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The Experimentalist
glad to see some role-play gamers here. I posted my character ideas a while back. I had like 8 ideas but I had to choose one eventually. I'm only playing with one character right now. I want to focus on one character at a time but a bunch of other character ideas keep me awake at night.

As for role-playing, I am writing down a journal of my character's everyday life in Skyrim from my character's point of view. I wrote over 8000 words so far. I will probably tweak some details before I post them here as my blog entry.


Active Member
Gehazi the Redguard's Story:

After Tatana, the Redguard heroine who aided the Cyrodiil Emperor in closing the gates of Oblivion, had completed her quest and duties as Uriel Septim envisioned, she headed to Anvil where she met the Blade Azade, the son of a Nord father and Redguard mother. The two wed and were blessed with two sons, Reginald (named after Tatana's grandfather) and T'azade. Reginald followed in his father's footsteps and became a Blade as well as joining Cyrodiil's military. T'azade, on the other hand, had a bit of wanderlust and sailed over to Hammerfell where he settled as a sellsword. Both sons would be blessed with three children (two sons and one daughter for both men), which would give birth to generations of warriors and mercenaries. Several generations later, the descendant of T'azade's second son, a cunning hunter named Gehazi, would emerge from Hammerfell. Gehazi's mother was notably absent from his life and his father paid little mind, more concerned with gold, women, and the 'good life', leaving Gehazi to fend for himself. He became a cunning hunter of the wilds, living off the land and learning the art of stealth and the bow, much like his foremother Tatana. In his teens he signed on with a mercenary group that operated on the borders of Hammerfell and High Rock. Amongst his older peers he learned the art of swordplay, learning to fight with a sword in each hand. Teamwork was not really for him though. He was forced to dispatch his former comrades after they discovered Gehazi helping himself to a personal share of the mission that was more than allotted.

Years had past by since then. Gehazi was no longer welcome in Hammerfell nor High Rock so he traveled throughout Cyrodiil, making a name for himself in the Imperial Arena and collecting bounties on large and fearsome monsters that occasionally threatened the land. One day inside one of the Imperial taverns he overheard a Nord barbarian boasting of Skyrim. He spoke of fantastical creatures such as giants, trolls and mammoths and how the life was rough on the edges. Nothing like the heavily guarded Cyrodiil, that's for sure. Gehazi was intrigued and made his departure for Skyrim.

Skyrim was a dream for the young Redguard, now in his mid-twenties. He enjoyed facing off against giants and mammoths, using his bow to bring the beasts down. While passing by a seedy city known as Riften, his skills had been taken notice by the Thieves Guild. Even for a twenty-seven year old man he was weathered and seasoned beyond his years. He joined them and proved to be a valuable asset. He loved infiltrating the snobbish noble homes and killing their mercenaries. But there was something missing. It didn't have the violence and tenacity that Gehazi craved when he faced those beasts. And there was another organization that spied on him that saw just that empty void. The Dark Brotherhood. He was taken into the assassin's guild without question, and now Gehazi is living the good life. His skills are put to use with the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild, always keeping him amused. Plus he always takes those bounties against the merciless bandits that plague Skyrim. He also married a beautiful Nord named Ysolda. Skyrim is a rough, harsh place for the soft spotted. But to Gehazi, these people know how to live...his life a living dream.


Active Member
An Adventure with Gehazi:
Gehazi watched the arrogant Alain as he mockingly laughed amongst his bandit cohorts. Alain was a small Breton who wore no armour, not even mage robes yet he acted like he was king of the stronghold. Gehazi nocked an arrow and drew back his bow. He could easily hit that puny little Breton, but that would be too simple and no fun. Instead he aimed his arrow at the big, burly, heavily armoured battletank of a Nord standing next to Alain and fired it straight into his shoulder, enough to get his attention. "Who's there?!!" the guard angrily boomed, his deep voice echoing throughout the large dungeon room, loud enough to shake the wares and bottles on the long wooden table.

Gehazi found a level and pulled it, watching as bolts fired through the mounted crossbow and triggered a small explosion in the side of the room. It didn't kill or even injure anyone, but it was enough to make Alain and his cohorts jumpy. "Don't just stand there!" the Breton squealed in fear, "go upstairs and see where this disturbance is coming from!". Just as Alain spoke Gehazi fired another arrow that trickled off the side of the big Nord guard's helmet. Now the big burly man was angry. Several guards stormed up the staircase to see the disturbance. Gehazi fired an arrow that went straight through the eye of one of the guards, a Redguard woman, killing her instantly. The big Nord went to check on his fallen comrade as another guard, another Nord, approached. Gehazi fired an arrow that staggered the approaching guard. Before he could blink, all the Nord could see were two scimitars plunged into his chest. "There you are!" the big heavy armed Nord shouted as he watched Gehazi remove his blades from his kinsman's chest. Gehazi smirked and readied his swords, just urging the big guy to come on. The Nord charged head on, waraxe over his head. He slammed his axe just centimeters in front of Gehazi, who dodged the blow quickly. The Redguard capitalized and spun in circles with his blades, slashing around the big Nord. "Damn you! Fight straight up like a true warrior!" the tank screamed. The Nord lifted his axe from the ground and spun wildly, attempting to cut Gehazi down with powerful but clumsy slashes. Gehazi lunged again and slashed at the Nord several times. The big guy staggered back into the balcony. "What's going on?!" Alain whined from two stories below, unaware of the fight taking place. Gehazi shouted an unfamiliar language into the Nord's face, causing the big guard to fall off the balcony and plummet to his death.

Gehazi had no time to watch the fall, there was still Alain to fulfill that contract. He raised downstairs...and began to laugh loudly. He saw the fallen Nord, mangled body and all, on top of Alain. The little Breton's guard had fallen on top of him, heavy armor and all, but strangely Alain survived. But he was immobile, the heavy plate must have broken his bones...plus the Nord guard himself looked to be at least two-fifty or over. "Damn you...why?" Alain whined as he struggled to breathe. "You don't hurt a cute girl like that and get away with it my friend..." Gehazi said, readying his scimitars once more...

Soon back at Markath Gehazi informed Muiri, the cute Breton who contracted for Alain's death, that the mission was complete. He even killed her former friend in addition, but had no need of the silly poison she provided. Unlike most assassins Gehazi didn't mind a straight up fight. Must have been the Redguard blood in him. Muiri was grateful...and flirtatious, but most importantly she provided him with more than enough coin and then some for his deed. His first mission for the Dark Brotherhood was a major success. Muiri was cute and had reddish hair just like his beloved Ysolda, it was tempting but Ysolda was much more beautiful...one woman he wouldn't take gold or anything else over. Gehazi waved farewell and headed back to the Sanctuary to report his success...


The Experimentalist
hey celtic, I think it would be a good idea to post them as blog entries of this site. it would be easier to keep track of your amazing stuff. also, it's kind of hard to read in black fonts behind grey background >.>


Active Member
hey celtic, I think it would be a good idea to post them as blog entries of this site. it would be easier to keep track of your amazing stuff. also, it's kind of hard to read in black fonts behind grey background >.>

Good idea! I didn't think of that :p...I shall post them in my blogs then! :-)


Retired Moderator
I haven't even really thought of roleplaying in Skyrim. I roleplayed frequently in Oblivion but haven't yet in TES V. Although, seen as the new features in Skyrim would help alot in roleplaying, I might try it sometime in the future! :)

Syed Ahmad

New Member
Yea totally, thats what makes skyrim special.

My first character is an Imperial who had wandered into Skyrim looking to make money. At first, he worked at the wood industry, but later turned into a mercenary who did anything for money. Eventually, he learned about his destiny. He is the DovahKin !!!! Through advice from Parthurnox, Esbern, and the Greybeards, he becomes the savior of skyrim who loves to help people as long as the cause is good. He is a changed person. He resides in whiterun with his wife Camilla Vallerius and his newfound companion Meeko the Dog. He helps his wife run her shop and often goes on hunting trips with Meeko. Even after achieving such milestones, he continues to help Skyrim fight the remanining dragons and help anyone in trouble .

Jersey Dagmar

Just in time for the fiyahworks show! BOOM!
Just starting to. Here's the beginnings of the story I have cooked up for my Argonian character. I might use my blog to further her story.

Upon escaping Helgan, Adelphia quickly learned of the Dark Brotherhood from among her travels. Through determination and skill, she managed to become a member of the Brotherhood family. She hopes to also become a part of the Thieve's Guild, but not as a permanent member.

Her plan is to dismantle the Thieve's Guild, hopefully by becoming it's Leader, and using the title to gain recruits not for the Guild, but for the Brotherhood. Adelphia's loyalty is with the Night Mother and Sithis alone. And she wishes to help gain back The Dark Brotherhood's former glory, respect, and fear.


Realistic roleplayer
I've mostly been sticking to the good-guy Imperial grunt type build since I've gotten the game, and have yet to try many of the races, and character archetypes Skyrim has to offer. I'm currently working on a back story of a conniving Khajiit (I think that's how you spell it) caravaneer turned Skooma dealer who had to travel to Skyrim from her original home in the Cyrodillic city of Leyaweiin (again, I think that's how you spell it.) on orders of her betters in a not-so-tight-knit group of Skooma dealers and other wastes of the world, due to the blatant absence of Skooma dealing (you can catch the random Peddler traveling with Skooma, but no set in stone dealers.), and rumors of bandit cartels with various quantities. On the way into Skyrim, the Khajiit dealer was ambushed and caught with a fine amount of moonsugar and Nirnroot. The rest, I'm working on. That was just a summary of the idea, not the actual thing. I'm also doing a journal type story in which it will be in the Khajiit's perspective, and if you can't tell yet; I've yet to decide a name. Now I try to roleplay as realistically as possible, so hopefully it won't be a completely dreadful experience trying to find this stuff! Anywho, I'm open to any suggestions and tweaks I can make to my character, and I hope you guys can sort of help a guy out here. :p


Nord Warrior, Brom: He's stupid, naive, and foolish. But loves his mom and pet goat. Got roped in the entire fiasco via Imperials (intro). Now he loves adventurin' with his best pal Farkas and sends lots of Septims back home to Mom. The team got dubbed "The Brain-Dead Barbarians" cuz, ya know, they're stupid.

And when he defeated the dragon at Western Watch Tower, he was busy picking his nose as the Whiterun Guards watched his Dragon Soul Absorption Powah in reverence.

"I-I can't believe it. You're Dragonborn."



Dark Elf Night Brother, Protector of Nocturnal
I said it once, I'll say it again:
I get into character in this game so much so that when my beloved elf dies, I die a little inside.


Power Gamer
Not really, only role I try to stick as is how the character was made out to be, If he's good, do good intentions, if he's neutral do w/e flies easier for you, if he's evil; be a total dick.


Kendov – Warrior
Celtic! I too write stories for my characters! It started after I quit WoW last May and I have a 50 page story for my paladin. Now for my character, Skarvald, I have a 1 1/2 story so far... Here it is...

It was in the early morning of Turdas, Sun’s Dusk 10th - 4E 201. The sky was bright and the air was warm with the trees moving as if they were in rhythm with the wind breezing by. I was walking, rather running, in the forests of Skyrim, one of the many providences on the continent called Tamriel. The reason I was running is because I was in a hurry. I was on a mission given to me by the Imperial Legion, whom I was working for as a sell-sword, a mercenary if you will.

As I ran on the cobble-stone paved roads, I stopped at the place I was looking for, a small tunnel where some Stormcloak rebels had step up camp. When I finally arrived just outside the encampment, I noticed that there was only one of them there, sitting down and drinking mead. I unsheathed my blade and cunningly, like a fox, snuck up to the Nord soldier. I noticed some of his features while looking at the rebel. His face showed his participation in the war; a scar lay on his left eye. He had brown hair, long enough to reach his shoulders; it was not braided. He had no beard, but was clean shaven. Finally, I was ready to strike the Nord when he noticed me. He got up and unsheathed his blade shouting, “Who are you? What do you want?”

I looked at him and stood up from my crouched position. “Skarvald Bladeborn. I am here on a mission given by the Legion. I am a mercenary,” I said confidently. The Stormcloak scoffed at the sound of the word ‘Legion’ and spoke in response, “A sell-sword, eh? Tell me, who is your superior?” Normally I was not allowed to disclose that kind of information, but since I was going to kill this bastard, I decided I’d take the risk. “He is General Santai, stationed in Markarth.” My opponent then said, “Well in that case, you can die!” He charged at me, attempting to thrust his blade at my right arm. I ducked, and brought my shield up and successfully deviated the attack. I then rushed towards him, and tackled him, bringing him to the ground. I stood up, keeping a boot on his chest and pointed my sword to his neck.

He looked at me, grinning, “You’ve won. A fair fight, but may I have a few last words?” I looked at him and said sternly, “I’m listening...” He then continued, “So tell me, Skarvald, what do you think about the Legion? About them here in Skyrim, serving the Aldmeri Dominion – The Thalmor?” The question made me think about what I was doing, why I served the Legion as a hired soldier. “I.. I hate them...” I said, “They burned my village to the ground when I was but a lad.” Tears formed in my eyes, though I tried to hide them from being noticed. “Why do you care?” I asked him. He then replied, “Because I hate them as much as you do, Skarvald. Come, I have something to show you.”

We walked out to a cliff overlooking Markarth, the view was amazing from here. The Nord stood at the edge, facing me. He then yelled, “Now shout at me! Shout with the Thu’um and blast me off this place!” I looked at him in confusion, “Shout? Are you crazy? I do not know the Thu’um, the Way of the Voice!” The soldier then laughed at me, “Oh, but that is where you are wrong. The words are locked inside you, all you need to do is find the key to unlock them. I believe you have the power, Skarvald, to find that key and unlock these words. Now shout!” I then closed my eyes and felt a tranquil presence, then an energy rushing through me like nothing I’ve ever felt before. When I opened my eyes, I open my mouth, roaring at him. It was at this time, that I shouted the words of a dragon, “FUS RO DAH!” The shout almost deafened me, it’s loud amplified blast ringed loudly in my ears. The Stormcloak was thrown off the cliff, beyond my line of sight. I thought that I had killed him, but that is were I was wrong. I turn back for one second, and I hear a loud roar, something that had not been heard in centuries. It was the roar, of a dragon. I quickly face forward and see the soldier, whose eyes glowed bright yellow and wore wings out of his back. It appeared to be a dragon-hybrid of some sort... I shook in fear at the sight of it.

To my utter surprise, the dragon-hybrid spoke in a tongue that I could hardly understand in a deep voice, “Hin, joor. Hin fron do brom... Nust lost dwiin ahrk zin. Nuz, nust dreh ni lost faal Thu’um, faal zul do faal Dov. You, Mortal. Your kin of Nord... They have steel and honor. But, they do not have the Thu’um, the shout of the Dragon.” It then shouted with flames coming from it’s mouth. I raised my shield again to block his attempts to injury and was successful once more. I then shouted again, this time like him. Fire shot from my throat, though not as powerful as he. The word for this shout, was ‘YOL’. I do not know how I knew these words, but something told me that I had a destiny like no other. My opponent then roared in pain, “Hin... Hin Thu’um los zoor! Drog Alduin fent hon do hin ahrk hin zoor Thu’um! You... Your shout is legend! Lord Alduin shall hear of you and your legendary Thu’um!”

As he flew away, now as a full dragon, he roared with echo, “Daar los ni faal oblaan, Dovahkiin! Hin dinok fent kos morokei wah Alduin ahrk faal praan do faal Dov! This is not the end, Dragonborn! Your death shall be glorious to Alduin and the rest of the Dragon-kind!” Soon, I would be told that I had a destiny with the return of the dragons, a destiny that would save the world from complete destruction.


New Member
I also Roleplay; Roleplaying gives the game more purpose instead of just storming through the whole game collecting all titles and items and not caring about gear/skill tree you concentrate on the role your playing giving your character what it needs and sets your view on something you wish to achieve e.g Arch-mage of Winter Hold, Respected Master Magician and if you add yourself a back story its gives the game a spark that just increases the level of fun you can have whilst playing them and we all know they are superb games!


Is that all you got?!
Have to roleplay in TES, it's not a choice, it's that I can't help it. With any new game, it's always difficult to do so unless I've played a character for a few hours and have a grasp on the world, then I scrap that character and start over with one I can relate to alot more. Skyrim is the best one for roleplay, the random encounters and more animated denisons make it easier. In previous TES titles, like Morrowind, it was harder to do so with hardly anyone moving around, everyone stuck in the building they're in, etc. The first time guards chased me into someone's house in Oblivion, it really sucked me into the world...and while there's stuff that will always make Morrowind better, I'm much happier in Skyrim. Oblivion was good too, while it lasted, but I only played it for a year verses the 2 years I played Morrowind and the 3-4 I'll be playing Skyrim...


Intoxicated Arch-Mage
I made a Vampire Hunter recently, cause there is a fair bit of Vampires in Skyrim, they must be hunted. Will have to kill Solitude's Court Wizard somewhere down the track.


Old Fart
I seem to involuntarily roleplay a good bit.

I found myself in Riften starting the Thieve's Guild cycle. I was doing the bag man quest when one of the NPCs I was leaning on said something like, "Know you? You've been terrorizing everyone in town." This was after I'd first done a number of favors trying to earn my Thane-ship.

I had a significant twinge of guilt, stopped playing and though a bit. That's not this guy, I decided after deliberation and started back in a previous saved game.

I should tell you, however, when it comes to gaming, i'm capable of being one of the most nefarious SoBs there is, but it just wasn't this guy. He's a direct, upstanding, somewhat idealistic warrior who solves his problems with a greatsword and wants to end up as High King (please don't spoil me as to whether or not that's possible). I hope I can keep interest long enough to create a thief/assassin character and enjoy those parts of the game.

Go figure.


New Member
I ALWAYS roleplay in every rpg I play, I guess it comes from being an old school d&d player in my teens. I never power level through any of the games, always use appropriate equipment even at the detriment of other, better equipment if it doesn't fit the character's ethos. My current char is an imperial vigilant of standar ( whatever they are called ) she is basically a 2h sword, heavy armor palladin with lots of restoration magic, she uses turn undead magic a lot as well. She is a typical lawful good, girlscout palladin. She never does ANYTHING even remotely dodgy ( even if I know that theres a great reward for doing the quest ) she despises and kills all daedra on sight, will definitely not use daedric equipment and she refused to join the companions when she found out they were werewolves ( if the game mechanics would have allowed, she would have killed the werewolf companions the instant she found out they were lycanthropes. )