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the tactics to this game are simple: strike from afar, silently, if possible. hide, retreat, disappear. redo. or, close in and use some controlling and mid-fire offensive. hide, retreat, disappear. redo. or, get h2h and dish it out and mix in some potions and spells here and there.

tactics, with the weak combat system that the tes games have is irrelevant if your not taking into consideration a person's roleplay, rules and character class.
Well, if that's your opinion, why are you trolling a thread about Battle Tactics? Sure, you can use crafting to make yourself nigh invulnerable, and 1 shot everything, which eliminates the need to think in combat. That's not the only way to play, though, and some of us actually enjoy a challenge. This is a thread for us, there's plenty of other ones for your strategy.


you can disagree all you'd like psiberzerker, but, it's pure fact.

this game doesn't have 'tactics' in the true sense. they are almost non-existent, unless, you count the shield.

the lack of tactics and competent combat mechanics has been discussed for years.
this game doesn't have 'tactics' in the true sense. they are almost non-existent, unless, you count the shield. the lack of tactics and competent combat mechanics has been discussed for years.
Which is why I decided to start a discussion of Tactics. Scroll up, there's 15 good examples right there. Your stated Opinion, no matter how popular, does not become a Fact, just because you call it that.


Well, if that's your opinion, why are you trolling a thread about Battle Tactics? Sure, you can use crafting to make yourself nigh invulnerable, and 1 shot everything, which eliminates the need to think in combat. That's not the only way to play, though, and some of us actually enjoy a challenge. This is a thread for us, there's plenty of other ones for your strategy.

i did state battle tactics. in fact, i pretty much listed the extent of them, except, for a bit more of the basics like archery and sneak.
i did state battle tactics. in fact, i pretty much listed the extent of them, except, for a bit more of the basics like archery and sneak.
And then you promptly declared those the entire extent of possible tactics. Then, the very next post, you declared that there Are no tactics in the game. Try not to contradict yourself while contradicting someone else. Now, unless you want to talk about Battle Tactics, I'd appreciate it if you'd find someone else's leg to hump.


Active Member
true enuf, though, i wasn't bragging. just stating a fact that many don't understand.

the tactics to this game are simple: strike from afar, silently, if possible. hide, retreat, disappear. redo. or, close in and use some controlling and mid-fire offensive. hide, retreat, disappear. redo. or, get h2h and dish it out and mix in some potions and spells here and there.

tactics, with the weak combat system that the tes games have is irrelevant if your not taking into consideration a person's roleplay, rules and character class.

If you think that the game only has that much in terms of actual tactics, then you have a rather shallow view of the game and how it can be played.
Just because you can make a character that could even kill Gods by just looking at them, doesn't mean you can't challenge yourself by doing things that aren't "standard", such as picking overpowered perks.

That's when these tactics are useful.


If you think that the game only has that much in terms of actual tactics, then you have a rather shallow view of the game and how it can be played.
Just because you can make a character that could even kill Gods by just looking at them, doesn't mean you can't challenge yourself by doing things that aren't "standard", such as picking overpowered perks.

That's when these tactics are useful.

i know that i have to come up with my own rules to make skyrim fun and lasting. why??

the entire game is shallow and weak. my rules make the game more fun.

i AM FORCED to use my mind in place of ACTUAL, IN-GAME MECHANICS that should already be there.


my god-character is just one way to play skyrim. and, along with strict DiD it was the only saving grace of skyrim.

the lack of depth, sophistication, difficulty and maturity is obscene, IMO.
All right, let's not start an argument about whether the game has any tactics. You use them, the game has nothing to do with it. If you have a build that can charge right in and beat down everything without bothering to block, that's your basic tactic. Here's where we run into the difference between Strategy, and Tactics. Strategy is everything you do before/outside of battle to tip the odds in your favor. This includes Crafting, Perks, and Stealth. If you position yourself correctly, and finish the enemy before they know you are there, there is no Battle, and Tactics are Moot.

Now, Tactics are what you do In Battle to win. They can be as simple as beat them until they daid, or as complex as switching from a bow to melee weapon, and shield as the advance in time to block, and bash them so they can't react before your finishing strike. That right there is an example of Tactics. I won't have this discussion bogged down with non-sequitor pinch-penny interpretations. That's what I'm talking about, and if you can't manage it, then find another thread.
my god-character is just one way to play skyrim. and, along with strict DiD it was the only saving grace of skyrim.

the lack of depth, sophistication, difficulty and maturity is obscene, IMO.
Then don't play it. Now, stop trolling this thread. I really hate to Report people, but you're becoming more than just an annoyance.


The blade in the dark and the hand at your throat
Web of Arrows:

I named this what I did because the way it acts like a web: Being nearly unavoidable and trapping the poor group of victims in your kill-zone.

The trick is too attract all your enemies into one spot and sneak around the outskirts of the battleground taking use of any cover. The perks to have here are stealth 5/5, Silent Roll, Deadly Aim, Silence, Shadow Warrior, Overdraw 5/5, Critical Shot 3/3, Eagle Eye, Steady Hand 1 or 2 (depends on personal skill I never need more then 1 point here), Power Shot, Quick Shot, and Bullseye.

Make a distraction in the center of the battlefield or snipe out someone near the center. Once everyone is there mostly quickly use silent roll as needed to reach a new spot of cover and pick off two or three more enemies and move on before you are detected. The closer they are to your last hiding place the further you need to move before you resume fire. If your spotted run away get as far away as you can hide behind something and use shadow warrior before quickly going to a new hiding place before you are relocated.

This tactic can, once mastered, eliminate large groups of enemies with constant deadly aim bonuses. This allows to ket many one-hit kills while often holding enemies in place that survive that first shoot. Tight knots of enemies that often form from this tactic as they try to chase your shadow can make it so you barely need to aim to hit them. The shout Aura Whisper makes this easier and in a tight spot Become Ethereal can be a good escape shout as it makes you invulnerable and able to run at no stamina cost.

There are countless ways to make this easier such as adding magic to conjure a bow, enchantments, poisons and potions to make it easier to get those one-hit kills, magic to make escaping easier when spotted. All of these can increase the effectiveness. But the best build for this tactic can be done at a cap off level of 27. While a suggested higher survival rate build can be done at level 31. The best part about this is it can be added onto easily as you add more skills to make it easier to do since it needs such a low level of build. It is a very adaptable tactic that can have many skills added to it.

This can be added to the typical assassin just by adding archery. Top it off it's a different way to play allowing you to play with your prey while normally avoiding all danger.

For an order of priority kill enemies in this order:
  1. Closest enemies.
  2. Enemies with torches
  3. Ranged fighters like archers and spell casters.
  4. Strongest brawlers you can definitely one-hit kill.
  5. Everything weaker then them.
  6. The next fastest enemy to kill.
  7. Bosses.
So you want to eliminate those who fight at range then everything you can one-hit kill moving strongest to weakest, then everything you can't one-hit kill moving weakest-strongest often ending with a boss.
This isn't the fastest way to kill, but it is effective and enjoyable.


The blade in the dark and the hand at your throat
i know that i have to come up with my own rules to make skyrim fun and lasting. why??

the entire game is shallow and weak. my rules make the game more fun.

i AM FORCED to use my mind in place of ACTUAL, IN-GAME MECHANICS that should already be there.

I have played this game actively since release. And I have yet to find anything weak or shallow about it, but that is my opinion and not yours and I respect your right to have an opinion. However if that is your opinion it is also my opinion you are in the wrong place.

However I must congratulate you on being the ONLY person I have ever found it necessary to ignore on this forum do to trolling. Just because you do not enjoy this game in the way that many RPG players do does not give you the right to troll these forums. Please be constructive to the over all discussion or leave these forums. I find it sickening to ever need to request this of a member of what I find to over all be one of the most enjoyable forum communities I have been apart of.

If you wish to express your negative views of Skyrim please do so in your own thread, and not troll a rather respectable member of our forum community simply because you do not share his opinion on the importance of the tactics involved for some peoples way of playing the game.

Yes Skyrim has flaws. No one here would deny that. But you have been a pest I have noticed in many threads of these forums and I do not appreciate your trolling of our forums. So please cease your trolling and nonconstructive behavior to our forums or quietly and politely leave. I find it rather upsetting to ask this of you, but I feel it may be what is required for the integrity of these forums.

~ Squirrel_killer-
I have played this game actively since release. And I have yet to find anything weak or shallow about it, but that is my opinion and not yours and I respect your right to have an opinion. However if that is your opinion it is also my opinion you are in the wrong place.

However I must congratulate you on being the ONLY person I have ever found it necessary to ignore on this forum do to trolling. Just because you do not enjoy this game in the way that many RPG players do does not give you the right to troll these forums. Please be constructive to the over all discussion or leave these forums. I find it sickening to ever need to request this of a member of what I find to over all be one of the most enjoyable forum communities I have been apart of.

If you wish to express your negative views of Skyrim please do so in your own thread, and not troll a rather respectable member of our forum community simply because you do not share his opinion on the importance of the tactics involved for some peoples way of playing the game.

Yes Skyrim has flaws. No one here would deny that. But you have been a pest I have noticed in many threads of these forums and I do not appreciate your trolling of our forums. So please cease your trolling and nonconstructive behavior to our forums or quietly and politely leave. I find it rather upsetting to ask this of you, but I feel it may be what is required for the integrity of these forums.

~ Squirrel_killer-
Fight's over, don't restart it.
Web of Arrows:
First of all, thank you for being the first, other than me to post a Battle Tactic. I'd call it more of a Strategy, since it seems geared more for avoiding combat through Stealth, and Range, but it's nice not being the only one in the conversation.

Now, let me see if I can pare it down a little, eh? What you will NEED is actually a much shorter list. Step 1, a good Bow. Won't really work without one, lest we forget. I respectfully suggest one with Cold for the tertiary Slow effect (after the Stamina drain.) Nightingale, Finerial's End, or some random bow of Freezing, if you want to DiY, this makes it harder for them to flee the Kill Zone.

Perks: Stealth(1) because at range, you're less likely to be detected in the first place. If you're up to 80, where you can afford 5 points in this, they aren't going to be detecting you anyway, so further perks here are wasted (Unless you're going to get close enough to backstab.) Backstab, like Stealth is a gateway perk to get Deadly Aim. Here's where the meat is, do as much damage as you can with each shot. Likewise, Overdraw(5) with Deadly Aim does 6x base damage with each shot. Hopefully you won't have to shoot them twice, but if so, they'll be Slowed.

Eagle Eye is nice to zoom in, but Steady Aim only if you aren't any good at leading targets. Power Shot may stagger, but it's mostly a gateway for Quick Shot. Faster draw time means more arrows in the air, and faster killing. Critical Shot may mean more 1HKs overall, and raises the odds that someone will be Critted, or Staggered each shot. I'd skip on Bullseye, because at a distance, in the dark, it can be hard to tell if someone just fell over dead, or just Paralyzed.

Silent Roll is very handy, but you can stand up, and run faster, without using Stamina, and relocate to a low profile spot. If they don't know you're there, you can just crouch long enough to get the Deadly Aim multiplier, then run to the next firing position. Not saying don't get it, but it's not absolutely mandatory unless you're going for Shadow Warrior. (If you do, you REALLY don't need more than 1 point in Stealth.) The upshot of all this troubleshooting is this can be done with a minimum of 40 Sneak, 3 perks in that tree, and still be just about as effective.

Conditions: This won't work for every fight. That's why we have different tactics for different scenarios. The ideal conditions that should make you think of this are 1) Night, or darkness. Helps you stay undetected longer, or break detection easier. 2) a valley, though a Fortyard is just as better if you can take the Walls. 3) High Ground. You want to have a high vantage point for maximum number of open targets, and make it as tough as possible for them to reach you.

Good points on Triage/Target priority. I'd also add, Archers, and Rangers. If you're safe from the meleers, but they've got enough bows, they can still out shoot you. Your primary advantage is Range, but only on those who don't have it. Shoot the Archers First, then the Mages from out of their range, then kill the hell out of the tanks that can't reach you, and are too slow to catch up. And the cardinal rule of Rangers (they even named a perk after it!) KEEP MOVING.