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    Footsteps interrupted Relams nap. He quickly jumped up with his flail in one hand and fire burning in his other. An elf stood before him, his weapon also ready. "I don't want trouble wood elf" Ralem stated, preparing his feet to charge.

    OOC: The elf is Valen


    The Vokun Ronaan of Dinok
    1 More position available.

    Welcome! We are about to embark on a journey from Falkreath to Solitude to join the legion. Only four may join (can start with two people and meet others on the way.) Leave a description of your characters race, personality abilities and equipment/weapons.

    If you want to create scenarios involving creatures/items/places etc not in Skyrim that's encouraged. If you leave right in the middle of a session please make an alibi.


    1. All swords of similar weight are equal in power, heavier swords add a bashing bonus.
    2. Spells cannot be spammed or used unfairly.
    3. You may have your own unique weapons not tied to TES universe or Skyrim. Smaller weapon carrying quantity (throwing knives, darts etc) must be realistic. Can be re-made along the way if realistically plausible.

    When you say 4 people does that include you or is it you and 4 other people??


    The Vokun Ronaan of Dinok
    4 meaning four may join ;). It'd be better if we met along the way though... You can start your story now if you want.

    Thank you.

    Name: Deimos
    Appearance: Smooth brown fur,streaks of dark brown,blot of white on the mouth,scar on the nose,muscular
    Class:Assassin,Stealthy,Archer,part Warrior,Healer

    Armor:Blades armor,Ebony gauntlets, Blades boots,Falmer helmet or Ebony mail,Daedric boots,
    Daedric gauntlets, Nightengale hood.
    Weapons: Nightengale Bow that does frost and lightening damage, Spellbreaker (Shield that wards off magic),Dawnbreaker (Sword does fire damage).

    Guilds: Dark Brotherhood, Theives Guild, Companions guild.
    Titles: The Listener, Guild Master, Nightengale.
    Self Titles:The Vokunn Ronaan of Dinok.

    Skills:Archery tree (maxed out), Sneak tree (maxed out), Light armor (maxed out),
    Lock pick (No attributes but is a natural lock picking expert/master), Block (Half attribute), Sword (Half attribute),
    Heavy armor (quarter attribute).


    Armor and stuff is optional, but your name and race, yes. I'll try to work your backstory/features into my posts so it doesn't seem pointless.

    Arthur Swift-Sword

    Swift. Like a Sword.
    Arthur saw the two men who seemed like they were about to fight. Almost as if on instinct, Arthur rushed in, drawing his ebony dagger. he stepped in front of them both and lunged his dagger inbetween the chains of the Dunmer's flail causing them to wrap around the dagger. Arthur then pulled fiercly on his dagger yanking the flail from his hands, disarming him. "Lets think about the consequences before we go starting a fight..."

    blue 468

    Well-Known Member
    As Arannir watched from a nearby tree the Nord he had been following rushed at a pair of elves and disarmed one of them.


    Relam thrust his arm out in anger and released a short burst of flames at the intruder, forcing him back. "You watch your distance, I won't hesitate to burn you alive... Now i'll say it again, I don't want any trouble."

    blue 468

    Well-Known Member
    Arannir was wondering how this scene would turn out, when the Dunmer let loose a short burst of flames.

    Arthur Swift-Sword

    Swift. Like a Sword.
    Feeling the burn on his chest, Arthur backed away while sheathing his sword. "Why are you here by the lake at night anyway? arent you afraid of wolves or bears or something?"

    OOC: are the dragons still around at the time of this story?


    "Well I don't see you with anyone." Ralem said with flames clenched in both hands "Much as I hate to say it, somethings' been following me and I could use a lookout... I don't know how i can trust either of you though." OOC: Any creature is allowed ;]

    Arthur Swift-Sword

    Swift. Like a Sword.
    "Perhaps if you were to catch my attention in a...*ahem* monetary fashion...i could be persuaded to be your lookout...maybe even untill you reach your destination? Assuming of course that your going somewhere."

    blue 468

    Well-Known Member
    Deciding to show him self Arannir stepped out of the treeline,"Don't go burning any trees with that fire or I might have to do something about it" He said while smiling.


    The Vokun Ronaan of Dinok
    Over at Dead Man's Drink,inside one of the rooms,was a Khajiit who worked there as a part time job. He just started a few weeks ago and his boss was Valga Vinicia.She gave him a place to stay while he earned money by working the bar.He was trying to raise up enough money because he was thinking of joining the legion.The trip would be long,he needed the money to buy food from villages as he traveled to Solitude.But the Khajiit couldn't make up his mind if he wanted to become part of the ongoing battle for Skyrim.*I could be in one of the archery or stealth units.*He though.*I am an expert marksman and in stealth.Also,if I was part of the stealth unit I could pick locks if needed,I'm an expert lock picker by heart.* While working the day he saw three travelers enter the bar.One gave money to the bards women who sang there.Another ordered some mead. There were to drunks arguing about the stormcloaks and imperials.The traveler had a thoughtful look on his face as if the two drunks ranting had brought back memories.A littler after he finished the mead he started to leave. As he was leaving another man opened the door and was about to enter when the second traveler rushed past him.He didn't enter the bar,instead he closed the door when the second traveler left. The Khajiit wondered why he didn't enter after the traveler left. Maybe he was going to mug him. That though left his mind when he heard that the second traveler killed two thugs.But just before the night the Khajiit made his mind to join the legion."Valga I made my mind.I'm going to join the legion.I'm leaving at mid-night,"he said."Oh,Deimos! I wish you safe on your journey.I shall hold your room while your gone."Valga replied.Mid-night had struck a couple hours later and Deimos put his armor on and took a small pack that could fit his money,two daggers of sacrifice,a sleeping roll,and food.He put his arrows on his back,opened a chest that held his nightengale bow,hood,and a unique sword that he rarely used but helped him in time of need.Deimos strapped the swords sheath on,put the sword on,equipped his bow and put his hood on. After getting ready Deimos left the inn and started down the main road on his way to Solitude."Maybe I'll encounter that traveler with the look of thought on his face."he said quietly to him self.

    OOC:Sorry for making it so long,I like to put detail in when I'm do rp's.


    Deciding to show him self Arannir stepped out of the treeline,"Don't go burning any trees with that fire or I might have to do something about it" He said while smiling.

    "Who's this guy, is he with you?"

    OOC: Sorry i didnt see your post :|


    The Vokun Ronaan of Dinok
    After walking a while on the road Deimos noticed,about a mile and a half,up the road were three figures.Using his natural Khajiit ability his night eye started and it seemed that they were conversing."They don't look like hostile threats but it's better safe then sorry."He said quietly and walked into the tree line,went into the sneaking style,and slowly but at a quick enough pace advanced toward the figures.

    Arthur Swift-Sword

    Swift. Like a Sword.
    "looks are not always what they seem..." he said while smirking. "the price depends on where your headed. Where exactly ARE you heading anyway?"

    Arthur Swift-Sword

    Swift. Like a Sword.
    "All i know of this man is that he's following me..." Arthur said, reaching for his dagger and then aiming it at the Bosmer. "care to explain?"