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young but able
Ok :)


young but able
And Yeah I guess I could meet you at the skooma shop lol


I'm back, bitches
D'awww I feel so loved. xD

Name: Veloca
Race: Redguard
Gender: Female
Age: 22

Appearance: Short, about 5'5" with the typical sun-tanned Redguard complexion. Veloca has piercing blue eyes and short, wiry hair with bangs that always seem to fall in her face. In addition to being short, she's very slender and slim, almost scrawny. A series of scars run from just below her right eye across her cheek.
She wears leather armor/clothing, and a thin black scarf hangs loosely around her neck when she isn't fighting.

Combat preference: Veloca is a small, nimble fighter. Being a Redguard, she was born for fighting and is very quick, something which aids her greatly in a fight. She does not rely on brute force to take down an enemy. Instead, she darts around her enemy and waits for the perfect time to make a critical strike against them, and uses their own attributes against them.
She usually fights with two steel daggers, holding one in each hand, although she is adept at fighting without weapons as well.

Bio/History: Veloca has always lived in Riften. Born into a family full of violent and reckless older brothers, she was forced from a young age to fend for herself, whether that meant running and hiding or trying to fight her way out of situations. The fact that her parents only exacerbated the situation at home (her father was an abusive drunkard and her mother was busy "working" outside of the house all day) fueled the anger that was building up in Veloca.
When she was 18, her father came at her after an unusually long drinking bout, chasing her around the house with a dagger and broken bottle. While she was able to avoid the dagger, the bottle caught her on the face, leaving her with a series of small gashes bleeding profusely down her face (these would later form into scars that almost reached her eye). Veloca could no longer contain her anger, and, using the skills she had learned from living with her brothers and the Adrenaline Rush common to her people, was able to take his dagger and plunge it into his heart.
After that, Veloca fled from her home and sought refuge in the sewers underneath the city, which she assumed were empty. Soon after, she discovered the Thieves Guild, and while she did learn a few fighting tips from the members, she has never officially "joined". She performs odd jobs and runs errands for the members, but mostly works at the Ragged Flagon selling drinks.

Personality: Stubborn. Harsh. Unafraid to say what's on her mind. Hardly shows affection (only to Brynjolf, for some reason), even when she considers herself friends with someone. Will never back down from a fight. If you do happen to become close to Veloca, she will guard you with her life. But only if you do not misplace the fragile trust she places in you.

Ok, I think that's it! I may edit it a bit later, but let me know if you think I should change/add anything. :)

blue 468

Well-Known Member
Name: Aenar
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Personality: Nice on the outside but has a darkside.
Weapons: Steel sword, Steel Dagger
Background: He was born in Ivarstead but when he was really young his parents were killed by the Thalmor so he was raised in Honor hall orphanage. When he was 16 he ran away and survived by stealing whatever he could. When he was 19 he met a man from Cyrodiil who taught him how to use a sword. Even though he knows how to fight he still steals what he needs.


I'm back, bitches
Thanks! :D I was actually hoping it would come across as decent. I didn't know if it would sound too.. "Typical", I guess? I dunno, haha.


The Armored Troll
I don't understand why everyone's characters parents were killed when they were young. I know all the superhero's parents were murdered, but it's getting kinda old.


I'm back, bitches
Garashbur, if you look, a lot of peoples' bios on here (not just in this RP) involve dead parents. A lot of times, it's what fuels their character to do what they do. I don't think it "gets old".


young but able
Melee already explained Garahbur.

Mini Mongo

Drog Do Faal Mongonite Lahvu
Name: Sipro Firecairn
Race: Argonian/Vampire Lord Sub-race
Age: 785
Class: Rogue Assassin.
Gender: Male
Looks: Dark Skin, Red eyes, 2 horns, and a scar covering his left cheek (skin and eye colour change depending on his degree of blood lust.) 6'7 and average build.
Personality: Only speaks when needed, cold hearted, harsh, very brave and can rob you blind. But is very respectable to allies. Intelligent when it comes to plans, and persuades his enemies to dissapear with his money or die.
Weapons and Spells: A daedric bow enchanted with frost damage, two daedric daggers enchanted with soultrap on the right and paralyze on the left, and a full set of nightingale armour.
Misc: Bitten over 750 years ago the argonian was a great assassin, a shadowscale for the darkbrother, he was bitten at just 35 years old, just 200 years ago he was commited to the most powerful vampire lords in tamriel, he is a ancient vampire lord, ever since he has been fighting for the Vampire Lords. he became a nightingale just 20 years ago, 2 years later, he deserted them and took the armour. He now roams skyrimhunting for prey to kill, and his almighty goal is to kill all werewolves, and hircine himself. He has became a speaker for the dark brotherhood and is constantly on the rise, he murders, loots and steals. For over 500 years he has been learning the great dragon shouts and finally master whirlwind sprint, marked for death, unrelenting force, slow time, and can call upon a dragon ally he saved not 700 years ago. He often takes killing and stealing as a hobby, and many allies he has had, has ended up a rotting corpse. He wanders the soul cairne as a vampire lord taking the souls of the living..........and the dead. He was brought up a orphan, his parents left him on the side street, luckily saved he grew up and fled Solitude at just 16, he wandersskyrim for treasure and prey, and is always on the lookout for his contracts. He usually ends up in bars, looking for new recruits to use on his death missions, and likes getting into other peoples buisness, and hogging the treasure for himself.
Famous Quote: Are tactics may seem harsh, but there all for the right reason.

Sipro's mount:
Name: Shadowcairne
Race: Undead horse
Appearance: Pitch black with red blood stains down the horses sides, and the dark brotherhood symbol on the left side of the horse, covered in Sipro's gear.


I'm back, bitches
I wasn't trying to bash on anyone's character, I was just wondering what the appeal was to having dead parents.
While you may not have meant to "bash" on anyone's character, it certainly sounds like you were trying to, especially when a lot of the characters here have parents who were killed/are dead.
Personally, I don't think there's ever "appeal" to one having dead parents in an RP, but like I said before, it gives the character reason to go on whatever adventure/quest they're part of.