Spoiler Annoyed with Brynjolf

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A very naughty naughty kinky mage....
So Elyzona was chugging along on the main quest, and had finally met up with Delphine, etc, etc. Ely was told to go speak with Brynjolf to find the old dude in the Ratways; easy-peasy, right?

Not so much.

I was coerced into planting Madesi's ring on Brand-Shei (sp?) just to get information out of this man. My character isn't a goody good, but she wasn't really comfortable with doing it. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I don't understand why you'd be forced to commit a crime just to continue on the main quest. I'll have to keep this in mind if I ever create a truly "good" character.


Lady Imp

Rabid Wolverine
OMG Brynjolf....if there's any way to have a nerd-crush on a video game character, I have one on that man. I would steal Throat of the World for him if I could. I want him like you have no idea. Call me Lass aaaaaaaaaaaaaall day, baby. ;)

I do agree that Bethesda did a really bad job with letting us know that it could be gotten around, but I'm not gonna lie, the intertwining of the different guild questlines I found quite fun. My characters tend not to be straight good or evil, TBH characters like that bore the crap out of me. I like my good characters to have a bad side, my evil characters to have a good one. Makes things more interesting, IMO. The whole idea of a "OMG I really don't wanna plant this ring, but I gotta get the info cause I need to save Skyrim from the dragons, AHHHHHH WHAT DO I DO??????" dilemma...that's the stuff good RPs are made of.


Cerberus Officer
One of the many examples of the game railroading you into something you don't want to do. Becoming a werewolf with the Companions, needing to join the CoW to advance the MQ, the Forsworn Conspiracy, a Daedra's Best Friend, etc...there are literally dozens of quests that start without any warning. I hope for the ES6 they add a "turn down quest" option.

Nocte Aeterna

Sir Not-Appearing-in-This-Film
If you know where you're going, you can skip that bit entirely and head straight into the Ratway.


Stop Hodoring!
You can just go straight to Esbern... You don't have to talk to anyone.
Yeah I did this, I think it was the lizard in the inn who told me there was an entrance to the Ratway on the lower part of Riften, so I just went and said hi :D


Pastor of Muppets
You can't avoid Brynjolf, but you can kill him with console commands. :)


Well-Known Member
You can get in without the key, but you do have to join the college. You do the Saarthal quest, and when they send you up to tell the Arch Mage, he is in his quarters. You can stroll right on in. Now, I avoid those gems like the plague, so I have no idea if you will be able to sneak it while he's not looking, but...

Brynjolf ...anyone ever try to kill him? I don't know if it's a glitch or what, but I outright assaulted him in the town square, twice. My fault, my initiative, both times. Surprisingly, the towns people went at him right along with me, though the guards came for me, but he never loses an iota of health...no matter how high a level I am, what I hit him with. He is apparently glitched to be invincible. I am accustomed to not being able to kill certain NPCs, but you can usually force them to take a knee. Can't even make him blink.

wolfgang jack

Betwixt England and the U.S. is a man...
I have a passionate bromance with Brynjolf. We write each other sonnets. My favorite is one he wrote me entitled, "Lad". Best poem ever.

"If poems make coin, then let me be thy muse."


Except for those characters that just hate him and the Thieves Guild and try to kill him, only to have the untouchable bastard beat the hell out of them. Then he's an insufferable son of a bran muffin.


New Member
I'm lil late to the party it seem :D ...its been awhile, running a new playthrew due to my other save getting kurropt or something(mods & patch updates) and was pondering "Is there a way to NOT have him say 'never earned an honest days work...' statement?" and ran axross this.

Anyway, I think another way to By-Pass it is to just drop the ring and I believe tell him you lost it. Forgot what he'll say but ither way he'll lead you on to the next step. And I will say, while not the freest main-story-line game out there(though it might be one of the top models) it does open up alternate paths, even on the main story line. And some of the stuff it doesnt MAKE you do... like the Companions side-story, that's purely up to you. I simply stopped at the Underforge thing and went on to another city. Most of the deeds ppl feel "forced" to do are only that why kuz they want the gear from that mission.

Even the Dark Brother Hood, you dont have to join them.. you kan always join the other side and kill the would be assassins. Im sure its ways to do certain missions that not many people even know about.. yet. They may have even tweaked a few story missions in the patches for such a thing.



Well-Known Member
For PC users, there is a way to kill Brynjolf. I tried unchecking his "invulnerable" and "essential" flags in creation kit and it had no effect whatsoever, but I recently found a forum where they explained how to use the console to override it. You use setessential 1b07d 0 ( 1b07d = Brynjolf 0=killable, 1=unkillable ) and then use damageav health 1000, at which point he will croak right in front of you. I have no idea why just setting him non-essential and attacking doesn't work, but it doesn't for me, so this was my only other option.

Maven (1336a) and Hemming (13362) however, once set to nonessential, can be monkeystomped according to your preferred style.

Another option for ps3 / xbox users, which I have not yet tested but just heard about, is Mehrune's razor. I've been told the instant kill (if you can get it) even works on essential characters. I'll be testing that shortly, and will update.

Bye bye, Brynjolf. I have his body laying prominently in his sales booth, so the townspeople can rejoice while the rest of the turds guild watches and learns.


Joe --- If you find out about the Razor for X-Box I would really be intrested in Offing THAT REDheaded crook . :cowboy:

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
Brynhoff is just a douche. Especially the way he approaches you and accuses of being lazy and dishonest. On many characters I just ignore him.

On my good characters I just cut him short and he leaves me alone and get the information on Esbern, first from Kerava (it's a rumour I think) and then from the bartender at the ragged flagon, or, on my first playthrough there were enough hints that he was in the ratway (especially from the torture victim at the embassy) that I just assumed it was the ratway. No one bothers you in the flagon anyhow so going through the backdoor isn't a problem.

Bryn isn't so bad if you are a character that wants to play a thief, but the whole set-up is kind of stupid. What kind of self-respecting thief would pull crap like that? Sure I'll rob Modesi blind and still provide him with his supplies so that he gives me his lockbox key, but I don't dislike the guy and I kind of feel sorry for Brand-Shei.

Oh well, like I said in another thread. Current character Ingin is a nasty piece of work, so now I'm trying to work her tendancy to kill every one of her marks (when they're asleep preferably) just trying to piss off Brynhoff. (I'm actually trying to see if there is any reaction to anything other than a little bitchin'). He may pout, but he never does anything about it. Maybe Ingin isn't cut out to be a member of any guild.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
For PC users, there is a way to kill Brynjolf. I tried unchecking his "invulnerable" and "essential" flags in creation kit and it had no effect whatsoever, but I recently found a forum where they explained how to use the console to override it. You use setessential 1b07d 0 ( 1b07d = Brynjolf 0=killable, 1=unkillable ) and then use damageav health 1000, at which point he will croak right in front of you. I have no idea why just setting him non-essential and attacking doesn't work, but it doesn't for me, so this was my only other option.

Maven (1336a) and Hemming (13362) however, once set to nonessential, can be monkeystomped according to your preferred style.

Another option for ps3 / xbox users, which I have not yet tested but just heard about, is Mehrune's razor. I've been told the instant kill (if you can get it) even works on essential characters. I'll be testing that shortly, and will update.

Bye bye, Brynjolf. I have his body laying prominently in his sales booth, so the townspeople can rejoice while the rest of the turds guild watches and learns.
I have absolutely no desire to kill any of those NPCs. If I killed every NPC that didn't treat me like a God then there'd be no-one in the game. Frankly I like Maven. Hemming I can take or leave and Brynhoff, while annoying is actually okay once you join the Guild. Maybe I'm weird, but I like the over the top characters (Maven, Jarl Siddger, etc...). Most of the NPCs are so boring that they're little better than window dressing. To me, Harkon is more fun to hang out with than any of the Companions or any of the characters from the Civil War or main questlines.


Well-Known Member
To each his own. I just view them as criminal scum, who spend their time preying on the innocent townspeople.

Daelon DuLac

How do you backstab a Dragon?
To each his own. I just view them as criminal scum, who spend their time preying on the innocent townspeople.
But, then again, with all the murders we commit, aren't we, as players pretty scummy too? If we didn't wander in to the hideouts, barrows and caves, we wouldn't have an issue with any of them and we do rip everybody off by looting their bodies, grave robbing and (if you do thief) just plain taking anything that's not nailed down so we call sell it. And let's not get started on all the unneccesary killing of wildlife and destruction of the environment so that we can get skins, pelts and do alchemy. It's not like we're all that pure either.


Well-Known Member
I suppose that's something we can only judge individually, but you're on to something. We'll happily rob graves, but we won't push around the poor shop owner. Whether victim vs. victimless crime is really any different is debatable.


Well-Known Member
The only, ONLY reason I'd go join the Thieves Guild is the Nightinggales quest as well as the excellent final quest (at least I think so) chasing after Mercer.

Thing is, I "like" the people in Riften, and have made it my home. So going around to force "protection" on them, or to put someone in jail on Bryn's say so doesn't fly with me. Especially Maven! There's an old woman in Whiterun who always says that she and Maven know their places, and they know everyone else's place as well.

That and I have a "real world" policy, "never s__t in your own back yard".


Well-Known Member
Brynjolf is definitely one of the most annoying NPCs in the entire game, for reasons already stated. You can't even knock off his bottles of "Falmerblood Elixir". -.-
I got pretty good at entering the inn (or some other building) just as he initiated his stupid dialogue. That way I didn't even get the "Listen to Brynjolf's scheme" miscellaneous objective, and he never bothered me again.
I managed to persuade him a grand total of one time; the Speech level requirement is high. "Passing on a golden opportunity is worse" is something I never want to hear again... :rolleyes:

Now it seems that my "Destroy the Thieves' Guild" mod has changed Brynjolf's behaviour; the first time I entered Riften he was already trying to scam people and totally ignored me. \o/