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Oh, tell me about it. You're not alone. After I finished it for the first time, I was down for a month. Then I played the trilogy again, and cried my eyes out at the end, and was depressed again for god knows how long. Damn BioWare.
I know. You just get so into the characters and story. I am replaying the trilogy again, but it's bittersweet since I know how it ends.... regardless of my choices! Damn Bioware!!!

Although I am hoping to get that Shepard Lives ending.
If you have the Extended Cut installed, it shouldn't be that hard. Just make sure to do every little side quest as soon as you receive them, and your EMS should be way over the required amount by the time you reach Earth.

BTW, have you played the Citadel DLC? If you're a fan of the trilogy, I'd highly recommend it. It managed to ease my pain over the ending for quite a bit!
Damn! Did you play the trilogy when the Extended Cut DLC was wasn't available?
For the first time around I did play without it, yeah. Man, that was painful. My EMS was nowhere near where it should have been...
The second time with the EC wasn't as bad as the first time, but I still wouldn't call it easy. And since I already knew what was going to happen, I think my stomach started to tie itself to knots about the time Shepard hit Earth. And the ending... *shivers* I haven't cried as hard since the ending of Battlestar Galactica.
I think I would've broken something if I hadn't played with the EC already installed on my system. Even then, the ending still gutted me. I want to get the Citadel DLC. Hoping for more time with Tali. :)

I heard they are making a Mass Effect 4 but without Shepard. I think it's going to take place in the same universe, but with a new threat.
I'm more of a Liara fan myself, but I get your point ;) And the Citadel is made of awesome. Fan service at it's finest, a lot of inside jokes and time with all the amazing characters. One of the best things about the whole trilogy, IMO.
As for ME4, I've heard the rumours too. I'm not sure of what to think of that. The ME universe at this point is vast and interesting, so I am curious to see what they come up with next. But on the other hand... I'd be lying if I said I won't miss Shepard and the rest of the gang.

Although I do think that a player character, who would be of some other race than human would be pretty amazing.
More moments with the characters is all I needed to hear! :)

I am on the fence as well. A ME without the Shep is weird for me to grasp, yet it makes sense. Unless Bioware wants to make one ending Canon (which may piss more people off) I see no way Shep could be in ME4. Mentioned yes, but not in the new game. Oh that hurts to even write!
Yeah, if memory serves me correctly Bioware has confirmed that Shep definitely won't be in the next ME game, should they ever make one. I don't know if it is 100% sure that they are making it yet, though. Fingers crossed.
With ME, I think Bioware has proved time and again that they can create memorable characters and storylines, so in all and all I am optimistic. I guess the biggest issue IMO is just the fact that they did too damn good job with the trilogy; it's a tough act to follow!
Very true. How can they top the Trilogy (disregarding the ending)? But you never know. :)
I personally didn't have that big a problem with the ending. Don't get me wrong, it was heartbreaking, but not bad storywise. Sure it could've been better, but was it really worth of the bashing it got from the fans? Not really, in my opinion. It was sad as hell, sure, but that doesn't necessary make it bad.
No, it wasn't a terrible ending, However, the fact that they had to basically extend it due to fan outrage says a lot. The original endings had too many plot holes from what I've read. That and everybody loves these characters, killing Shep in each ending just sucks. It was good, but in a- rip your heart out and stomp on it in the name of Artistic Freedom- kind of way. :)
Aye, there were some plot holes present in the original ending alright. On the first time around I actually chose the opposite path from what I had decided to take (I was supposed to choose Destroy, went for Control by accident) and didn't even realize it. It wasn't until the second playthrough I figured out my mistake. I think that gives a pretty good picture of how well everything was explained.