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Premium Member
I was very disturbed when I first found Shor's Watchtower. It was on my first playthrough and I'd just arrived in the Rift. I was pretty lost and had no idea where I was or how to get to where I was going. I'd been wandering in circles for a long time and it had been hours since I'd seen a friendly face. I saw the watchtower up ahead and my spirits soared. "Yay!" I thought, "A friendly spot! I can chat up the guards! If nothing else, it'll be nice to be in someone else's company for a little bit." I galloped toward it and...noted the dead guard propped up against the doorway. They were all dead, in smears and pools of their own blood, quietly rotting in the open air. Slowly, carefully, I went through the entire tower, stripping every body of its valuables, a growing sense of unease prickling down the back of my neck. I saw the note on the table but couldn't read it due to a glitch. I had no idea what had gone down here. It was terrifying to be in a place so still when you ran towards it expecting life. Nevertheless, I hightailed it out of there and never looked back.


...is not Sjadbek, he just runs him.
And, without a doubt, Innocence Lost. Walking in to hear a child saying those things....

It gets even worse when you realize an actual person had to voice that at some point.

Also, when your character is ambushed from the side by a sabre cat or bear that suddenly jumps into your screen. Especially when you're playing at night (or even a cloudy day) with the lights off.


I was very disturbed when I first found Shor's Watchtower. It was on my first playthrough and I'd just arrived in the Rift. I was pretty lost and had no idea where I was or how to get to where I was going. I'd been wandering in circles for a long time and it had been hours since I'd seen a friendly face. I saw the watchtower up ahead and my spirits soared. "Yay!" I thought, "A friendly spot! I can chat up the guards! If nothing else, it'll be nice to be in someone else's company for a little bit." I galloped toward it and...noted the dead guard propped up against the doorway. They were all dead, in smears and pools of their own blood, quietly rotting in the open air. Slowly, carefully, I went through the entire tower, stripping every body of its valuables, a growing sense of unease prickling down the back of my neck. I saw the note on the table but couldn't read it due to a glitch. I had no idea what had gone down here. It was terrifying to be in a place so still when you ran towards it expecting life. Nevertheless, I hightailed it out of there and never looked back.

I remember that, same thing happened to me. I saw that place, waltzed up there to find someone to chat with, then saw all the dead bodies... I think the letter was something related to the civil war, something along the lines of, they'd found group of rebels nearby, and to hold tight, reinforcements were coming...

I always find necromancers creepy, and Hobs Fall Cave was particularly gruesome. But if I were to choose one disturbing moment, it would be when I spoke to Sibbi Black-Briar. He makes my skin crawl.


Lost Falmer
That is almost more disturbing than the room itself... I think you may want to talk to someone about that reaction... o_O

Well it is a bit over the top; even necromancers clean up! The creepiest thing I've seen was Astrid durring that one quest, you'll know it when it happens *shiver*. Other than that only really when Falmer / Dragur sneak up on me do I get scared.


Premium Member
I exited Candlehearth Hall in Windhelm directly into a random vampire attack, only the second one I'd ever experienced. The first had not gone well at all and had taught me how little of an effect my current weapons have on the undead. In terror for my life, I booked into the Grey Quarter before I thought they'd seen me and dove straight through the door of the New Gnisis Cornerclub. But the vampires were hot on my heels, breaking down the door and wreaking havoc on the patrons of the establishment. I heard my Dunmer brethren fighting for their lives as I cowered behind a wall. I heard the only people I'd come to call kin in this frozen wasteland struggling and dying for my sake as I hid, shaking in horror. And then the thralls found me. In a rage, I tore them to ribbons and rushed out of my hiding spot, brutally stabbing the master vampire in the back while he was unaware of my presence. I couldn't believe it was over just like that.


Active Member
Most of my encounters with Belethor have been incredibly disturbing. From his "do come back" to his line about having something I'll really like, I have this fear that one of these days he's going to lock his shop doors and try to rape me.


The guards... They always seem to know everything, it's just creepy... "Heard you gave that Thalmor a black eye!" "Hail Companion!" "Psst... Hey... Hail Sithis!" "Heard about you. You're that one from the college." "Heard an old lady was murdered in her own orphanage." "Helgen, destroyed by a dragon. Can you believe it?" "Vampires, dragons... I swear the world is ending!" "Heard you escaped from Cidna mine and then got pardoned."

Inquisitor Saken

polan can into space?
O_O I never thought much about guards and their psychic powers.. Oh geez, paranoia fuel much? It's like Big Brother except you're out in the open while guards watch your every move, learn your every secret.. *shudder*


Well-Known Member
In The Book of Love, when you have to buy the poem from that bard (I'm sorry, "bard" . . . I think scare quotes are appropriate for him) and he says "Are you prepared to receive my golden words?" That mofo gets just all kinds of creepy!
Most of my encounters with Belethor have been incredibly disturbing. From his "do come back" to his line about having something I'll really like, I have this fear that one of these days he's going to lock his shop doors and try to rape me.
"Everything's for sale friend!" *pulls off pants as Siguird locks the doors*



Active Member
"Everything's for sale friend!" *pulls off pants as Siguird locks the doors*


Listen to the nervous way that Siguird talks when he says "I work for Belethor." There's a fear in his voice, probably because that sleaze ball of a Brenton is molesting him on a nightly basis. If they made a modern day version of Skyrim Belethor would be the guy with a white windowless van.


Getting jumped scared by a skeever, I literally nearly fell off my chair.


Cerberus Officer
There was one moment that made me think "this is why the game is rated M". I can't remember what fort it was in, but there were shackles on the wall with a pool of blood on the ground right under them and on the wall where a person was presumably strung up. There was one of those swinging spike doors and a lever near the door, and when you pulled the lever the spiked door went straight into the shackles. I don't know why, but for some reason it really got to me.


Dark Lord of Skyrim
The Dark Brotherhood had a lot of elements that disturbed me for a bit. First was the initiation by Astrid. Up next were Cicero and the Night Mother on where you get to embrace her not once but twice in the quest line. Finally, the Dawnstar sanctuary, with the captives being tortured.
Same here. The whole Dark Brotherhood quest is just a huge, disturbing trip. Love it.


Active Member
Same here. The whole Dark Brotherhood quest is just a huge, disturbing trip. Love it.

Yeah, it's hard to do that quest line and play a "Good guy" type character.

Phenomenal TJ

The One And Only
Really wasn't a fan of Cicero's detailed description of washing the Night Mother. Nor of getting in the Night Mother's coffin.

~Lady Dovakiin

Hopelessly addicted to Skyrim... <3
It sorta disturbed me when I heard the Night Mother's voice for the first time. (Hey, the audio was really loud and I was wearing headphones.. it was also 3:00 AM. :p) And the Black Door's voice gave me chills.

I hate the Morag Bal quest too.. *shivers*

Also, the Draugr and Zombies aren't pretty.

Ah... Can't forget this: "Ooooh oh oh Listener! That tickles! Oooh hoo hoo." Guess who?