The Face Behind The Avatar

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The Skrimmer


Dave, The Quiet One.
New Years Day, before I cut my hair and dyed it brown. I miss it being that long
I couldn't find a YUMMO icon so I called it


Silence, My Brother
my avatar is my face...
A little less dead. With my boyfriend at a wedding last year.


It's been really neat to put faces to the avatars! There have been a few surprises; apparently I'm really bad at guessing people's gender based on usernames, haha. :D
Did you think I was a girl? Since I'm sooo toootally feminine :D You probably did. But I promise I'm not gay. I'm just sensitivvee :eek: Hehe :p
Hehe I understand it though. I mean my avatar is a girl, I have a tendency to act and type in ways that seem feminine just becuase it gives me giggles, and heck I thought I was a girl until I looked in the mirror this morning! :p
Sometimes I actually do intentionally act gay though with the hopes that I will be invited to female slumber parties where we will massage eachother with oil. But that only happens in movies. :oops:


Silence, My Brother
Sometimes I actually do intentionally act gay though with the hopes that I will be invited to female slumber parties where we will massage eachother with oil. But that only happens in movies. :oops:



Premium Member
Did you think I was a girl? Since I'm sooo toootally feminine :D You probably did. But I promise I'm not gay. I'm just sensitivvee :eek: Hehe :p

Honestly, even though I've known what you were for a while, I still hear Toph's girly voice in my head whenever I'm reading your posts. It won't stop. Your avatar just keeps winking at me. T.T
Honestly, even though I've known what you were for a while, I still hear Toph's girly voice in my head whenever I'm reading your posts. It won't stop. Your avatar just keeps winking at me. T.T
That's ok by me! I'd much rather be Toph than myself. She is much more epic than me :p
Ah, I don't know about that. But she is pretty epic.
I think she fits me well anyway! :D

EDIT: That's tiny, but it says "She isn't Toph. She's Melon Lord!"