Recent content by moragtong

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  1. M

    Guild Wars 2 Beta Keys Giveaway

    OK, so I'm a huge TES fan (10 years or so) and also a former GW1 addict (and I've now relapsed in an attempt to get God Walking Among Mere Mortals title). Anyway, a GW2 key would be epic so I can play with my brother! Thanks!
  2. M

    Which is better, Oblivion or Skyrim?

    I love Oblivion and Skyrim, but I'll always have a soft spot for Morrowind. Not only was it my first TES game, but also my first open ended RPG, and it was such a breath of fresh air. I would always think "you mean I can steal anything I want?!" Good times.
  3. M

    Powerful Character Creation

    If you really don't care about the rpg aspect of the game, you can just look yourself in a room with the lady with the staff of ever-scamp and kill them over and over again, upping your (carefully chosen) minor skills. You can be at 100 in all the skills that matter by like level 12 or 15.
  4. M

    Your favorite "things" about oblivion

    I love going into the creepy Dark Brotherhood house and talking to the statue to get assassination targets.
  5. M

    Kathodos: A Return of Exiles

    I've always been a TES fan who skipped all the book-reading in-game, but reading this has made me really want to get to know the lore better. Great job!
  6. M

    Spoiler A Schism of Night: The Vampiric Civil War

    I've had a soft spot for vampires in the Elder Scrolls games ever since I realized in Morrowind that I could be a super-thief/assassin with the skills, plus look cool in the process.