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Active Member
The game is fantastic, and I'm fairly certain the OP isn't complaining about the game in general or saying the game is broken, or sucks, or needs to be uninstalled. But it IS disappointing to see something as simple as grade 3 grammar mistakes in a product from a company with this reputation. It shows a lack of attention to basic details. It's one thing to be a grammar nazi in an online forum were people are simply sharing ideas and pounding out thoughts on a keyboard. This isn't "grammar nazi-ism", this is a comment regarding a game, and wondering how something this simple made it through quality control checks.

It's not a HUGE issue, but it is a frustratingly simple mistake that SHOULD never have made it into a final product. I roll my eyes every time I come across yet another typo... doesn't make me a grammar-nazy, or mean I hate the company or the game. It's more of a *sigh* moment.


The Experimentalist
man, some people just can't take jokes -.- The thread is just pointing at minor mistake and sarcastically over-criticize Bethesda for it. At least, I am


Uneducated guesses since 1983
A few minor grammatical errors? Shame on Bethesda and their inability to catch this blatant slap in the face to the gaming community's grammar skills. Obviously they should have shifted their focus from the thousands, if not millions of lines of code, to address such simple mistakes. Have they not heard of spell check? Sad, just sad. /sarcasm


New Member
That spelling error is more important than anything else in the game! I would rather have that fixed because now I can't enjoy the game! My intelligence is insulted! (I'm being fasetious)

Jersey Dagmar

Just in time for the fiyahworks show! BOOM!
LOL How dare a gaming developer reveal that they are indead...HUMANS, humans that make mistakes.


Thane of Winterhold & Windhelm, Harbinger
Do you know how many lines of script the designers have to check, there was bound to be some mistakes. The game is still amazing though.