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    Lord of Order!
    Jyggalag stood in horror, staring at Boethiah. He had killed a divine! Order might as well be lost forever! He was about to tear the Prince in half when he saw wisps of smoke rising from the body. Clever, he thought. She's fallen back to regain her power. I really don't give the Aedra enough credit, do I? His brief pause was a mistake on his part however, as just then a loud shout was heard and Jyggalag was thrown against a wall.

    His body still aching, the Lord of Order rose. In front of him stood a Nord man in gleaming gold armor. He had long white hair and a small goatee, and in his hands he held a shimmering longsword. "You must be Talos, the Divine of War. How utterly disorderly. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Jyggalag." "Ah yes, the Daedra of order. I've heard of you. Now then, would you mind drawing your blade? I would hate to attack an unarmed man." Jyggalag sneered. "Come at me, son of Skyrim!" They lunged for each other, their blades met. The battle had begun.


    Vaermina's mind was in a sort of blur, Sanguine, Clavicus, and herself had all been left in the magnificent garden of cheese, and then they were teleported back to the grounds of New Sheoth, the courtyard she thought...In the midst of trying to gather her wits: Sheogorath was yelling things, explosions were going off all around, and then it started to rain! Her hair wet a little, the droplets hanging to her golden hair, as the cheese started to fall and explode all around her. She heard someone shout that Kynareth was dead (how true that was she could not be sure) after a barrier had been launched up to the sky surrounding Bliss in a bubble to ward off the creation of the Mad God's mind. Dumbfounded by all the developments, she didn't object to Sheogorath sweeping her aside when he did...An action she had never thought him capable of - caring for her well being...

    She watched as he whisked himself away, left to herself in his palace she ran out, her staff in hand, and watched as the blows kept coming. More armies of the Divines invading the courtyard and the outer streets of the cities surrounding Sheogorath's massive palace. I'm no warrior, she thought to herself disdainfully as she made her way, in giant leaps, to the tops of the walls that guarded the palace, but fight I shall with tooth and nail...if not for me then.. A golden light whizzed by her head when she reached the top of the wall. Across the wall, near a guards' tower, stood Mara. She was donning her green robes, her scarlet shoulder cloth with the golden trim shone in the dimmed sun. Her golden hair waved a bit in the small breeze from all the explosions and her face was calm as she looked at Vaermina with those eyes so full of what most Daedric Princes would consider "weak emotions". Vaermina scowled before calling out to her, "Torture of your own kind in the form of your presence?" she spat out as she stood defensively and raised her staff before her, her brows furrowed in anger.

    "The only enemy right here, is your own mind, Vaermina." She spoke softly, as the God of Love would tend to do. Almost like she was trying to coerce Vaermina into lowering her weapon. Fool! she thought to herself as she snapped her wrist and flung a mind twisting spell at Mara. She easily side-stepped in response, her beliefs would keep her from fighting back for a long time yet.

    "Come on! Fight me you blind fool! Can't you see there is no love here?! This is war!" She flung more spells at her, including a kind of flame that was black and purple and stayed on the stone around Mara. The Deity simply waved her hand, the gold barrier reflecting all Vaermina's attacks.

    "I only come to war because all of you called." She responded as she took a step towards Vaermina, making Vaermina take a step back in response. The last thing she wanted was to be close to that...that...

    "Being a Daedra doesn't mean darkness and suffering all the time." She continued as she stepped closer to Vaermina. Vaermina scowled further as she snapped her fingers, a shadowy demon appeared in the likeness of Akatosh. Another appeared in the same form but in the likeness of Lorkhan. Each strode towards Mara, to Mara they would not be shadowy figures but the men she loved, and as they strode towards her Mara stopped, her eyes growing hard in confusion.

    "Akatosh...Lorkhan...What are you both doing here?" She asked in an almost dreamlike tone as she lost her focus of Vaermina.

    "We have come to aid you, M'lady." The impersonation Akatosh responded as he held out his hand.

    "We wish you to leave the realm and let us handle the fighting..." The Lorkhan agreed in a wispy voice as he, too, raised his fair hand for hers to grasp. Mara looked genuinly confused, her usually clear eyes were cloudy, and she did not respond. Vaermina smirked and overturned her hand, the one she had snapped with earlier, and then suddenly, before Mara, the Akatosh and the Lorkhan impersonators fells over. Blood gushed from wounds on their body, their eyes were beginning to glaze over in the immense pain they looked to be in. The grime of war was staining their fair hair and armor and they gurgeled on the blood they were now breathing. "Mara..." They whispered as they fell still, Vaermina could see Mara begin to shake her head, the tears pricking her cloudy eyes.

    "This is a trick!" She shouted, but when she lifted her head she could see only blackness and the images of her two lovers before her. "Stop!" She shouted losing herself in Vaermina's trick. Vaermina stood up and walked towards Mara, who was still simply standing on the wall with nothing around her but Vaermina herself. She walked behind Mara, looking her up and down as Mara stood helpless in her own nightmare that she had so easily been ensnared into.

    "This is what I avoid..." Vaermina whispered into Mara's ear, "because this is what I fear..." She expressed with a downcast glance. She walked back in front of Mara, her gaze still cloudy with fear and confusion.

    "You must think me weak now..." Vaermina murmured as she snapped her fingers and changed the vision Mara was seeing from her dead lovers to all her followers, a town full, dead in the streets. The children running around finding their parents dead and lifeless but still they shook their corpses crying out "Mother!" or "Father!"

    "Stop this Vaermina!" Mara shouted closing her eyes. It was happening all so fast! There must have only been five minutes in this whole torture game Vaermina played! Or was she really seeing this? She did not know...it all seemed so real! And that's how I meant it...to hurt and be real.. Vaermina thought as she predicted Mara's thoughts...but this battle was not yet over...a flash of golden light ensued, blinding Vaermina so much that she involuntarily raised her arm to shield her eyes. There was a gruff movement of Vaermina's head and a pressure came upon her chest during the light.

    "You're not the only one that can play tricks, dear girl..."


    Well-Known Member
    As the battles between Divine and Prince began, Hircine ran out of the city into a nearby field. He was a better fighter in the open fields. From a nearby hill, Stendarr arose. An aura of silver glowing around him as he started into Hircine. "Hircine, today you die!" Stendarr's army rose with him, nearly a thousand men lining up for battle. Hircine let out the most vicious laugh ever heard, the very sound of it striking fear into the Vigilants. Hircine snapped his fingers and hundreds of werewolves instantly appeared beside him. Hircine pointed at Stendarr and his Vigilants, and the werewolves began to growl in unison. Stendarr's men unsheathed their weapons and the werewolves bore their fangs. Hircine took the form of the Werewolf as well, and let out a vicious growl so loud and deep as even the werewolves showed a flash of fear. Stendarr raised his hand forward as Hircine growled and the two opposing armies charged at each other.

    The initial clash was bloody. Fang and claw vs. steel. Hircine was in the front of the battle for the werewolves, tearing apart Vigilants like they were no more than a meal. The other werewolves, however, were having much more trouble killing the Vigilants. The werewolves were losing more and more as the Vigilants fought for their lives. Hircine was disgusted with them and he decided the survivors would be tortured later. The sound of ripping flesh was echoing all around as the grass was painted red. The armies pushed against each other, sometimes having to step over the dead bodies before continuing the fight.

    After a few minutes, the armies were diminished to near extinction. Hircine and a few werewolves stood, battling a few of Stendarr's best Vigilants. They tore each other apart. Soon enough, Hircine and Stendarr were the only 2 remaining on the field. Hircine ran back a few yards, and Stendarr respectfully stood, knowing that Hircine would speak. "Stendarr, do you plan on giving up now? Your entire army lies dead, a buffet for later." "Hircine you fool, you dare speak down upon a Divine! I shall kill you here as the other Princes are trapped in the castle by the others! You weak fool! You stand no chance!" Hircine had enough. He transformed into a werewolf once more and let out a vicious growl, ignoring the near-mortal blood pouring from his wounds. The clouds opening up with raining explosive cheese which just bounced off the powerful armor of Stendarr and the glorious pelt of Hircine, Stendarr wiped the sweat off his silver brow, drew his Greatsword made of pure Silver, and yelled "I smite you in the name of justice, beast!" The two great warriors charged at each other, knowing only one would survive this engagement.


    Oblivion explorer
    Azura quickly walked through the hall ways of an abandoned ruin, she ce upon a
    Large circular room, with windows high up, letting in a lot of light. Was she-

    "looking for me?"

    On a throne on the other side of the room sat dibella. She wore a very provocative and scantliy robe that did not leave much to the imagination. She really was very beautiful. her long flowing golden hair and almost perfect features.

    "your obviously not running anymore..." azura glared at dibella

    Azura was also beautiful. While she wore the dress and had the sun and moon like the statues depicted, that was it. She had silver hair that went down to her hips, her pale skin was adorned by a celestial tattoo running down her back, her deep blue eyes were like the auroras of skyrim.

    "obviously, whats the matter? Are you still angry about me seducing mo-" sudfenly dibella jumped to the side as a the chair she was sitting in was incinerated

    "dont you EVER mention his name" azura was looking very serious now, and the sun and the moon were floating by her sides

    "Very well, i guess it comes down proving which of us is the most beautiful...and the stronger..."

    Six Gun Tarot

    Power is Power
    Boethiah realized that Kynareth wasn't destroyed but transported herself and left him with a sand copy. "Clever, very clever" He looked at the fake head as it disintegrated into sand. This fight was far from over and the magic shield protecting him from Sheogorath's cheese hail was fading fast.

    Snapping his fingers, his golden axe reappeared in his hands, "Where oh where are you my little mockingbird" Boethiah looked up to see a white bird flying around with the massive dragon Akatosh. "Hmph, should of known you would be there." Akatosh flew around the burning New Sheoth, not only was the city on fire but it appeared as if the whole of the Shivering Isles were burning.

    Suddenly there was a sharp pain in Boethiah's chest. He never felt anything like this, it was as if all the energy was being drained from his body. With the little strength he looked up towards the sky again. A shining figure was floating above him, Kynareth was using old magic to drain him. Crumpling to the ground, he saw his legion disappear one by one, leaving just Boethiah and the shield above him. Falling closer into unconsciousness, he looked into the sky one more time to see that his magic shield was fading and soon the cheese hail would fall on him. He looked over again to see Kynareth descending rapidly onto him with her spear for his chest. Without the energy to fight back, Boethiah descends into the black abyss of unconsciousness.


    Lord of Order!
    Talos flew through the air and into a wall with a resounding crash, half crushing it in the process. Jyggalag walked over and grabbed the god by the throat. "Any last words before I cripple you, Septim?" Talos smiled. "Diil Qoth Zaam!" There was a sound like thunder, and the ground beneath them began to break, glowing hands began rising up. Soon he was surrounded by ghostly warriors glad in ancient armor, each carrying a wickedly sharp weapon.

    Jyggalag turned back to look at Talos, but he had disappeared. So he was a coward, as well. How that man ever became a Divine is beyond me, Jyggalag thought as he slashed his way through the crowd of spirits. But no matter how hard he fought, they kept multiplying. Eventually giving up, Jyggalag flicked his wrist and a large obelisk rise from the earth next to him, knocking aside his attackers. As he ran away in search his foe, the Daedra looked back and saw the ghosts getting overrun by the knights and priests pouring from the crystal formation.

    Catching a glimpse of Talos in the crowd, Jyggalag followed him into the Sacellum Arden-Sul. Smashing throught the door, the Prince looked around, but Aedra was nowhere to be seen. He took two steps forward and then... "Iiz Slen Nus!" Jygglag fell to the floor encased in ice. Talos dropped from the ceiling. "You are a worthy opponent, Daedra. But this battle belongs to me." The Divine bent down and wrestled Jygglag's sword free from his frozen hands. "Try to stay put until this battle is over, I have more important things to do at the moment." And with that, Talos closed his hand. There was a bright flash of light, and the sword shattered. Talos ran up a staircase and onto the roof. Jyggalag bellowed with rage and smashed through the ice, then he followed Talos out onto the roof of the chapel.


    Swords flashed here and there, everywhere. Blurs of yellow and a backdrop of red, arms and legs, limbs galore. A constantly morphing shapes, Dragons and Nords. Gods and Princes, maidens and men. All these things were seen by Clavicus as his sobriety spell wore off. He summoned minions and minions and minions, running through New Sheoth. He destroyed a cheese fountain, devoured the arm of a servant girl and accidentally ran Hermaeus Mora through. He laughed as the Prince fell to the ground. "Who knows everything know? Hahaha!", said Clavicus as all of his drinking of the day was intensified due to the aftereffects of the spell. He span around and around, then opened his mouth in awe as he saw a tornado crash into a brown tidal wave. The liquid flooded him, and he realized it was brandy. He swam through it, conjuring up fish made of cake and whales made of cheese, a table with the mind of a crab and a mudcrab the size of Dragonsreach. Then, he blacked out.

    Colors flashed everywhere, random colors, all above his eyes, yellows, pinks, purples and greens. He thought, "Is this what a Daedric afterlife is?" Then he realized he was staring up at the skies of Mania. One of his signature yellow Daedra stepped over him, then another, and another. Rubbing his head, he got up to see New Sheoth in shambles. He stood and the world shook. He realized he was still drunk. Then he realized that there was an earthquake. Then he realized both of those things were true. He scrambled up on his feet and immediately fell to the ground, pinning a Daedra. He used it as a pillow and blacked out again.

    A tail whacked the patron of bad deals in the face, taking him out of his drunken stupor. Barbas said to him, with a hint of worry, "Umm, Vile? There's something you may want to see." Clavicus sat up and felt the gorund shake again. He saw his minions running forward, obscuring his view. He pushed them to the side with ease and looked through the gap. He noticed a figure crushing his Daedra. He quickly summoned more and stood up, saying with a loud, booming voice, "Who dares wake Clavicus Vile from his... Nap!" He slowly strolled up to the figure, who he saw was in the form of a monk. The pious man laughed and said, "Clavicus Vile, the most foolish of the Daedra! It is I, Arkay, most pious of Aedra, most amazing of men, most awesome of gods, most humble of all!" He turned into a young Imperial, about the age of twenty, and conjured a sword. Clavicus summoned five more minions and said, "You always were a pompous fool, Arkay... Why don't you take on the aspect of birth, god of the life cycle? Much more challenging to fight as." He laughed and donned his Masque, forgetting that it didn't affect Et'Ada.

    Clavicus summoned a constant stream of minions from atop the colorful little hill, all the whiule speaking to Barbas. "I tell you, this is a mountain!", he said. Barbas replied, saying, "This is a hill. It is a small area surrounded by inclines with a rounded top. The literal definition of a hill." "Why isn't the mask working!", said Clavicus, his statement shortly followed by a string of swears. He channeled his irate mood into a spell that would negate Arkays powers. He summoned glowing palls with the color of vomit in both his hnds and brought them together, then charged it for a minute or two, all the while still arguing with Barbas. Finally, it was ready. He shot the glowing ball of energy at Arkay, who was busy destroying wave after wave of Viles minions. He stuck out an arm and deflected the spell, saying, "Enough of these games! Come and fight me!" He took the form of a giant Nord and summoned a warhammer, then laughed. Clavicus yawned and said, "Really? A mortal form? You are so boring!" He layed down on the ground and liesurely stared up at the colorful sky. Arkay charged, furious at being insulted. He stabbed at the ground that Vile had been laying, causing the god to disintegrate. He turned and saw five more Clavicus's(Clavici?) laying on different parts of the hill. He stabbed at each one, destroying them all. He sat down, panting due to his weak mortal form. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around his nech. He grabbed the arms and pulled the real Clavicus over his head, slamming him on the gorund. Clavicus lay there, looking defeated. Arkay raised his warhammer in triumph and brought it down, only to have the butt whack him in the eye.

    Arkay was furious. He summoned his own minions, something he would rarely do, and screamed. He shouted obscenities and began walking his hammer wher ehe had last seen Clavicus. A little Daedra tried to run him through, but disintegrated from the sheer force of his hammer hitting the ground. Needless to say, Clavicus was already halfway back to New Sheoth.


    Lord of the Meeblings
    As the storm of elements raged around them Sanguine and Julianos fought in a deadly magical duel. Julianos was far more powerful than the Daedric prince, but Sanguine continued to anger him with snide comments about his chosen apparel and what his loyal followers did when they were drunk. This caused Julianos to lose his accuracy slightly, giving Sanguine a fighting chance.

    He was however, losing the battle against the mighty divine, and as the storm of flaming brandy, exploding cheese, lightning and boreal winds slowly died down around them Julianos finally hit the darting daedra with one of his lightning bolts. As the powerful spell connected with Sanguines Gargoyle body it hurled him out of the sky. He landed in the midst of the land battle, with Sheogoraths insane legion fighting viciously against thousands of golden clad knights. As Sanguine got to his feet, cursing Julianos for his rudeness and examining the most unattractive hole in his side, a group of the overzealous warriors charged him.

    Sanguine looked up as a unit of perhaps 100 of the men came charging towards him on horseback. He laughed at them, they must think he was a regular deadra! Continuing to laugh Sanguine transformed, taking on the form of the red orc, only this time five times as large. He conjorued a flaming greatsword into existence, and as the knights entered his range, he swept in a vicious arc. The deadly blade passed through armor and bone as if it were butter and the first line of men died instantly. the others continued their charge, many died from the heat the flameing blade was radiating but others managed to get near and stab Sanguine with their lances. The celestial speartips stung quite a lot and Sanguine scowled at the men, lifting a fist up into the air he shouted, "now now my brave little warriors, we musn't go hurting each other with those nasty spears!" his voice took on a slightly more evil sound, "Perhaps these will occupy your time."

    As Sanguine released his hand a wave of green mist fell over the knights surrounding them. They all screamed as the acidic cloud clung to their flesh, transforming into thousands of tiny little bugs wich burrowed deep into their skin. Sanguine laughed as the knights slowly fell around him, holding his blade up he spurred Sheogoraths mad host onwards.

    Then Julianos came back, in quite a rude way. From out of the sky decended a massive metiorite which impacted right on top of Sanguine. He barely had enough time to get a defensive ward up before the giant rock struck, shattering into thousands of pieces and killing many of Sheogoraths men nearby. Blasting the debris off of himself Sanguine rose out of the rubble to glare at Julianos who now stood before him. "Well that was rather rude! Couldn't you see I was busy?" Sanguine crossed his arms and started tapping his feet waiting for Julianos's response.

    Julianos glared right back at him, "You cannot run prince of debauchery! I will destroy you and your fowl ways no matter were you run! You are a blight upon all the land with your petty insulant-" Sanguine inturupted Julianos's rant by blowing a loud rasbery. "BLAAAA BLAAA BLAAAAA. I don't care Julianos, you are the only person who could ever make death threats sound boring." Sanguine's aspect took a more sinister facial expression as he smiled evily at the God,"You know Juli, you may have made a mistake coming so near me. Many have said my presence alone is intoxicating, for you I think it may be a little more that that."

    They both sprung into action at the same time, Julianos fireing off a wave of lightining at Sanguine as he leapt up from the ground. In mid air Sanguine morphed briefly into a small hawk as he dodged the volley of magical death sent towards him by his enemy. As he began his dive, he transformed into a giant musclebound nord wrestler, slaming Julianos onto the ground and recojouring his flaming fullblade. "This may not kill you Juli, but its going to hurt!" Sanguine said with glee.

    As he was about to drive the sword through the old mans chest the clarion call of a battle horn sounded through the twisted trees. Sanguine looked up to see another man, leading fresh reinforcements for the golden clad knights. He was dressed in maginficent gold armor and wore a decrotive crown upon his head, "Zenithar," Sanguine breathed, cursing under his breath. There was no way that he would be able to fight both of the gods by himself. Indeed as he looked up, Julianos used his disrtacted state to blast a bolt of force at him, point blank. Sanguine flew high up into the sky and he became a eagle before he even started falling back down. He had had enough of this crazy battle for now, time to retreat back to Sheogoraths palace to restratigize with the other princes.


    Well-Known Member
    Stendarr drew first blood in the battle. When the two charged, Stendarr managed to slash into Hircine's arm. Hircine immediately retaliated as his ferocious claws slashed across the Divine face of Stendarr. Hircine bit onto Stendarr's arms but the Divine managed to kick Hircine with enough force, causing his jaws to unhinge. Stendarr immediately came back with a powerful slash of his greatsword, Hircine not managing to dodge the entirety of the blow as his stomach received a cut from side to side. They exchanged series of slashes and clawings, neither willing to give up while they yet lived. It was a stalemate. The Divine and Prince were bleeding profusely as they continued the assault. Hircine eventually, however, saw his opportunity as he sidestepped a slicing attack from Stendarr and pounced upon him, growling directly to his face. Stendarr summoned his strength and threw the massive Werewolf off of him and picked up his sword, readying for the next battle. The two warriors stood back and licked their wounds, one more literally than the other. They prepared for the next engagement.

    Mini Mongo

    Drog Do Faal Mongonite Lahvu
    Sheogorath smiled and laughed as he watched Akatosh attack his city, his Mazkin and Aureal attacking the Divine, but being burnt to crisp.
    ''Time to unleash the peasant boys! The cheese is gone now!'' Sheogorath said viciously as the Cheese stopped raining down upon the entire of the Shivering Isles.
    With a click of his fingers the mail Mazkin and Aureal were summoned, weak and petty among the females but good for bait.
    They began attacking Akatosh, many arrows piercing him as he flew in his Dragon form, but it was a boring show, not good enough to occupy Sheogorath.
    He walked outside, his arms open with joy as he literally began to skip around New sheoth.
    ''Come then Mr.Akatosh, god of all that's boring! You act as if your a real Divine, pah! Pathetic little god!'' Sheogorath clicked his fingers, his Mazkin and Aureal disappearing from New Sheoth as he stood there.

    Akatosh was angered by Sheogorath's little comment as he came sweeping down Sheogorath, his sharp claws scratching upon Sheogorath skin.
    Blood began to fall from Sheogorath cut, he was fine until it went into his sandwich, was of course had holy cheese in it.
    He began twitching, his eyes turning red as his blood boiled ''You, YOU FOOLISH DIVINE! I shall kill you, die die die! Suffer the wrath of Sheogorath!!!!'' Sheogorath threatened, flinging insults to Akatosh.
    Sheogorath began growing and growing and growing until reaching the height of Akatosh himself.
    Sheogorath was huge and angry, a bad thing for the Prince of Madness, luckily directed towards Akatosh, but such things had bad after effects.
    ''Die little bird! You holy bullplops, hows your worshipers? Kissing your ass still!'' Sheogorath mocked as he grabbed Akatosh, tensing his grip on the God.

    The very grip of Sheogorath began to crush Akatosh ''Feeling a bit light headed!?'' he mocked again, until finally tensing his grip hard enough for the very God to be crushed.
    He began shrinking to normal size, he was still incredibly angry. But Sheogorath knew Akatosh wouldn't be gone forever, he would surely return, Sheogorath was pretty impressed with himself.
    ''Ha, petty Divine! Thinks he can kill me, Sheogorath! Prince of Madness!'' he began shouting randomly, not actually talking to anyone.
    The scratch from Sheogorath was bleeding heavily, his healer running to him and using a powerful spell, worthy of Sheogorath.
    ''Ah thank you my dear, why don't you have some cheese to celebrate!''
    Sheogorath then walked back into New Sheoth Palace, taking a seat on his throne as he celebrated his victory with lots of wine.


    Clavicus used a spell of telekineses, flinging the golden guards, who had already began to stand to the side, off into the sky. He ran through New Sheoth, pushing anything, even buildings, out of his way. Meanwhile, at the gates, a yound black Dragon stepped on the ruins of what had been the city gates. He laughed as he saw his target running in a straight line towards the palace. "Foolish Daedra, you think you ca-!", said Arkay with an evil tone. He was cut off by little yellow Daedra jumping down his throat and stabbing his sword through his neck. The Divine screamed, transforming into a human child, the Daedra flying out of his gullet and nearly cutting his head in two. Arkay healed himslef and crushed the little yellow figure with a telekinetic fist. He laughed, quite high-pitched, and the short Divine turned back to the palace just as the doors closed. He walked through the city, constantly morphing into a troll, but trying to restrain himself. He strolled through, laughing, until a gaint building slammed back into place behind him. He saw the others doing so themselves, and began to run. He jumped over benches and fountains that had already flown back into place and was about to open the palace doors, a triumphant expression on his face, when two buildings slammed back together, crushing his half-troll half-child form, aside from his hand. His hand chaged into a fist, then grew, turning grey. The buildings began to tear apart as another fist finally pushed its way through the crack between the buildings. A slowly growing giant emerged and yelled, kicking down the palace doors.

    He stared at Clavicus Vile, who had sat down next to Sheogorath, and threw his club. Clavicus deftly dodged it and summoned a platoon of his Daedra. They hacked at the god of the life cycles legs, eventually severing them. The giant fell, crushing many, and transformed into an old male Dunmer. He wrapped himself in flame, burning any Daedra who approached, and blew down the walls of Sheogoraths palace palace. He summoned a bound greatsword and threw it at Sheogorath. He didn't watch to see what happened, the only goal in his mind the destruction of Clavicus Vile. He walked through the palace, Clavicus just staring at him. He laughed, feeling quite triumphant again. Then, he felt a sharp pain in his neck. Something had bit him. A dog unlatched its jaws and ran out into the surrounding city. He turned back and saw no Clavicus. Screaming, he ran back into the city.

    Clavicus laughed, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. He cats a spell of muffle andone of invisibility. Unfortuneatly, when he was distracted by his spell, he tripped on an old stone on a roof and fell facefirst into some hay. He conjured up a little dagger and some white robes, emerging from the hay as a whole different person. He walked through the wreckage of the city, his head bowed as if he were a monk. Arkay was charging through the city, and when he saw Clavicus he assumed he was one of his servants. "You! Search for Clavicus Vile!", he shouted without stopping. Clavicus turned back towards the demented section of the city and threw his dagger into Arkays neck, ducking back behind a building. Arkay fell, as the weapon had been coated with a powerful paralysis poison. Vile turned his head to see if he had fallen and walked back out onto the road. He liesurely strolled up to Arkay and said, "Hey old buddy. I have a present for you!" He slit Arkays throat, then hwe beheaded him, then he cut off each and every limb. He summoned an old forge and a shovel and began to throw all the severed body parts into the spectral flames. They all burned, leaving justr the head, which was inexplicably still able to move its eyes and glare at Vile. The Daedric Prince laughed and tossed the head into his forge, then sent the forge and its contents into a forgotten plane of Oblivion he used for storage. Vile summoned some Daedric Fire-Brandy and drank, but kept an eye out for any other Aedra.


    Lord of Order!
    The roof of the Sacellum was very unbalanced. Being halfway in Crucible and halfway in Bliss, the building's architecture was split as well. Talos and Jyggalag had emerged on the Crucible side. Dodging spikes and thorns, Jyggalag was in hot pursuit of the ninth Divine, throwing powerful bolts of lightning at his quarry as he went. He had almost caught when Talos turned to face him. "Wuld Nah Kest!" The Prince was knocked flat as Talos sped past him. "Coward! Get back here and fight!" Jyggalag focused, and a large formation of Order crystals burst through the rooftops of Bliss, cornering the former emperor. "There is nowhere for you to run now, war god!" He advanced on Talos, sure that this would end the fight once and for all, when Talos jumped onto the side of the tower leading to the Great Torch.

    Jyggalag howled in anguish. "You... puny... pathetic... weakling!" All order was lost from his mind, his only goal now being to kill the sad excuse for a god. He charged for the tower just as Talos reached the top. Standing at the base, Jyggalag began to charge up a terrible bolt of energy, aiming for the enemy's head. He was about to fire when Talos drew the Flame of Agnon from the Torch and hurled it at Jyggalag. Screaming in pain, the Daedra tried over and over to remove the holy flame burning his body, but there was no result.

    Talos was laughing. "I've heard that Sheogorath does not allow the flame not to harm those in his favor. He must really despise you, prince!" "Kill... you! I'll kill all... the gods!" "We'll see about that." The Divine exchanged his sword for a gleaming bow, and launched a hail of arrows into Jyggalag. "No! You cannot... win!" Talos was grinning now. "Farewell Jyggalag, Lord of Order. I'll see you again in a few thousand years." The last arrow was fired, hitting Jyggalag squarely in the chest. He tried to move, but slumped down further instead. And then everything started to go dim...


    Oblivion explorer
    Mean while in the ruins, the battle between dibella and azura was in a sort of stalemate.Dibella easily blocked all of azuras attacks, but azura foresaw all of dibellas attacks and nimbly dodged them.

    "face it dibella, this is just gonna continue until one of us just drops dead.." azura stated

    "that may be true, but there is the possibility of...reinforcments.." dibella smirked

    Azura went wide eyed, and next thing she knew, the ceiling was gone and akatosh was staring down at her. Azura staggered back from the immense dragon it opened its mouth...and everything went black

    When azura awoke, she was under rubble. Her leg was stuck under a boulder, and strangly, her dress very ill fitting. She found a mirror shard and used it to see if she had any other wounds. All she saw was a nasty prank by akatosh.

    Azura now took the form of a ten year old! She still had her silver hair and deep blue eyes, but now her body was short and slender and small. She felt weak. How was she to get herself out? She hoped someone saw akatosh's attack and will rescue her...


    Lord of the Meeblings
    As Sanguine flew back to the palace he saw how the other princes were doing in their respective battles. Clavicus was leading Arkay on a merry chase through the streets of Bliss while Vaermina was engaged in some kind of mind dual with Mara on the palace walls. It also seemed that Hircine and Stendar were fighting outside in the marshes of dementia. All in all it seemed to be a pretty even fight, with neither Daedra or Aedra getting the upper hand.

    Sanguine flew around the top of the Sacellum just in time to spot a vicious battle raging between Jyggalag and Talos. As he flew nearer Talos finally won, knocking the Daedric princes essense to the four winds. Talos turned and spotted Sanguine circling him, he smiled fireing off a barage of flaming arrows at the great eagle form Sanguine was currently in. "Prince of Debauchery! How nice of you to drop by, I heard you have been causing trouble in my homeland of late."

    Sanguine morphed from his eagle form brifly back into a gargoyle, shouting back to Talos as he dodged the arrow storm, "Oh you know, just spicing things up a bit. Those merry little nords seemed to be so down on their luck, what with Talos worship being banned and all. Oops, that probably wasn't polite to mention! It is probably sooo humiliating to know that you worshipers are being stamped out by elves!" This remark seemed to anger Talos and he scowled fiercly, "You will pay for your insolence Blasphemer!" he shouted, "Yol Toor Shul!" Sanguine was caught by suprise with the dragon shout, he had forgotten Talos had that particular power. Fortunatly the Prince maganged to shift once again, into the form of a flaming bird. The fires of Talos's shout washed over him harmlessly, "You may have to shout a little harder to beat me Talos!" Sanguine cried tauntingly. As he did so he dove downwards along the crucible side of the tower, outstreching one of his molten wings. Sheogorath would probably not like this Sanguine though as he cut into the side of the tower with his flaming limb. As the stone of one side melted, the entire tower toppled down to the side, and Talos cursed him as he jumped off to another nearby roof.

    Sanguine smiled as he fled the angry god of war, he may have caught the god by suprise that time but he didn't want to stand toe to toe with such a formidable foe for long, it was unhealthy. As he darted through the dark twisted buildings Sanguine spotted Clavicus standing casually, drinking some fire brandy. Sanguine Swooped down beside his fellow, transforming into a Fire Atronauch as he alighted on the ground. "Well good afternoon Clavicus, slain any Aedra recently?" The prince of merriement asked in a casual manor, "I have just come from annoying Talos, he didn't seem to apreciate my comments about the elves slaughtering his worshipers for some reason, Aedra are so rude."

    Six Gun Tarot

    Power is Power
    Boethiah didn't feel the pain of Kynareth's spear piercing his chest, instead he felt a strange coldness. No, no, even if he was "killed" he would just be sent back to his realm with no influences on Nirn, but he still felt his deceit flowing into Nirn so he wasn't "killed". Opening one eye and then other, he saw that her spear was stopped by one of his shadowy Knights. "Well, Well, Looks like I'm still breathing" Turning into a snake, he slithered from underneath the Knight and reappeared, growing in mass to a giant snake with a human torso and head. "Let's continue, shall we?" Boethiah snapped his fingers and his axe appeared in his scaly hands. "Die Daedra!" Kynareth pulled the spear from the Knight's armor causing him to disappear into a blast of noxious gas. "Not so fast, my lady!" He wrapped around Kynareth's body squeezing harder and harder till a mortal person would of burst. "Hmm, your defiantly Aedra, At least your a better fighter then my worthless offspring Malacath"

    Kynareth turned to dust and appeared above the massive snake of Boethiah, twisting in the air, she gripped the heavy spear again and came crashing to the ground. "You must be faster then that!" He turned into a smaller sized snake and slither way and took human form again. The two were equal in power and still this stalemate didn't end. "Now, now, Kynareth my sweet, maybe we can come to some kind of agreement. I mean we are two different sides of the same coin." Boethiah smiled slyly, hoping that his power of deceit would work on an Aedra.


    Vaermina gasped in a little air as her throat was pushed upon by Mara's arm. Mara was standing behind her holding Vaermina in a kind of choke hold. Her usually gentle face was troubled, her eyes cloudy with an emotion Vaermina would not have recognized if she had been able to see them. Due to instincts, her hands went to the arm around her throat trying to tug it off, but to no avail.

    "Stop this nonsense Vaermina!" Mara said loudly in her ear as her breath whispered against Vaermina's golden hair.

    "N-no!" Vaermina choked out only realizing that after the words had been released into the air how childish she sounded compared to Mara. Mara winced and then tightened her grip around her neck. Vaermina's face was turning red and her eyelids were beginning to fall, her lips twitching. "You have such potential..." Mara whispered before a gasp escaped her lips. Her arms clapped against her own chest as Vaermina's neck disappeared, the air moving around her arms as they moved backwards towards her body. She looked around frantically, but Vaermina was gone! Like a shadow...

    And that was exactly what Vaermina had done, she slid down the wall - the shadows welcoming her presence as they were welcome in the nightmares she inflicted on others. Soon enough, her shadowy figure arrived gasping into Sheogorath's Palace. The door slammed shut behind her, and she leaned against a wall in a shadowy corner allowing her physical self to come back slowly. Damn that woman...she thought to herself as she swallowed, still trying to catch her breath. Her flushed face was calming back to its normal pale color, her eyes were dark and worried but no one would see that as her head was bent and no one knew of her presence as of right now.

    Her throat burned, and she swallowed again to make the feeling go away. She squeezed her eyes shut and inhaled deeply before her chest slammed the breath right back out of her body with a spasm. She frowned deeply, locking her jaw to avoid making noise, I'm a prince...a Daedric prince! What am I doing?! she thought angrily to herself as she straightened and rubbed her cheeks. She took another deep breath and ran her fingers lightly against her scalp, her nails scratching her scalp invitingly before she dropped her hands to her sides and walked towards the center of the room where Sheogorath was. What better place to think of a strategy than next to the one that had taught you something before?


    Mara swept herself down the wall and out onto the outskirts of Mania. It had only taken her a moment to spot the figure of darkness moving from the shadow the great wall cast and then the thoughts of just how she escaped came rushing to her. She could only think about how sullen Vaermina had looked when she had first come face to face with her today. Not the face of a confidant Daedric Prince, or at least, not the face of one that wasn't bothered. "Poor girl..." She whispered to herself as she walked, her robes dragging some leaves behind her. She shook the thoughts away, she didn't want to be in this war but this was good versus evil, Aedra versus Daedra. She had to be here, not out of principle, but because Lorkhan would want her to fight in her own way for the balance of Nirn.

    "Stupid..." She muttered as she thought back to the trick Vaermina played on her. Truthfully, it had started to break through right before she changed to the dead followers. Lorkhan was in pieces to provide a "haven" for the mortals. It had just been so long since she had seen him...Foolish heart...she cursed at herself for her own beliefs tricking her. She licked her lips as to try and paste the sorrow there instead of into the air in the form of a cry. She looked to her feet, strong and steady her steps took her away from the loud booms and the shouts and screams...

    Surely the other Lords would be wise and do the same to regroup, make a plan. She let her glance move from her feet up to the trees and the occasional glittering trail that marked its way through the air. There was a mountain up ahead, a mountain with sunlight glistened on the grass and the orange leaves that had gathered upon it. We need a plan...These Daedra have fought better than any of us expected.

    Mini Mongo

    Drog Do Faal Mongonite Lahvu
    Sheogorath was getting bored of just sitting on his throne, not really doing much when it comes to the battle itself.
    He thought he should join in as well, and in the click of his finger suddenly Madness armor and a madness sword was upon him.
    Of course he wouldn't settle for petty mortal Madness armor, and instead this armor was heavily enchanted, for anyone to touch the armor would have a random spell cast upon them.
    The armor was incredibly light, yet another advantage to being a Daedric god, It was almost as if it weighed nothing at all, and instead was like he was wearing his normal Regalia.
    The madness sword was also enchanted, as soon as the blade would even touch a mortal then would instantly die, as for Aedra and Daedra it just caused great harm.
    Obviously Sheogorath would go to fight without his most prize possession the Wabbajack.
    So with him fitted, his staff of Sheogorath upon his back, his sword sheathed, and his Wabbajack in hand he was prepared.

    Sheogorath then summoned Haskill, as with a spell the very man appears in front of his eyes ''Haskill, I must ask, what do you think of me armor!'' Sheogorath said, his Scottish and Irish accent in the form of a very happy Sheogorath ''Very good my Lord'' Haskill replies, a dull plain reply.
    With Sheogorath fully geared he then walked out of his Palace to see............Akatosh.
    ''I thought I killed ya! How are you there! Get down here before I set my wrath against ya!'' Sheogorath shouted up to Akatosh, as the large Aedra Dragon flies down to his level.
    The large Dragon breathed heavily and began to speak, each word slowly and calmly ''Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness, Madgod of this Realm. I tricked you, I tricked a Daedric Prince. I cannot be killed by any Daedra.'' Akatosh said until reaching a more angry tone ''I am Akatosh, and I cannot be killed!'' as he shouted at Sheogorath he went into the air and flew of for a moment.
    After which not 5 minutes he returned ''Fight me Daedra, or prepare for your death!'' Akatosh mocked as he began to spit fireballs at Sheogorath Aureal's and Mazken.

    Sheogorath and his loyal servants began to return fire, the Aureal's and Mazken shooting barrages of arrows at Akatosh, some of them merely bouncing of, others managing to pierce the Aedra's skin.
    Akatosh constantly would sweep down, grabbing a few of the Guards and dropping them from the height of the sky.
    Sheogorath's most elite guards were even falling by the Aedra.
    It was then Sheogorath began to join with the attack, flinging his Wabbajack at Akatosh, random spells damaging him, the Wabbajack was truly a amazing weapon.
    With Sheogorath shooting the Wabbajack he also began to shoot huge and very powerful Fireballs towards the God, Until finally the great Aedra Dragon began to fall to the ground.
    As the Great God shot to the ground, the entire rubble around where he landed smashed apart, being replaced with Akatosh.
    But it was not over, the King of the Aedra was not finished yet, he would stand and fight once more.


    Lord of Order!
    Jyggalag awoke to a blinding light. "Where am I?" A nervous courtier walked up to him. "You are back in your realm, my Lord. The War-God Talos bested you in combat." "So... I am banished." He stood up tenderly. "Gather my elder council. I have an urgent matter I must discuss." He then strode off to his courtroom, awaiting his minions arrival.

    No more than ten minutes later, thirty men and mer assembled around a large meeting table. Each of them wore standard priest robes, but they were bright white rather than the usual blue. When they had all been seated, Jyggalag started. "My council! I have been beaten by a Divine and banished to my realm. I must get back to the Shivering Isles so as to restore order amongst my fellow Daedra and stop the Aedra from unbalancing Oblivion. I have gathered you, the best minds of my court, to help me devise a way to accomplish this task. What do you suggest?" There was a long period of silence.

    An Altmer spoke up. "You could draw on the essence of your realm itself, lord." He was quickly smacked over the head by the Breton sitting next to him. "You fool! That would leave this place in a state of chaos for years!" Jyggalag jumped in. "Well, what do you suggest?" The Breton gulped. "Well, uh... we could, I mean, if we, um..." He clapped his hands together excitedly. "You might be able to pull it off if you created a large enough Oblivion gate using our obelisks!" Jyggalag shot him down. "That would never work. Anyone else have any thoughts?" Everyone squirmed uncomfortably. Then, the oldest of them spoke.

    He was a Dwemer, a loyal worshiper of Jyggalag for as long a memory served, who had been granted an extremely long lifespan for his work. "My lord, I've been working on a new project with soul gems. It should allow you to traverse to the Shivering Isles and back." He withdrew what appeared to be a soul gem, but it was a dark grey color, rather than the typical blue or purple. "I'm afraid the only problem is that in order to power it you'd need a large number of highly magical souls." A Dunmer snapped at him. "And where, exactly, is our lord supposed to find that on such short noti- Oh, no." Some of them screamed, a few tried to run, but all it took was a wave of Jyggalag's hand to bring them all crumpled to their knees. The purple energy of their souls flew neatly into the air and down into the soul gem. Jyggalag then made a trip to his armory.

    Standing in his throne room, he wore a large suit of armor made of order shards. In his hands he held a deadly crystal staff, which crackled with lightning. He took the soul gem and placed it neatly in center of his armor, and immediately concentrated all his thoughts on the Isles. A white portal opened in front of him, and he stepped inside. Jyggalag had reentered the battle.


    Lord of Order!
    Traveling through the portal was not pleasant. Jyggalag could catch glimpses of other realms as he traveled across Oblivion. He saw the crumbling towers of Coldharbour, the purple sky of the Soul Carin, and, bizarrely, he could swear he came face to face with Clavicus Vile for a few seconds. He could just start to make out what looked like a floating city when he dropped down in the middle of New Sheoth.

    Jyggalag attempted to summon more Knights to hold off the armies of the Divines, but nothing happened. He was still too weak to use his powers. Rather than act stupid and attempt to hold his ground, he fled north heading to the Palace. On his way, he heard a very odd sound: a child's cry. Children were scarce in the Isles, and Jyggalag had certainly never seen one in the capitol. He headed off to investigate.

    He tracked the noise to a ruined building. Wading through the debris, Jyggalag finally found the child. She looked to be around nine or ten, and she was trapped under a boulder with an ill-fitting dress covering her up. And, interestingly, she had silver hair and bright blue eyes, almost like... "Azura? Is that you?" The girl nodded. Jyggalag bent down and lifted the rock up. Out of all the other Princes, Azura was one of the few he liked, and he certainly wasn't going to leave her trapped. "Come on. Let's find someplace safe, then you should tell me how exactly you got into this... predicament."


    Clavicus Vile strolled through New Sheoth, laughing as he saw signs of the battles. "Foolish Princes, they haven't even finished off their Divines yet, like me!", said the god as he floated over a giant sinkhole. He was laughing as he saw a dead Daedra when he heard the cry of a child and an odd feeling of disorientation. He saw, for just a second, a giant crystal spire pop up in front of his face. He fell backwards and into another giant sinkhole. Barbas grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and pulled him up to the streets. Clavicus brushed all the dust off his shirt and then suddenly transformed it into a tuxedo. "I do think Sheogoraths realm may be driving me insane, Barbas. Oh well.", said the god as he began to run towards the sounds of the child. He left New Sheoth and saw an old ruin looming on the horizon. "One of the Madgods failed attempts at building a livable city...", muttered Vile. He picked up speed, running towards the ruins. Clavicus saw another figure run into th ruin. A metallic figure. Jyggalag.

    Clavicus threw open the doors and saw some kind of crumbling throne room. He turned towards Jyggalag and saw a small child pinned under a giant boulder. "Oh my god! How is she not dead?", said Clavicus, at first in surprise, then in curiosity. Jyggalag picked up the boulder, said something to the girl, then heard Clavicus. He ran up to the child and noticed silver hair and bright blue eyes. "Okay, that is either one of Sheogoraths crazy creations or an Er'Ada. Who are you? Azura? Some Daedric minion? An Aedra?", said Clavicus quizically. He tripped on a hole in the floor and landed on the boulder, causing it to slip out of Jyggalags grasp and just barely miss the girl. He straightened then turned to Jyggalag, then to the girl, then to Jyggalag, then to the girl, then to Barbas, then back to the girl.