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    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    If there was one thing Kir prized as an assassin, it was his senses. He could read people like scholars read books. As he was observing the high elf in the Shadowed, he noticed why the Jarl may fear. "A vampire? How interesting. I haven't fought one of them since that Brotherhood thug." He studied the face a bit more, "By the Nine." A smile lit up his face. "The Terror of Falkreath! This will be fun indeed."

    "You reallys shouldn't mention the divinees here..." Muld walked up to Kir, the small scamp shaking his head in the homurously small nordic helm. "It could attracts the wrong attenions. After alls, your the first mortals to ever be in this place." Kir patted his familiar and friend on the back. "Ah, you worry to much Muld. Live a little!" Muld rolled his black scamp eyes. "I far olders than you-" Kir interrupted, "Your only a hundred." Ignoring Kir's comment he went on, "-and you worry too littles." Kir shrugged. "Now be silent, I'm observing our prey." Muld stood there for a second as if thinking. Then swiftly punched Kir's thigh. Kir ignored it now deep in thought on how to hunt his prey and kill him...and any in his way.


    The Shadow in the Dark.
    Salthar nodded in agreement with female Bosmer's statement. Stormcloaks had a way of ruining a perfectly fine day. Or life. He noticed the slaver, Ghubaric approach, then pause and walk away. That alone was enough to tip the experienced vampire that something was off. he hadn't known the slaver for long, but from what he had seen of the man, the slaver wasn't one to change his course of action without accomplishing his goals.

    Frowning, he turned and scanned the crowd, looking for anyone that wanted to have the slightest chance of killing him would take the utmost care to remain concealed. Completing his scan of the immediate area, it appeared his would-be-killer agreed. Excusing himself from the company of the Bosmer woman, he walked down the street, waiting for his assassin to make the fatal mistake.

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    In the Shadowed Kir saw the target start to head down the street alone. Muld tilted his head ast Kir who wasn't following the vampire. "Why do you stay stills? He is goings off alone. Now would be the perfect times." Kir shook his head silently. He had grown serious instead of joking now. He stared hard at the back of the robed figure. "Smart...No, Muld. He didn't become 'The Terror of Falkreath' for being easy to kill...no..." Kir smirked, "This will take a different approach. He wants me to come after him, but his mistake is thinking he's dealing with a normal assassin or even the Brotherhood."

    Kir smile grew, "This will be even more amusing than I first believed. But have no fear Muld, I have never failed." He drew the mysterious Spear-Thrower. "And I never miss..."


    Proprietor of Thy Lady and Lord
    Nadir felt it before the hound even uttered a sound. Creeping death. She cast her golden eyes about, scanning the area. There was nothing to see, but she knew better...she knew this feeling well, and knew exactly what it meant. Somewhere, soon, here, a death was to take place. She could tell that the Almter had noticed it too, but he foolishly left her side. She scoffed and watched him go. He had an air of arrogance about him that Nadir both admired and loathed. She thought about chasing after him, but reconsidered. Her pockets were getting low on gold, and if she was correct in her assumption on what was going on, the shadowed one might be able to help her. Inching silently to the nearest clutch of darkness, she leaned against a wall, still seeing nothing, but knowing someone was there. She pulled out an apple and bit into it, using the chewing motion of her mouth to hide her speech.

    "I wouldn't do whatever you're planning to do just yet. There are guards, Stormcloaks, a powerful vampire, it seems, anyway, I am not entirely sure, and a skilled swordsman who had a demonic blade. There is too much risk, even using arrows, which I am sure was the plan, wouldn't you say?"

    She did not expect a reply, but could feel an air of incredulity settle. Unless she could convince this person, he or she would be liable to kill her just for interrupting.

    "We share the same Mother, you and I."

    "She reached down and pulled the fur satchel attached to her armor to the side, revealing a small black hand tattoo printed way up on her thigh; the very same that Ghubaric had failed to notice at the tavern.

    "Trust me. Whatever you are doing, I am on your side."

    She took another bite of her apple, and chewed. And waited. And chewed.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Ghubaric emerged from the alley where he was conversing with the guard, his new associates taking the guard for processing. Ghubaric saw Salthar walking alone, Ghubaric wondered what his plan of action would be. Ghubaric faked a drunken walk as he aproached, drapping himself over the Hodded Vampire.

    "Aye Buddy... Howzz it been going..." His slurred speech was unneccesarily loud. Salthar had a look of disgust, but didn't say anything when he didn't smell wine on Ghubaric's breath.

    "Professional... looking for The Terror of Falkreath..." Ghubaric had to whisper this for you never know.

    Yessss. Ghubaric had his hands on Umbra and Songbird. We will have to act fast, Ghubaric told the sword. Ghubaric trusted most of his skills when it came to swordsmanship, but that he had in mind would be difficult for anyman.

    "Have... I... told a-you... about Redguard swordmasters of old..." His voice once again booming and slurred.

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    Kir watched the fellow bosmer walk over into the shadows. She even passed through him the Shadowed. She pulled out an apple and bit into it, using the chewing motion of her mouth to hide her speech. "I wouldn't do whatever you're planning to do just yet. There are guards, Stormcloaks, a powerful vampire, it seems, and a man who had a demonic sword. There is too much risk, wouldn't you say?" Kir smiled and chuckled though she could not here it. The guards on are my side, I helped the Stormcloaks in the war, the redguard is of no concern to me, and the vampire is my target. "We share the same Mother, you and I." Kir laughed again, "I doubt it." She reached down and pulled the fur satchel attached to her armor to the side, revealing a small black hand tattoo; the very same that Ghubaric had failed to notice at the tavern. "Aw, the Brotherhood. And she thinks I'm one of them. How cute." But he did admire her skill, grace, and intelligence disguising deadly power. "Trust me. Whatever you are doing, I am on your side." She took another bite of her apple, and chewed. And waited. And chewed.

    Kir looked to Muld and handed him a scrap of paper, "Give that to the nice bosmer maiden will you?" The paper said, "The Silent hears and thanks you for your advice." Satisfied Kir said, "Don't say a word. All brotherhood know of The Silent. She'll know what it means." Muld smiled as best a scamp could and nodded. Before materializing in front of the woman.

    Kir turned his attention back to the target and saw the redguard, very obviously faking being drunk, saunder over to the vampire. He saw his lips move and read his lips. "Hmm, warning the vampire already aware of my presence. Intelligent. So he has an redguard with him? He gets in the way he dies." Kir smiled, "This is either going to be very fun or very complicated. And I should try to keep this from becoming too bloody."


    The Shadow in the Dark.
    Salthar very nearly cursed aloud when the Redguard stumbled into him. Then the Redguard, among some meaningless other drivel, spewed out what Salthar had already suspected. "Interesting" he murmured to himself. Hundreds of people had reason to want him dead, and the Altmer vampire could appreciate that. However, he couldn't allow the person that had ordered his death remain alive. Perhaps he would torture the information out of his killer before he eliminated him.

    When Ghubaric started rambling about some Redguard sword masters legend, he glanced at the man. 'I could always use him as a shield, if my murderer is planning to use arrows. Or simply throw him into their path..' he thought. Then he smiled "no, you haven't, but I'm interested to hear about them"

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Ghubaric smiled when Salthar pretended to be interested in his history leason. Ghubaric slowed his breathing not actually telling his story though going through the motions like he was, Ghubaric took a wild guess and believed that it would be an archer. His palms resting on his swords' hilts. Ready for that fateful shot, and hoping to Talos he would be fast enough.

    Don't worry I think you will be fun to torture and consume. Ghubaric wondered what the blade ment by that. Ghubaric remember what his Khajiit mentor had taught him, and he new he would be safe. Then he felt it Umbra hanging on his left felt lighter, and so Ghubaric smiled. There goes some of the balancing issues, Ghubaric realized. What a magnificient blade.

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    Kir let them go for now, he was already going through 57 different plans. He decided on one finally and put up his bow. He smiled as he walked in the Shadowed up to the redguard and slipped a small stone in his pocket stealthily. He would soon discover this gift and it would help Kir in his goals. He walked back over to the shadows which held the young, bosmer woman and watched her reaction as Muld appeared in front of her holding a small piece of paper.


    Proprietor of Thy Lady and Lord
    Nadir watched in absolute confusion as the assassin finally revealed himself. He was a Bosmer, same as she and before she could utter a word, he left the comfort of the darkness and headed towards Ghubaric. This wouldn't be good, she thought, and on her hip, Valtieri hummed gently, reassuringly.She muttered under her breath to the blood red dagger.

    "Yea, you would be okay with it..."

    The dagger had an intense blood-lust, she had learned and was well-suited for the name it was given. Of course, not truly housing a soul, it did not response her to comment. He slipped by the Redgaurd, but Nadir wasn't sure what he had done...The man did not fall to the ground, so he had not been immediately injured. Poison, perhaps? He made he way back to where Nadir stood and looked completely passive.


    Before she could finish, a small creature appeared before her. Her eyes widened in awe. It was a scamp! Or, rather, a smaller breed of Scamp. She looked it over, intrigued, but unsure. Why was it here, or better yet, HOW was it here? Her golden eyes glowed in interest and she watched it closely. It was holding a sheet of paper, which was odd... It seemed to know the assassin, so Nadir looked at him, then the creature, then him again, raising a well-arched brow.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Ghubaric felt a chill. When people don't respond, Ghubaric cited the old proverb. You think you have successfully decieved them, but truly your are the decieved. His hands were basically in his pockets, the small stone hit his hand. Ghubaric caught it with barely a motion. What an odd gift, Ghubaric thought.

    It was him... Oh thank you Umbra, Ghubaric replied sarcastically. This assassin wants to play games odd so either he is bored professional or that stupid. The former if Ghubaric had to guess, when guards are commanded to ignore crimes that speaks of power. Ghubaric sighed he wanted to test Umbra's new form, but that had to wait. Wonder where Nadir is, Ghubaric thought, it was still good business and Ghubaric wanted to celebrate. Ghubaric left Salthar and the waltz in his step returned.

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    She was looking a Kir. How in the nine divines? He thought. No one can see me in the Shadowed Realm. He scratched his chin puzzled. He smiled charmingly at the bosmer as her golden eyes widened. He faded back into the real world for a second. Just long enough to cast a shroud of darkness. The shadows areound the bosmer deepened to an unbelievable darkness. One even she could not see through, Muld took the hint and slipped the paper into her pocket as the pair faded away. By the time the shroud lifted around the young woman, they were long gone. Leaving her confused and alone.

    Now on roof, back safely in the Shadowed. He stood high in broad daylight, it was always amusing to do so. He could stand right next to his targets and not be seen, heard, or touched. But she had seen me, This hought in Kir's head would not leave him. I'l deal with that later. Kir watched happily as the redguard discovered his gift. "This is going to work out nicely."


    Proprietor of Thy Lady and Lord
    Suddenly he appeared in sharp detail as though he had stepped through a heat wave and then a dark cloud of darkness engulfed her; she reached for her dagger to defend herself but it was unnecessary. The darkness faded, and he was gone. Nadir blinked a few times, then looked around, looking for any sort of disturbance; there was none, she she assumed he had left, or at least to another part of the city. She hmm'd, and tucked her hands into her cloak and brushed against something rough.

    It was a piece of paper... The assassin must've planted it in the shade of the darkness he'd cast. She pulled it out and studied it, a little unsure of what she was reading and what it meant. She looked up once more, and spied Ghubaric and Salther across the crowd. She stuffed the paper back into her satchel and headed their way, determined to figure out why the strange assassin had left this missive on her person.

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Ghubaric looked up to find Nadir striding towards him and Salthar. She had a new cloak, which hid yet hinted at her figure, yet it also spoke of her departure. Ghubaric bowed to Nadir, and was smiling as he straighted out. Why would anyone stay for you? Ghubaric paused at that thought, it sounded like his mental voice but confidence was never lacking for Ghubaric. fluff you Umbra, Ghubaric thought his exspression hardening for just a moment.

    He remebered the visions Umbra caused the woman bound and soundly executed. Ghubaric still won there engages in his mind. Don't worry I think you will be fun to torture and consume. What could it mean by that, Ghubaric wondered. The new shipment was coming in and his newest captures were being sent out. Ghubaric looked out and wondered why he even stayed so far, that is when his hand touched the gems and the assassin's stone. Somethings have to be finished here, yes and then I will move on.

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    Kir finally frowned. The bosmer was walking towards the vampire, "A vampire, a redguard with a cursed sword, and a brotherhood assassin. Sounds like the set-up to a bad joke." He shook his head not particularly wanting to kill her, not just because he didn't kill women and children. It was something else. He felt drawn to her as a fellow assassin and as a rival, but also to the mystery as how she could see him. "I should have charged more, this could become ugly very fast and innocents could be hurt."

    Kir got an idea and smiled. Muld knew what he was thinking, "No! You can't do thats." Kir ignored him front flipping off the rooftop and moving unseen through the Shadowed. He stood in front of the strange woman that could see him, his face hidden in shadow. The only visible feature was his charming smile. The woman looked shock. I wonder if she knows she's the only one that can see me? He thought. He held out his hand to her as her eyes widened with curiousity in a gesture of peace. This should susprise the redguard and the vampire easily.


    Proprietor of Thy Lady and Lord
    Out of nowhere, she saw him again. Well, saw his charming smile, anyway. The rest of his form was obscured by the shadows he was wrapped in, nothing more than a large blob on black backdrop. She stopped and looked past him at Ghubaric who had taken a moment to turn away but he nor anyone else around had noticed that the Bosmer assassin had materialized in the middle of the street. He held out a gloved hand to her, almost in a courting manner and Nadir eyed it, immediately suspicious.

    Whenever an assassin is nice there is usually a catch... Even still, he knew what she was and it was unlikely he would hurt a fellow killer and the Beast (who was usually good about warning her of danger) was sitting quiet. She took another look at Ghubaric. She frowned a little, missing him; they had become quite close on their small journey and she did enjoy his company. She remembered the dress in her pack and felt even worse; she had bought it to wear just for him.

    Even so, these were hard times and there were no friendships or love that couldn't be corroded away by a sense of self progression. This was another assassin, a skilled one, who probably had ties to all manner of important people and Nadir needed coin. She looked back into the dark cloud, again at that disalarming smile. She thought for another moment, then reached out and took his hand...

    It was cold as ice and it sent a jolt through her body, and the next thing she experienced was a suffocating darkness.

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    "Welcome to the Shadowed...a blessed realm for people like us." He smiled as she took in the surroundings, It was abyssal black but you could see everything. People walked around them, even through them unknowing this world was hidden right in front of them. "Take some time I'm sure this is overwhelming, your only the second mortal to ever enter this place. And don't worry no one can see us, hear us, or touch us."

    He smiled larger as her eyes widened and realized the value of his skill and this realm. His face was still hidden from her save his smile. He stood nonnchalant and in a friendly manner. After all, she could help me. He held his arms open showing the Shadowed Version of Falkreath. "What do you think of my own little piece of Oblivion?"


    The Shadow in the Dark.
    Salthar headed out of the cursed sun. Not because of fear of an assassin targeting him out in the open, more because he desired to be as powerful as possible for the upcoming conflict. He entered Dead Man's Drink, and sat, in the corner, as was his custom. ' All these years,' he mused to himself ' I've been right under their noses and the fools never even noticed me'

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Ghubaric sensed something odd and turned to find Nadir gone. What in Oblivion, Ghubaric thought. Yes what in Oblivion indeed. Ghubaric wondered if the sword was hinting to something. The air was hushed chilled, the lack of mirth was the first hint that something was going to happen. Guards paid off, less patrons at the Inn, Ghubaric was not looking forward to the action. He touched Songbird the old scimmitar gave him comfort. He moved away from Salthar taking refuge at one corner of the Inn. We should kill him prove our ability. Ghubaric sighed you can give a blade setinence but you can't give it intellegence.


    Proprietor of Thy Lady and Lord
    Her initial shock fading, she smirked. This was quite impressive. She'd heard talk of a realm outside of reality but had never been there herself, at least...not in Bosmer form. The beast raised it's head and sniffed the air, a sense of familiarity coming down. It was no stranger to this place... Nadir folded her arms and the cloak slipped off her shoulders now hanging just by the tie around her neck. It rippled and floated in the breeze generated by the swirling darkness. Beyond the shadows, she did see people milling about oblivious to the two Bosmer standing in the middle of the path.

    "It is...impressive that you have such a command of it. But may I ask why you decided to honor me by the invitation? And I use the term loosely, mind you."

    Assassin or no, Nadir was quite adverse to being dragged into realms she was unfamiliar with...she shuddered thinking of the first, last, and only time she visited another realm...the hysterical laughter and bright colors still haunted her dreams from time to time.