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Specter of Death

Omnipresent Moderator
Staff member
This a continuation off of my RP and Fan Fiction Series based on my character Lyron. For any background information needed, please check my blog, my current RP A Long Journey, and my blogger - http://lyrons-blog.blogspot.com/. There will be no chapters posted here, until my current RP is finished. I will post the character cards of all characters Important here. For any questions, I request you ask on my profile page, in order to not disturb this one. Thank You for reading!

Specter of Death

Omnipresent Moderator
Staff member

Specter of Death

Omnipresent Moderator
Staff member
Hey guys, I now have decided to post the Hierarchy and Races / Species that comprise the Tetraxir. This post is for people new to the fan fiction and RP series, contact me for more information on joining.

The Tetraxir | What is it?

The Tetraxir, or The Council of Four, is the council of warriors dedicated to terminating the growing Septimist threat. There will be more info on them later in this post. So If you have read the RP A Long Journey which includes a couple of my fan fiction characters and others, the plot is pre-story. It comes in the Era before this Fan Fiction will take place. In this RP, Lyron and Mairah find out they are the first of the Tetraxir, and the first creations or race of Kynareth, who is the clan's guiding diety. She comes to them, and tells them there ability to morph into large, small horse sized wolves, is a blessing she has given to them, in response to the Septimists. She also tells them that there are 3 more members to the first Tetraxir council, that they need to find, in order to start the clan.

So with that knowledge, lets talk about the clan itself. The Tetraxir is a clan that is run by 4 leaders, that form a council. All 4 council members are one of the 4 different species that make up the clan. These species are the Lupivir, Vulpivir, Noctuavir, and Leovir. We will talk about them next. These council members make major decisions for the clan, that includes training, war, and disciplinary actions.

Species: There are 4 different species that Kynareth has created, all with specializations and abilities. Each Species has a species ability, that goes along with the species. The 4 on the council, gain a personal ability, when they are on the council. They get it revoked by Kynareth, when they are removed from the council. This pairs with there species ability as well.

Lupivir: The Lupivir are the species that Lyron and Mairah fall under. This species shape shifts into large, horse sized wolves. They represent the Assassin type of class in the clan. They are usually the defense, and strategist characters in the clan. There species special ability, is to temporarily become invisible, and completely silent, but only when the moon is out and visible. This is also called Imbotri.

Vulpivir: The Vulpivir are the species that shape shifts into large Foxes. They aren't quite as big as the Lupivir, but are a lot bigger than the average fox. This species represents the thief class within the clan. They are usually scouts, and great for small infantry attacks. This species' special ability is to release scents and hormones that can change the mind set of any person, to a certain extent. This is also called Orodati.

Noctuavir: The Noctuavir are the species that shape shifts into large Owls. They are about 1/3 the size of a dragon. In the clan, they tend to represent the Mage type class. They are very good for gaining knowledge, and setting up a very structured defense and training system. They are also very skilled in arial combat against ground forces. There species' special ability, is to generate large aura sheilds around allies, as well as healing allies, and stealing the health of enemies. This is very limited to a certain time, and amount of uses. This is also called Guaritri.

Leovir: The Leovir are the species that shape shift into large Lions. They are bigger that the Lupivir in size, but not as fast. In the clan they strongly represent the warrior type class. They are very skilled battle units, no matter when or where, and are very good at creating weapons and armor. There species' special ability is absorbing any material, and creating a temporary armor around there skin, or even stengthening there weapons. This is also called Pelicortiri.

Half-Bloods or Metazir: The Metazir are the men, mer, or beasts that are turned to one of the Interozir species. They are either turned, or are the children of a Interozir and regular species. The Metazir follow the shape shifting patterns of the Interozir that turned them. From Lupivir to Leovir. They shape shift to the same animal, and are the same side. The difference is they have no species abilities. They instead gain a personaly ability that Kynareth blesses them with. The Metazir make up a lot of the Tetraxir, because there are not a lot of pure blooded Interozir species, as Kynareth only blessed few with Pure blood, and a lot of them don't procreate.

Hierarchy / Ranking System: This is the system that the Tetraxir is organized into.

Special Ranks:
  • Council Cheif: These are the 4 council members that make decisions for the Tetraxir. They are chosen by Kynareth, and gain a personaly ability that they only get when they are on council. They are removed from council by Kynareth when she chooses, or by death.
  • Council Matron: The 4 spouses of the Council Chiefs. They hold no special abilities, or responsibilities, other than carrying on the Cheif's blood line.
  • Council Demorotiri: These are the 2 "right hand men" type people, that every council member posesses. They are picked by the council members, and help said council member make decisions and other things. They gain no special abilities, and hold higher rank than any other, besides Council Chief.
Clan Ranks: These are not complete, but are based on species, and class.

Specter of Death

Omnipresent Moderator
Staff member
"Mairah, might I ask you something?" Kairi asked her, as Lyron walked out of the Tavern in Search of the Khajiit Vulpivir. Mairah nodded in approval towards her. "When I first met Lyron, when he was... different, he didn't seem like the type of man who could lead. Why in Nirn did Kynareth pick him?"
Mairah turned in her chair. She looked as if unsure how to answer. "Because he walked the thin line between life and death. He was born in a city, fell in love, and lived a seemingly normal life. It was until he was able to go his own way, that the army of Tiber Septim murdered his family, the leaders of the city, and destroyed everything. The one he loved fled with him, only to reach the tribe. He became happy again, and led the tribe. Yet when you looked in his eyes, you only saw pain, and death. After a while, things seemed peaceful. But then the New Septim's Army was formed, they trapped us. Killed the tribe, and I escaped. When Lyron returned, he watched his love die by the hands of one of our own tribe. While I was finding information on who had done this, Lyron fell into insanity. Deep enough to kill any other man. He walked face to face with death. He was a slave, and killed many innocent men. Then hunted those he thought were responsible. He climbed out of insanity, into what was just a haunting torture. Then Kynareth cleansed his mind, and told us our purpose. To bring the Tetraxir together. He is who he is because of all he has witnessed." Mairah stood up as Lyron walked in.
"That cat is as stubborn as when we first met," He said in a chuckle, looking at Kairi, "but he will help us." Lyron nodded, "Thank you for your help, if you are ever in need of help or shelter, our door is always open to you." Kairi stood up, and held out a hand, which Lyron shook.
Lyron and Mairah left the Tavern, ready for the next step in their Journey.

Specter of Death

Omnipresent Moderator
Staff member
Chapter 1
Fredas, 6 of Morning Star, 4E 211
Lyron ran his fingers through his thick wavy hair. Hoping to get some sort of premonition of where to go. He stood from the tree branch he was perched on, and jumped to the ground. Mairah could see the look of irritation on his face as he walked. "It will come to you eventually," She said rubbing his back. Lyron shook his head, hoping to free his mind of worry. He wished he had more help with finding this Altmer. San Vasca stepped forward, "San Vasca thinks we should hunt for Dominion," He said with a grin, "Camps and Camps there are here. She is bound to be in one of them."
Lyron turned to the Khajiit. He was very clever for an ex-bandit. Lyron started to pace eagerly. She was bound to be in one of the camps, the problem was that there was over 100 of them. And there was no chance they were getting into the Aldmeri Dominion Headquarters. "It is a smart idea San Vasca," Lyron spoke, "but how are we to search all of the camps?" Lyron continued to pace. Hoping for an answer to fall from the sky.
Mairah looked as if she had a thought. "What about Celduin and Thoron?" She asked carefully, "They are still in Skyrim last I heard, maybe send a courier to ask for assistance?" Lyron looked up at his wife in response to the idea. It had been 10 or so years since they had seen them last. It was a wonder how they have been, or what they have been up to. "Still, if they help, how is 2 people going to help us find Irune?" Lyron breathed heavily, hoping to release the stress he had. He knew that the Septimist forces were making big moves, and they could do nothing with out the Council.
"San Vasca knows a few. Twins of strong magic, and a skilled fighter," San Vasca stated another idea, "They will help us, no doubt." Lyron looked at him, and saw no other option. He nodded in respect to his wife and the Khajiit. He walked over to Falathiel, and took out a 3 pieces of parchment. A simple "Your aid is needed in Summerset. - L.D." Was all that was on the three of them. He walked to San Vasca, "Take this south, find a courier, tell him who to take it to your comrades " The Khajiit nodded in response, and turned to a fox, disappearing into the forest. Lyron turned to Mairah. "We ride North, then split up to find different couriers. If the Septimists find the letters, they will not be led to the others." They hopped on the back of Falathiel, and rode for a while.
Lyron reached a small town, and approached the tavern. He thought about the time Mairah was suppose to meet him at the outpost. He walked into the Tavern, and spoke to the Tender. "I need a Courier." He simply said. The Tender pointed to a man near the fire, stuffing his face with a sweet role. "This letter goes to Celduin, in Skyrim." Lyron pulled out a shallow pouch of coins, that the man took without hesitation. The man sprinted out of the tavern, with Lyron behind him.The walk back to the Outpost, and Falathiel wasn't long. It was past the time they were meant to meet. Lyron knew that San Vasca could find them when he was finished, but Miarah hadn't returned yet.
Hours passed, while Lyron waited. San Vasca walked into the camp at midnight. "San Vasca is unsure where Mairah could be." Lyron clenched his fists as he paced. The list of worst case scenarios ran through his head. He growled in anger, as he turned. A deafening howl filled the air. San Vasca joined in as a fox in order to enhance the call. They both listened for a response, which was sure to come, if she was safe. No call returned. Lyron's head was filled with panic. He sprint in the direction that Mairah had went. San Vasca close behind. As they approached a small village, they returned to their humanoid state. Lyron approached a man standing near the tavern. "I am looking for a Bosmer woman, my wife. Have you seen her?!" Lyron questioned in fear. The man looked at him in slight surprise. "You mean the woman who was arrested? She was taken by 2 big men in armor. They left almost a day ago," The man said in response. He walked into the tavern, with no remorse.
"She could be anywhere, San Vasca thinks," He spoke, "It would be unwise to try and find her." Lyron looked at the Khajiit in anger. "Unwise to search for my wife?!" Lyron threw his knives at a tree in order to think. The Septimists had found them, and taken Mairah. The only problem was, San Vasca was right. She could be half way to Morrowind by now. Lyron had to focus his thoughts. He needed to find the Noctuavir, and His wife. "I hope our friends receive our message." He stated.