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  1. Anonymous

    OOC Escape from Shivering Isles

    Woot! Back on track, sort of. I was going to write more, have Yves trek after Kir, but I'm still not home and have a limited time slot. If no one answers with anything too progressive I might edit my post later when I can and add that in. Don't count on it though. So in the meantime anyone else...
  2. Anonymous

    Open Escape from Shivering Isles

    The room continued to bustle with the intense erratic behavior it’s the inhabitants. The shouting bounded wildly against the high ceilings of the anteroom with enough force to push the reserved Breton further and further against the shadow draped walls. In late passing years Yves hadn’t much...
  3. Anonymous

    OOC Escape from Shivering Isles

    Sorry for the unexplained leave of absence! I had to run out of town suddenly and am currently in an area with spotty internet connection. No worries though, I'm working on a post to catch myself up to present!
  4. Anonymous

    Open Escape from Shivering Isles

    Miniature whirlwinds of dust spun in intricate designs as they weaved between shadow and the thin light shafts that penetrated the grime-laden window of the small hovel. From his vantage on the floor a disheveled man marveled at it’s chaotic dance as it was propelled by the force of his own...
  5. Anonymous

    OOC Escape from Shivering Isles

    I am being late to the party as usual! I've been distracted the last few days by work and Dishonored. I will have my intro in later this afternoon, when I am home from work. Apologies!
  6. Anonymous

    OOC Escape from Shivering Isles

    Character Name: Yves Leroux-Corvus Gender: Male Age: 26 Race: Imperial/Breton Skills: Alteration (Expert - Favors Telekinesis/Paralysis) Speech (Expert) Sneak (Adept) Conjuration (Bound Weapons only) Illusion (Muffle/Calm/Fear only) Combat Preferences: While Yves prefers to avoid...
  7. Anonymous

    Open The Jarl can hardly eat all the deer now can he?

    (I presume this is an open roleplay, and if so, I'd very much like to join! Do you have any requirements?)
  8. Anonymous

    Open Rise of the Falmer [ROF] Character Cards & Rules

    Woah, totally my bad. I noticed this OOC thread read open and assumed the entire roleplay was also. Apologies for the misunderstanding!
  9. Anonymous

    Open Rise of the Falmer [ROF] Character Cards & Rules

    I've been keeping a patient eye on the Roleplaying Section for the past two weeks and happened to see Rise of the Falmer is no longer in the red. Assuming there is open recruitment, I was curious what the requirements were, if any?
  10. Anonymous

    Interesting rules to play by

    I'd definitely check out BIGwooly's journal for a daring set of restrictions. That's the first journal I stumbled across on the forums and it opened my eyes to the "hardcore" style. I'll tell you what, after playing hardcore, you won't go back. Not only does it completely alter the game, slow...
  11. Anonymous

    PC Skyrim is boring - now what?

    Honestly, starting an entirely new character and new play-style is your best chance to get that "fresh" experience. If you insist on playing as your current character, then I'd just adopt the new play-style aspect: realism. I was inspired to play with "realism" by the journal fad going around...