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(Theoretically) In a lore sense of course not game wise.

Lets just say that the Dovahkiin that we all know and love, for some reason died or..Vanished or something, before he could defeat Alduin.

With that being so, Miraak returns to Nirn unopposed but of course Alduin arrives to devour the world at some point.

Do you think he'd be powerful enough to stop Alduin? Or would he fail?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I wouldn't want to commit either way. Obviously he is the first Dragonborn, and he has numerous dragon allies who are pretty powerful. His Thu'um is strong, and he has the balls to do it, but I don't know if he would have the same strength on Nirn as he does in Apocrypha, hence the enthralling of Solstheim to build his temple. Had his temple been finished, and his power reinstated (for want of a better term) with Mora's grip on him relinquished, then I believe he could be even more powerful than our Dovahkiin.

Uther Pundragon

The Harbinger of Awesome
Staff member
Well, lore wise, the dragons were much more powerful. In the game, not so much. At least that is what I hope. If they were of the same strength in lore as they are in the game, I don't see how Alduin could have gotten the title World-Eater.

But since we are not talking about the game, I think Alduin would have given Miraak, or anyone else for that matter, a run for their money.


I know, You know
Wasn't Miraak thoroughly bitch-slapped by the Dragons (Or rather Vahlok the Dragon Priest) on Solstheim? Thus making him flee to Apocrypha? Doesn't sound like someone who could RoShamBo the "World Eater" Plus I don't think Mora ever intended on letting him leave...can't hide much from the prince of fate.

Kory Stukenborg

Proud Member of the Mercer County Facial Hair Club
Yes. Plain and simple.

Zatam Zar

.esrever ni ti daeR
I believe he could no doubt both lore wise as well as in-game wise.

Iveri Sarothil

Active Member
I think he'd be able to take Alduin out - if the Dragonborn didn't slay Miraak first. That'd leave Miraak with all those....Lovecraftian powers, as well as a very powerful Bend Will shout. I don't think even Alduin could stand against him.

The Honorable Gidian Diva of Sass

Sahrot Vahlok Spaan. Bahnahgaar. Minion #88!
Staff member
Game wise, Alduin would RoflStomp Miraak. I was sorely disappointed at how weak the devs made the poor sod.

Lore wise, it would be quite an even fight. My money would be on Miraak though. Not only is he supposed to be very powerful, but under the circumstances you stated in the first post, he would be prophesized to win. Without that prophecy thing going for him, he still has the advantage. He's learned A LOT in his time trapped in apocrypha. He has gotten stronger, and the "Bend Will" shout canon wise would just be game-breaking in the sense that anyone who used the shout would be unstoppable. Unless, of course, the Daedric princes or divines intervened.


What we do in life, echoes in the eternity !
Yes and no. I agree and disagree. We are forgetting about Paarthumax and the Greybeards. In the case Miraak killed our dragonborn and return to Skyrim to kill Alduin, I agree he is powerful enough to kill Alduin but would he be welcome in Sovngard ? And, if he is welcome, then he will probably try to kill Paarthumax and the Greybeards will not be that happy. Probably he will try also to eliminate them because he is so selfish that he wants to be the ONLY one out there with all the power and most likely, the greybeards will not be so good idea to leave them alive. That would be a heck of a fight, 4 greybeards against Miraak ? I think he does not have any chance at all !! He will fly away after he receive a welcome-4-unrelentingforce-shout from the greybeards, can you imagine, is like facing 4 Alduin or 4 dragonborns at the same time ... lol ... :bluedragon: :bluedragon: :bluedragon: :bluedragon: :vomit:= you are dead !!


Active Member
I doubt he would do that. At least for time being untill alduin beats any who might opose him. Then he would step in. But I am still not sure about victory, not even our dragonborn could defeat alduin allone, he was helped by heroes of sovngarde and knew dragonrend. Without dragonrend I doubt that Alduin could have been defeated.

Pretty Vampires

Bunny Foo Foo
I doubt he would do that. At least for time being untill alduin beats any who might opose him. Then he would step in. But I am still not sure about victory, not even our dragonborn could defeat alduin allone, he was helped by heroes of sovngarde and knew dragonrend. Without dragonrend I doubt that Alduin could have been defeated.

Speak for yourself. One of my past characters only needed 2 arrows to defeat him both times.


Active Member
Speak for yourself. One of my past characters only needed 2 arrows to defeat him both times.

The in game alduin is a puss...
If they were to create a lore one you would probably spend days batling him and drinking potions. But that doesnt sound fun now, does it?

Pretty Vampires

Bunny Foo Foo
The in game alduin is a puss...
If they were to create a lore one you would probably spend days batling him and drinking potions. But that doesnt sound fun now, does it?

That bow was strong enough to defeat 1,000 Alduins.


Active Member
That bow was strong enough to defeat 1,000 Alduins.

The in game alduin isnt lore friendly. If you want to try some of lore friendly alduin shoot him with a bow when he is rising that dead dragon in front of you and delphine.

Pretty Vampires

Bunny Foo Foo
The in game alduin isnt lore friendly. If you want to try some of lore friendly alduin shoot him with a bow when he is rising that dead dragon in front of you and delphine.

Nope. There he's just invulnerable to any damage, which probably wouldn't agree with lore anyway. Same as Brynjolf is invulnerable to damage, but he's not immortal except for in the game.


Active Member
Nope. There he's just invulnerable to any damage, which probably wouldn't agree with lore anyway. Same as Brynjolf is invulnerable to damage, but he's not immortal except for in the game.

That is exactly what he is without dragonrend! Dragonrend instills mortality in him.