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Hey everyone.

So I haven't played skyrim for quite a while, and decided to start playing again.
I have created a really cool looking Necromancer type character, but I am not sure about what build I should choose for him.

The way I see it, the character is not a melee combat character. I don't want to be using sneak either.
I feel like conjuration (obviously), alchemy, destruction and illusion should be the main trees to use.
I am not sure how beneficial alchemy is, but it just seems like something a necromancer would be doing: creating poisons and potions..

I want the character to be a vampire, seems like it couldn't hurt for him to be undead..

Now taking all these things into consideration, I can't find a good level 50 (ish) build for the character..

I will need restoration (as a vampire) and enchanting seems to be the way too.

This means that alchemy may lose it's purpose (I can heal myself with magic..) but I don't feel like giving it up.. It also looks pretty cool to me if I walk around with a dagger and some poison in the inventory, just in case (but I don't want to spend points only for that..)

I am pretty sure that some of you have played a character like this, what do you think about alchemy for a necromancer?
Maybe you have other suggestions as well.

Thanks in advance:)


Well-Known Member
You could use Alchemy without using perks in it. A necromancer can get by just fine without enchanting too. I like this topic so I'll add more later when I get home tonight


Well-Known Member
Also do you have Dawnguard?

This is my current playthrough. You might find something useful in that thread. If you trade archery for destruction and add robes I think you'll be fairly close and heading in a solid direction. I would probably prefer destruction gear because it takes a lot more magica than conjuration. Or you could just go with necromancer robes if you want that look.

Illusion doesn't work nearly as well without sneak until you get up to invisibility, and some sneaking only makes sense if you are trying to avoid melee. It works just fine without any perks too as long as you are in clothes or light armor or you stay muffled when you need to.

I would use Alchemy unperked for fortify destruction potions since they increase damage. Since you are using Alchemy and Conjuration, you could use bound bow to deliver poisons since you definitely don't want to get up close.

Definitely pump extra funds into restoration training because it takes forever to level (if you are going for necromage)

Once you are a master conjurer/necromancer with twin souls, you won't need to sneak much at all anymore, but it will be extremely difficult at low level without any stealth.

If you have Dawnguard, there is some pre-enchanted vampire armors with Magica regen or cost reduction. In light armor you could get stamina regen from Windwalker, and that would just leave you with health regen to worry about in daylight. If you use the cost reduction vampire armor, you can get the magica regen from the Restoration tree(but i really doubt that will be enough to fuel destruction spells in daylight)