
Altmer - warrior/mage

Still need to play Orc, Dunmer, Bosmer and, while I did play an Argo for a while, I have trouble with the role-play.

I don't think I'll play a Dunmer though. I just don't like the look - too evil (the red eyes ya know) and I just can't get in to playing evil.

Never played a Breton (mostly because they're ugly - just can't create anyone attractive and that's a prerequisite for me)

Imperials are fine (my first character was an imperial), but, again they get stereotyped so quickly.

Kohlar the Unkilled

Time for some ale
I play a Nord, not so much because of my style of play, previous character was an Orc, and play style was similar; a heavy armor melee build. The difference being Kohlar uses one handed with shield. I favor the Nord in Skyrim due mainly to the lore, and the connection felt to the land and it's history.

Of course, if "style of play" might refer to a Nords desire to collect and consume Mead and Ale in legendary quantities, well then perhaps I have chosen the proper race according to style!

The Wanderer

Young Heritic
Because everyone needs general magic resistance, I love Bretons for their racial 25% magic resistance. Add that with the Lord stone and a few other enchantments, and you supress the bulk of any mages attacks. I like Bretons for Tank type warriors, as well as mages. Anything else I'll either go Nord or Wood Elf.
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Well-Known Member
My favorite race is khajiit, my current is a pure mage. I have played khajiit archers and assassins too. I think my favorite way of playing is to sneak, and khajiits are great at that. I played on archer bosmer. It was fun, but I couldn't wait to get back to my khajiits, so I'm going to stick with them.


Mother of Dragons, Bride of Fire
I have three saves that I play with generally (I do run mods so my characters are built different)
My mage is a Breton
My long-distance sniper (archery) is wood elf
My sword and board warrior is nord


What we do in life, echoes in the eternity !
Always played as a Nord ... but my combat warrior style is : battle-mage night blade .... I like to use sneaking and archery or my dagger to kill by behind and when I decide to go in open combat, then I use destruction magic ( fireball, incinerate, thunderstorm and paralyze - my favor - ) combined with my either slow time and / or unrelenting force shout and dagger on my right hand ... I do not really care about diseases or poison protection, night vision or high magic percentage ... I found magic, especially destruction, to be underpowered in Skyrim; Conjuration is like having somebody doing the job for me and they are not that powerful; illusion is having fun but it does not work on some very high enemies; so, I rely on myself. Considering that you are always facing a pack of 3 ( at the most ) enemies most of the time, and considering that you have a follower ( if so ) and 3 available things to kill those 3 enemies : magic ( paralyze on left hand ), slow time or unrelenting force + dagger / sword, etc ... you are without a doubt, pretty successful in combat all the time if you know how to use your resources; add dragon aspect before you enter in battle will boost you up in combat and make you a more efficient warrior; and if you have a high sneaking level, then you do not really need even magic or shouts at all, simply your dagger or your bow ... just my 2 cents .. ;)

Black Orchid

Death Incarnate
I play a lot of different characters, some more for gaming purposes, and others more for the storytelling/rp aspect side of Skyrim.

I'd say my favorite melee race so far is the Redguard, since I like doing a lot of two-weapon fighting, and Redguards are exceptional combatants with one-handed weaponry, not to mention their racial ability Adrenaline Rush works well in conjunction with both the Dual Flurry and Dual Savagery perks.

As far as spellcasters go, I like Bretons for their innate 25% magic resistance and Dragonskin racial abilities, as well as their prowess in Conjuration magic, which is one of my favorites as far as magic skills goes.


I play a lot of different characters, some more for gaming purposes, and others more for the storytelling/rp aspect side of Skyrim.

I'd say my favorite melee race so far is the Redguard, since I like doing a lot of two-weapon fighting, and Redguards are exceptional combatants with one-handed weaponry, not to mention their racial ability Adrenaline Rush works well in conjunction with both the Dual Flurry and Dual Savagery perks.

As far as spellcasters go, I like Bretons for their innate 25% magic resistance and Dragonskin racial abilities, as well as their prowess in Conjuration magic, which is one of my favorites as far as magic skills goes.

I might try a Red guard , sounds like an fun character .


It's a big hammer.
For race benefits, I shoud be playing Orc. Most of my characters are heavy armor wearing warriors. I've done one-handed, two-handed, dual wield, and sword-and-board. I always do smithing, too. Just screams Orc.

But I like Nords and they're similar enough.


The Mystic Marksman
Breton.They make the best Witchhunters.Great at Conjuration, great magic resistance when paired with the lord stone,and imo one of the best all-around races.


Well-Known Member
I find this a facinating subject, mostly for how everybody has there favourite race to play the game with, I of course include myself, mine being Breton, for the magic orientated gameplay and Orc for the tank warrior style, as for a sneaky archer/assasin type i have to say its draw between Kahjitt or Dar elf for me.

However, i do like to mix it up a little, just to see if there are any drawer backs to going against the grain according to skills etc, so for fun i have 2 saves currently which i go to for a little fun now and again, one is Grockle my illusion/sneak/assasin ORC, and then there is Mandolyn my High elf warrior tank, heavy armour/warhammer and no magic ever, turns it all on its head but great fun.

Snake Tortoise

Here's For Your Trouble
My builds thus far have been

Khajit: sneaky archer
Orc: one handed, shield, heavy armour combat monster
Wood elf: sneaky archer/conjuror
Khajit: twin dagger assassin

Khajit are definitely my favourite race, but not for their abilities. Claws are good for brawling but that's a pretty minor part of the game, and while they're good for early in the game I'd rather be leveling one handed at that point- even if it's a skill I don't want to use in the game. Night vision has always seemed pointless to me. I've never been somewhere so dark I can't see properly

Orcs' berserk rage is a nice tool to have for bosses. I used that now and then in the early stages of the game

Starting skills that correspond with play style seem like a hindrance to me; with skills you use often, leveling up from 15-20 or 15-25 is easy experience to help get perks. Khajit having a starting sneak of 25 for instance. If you want to play as an assassin you'll most likely take the thief stone after Helgen, and from there sneak just rockets up. I'd sooner start at 15 sneak to be honest


Lollygagging Milk Drinker (according to guards)
I have found wood elves are resistant to desease and poison.

Since I mainly play a wood elf character.

My favourite and most favoured style is Assassin/theif .

I love that style...

Let's review your style of gameplay and how you mix in your race with that style?

Would be cool to know that wood elves are the most best style for assassin/theif .

Well, I really have never matched my race with my game style, except for mage with High Elf, because if I have to stare at this character for HOURS on end, and I've invested over 400 hours in this game, it better look somewhat pleasing to the eye. And the only female I could get to be beautiful, to my standards, was the High Elf. And yes she is really ugly when you look at her in the beginning of making your character, but with about 40 minutes of work they turn out to be very pretty, more so than the others in my opinion, and all my friends love her. Plus you are taller than EVERYONE, tallest race there is. I like looking down on all the characters, except fellow High Elves, and them looking up at me lol. It makes me feel like my character is tougher and more intimidating. Especially when those buff nords only reach my shoulder, it's funny. Some people think because the High Elves are taller they jump and run slightly higher/faster, and have posted their results of testing this out. But to me, I don't care that much about that to find out.

Anyhow. I normally pick High Elf for only these two reasons: Head start in enchanting and the 50 bonus magika automatically give to you. Aside from getting any perks, it's already as if you have grown 5 levels. You can't beat that in my opinion. No other race starts with that type of advantage. Since I normally put 0 levels into magika, that really helps me out for healing spells. Although, magic resistance for Breton though is pretty helpful, but enchantments can cover that on other races.

I've never been one to go and look at all the skills they get a few points extra in (like Sneak at 20 instead of 15), because ultimately that doesn't really matter, plus it gets in the way of perks early on. It will help you right in the beginning, and then that's it. As far as the powers each race gets, I always forget about them and never use them anyway, until I was a mage and trying to level up Conjuration, the High Elf power was VERY helpful. I could cast like a hundred spells in so little time and get those skills up fast. But, in my opinion, once you hit level 25 or 30, there's no use for them anymore because you're so powerful.

So, like I said, I don't match it up normally. So my current High Elf is playing a one handed/shield and archer game style, and she is a thief/assassin and does what she wants. No mercy and she's a complete smart ass most of the time. Of course she uses sneak, as do all my other characters, I can't help it. That sneak bonus is fantastic plus you get a head start in planning. I might throw in conjuration for her later on to get some thralls with her. I've played mage and all the other stuff, but this is my current character. This time, I'm not going vampire, but werewolf with the Companions.

Oh, with the poison and disease resistance, I just become either a werewolf or vampire, and problem solved. But if you don't want to do either one of those things, which I will never understand, it's so fun, then yes you won't get that. Plus with the vampire, instant and unlimited night vision. I don't use it that much, but it is handy for those really dark places in caves. But since the whole vamp thing can be a pain in the ass, I've only done it with two of my characters (that sneak bonus is nice). So I don't let those types of things control my race choice.

Anyways, this is turning out to be a really long response, sorry! But, to wrap it up, my favorite style is also Assassin/thief because it's just badass and I get to use sneak a lot to take things slow if I prefer. My favorite fighting style would have to be archery in the end, especially with a legendary Daedric Bow with absorb health and chance to paralyze. The minute I enter a cave I just start picking them off one by one, especially once you get those slow time perks. It's just fun. They normally don't find you, and you have already slaughtered them all before you even took two steps!

Oh, and I also used Woodelf for my first archer, and I really liked them too. That would have to be my second favorite race. And they really do get a big bonus with the archery, at 25 I think right? But, like you said too, it can get away of leveling up quick and getting those perks.


I didn't even realize the perks on each race when I started the game. As my PS3 was lagging so hard.
I chose Orc, luckily I like melee but now I want to change my style to assassin/theif. Can it be done?


I didn't even realize the perks on each race when I started the game. As my PS3 was lagging so hard.
I chose Orc, luckily I like melee but now I want to change my style to assassin/theif. Can it be done?

Hmmm I'am on X-Box 360 , so for me I would have to start over . PS3 I don't know ? But there are so many here that will be able to help you . Hang in some one will come by an give you the proper advice. BTW Welcome ... to the Forums :)


I didn't even realize the perks on each race when I started the game. As my PS3 was lagging so hard.
I chose Orc, luckily I like melee but now I want to change my style to assassin/theif. Can it be done?

Hmmm I'am on X-Box 360 , so for me I would have to start over . PS3 I don't know ? But there are so many here that will be able to help you . Hang in some one will come by an give you the proper advice. BTW Welcome ... to the Forums :)

Thanks for the welcoming! and I didn't mean to change my race. I meant would my race have a huge effect on changing my play style to stealth after I've been playing melee up to level 25?