DB+Thieves guild in the same playthrough?

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An Unexpected Ally
So right now, I have a Redguard nightingale in the Thieves' Guild. Originally, I wanted him to join the Dark Brotherhood as well, but then I realized how conflicting roleplaying-wise it would be. He ends up being captured by Astrid, but then killing her, because he has a fetish against killing innocents. He does not go on to destroy the rest of the Brotherhood. My interest is dwindling in this build though.

My main problem is I really really want to do the Dark Brotherhood guest line again, but whenever I start up a new rogue character, I naturally gravitate to the Thieves' Guild. I then decided I would create a Khajiit nightblade (this would be my 2 Khajiit rogue and Khajiit character in general but my first nightblade ever) that would do both DB and Thieves' Guild. Problem is, I'm lacking a good believable backstory for why he would join both guilds. So far, I'm gonna say he was raised in a bandit clan in Elsweyr where he was educated and taught the skills needed to survive as a rogue. After Thalmor agents stumbled upon their campground and slaughtered his family, he in a fit of rage murdered all the Thalmor with some awesome power that he would later realize to be his natural ability to Shout. He then travels all across Tamriel with a new hatred for the Thalmor before arriving in Skyrim.

But it still doesn't solve the problem as to why he would join both DB and TG! D;

Saint Vicious

Still sober
A member of the DB heard of a high up member of the theives guild(you) and decided to contact you. He thinks you have skills the DB needs.

The Phoenician

Shiney, let's be bad guys.
Make him a sociopath. Stealing and murder are just a means to fund his revenge on the Thalmor.


Active Member
I played one character as a vigilante, similar to Punisher, but he lacked the skills needed to exact his revenge, or even investigate who was owed his vengeance.

Thus, he sought out any faction that would be able to enhance such skills. That justified TG, DB and Companions for him, though he knew he was using them all.


Hm. He could start off having so much anger he is slightly out of control, and kills some innocents. Then he joins the DB. But then by the end of the DB quest line his anger has subsided.And after some deep self reflection, he finds he's tired of killing and feels bad for the innocents, but with his stealth abilities, the only other group he'd feel comfortable in is TG, and likes their no kill policy. Though of course still hates the thalmor.

Or something along those lines.

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Considering the stories of half the members of the Thieves Guild, I don't feel the two guilds clash in role playing terms. Half of the characters were from a bandit or mercenary clan and decided to give it up and play straight without killing(somewhat). Even Delvin Mallory has connections with the Dark Brotherhood. Don't sweat it imo :D


Is that fur coming out of your ears?
Devon & Astrid have a business relationship, it's not like some Morag Tong situation, so ruling them both only consolidates your criminal empire.

Stigweard Ruadhan

Jeg er stolt. Jeg er sterk.
Make him a sociopath. Stealing and murder are just a means to fund his revenge on the Thalmor.

He is a 'Son of Chaos' and wishes to plunge Tamriel into disorder in any way, shape or form he can. If that means death, wanton theft or deviant behaviour then so be it!

He craves destruction and is, to quote a much more eloquent speaker than I, a "man who wishes to see the world burn" by his deeds...


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Devon & Astrid have a business relationship, it's not like some Morag Tong situation, so ruling them both only consolidates your criminal empire.

I'm not sure Delvin and Astrid's relationship was strictly business, if you notice the way Delvin talks about their past ;)

I've played both questlines on the same character before, though. One was a really mean Dunmer, who'd been held captive by rogue mages for a hundred years after an assassination attempt went wrong. He did some work in Riften to make ends meet for a while, but the whole "no killing" thing was a little boring for him, and the guild was clearly a shambles so he went to the DB and joined them. I've done it with others a while ago, but I can't remember my RP reasons for those.
Yeah, I've done it. You can do pretty much all the questlines except for the Stormcloaks AND Imperial halves of the Civil War in 1 playthrough. You need two to do both of those.

Doctor Langstrom

I want to be FEARED!
My female Nord, was once part of the Thieve's Guild, but her desire to actually shed blood made her eventually join the Dark Brotherhood instead. Now, she's not with both guilds at the same time, but she has connections with the Thieve's Guild from her time spent there.

Remember, both Guilds are aware of the other, and occasionally help each other out. It's not to far fetched to have your character join both and still remain canon within your own roleplay.


Lost Falmer
Greed for gold, be it stolen or DB style.


An Unexpected Ally
Thanks for all of your replies, but I'm looking for a good backstory for why he would be both a nightingale and a servant of Sithis. I'm thinking that maybe he would make a deal with Nocturnal in which he serves the Dark Brotherhood in life, but then serves Nocturnal in the afterlife.
Infiltrating one for the other? I mean, yeah they work together, but do they really trust each other? I bet the TG would love a mole in the DBH, or Maven would...

Doctor Langstrom

I want to be FEARED!
That debate's been done to death, and I have no interest in restarting it.

Lighten the hell up, you were the one who mentioned whether or not they trust one another. And many of the debates regarding Elder Scrolls have been done to death. Last time I checked, it's a Skyrim forum. The same debates will happen over and over. Don't like it, then why are you here?


An Unexpected Ally
Lighten the hell up, you were the one who mentioned whether or not they trust one another. And many of the debates regarding Elder Scrolls have been done to death. Last time I checked, it's a Skyrim form. The same debates will happen over and over. Don't like it, then why are you here?
Hey now, we're all friends here! No need to get so wound up about something like that. These are just theories about video game after all.