Recent content by FattieFantasy

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  1. FattieFantasy

    Favorite Shout/Way to use it?

    Storm Call, eventho it kindad kills anyone :)
  2. FattieFantasy

    Your strategies and How you make it through the life if Skyrim

    I eat three full meals (breakfast,lunch,Dinner) work in the mines from 8am-5pm then hunt some deer and finally kill a dragon...and maybe just maybe..
  3. FattieFantasy

    Sabertooth Bandit Leader?

    Lololol- i had quest finished out of thin air.. "am walking my morning stroll and out of no where you have completed: *some quest* i was like o.O i had that quest??
  4. FattieFantasy


    this was very exciting news :D! Ps3 fix thing <3
  5. FattieFantasy

    Its official...

    ah~ this title is Dead Island, that game had so many glitches and the worts ones for example your save data would get rolled back, how exciting that little surprised roll back was and well.. so i been immune to this bugs :)
  6. FattieFantasy

    What is the longest you have walked

    I do a morning walk from Markarth to Riften everyday at 5am, it gets me pumping. -the more you know.
  7. FattieFantasy

    Spoiler Silly Deaths

    I got own once by a Cabbage. -True Story
  8. FattieFantasy

    Skyrim Online... :O!!!

    ah yea am gettin skyrim for pc.
  9. FattieFantasy

    For the Archer's out there.....

    whoa awesome imma try this on my dummie char :'D tyvm
  10. FattieFantasy

    What is race is your Skyrim Character?

    Kahjiit assassin , a nord and now am hooked on my Breton :D
  11. FattieFantasy

    90 Hours and still no Alduin?

    i have put around 117hrs on my main 32hrs on my 2nd and 25hrs now on my third and i have yet to do any of the main line quest lol and i dont expect myself to do it any time soon :)
  12. FattieFantasy

    The dumbest thing you done in game....

    Fighting an Elder Dragon with my bare hands naked. (good times ..... Good Times)
  13. FattieFantasy

    100K Gold Achievement

    o.o i barely make 10k :/ .... .. .. thats nice tho
  14. FattieFantasy

    PC 1.3 Hits Steam

    Dx hopefully they do something with the crashes :< 4 crashes in less than 1hr (ps3)