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did you pirate skyrim?

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Well-Known Member


Active Member
Redrkt, you seriously disappoint me in your inability to grasp the concept that people only pirate to see if a product is worth buying.

the problem with pirating is that it is still stealing, and with some recent laws, if you are caught, you can go to prison over it. And to be honest, I am surprised that some people are stupid enough to actually say that they stole something and post it on the internet. On the contrary to what many people know, if the Police or who ever deals with this issue found this forum, they can trace the people who basically stole irregardless if they bought it for another systems IP address and arrest them. And it is people like this that is the reason why SOPA and PIPA almost became a law.

Edit: Grammar


Well-Known Member
the problem with pirating is that it is still stealing, and with some recent laws, if you are caught, you can go to prison over it. And to be honest, I am surprised that some people are stupid enough to actually say that they stole something and post it on the internet. On the contrary to what many people know, if the Police or how ever deals with this issue found this forum, they can trace the people who basically stole irregardless if they bought it for another systems IP address and arrest them. And it is people like this that is the reason why SOPA and PIPA almost became a law.

my point exactly,

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
Redrkt, you seriously disappoint me in your inability to grasp the concept that people only pirate to see if a product is worth buying.
You know that that is total BS. Pirating is theft. Period. I won't steal in the game and I certainly wouldn't do it in real life either. Cheap is no excuse and neither is "to try it out before i buy it". Join Gamefly if you want to try it out. I am sure we ALL grasp the concept. We just happen to have morals.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
You know that that is total BS. Pirating is theft. Period. I won't steal in the game and I certainly wouldn't do it in real life either. Cheap is no excuse and neither is "to try it out before i buy it". Join Gamefly if you want to try it out. I am sure we ALL grasp the concept. We just happen to have morals.
ShannonRutherford: I willing accept your disagree. While we may disagree, I respect your right to your opinion and own beliefs. Power to the Peeps!
While I totally despise those who pirate, I do think Bethesda could have easily undercut one of the arguments by offering a Demo version (maybe limited to the Helgen/Whitrerun area). This would allow anyone to get a feel for the game without being able to finish any of the major quest lines. Other games offer this level of Demo (i.e. Combat Mission) and it doesn't seem to have any detrimental effect on sales, in fact it was being able to play the Demo that convinced me to buy it.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
While I totally despise those who pirate, I do think Bethesda could have easily undercut one of the arguments by offering a Demo version (maybe limited to the Helgen/Whitrerun area). This would allow anyone to get a feel for the game without being able to finish any of the major quest lines. Other games offer this level of Demo (i.e. Combat Mission) and it doesn't seem to have any detrimental effect on sales, in fact it was being able to play the Demo that convinced me to buy it.

I was actually talking to a friend of mine at Sony and, apparently, this is a big feature of the new PS4 coming out. You actually would pay a nominal fee (he indicated around .99) for a demo, but Sony is insisting on it as they believe that it will drive purchases. I'm kind of looking forward to it as I'm a console dude that purchases his games as downloads.


Steam: Reaper0021
I was actually talking to a friend of mine at Sony and, apparently, this is a big feature of the new PS4 coming out. You actually would pay a nominal fee (he indicated around .99) for a demo, but Sony is insisting on it as they believe that it will drive purchases. I'm kind of looking forward to it as I'm a console dude that purchases his games as downloads.
I'd pay $.99 for a demo of a game to get a feel for it before I buy it. That idea would work perfectly for consoles I think.

Shadow King

Grand master of the Order of Talos.
to be honest games such as gta/elderscrolls dont really need demos in my view as each game follows the last really, people who have played previous titles know what they are pretty much getting. but for new players to the elderscrolls I can see how it can be usefull having a demo, plus im not to much in favor for a demo because if they released one waiting for the game to be released would be even harder, time would double for me lol


Active Member
Well, at least 86% of those two took the survey know the difference between stealing and buying.


Active Member
I'd pay $.99 for a demo of a game to get a feel for it before I buy it. That idea would work perfectly for consoles I think.

Personally, I feel that demo's should be free as you would have more of an incentive to try them out versus paying a dollar, but if it worked on consoles, than there is no reason why it would not work on a PC either.


Thane of Solitude
Everything I have and own is legal and paid for with my hard-earned money. If I want something badly enough, I'll either save up for it or simply buy it if I have the cash on hand. The price I'd pay for whatever it is I want is far cheaper than the price I would pay if I stole it and got caught, whether it's spending time in the pokey or paying thousands in fines. This is just how I roll, but to each his/her own.


Intoxicated Arch-Mage
Everything I have and own is legal and paid for with my hard-earned money. If I want something badly enough, I'll either save up for it or simply buy it if I have the cash on hand. The price I'd pay for whatever it is I want is far cheaper than the price I would pay if I stole it and got caught, whether it's spending time in the pokey or paying thousands in fines. This is just how I roll, but to each his/her own.

Death by snu snu! ;)

Yeah, punishment down under can be like 55,000 dollar fine and two years in prison. That and by my luck I would download a bloody virus, it's actually quicker for me to spend the 60 and have the game in my hands instead of waiting ages to download a game. The game shop is like around the corner.


Active Member
Death by snu snu! ;)

Yeah, punishment down under can be like 55,000 dollar fine and two years in prison. That and by my luck I would download a bloody virus, it's actually quicker for me to spend the 60 and have the game in my hands instead of waiting ages to download a game. The game shop is like around the corner.

This is my point exactly. Those who are actually defending this despicable act probably think that it is ok to steal, or are just completely ignorant to the fact that the development companies are implementing stricter anti-piracy laws which while it does not affect the pirates that much, is constantly affect the honest video gamers who do not pirate. For example, back in the day when pirating was not a big deal, we did not need anti-pirating software like Steam and EA's Origin, or the one that UbiSoft uses, and games use to only cost around forty dollars. Now, thanks to those damn thieves, we are not only paying an arm and a leg for it, but we are also having to constantly deal with the problems that the anti-piracy software tends to have just to play the game that we HONESTLY bought with our own hard earned money. Though, in the end I can understand why video game developers are doing this, and it isn't to screw over their fan base, but to just make sure they get some profit for their product that they spend years of hard work to make.

Why the neutral rating all of a sudden, ShannonRutherford ? You just said you respected my opinion, but deleted the post. :confused:
What it looks like to me, they are doing that just because we don't agree with their dishonorable philosophy. Hell, Shannon came onto my profile and insulted me when I was pointing out a fact to someone else just because I do not support piracy.


Intoxicated Arch-Mage
This is my point exactly. Those who are actually defending this despicable act probably think that it is ok to steal, or are just completely ignorant to the fact that the development companies are implementing stricter anti-piracy laws which while it does not affect the pirates that much, is constantly affect the honest video gamers who do not pirate. For example, back in the day when pirating was not a big deal, we did not need anti-pirating software like Steam and EA's Origin, or the one that UbiSoft uses, and games use to only cost around forty dollars. Now, thanks to those damn thieves, we are not only paying an arm and a leg for it, but we are also having to constantly deal with the problems that the anti-piracy software tends to have just to play the game that we HONESTLY bought with our own hard earned money. Though, in the end I can understand why video game developers are doing this, and it isn't to screw over their fan base, but to just make sure they get some profit for their product that they spend years of hard work to make.

It'll be getting harder as years go on, with the internet becoming a weapon. Governments are going to become more strict on cyber theft, hacking, bullying etc. Hell committing Cyber warfare can actually get you shot by NATO standards these days, apparently marks you as a valid target for conventional weapons. They're really stepping down on things since they realized what power the internet holds.