earth is boring compared to skyrim.....

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Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
Once upon a time, a nerd was granted a wish to go to Skyrim as he always wanted.
Me warped mysteriously to Skyrim landing on the wilderness in the Whiterun Hold*
- Oh my God! I am in Skyrim! I made it! So long, boring life! Yeah! Oh man! Why is the ground shaking?
Giant tosses me in the air and I slowly close my eyes.
Oh well, I will respawn after I die...
- Ugh...

Two days later, three men walk through the street and find a scrawny corpse lying there.
- Uh... Who was he?
- Not one of ours for sure...
- LMAO! Look at his clothes, no armor rating nor value.
- Yeah but look at his pocket, he has got some sort of Dwemer device that says NOKIA!
- I bet it's worth a fortune!
- Isn't Nokia a Daedric Prince?
- Who cares? Take everything and leave the corpse.
- Uh... Boss? There is a circlet around his eyes...
- What?!
- Yes... Looks like some seeing device, without any enchantment.
- It's fuzzy and the glass orbs aren't clean. Basically, junk. C'mon fellas, let's go before Nokia sets her rage on us!

A week later, I open my eyes and find myself in a guard cuirass.
- Wha... What happened?
- You took an arrow to the knee!
I kneel down with tears in my eyes.
- Noooooo!

And so, the scrawny nerd was forced to live the rest of his life with a crappy knee, to be known as the Champion of Nokia and never do any kickass dovahkiin stuff. Well except being Fus Roh Dah'd when he accidentally told the dragonborn about his arrow to the knee.


Champion of Grottos and Gremlins
I am walking after making my first spare septims from gathering cabbages.
- Yeah... Buying a sword. I will be powerful... Yeah!
A khajiit walks past me, wearing a hood with a doubtful look.
- Wait!_ I say_ Could you speak, please?
- J'zor is very busy right now.
- Awww! I love khajiit accent. Thanks!
I walk to the store and realize. My wallet's gone! So I run back to the khajiit and actually catch him, but then I realize: I have not bought any weapon because I had no cash! The pist off cat strikes at me and I just run away, but he has faster cat legs. After some embarrassing moments of running and pulling up my unfitting bluky nord made for pants from time to time, my hitpoints go below 10. In a desperate move, I cast flames, the only crappy spell I know and try to make the thief run away WITH my money. Surprisingly, he does and I survive. Obviously, I get very cocky for defeating a thief WITHOUT retrieving my money. I turn and I find a wretched abyss, the real reason why the thief fled.
- Aaaaah! Flee mode engaged!
- Do not run, mortal. I am Nokia, Daedric Prince of socialization and bluetooth. I need a new champion to overcome quills and books with carrier pidgeons!
- uhh... Me?
After 30 minutes explaining what was Oblivion and what was a Daedric Prince, Nokia convinced the nerd to enter a dungeon full of angry undead quills and books, burning them and earning the daedric artifact: Nokia's Token, also known as phone battery, amazingly useless in a place without cellphones.


their is alot that will change for someone who had got thrown into skyrim.

First i do believe that if you lived in such a world you'll grow up knowing the dangers. Seeing a frostbite spider or a vampire be stabbed by the town soilders would be as common as car crashes and spotting a snake in the bush. Sure the danger is much higher but you'll shake it of just as easy. Seeing these things as the common dangers of skyrim one would tend to get alot braver. Just like a soilder in a war bullets of danger will cross you everyday and eventually you'll wish that one will hit you Cause your 20 years old and no one's had a decent shot to hit you. So eventually dangers would be like a flea bite or a car going past your house.

Second im sure in such a world their would be alot more people looking out for one another. A world full of danger would change anyone in a good way. watching his back so when the time comes he'll watch your's. Friendship and honer would mean so much more then it is.

Thirdly If the world was like skyrim their would be alot of differences. Like they wouldn't let settlements like riverwood egsists. How stupid would you have to be to live in a place like that in a world like skyrim anyways. Plus the town soilders would be alot better trained for facing the dangers. I can see men who would become strong without the power of the voice. Men to be looked up upon and saluted for their brave efforts. People who would deticate their lives to killing dragons. With a world of magic and so much more anything is possible. A begger could become the next jarl or that kid you used to stick fight with is now the leader of the companians.

And think of magic..... dont you think it would be more believable if you didnt run out. Sure using alot would maybe tire or weaken you in ways but to run out in the real skyrim would be a little unrealistic. So with that in mind anyone could learn magic Places like the colledge would be alot bigger even the entire population would be huge. Whiterun ( with looks like that city in lord of the rings if you have noticed random fact lol) would be like a city as big as the ones we have today. it would be greater and better then the skyrim we play.

And to add to all that sure the game skyrim is pretty dangerous but if u take all i just said into context dont you think skyrim would be that much safer. I dare say a normal person would pretty much be safer in skyrim then in a city of today's world. The people would be nice the oppentunities greater. More freedom in life
Every man thinks he should've been born 100-10,000 years ago... until he needs a dentist.

OP, buy a helmet and start heading outdoors for a bit.

Mmm problem with people now days are they are pussies. Can't handle a little tooth ache. My grandpa never went to a dentist, a tooth bothered him? He pulled it out with a pliers, problem solved. I had a double tooth that started to come in and it was pushing my other tooth out of alignment and causing pain, what did I do? I took the handle of a wrench and pushed on it hard as I could until the root broke loose, pain was gone and the other tooth grew in straight.
Of course 10,000 years ago it might have been hard to find a pliers, but I'm sure something could be rigged up. :D


Is that fur coming out of your ears?
Mmm problem with people now days are they are pussies. Can't handle a little tooth ache. My grandpa never went to a dentist, a tooth bothered him? He pulled it out with a pliers, problem solved. I had a double tooth that started to come in and it was pushing my other tooth out of alignment and causing pain, what did I do? I took the handle of a wrench and pushed on it hard as I could until the root broke loose, pain was gone and the other tooth grew in straight.
Of course 10,000 years ago it might have been hard to find a pliers, but I'm sure something could be rigged up. :D

Hope you learned Alchemy to staunch the infection.


Dunmer Warrior
Umm... duh you respawn is Skyrim so there is no worry about dying there.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
The only reason I still live to this day is so I can play Skyrim.
That is one of the saddest statements I have ever heard. Admittedly, I am starting to get yelled at by my family because I spend every waking moment in Skyrim and say it's the only joy in my life, but, hey, it's the truth! (well, other than work of course - document management and data-base administration are so exciting!)


Active Member
Skyrim is the ultimate escape from the reality of life's dreariness. Others choose to use drugs but we use a video game that transports us to a wondrous mythical world filled with adventure. Here we can be somebody else, whether that person is pure evil or a hero that strives to protect those that can't protect themselves. I love this game and will never tire of it.


Well-Known Member
Earth can be quite exciting. In fact I'd say it's far more exciting than Skyrim/Tamriel.

You want fetchy politics? Just because there aren't people driving through the country kidnapping random people doesn't mean there are no crimes committed by the powerful; and there's plenty of tension between a few countries worldwide even though it's been a while since WWII. Most people just don't care enough to research. And then the uneducated do things with good intent but most likely bad in result, that would be your Stormcloaks. Only difference is that nowadays all you have to do to research is to start your computer. In Skyrim you'd have to write letters which can take days to arrive and should someone grow tired of you meddling in their affairs you will be silenced.
That can happen in reality too of course, actually I'm just waiting for the news of rumors that Snowden vanished in a car from the Secret Service, but chances for your gathered informations to be passed on to journalists etc and therefore revealed are much bigger.
Can't burn an e-mail.

The lifestyle? No one forces you to live in the modern civilization as we know it currently. In some countries it might be your "duty" to go to school, but they still can't force you. Sinti and Roma for example are groups which mostly stay among themselves and care little about education.
Don't expect luxury though. Staying in the woods for hours until you find your food can't be compared to the walk to a fridge. And on earth you're pretty lucky, there are no wolves aggressive enough to attack you, nor bears, sabrecats, trolls or dragons. Not even bandits, crazy mages experimenting in caves or magical anomalies (though the thing about bears will depend on your country; here in Germany we don't have any, and even if you get into wolf territory they will rarely attack a human unless they've really grown desperate for food).
So even if you decide to turn your back on modern civilization you're safe. We have crazy people, murderers etc, but especially when you're in a group they won't dare to even come near you. Stay away from the Highways and you should be fine.
Oh, and you can still have archery as a hobby. In fact me and a friend are going to start in a few weeks, I'm excited already. :)

Unemployed lazy pricks are being insulted in this world as well, and people who work hard and have something to show for it are rewarded in money and praise, but like Skyrim your reputation better not be harmed by mistakes. That can cost you greatly.
Knowledge on earth is not limited yet. Our knowledge even goes beyond the skies; admittedly, much remains to be rather theoretically, but it is knowledge we can build up upon based on our knowledge of chemistry and physics. Because we don't have Aetherius in our univese, we don't have unpredictable magic. Instead we have technology not even the Dwemer ever possessed.

Adventure across the land? Dude, if you haven't noticed, at your feet is Mother Earth, the blue pearl of this galaxy. You can adventure here all along, and just because there are plenty of known places; trust me, those which are unknown are far better. There are places in the Czech Republic with such beauty I dare compare them to some of Skyrim's landscape. And while so many check out Berlin, Frankfurt, Cologne and Munich when going to Germany, they'll never see the awesome little places many villages or "provinces" can offer. Great views without any signs of industry (many parts of Franconia, lol). The only thing that might be making you trouble will be the money, but that's an even bigger problem in Skyrim. People can't even leave their cities or villages because they don't have the money to travel safely. And they never will because they don't have many customers, if any at all. Now all you have to do is get some gas in your car and you're good to go. Some money for food and that's it, safe and sound. In Skyrim you'd pay for a carriage that can easily be ambushed and your body thrown into the next river. Plus, let's not forget each persons dailys duties and tasks; here you have to work for your money. In Skyrim if you don't take care of that field you'll starve in winter for sure.

So no; modern civilization might be far from perfect, but I know very well what would come at me if I wanted to live simple lives like the people in Skyrim. Plus, having soldiers molesting me as female since they are the "heroes of the country" isn't something I'd love to bother myself around with. (Go to Dragonbridge for that NPC dialogue...the Redguard guy.)


New Member
I'd just love to have the night skies that they have in Skyrim, the way of life was easier then, just working freely, farming, smithing, hunting etc.

But yeah agreed. When you get over the murder, rape, dragon, vampire, dark brotherhood attacks, thieving and all the rest of it. It would most likely be proper sweet ;)


I brake for blue butterflies
If you think Skyrim is better than Earth then I can only assume you live in the wrong region. Not trying to be a snob just because I'm lucky enough to live in Washington state, but Skyrim is a joke compared to what's going on right here on Earth day after day, century after century. Skyrim is fun but nothing beats sitting on a real mossy boulder in the middle of a real mountain stream watching a real bear dig around for real food. The information that Skyrim sends you through the screen is like one millionth the information that mother Earth sends you all day every day. In fact, mother Earth is sending you so much info, you can't even process it all. Playing Skyrim is like nursery school compared to surviving in the wilds of Earth.


I brake for blue butterflies
Earth can be quite exciting. In fact I'd say it's far more exciting than Skyrim/Tamriel.

And far more dangerous. Skyrim has like twenty monsters to worry about. We got more than that just in micro organisms.