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Race: Nord
Alignment: Chaotic/Neutral
Factions: Stormcloaks, Companions
Major Skills: Two Handed, Light Armor, Block
Minor Skills: Smithing, Archery
Perks: Skyrim Perk Calculator - Plan the perks for your Skyrim character before spending them!
Guardian Stone: Lord Stone
Shouts: Unrelenting Force, Elemental Fury, Call of Valor, Clear Skies, Dismay
Equipment: Scaled Armor, Battleaxe
Obs.: The viking is the quintessential barbarian. He runs into the frey in light armor, which he much favors over the slower and clunkier heavier armors. Also unlike the common warrior, he prefers two handed weapons over the traditional shield and sword. The viking is also a master craftsman that makes some decent coin at the forge, although not enough to compare to what he gets from village pillaging and dungeon delving. A strong and proud nord, he believes in Skyrim's independence and will fight for his homeland.
Race: Imperial
Alignment: Chaotic/Neutral-Evil
Factions: None
Major Skills: One Handed, Heavy Armor, Conjuration
Minor Skills: Smithing, Enchanting, Archery, Two-Handed
Perks: Skyrim Perk Calculator - Plan the perks for your Skyrim character before spending them!
Guardian Stone: The Lord Stone
Shouts: Dismay, Marked for Death, Whirlwind Sprint
Equipment: General Tullius' Armor, Dwarven Gauntlets and Boots, Dual Daedric Swords (Soul Trap + Fire Enchants), More Daedric Weaponry
Obs.: The God of War, Kratos is a merciless killer bent on vengeance who will stop at nothing to tear through his enemies. He is loyal to no faction and is no stranger to betrayal. All of his actions are based solely on what he wants and how he feels. He is proficient in all weaponry, but overall prefers dual-wielding swords. Kratos also has the power to call upon the souls of those he's slayed and summon them to fight along side him in battle. Having a history of manipulating the divine, and vice versa, he will come into contact with many of the Daedra, and use their artifacts in his journeys to help hack n' slash his way to victory.
Alik'r Spellsword
Race: Redguard
Alignment: Neutral
Factions: Companions, College
Major Skills: One-Handed, Destruction, Alteration, Enchanting
Minor Skills: Smithing, Illusion
Perks: Skyrim Perk Calculator - Plan the perks for your Skyrim character before spending them!
Guardian Stone: Lord Stone
Shouts: Unrelenting Force, Marked for Death
Equipment: Redguard Cloth, Scimitars
Obs.: The Alik'r Spellsword is trained equally both in spellcasting, as well as combat. He or she uses magic for armor, and alternates between twin Scimitars, and a spell in one hand, and a Scimitar in the other. Generally speaking, for archers and spellcasters, the Spellsword closes the distance and with a flame cloak spell active, runs through an opponents like a buzzsaw. Against heavily armored opponents, the Alik'r keeps their distance, using spells and if the opponent gets close, they drop the spell from their left hand and use weapon bash to stun an opponent and either get more distance, or wield two scimitars and cut the enemy down.
Race: Khajiit
Alignment: Lawful/Good
Factions: Dawnguard, Companions
Major Skills: One Handed, Light Armor, Lycanthropy
Minor Skills: Illusion, Sneak, Smithing
Perks: Skyrim Perk Calculator - Plan the perks for your Skyrim character before spending them!
Guardian Stone: Lord Stone
Shouts: Animal Allegiance, Kyne's Peace, Call Dragon, Dragonrend
Equipment: Savior's Hide, Hide Bracers and Boots, Hircine's Ring, Dual Axes
Obs.: The Beastmaster is a hunter, that instead of killing all of the animals he encounters, recruits some to fight by his side. He can even have armored trolls accompany him on his journeys. Letting his beast followers deal some, but not all of the damage, he specializes in dual wielding weapons. He can use a wide array of one handed arms, but will generally apt for axes. The Beastmaster is also a master beast, and can summon forth several of his werewolf companions to help tear through the opposition.


Rune Archer
Wood Elf

All Skyrim factions = full benefits across Skyrim
Dawnguard = crossbows with 50% armor penetration
Major Skills: Archery, Enchanting, Destruction, Sneak
Minor Skills: One-handed, Illusion, Restoration, Alteration, Smithing
Perks: Skyrim Perk Calculator - Plan the perks for your Skyrim character before spending them!
Guardian Stone:
Primary = Shadow Stone
Aetherial Crown = Serpent Stone
Shouts: Animal Allegiance, Aura Whisper, Call Dragon, Call Valor, Dismay, Dragonrend, Marked for Death, Summon Durnehviir, Whirlwind Sprint, Unrelenting Force

Dragonbone Bow = Frost + Shock
Hat = Archery + Fortify Destruction
Clothes = Regen Magicka + Fortify Destruction
Gloves = Archery + Sneak
Boots = Regen Stamina + Sneak
Neck = Archery + Fortify Destruction
Finger = Archery + Sneak
Sets of circlets, amulets, and rings allow me to swap for free casts of any magic school.
As you behold the overwhelming power of the Rune Archer, using the Dragonborn shouts are merely used for large floods of enemies. As you wield a mystically powerful bow, blades, and spells, you have full control of battles in any way you desire. Attack a group of enemies in the dark with your blades, station destructive runes on the ground as you prepare an archer's high ground assault, or even be right out in the open and calm and paralyze your weak foes so you can concentrate on the tougher ones.

Using companions merely makes you inefficient in close combat, because your power lies within the darkness and distance. However, you're not fully stunted with having companions to aid you. Control the flow of combat and aid your comrades in taking on enemies.

Strategy is your greatest ally. Use it to your will.
Race: Any
Alignment: Neutral
Factions: Bards' College
Major Skills: Lockpick, Light Armor, One Handed, Block
Minor Skills: Alchemy, Speech, Sneak
Perks: Skyrim Perk Calculator - Plan the perks for your Skyrim character before spending them!
Guardian Stone: Steed Stone
Shouts: Aura Whisper, Become Ethereal, Clear Skies, Slow Time, Whirlwind Sprint
Equipment: Light Armor, Shield and Sword, Lockpicks, Torch
Obs.: The adventurer is an expert explorer, whose goals are to put as much locations on the map and clear as many dungeons as possible. He wears light armor for faster movement and is a traditional shield and sword user. The adventurer is skilled in the picking of locks, as he is bound to run into many locked doors and chests. He is also bound to run into many alchemical ingredients as he roams around the landscape, for which he uses to make useful potions and deadly poisons for coating his sword. Skilled at bartering, he is also talented at getting a good price for the many treasures and artifacts he finds on his journeys.
Robin Hood
Race: Breton
Alignment: Chaotic/Good
Factions: Thieve's Guild
Major Skills: Archery, Pickpocket, Speech
Minor Skills: Lockpick, Sneak, One Handed
Perks: Skyrim Perk Calculator - Plan the perks for your Skyrim character before spending them!
Guardian Stone: Lord Stone
Shouts: Aura Whisper, Throw Voice, Whirlwind Sprint, Slow Time
Equipment: Clothes, Nightingale Bow and Sword
Obs.: Robin Hood is a master archer and also does well with a sword. He is the quintessential thief, and steals from the rich and gives to the poor. He wears clothing, and his flamboyant, green tunic is the last thing his foes never saw.
Witch Doctor
Race: Breton
Alignment: Chaotic/Neutral-Evil
Factions: Forsworn, College of Winterhold
Major Skills: Conjuration, Alchemy, Destruction
Minor Skills: Illusion, Enchanting, Light Armor
Guardian Stone: Ritual Stone
Shouts: Unrelenting Force, Marked for Death, Dismay, Disarm, Storm Call
Equipment: Enchanted Forsworn Armor, Skull of Corruption, Dagger + Soul Trap Enchant
Obs.: The witch doctor is the master of curses and hexes, and controls the very forces of life and death. He can conjure up undead minions to fight with him, and is a masterful destruction mage. Perhaps his greatest skill, the witch doctor uses alchemy to create useful potions, and more importantly, even deadlier poisons. Having great knowledge of magical affects, he is also an adept enchanter and illusionist.
Race: Any
Alignment: Lawful/Good
Factions: College of Winterhold
Major Skills: Restoration, Alteration, One Handed, Destruction
Minor Skills: Alchemy, Illusion, Speech, Enchanting
Perks: Skyrim Perk Calculator - Plan the perks for your Skyrim character before spending them!
Guardian Stone: Apprentice Stone
Shouts: Become Ethereal, Call of Valor, Disarm, Elemental Fury, Slow Time, Unrelenting Force
Equipment: Monk Robes, Mace, Amulet
Obs.: A priest is a holy man whose duties consist of carrying out the will of his Aedra and protecting all that is good. He is a skilled healer, and uses his restoration spells and healing potions to benefit him, his allies, and those he protects. He defends himself with alteration spells, and dispels all evil with his mace and destruction magic. Being a priest, his words are often taken to heart, and his illusion and speech skills are unmatched.


Class: Hunter
Race: Nord.
Alignment: Lawful/Good.
Factions: N/A.
Major Skills: Archery. One Handed. Sneak. Light Armor. Alchemy.
Minor Skills: Two handed. Heavy armor. Destruction.
Guardian Stone: The Lady.
Shouts: (Doesn't fit class)
Equipment: Fur Bracers. Fur Armor. Fur Shoes. Iron Arrows. Huntsman/Elven bow. Dwarven arrows.
Obs.: A young Nord, who makes his living by picking up ingredients and killing wild life on his travels, he will avoid bandits if he can, but will attack in self defense.
I'm bored, so I thought I'd make a shout out to Castle Crashers by recreating some of the playable characters in the game as builds in Skyrim. Here are the default characters, the knights. By the way I'm a bit too lazy to do the perks. Too much work for something you could probably have figured out on your own. Well anyway...

Green Knight
Race: Any
Alignment: Chaotic/Good
Factions: The King
Major Skills: One Handed, Block, Heavy Armor
Minor Skills: Alchemy, Archery
Guardian Stone: Serpent Stone
Shouts: Marked for Death
Equipment: Heavy Armor, Sword and Shield
Obs.: A knight with the power to control the element of poison

Red Knight
Race: Any
Alignment: Chaotic/Good
Factions: The King
Major Skills: One Handed, Block Heavy Armor
Minor Skills: Destruction, Archery
Guardian Stone: Lady Stone
Shouts: Call Storm
Equipment: Heavy Armor, Mace and Shield
Obs.: A knight with the power to control the element of poison

Blue Knight
Race: Any
Alignment: Chaotic/Good
Factions: The King
Major Skills: One Handed, Block, Heavy Armor
Minor Skills: Destruction, Archery
Guardian Stone: Lady Stone
Shouts: Frost Breath, Ice Form
Equipment: Heavy Armor, Shield and Sword
Obs.: A knight with the power to control the element of ice

Orange Knight
Race: Any
Alignment: Chaotic/Good
Factions: The King
Major Skills: One Handed, Block, Heavy Armor
Minor Skills: Destruction, Archery
Guardian Stone: Lady Stone
Shouts: Fire Breath
Equipment: Heavy Armor, Shield and Axe
Obs.: A knight with the power to control the element of fire


Space Marine Assassin
The Summoner
Race:High Elf
Alignment: Chaotic/Neutral
Factions:College of Winterhold
Major Skills:Conjuration, Illusion, Alteration
Minor Skills:Restoration, Destruction
Perks: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Skills Builder - IGN
Guardian Stone: Mage
Shouts: Dismay, Become Ethereal (for when you are in trouble)
Equipment:Whatever you want, I went with Robes.
Obs. Put your alteration shield up, fury the nearest enemy, summon your atronachs, (I used frost atronachs or dremora lords) and then cast some apprentice destruction spells, (not really intended for direct damage, so only apprentice)

Seanu Reaves

The Shogun of Gaming
Race: Any elf or human I choose a redguard for best synergy (note: I see elves as the fantasy asain culture counter part.)

Alignment: Lawful Neutral to Chaotic Nuetral (best fit in my opinion)

Factions: Companions, Dark Brotherhood, and Ex-Leigon

Major skills: 1 handed, later 2 handed, Alteration (for armor)

Minor skills: speech, enchanting (and smithing though only for weapon inprovements)

Perks: Mostly 1 handed, and alteration. 2handed later (i can exsplain later.)

Guardian stone: Lord Stone

Shouts: Slow Time, Marked for death, and elemental fury (the one that makes you attack faster.)

Equipment: At first blades swords, basic clothes (armor or resistance enchantments.), then it is pair of Daedric Swords, and high level you get the higher level version of the Ebony Blade.

Obs.: A Ronin is a disgraced/exiled warrior. He is considered honorless, but still fights with the disipline and incredible training. Cast your armor spells before a fight and switch to your sword(s). using Slow time you can create the effect (when you are that bored) of drawing your weapon cutting an enemy down then sheathing it before they hit the ground. Note this is a pretty squishy class you you might loose against some of the tougher enemies if you let them hit you.


IL Mentore
The Pyro
Race: Dark elf (ancestors wrath)
Alignment: None
Factions: Dawnguard/Volkihar (personal player reference)
Major Skills: Destruction (Fire...duh) Armor personal preference ( i prefer heavy just for the more cynical whole face coverage look)
Minor skills: One handed (axes... ya know like a fireman!)
Perks: Destruction Fire branch; one handed;
Guardian Stone: Uhhhh fluff it i dunno mage!
Shouts: Isn't it obvious? YOL TOOR SHUL!
Equipment: Scrolls of fire
Obs: A mercenary or guardian for a higher purpose? you decide but the Pyro's actions speak luder than his words and his flames bur hotter than hell's
Soul Reaver
Race: Dark Elf
Alignment: Chaotic/Neutral
Factions: College of Winterhold
Major Skills: One Handed, Heavy Armor, Conjuration
Minor Skills: Two Handed, Illusion, Alteration
Perks: http://skyrimcalculator.com/176860
Guardian Stone: Lord Stone
Shouts: Unrelenting Force, Dismay, Become Ethereal, Marked for Death, Drain Vitality
Equipment: Falmer Hardened Set
Obs.: Soul Reaver are warriors trained by Weaponmaster's that have the ability to summon spiritual swords that develop mind control of their enemies and change a bit of reality.
Race: Imperial
Alignment: Lawful/Good
Factions: Stormcloaks/Imperial Legion, College of Winterhold
Major Skills: Restoration, Illusion, Heavy Armor, Conjuration
Minor Skills: Speech, Smithing, Enchanting, Alchemy
Perks: Skyrim Perk Calculator - Plan the perks for your Skyrim character before spending them!
Guardian Stone: Apprentice Stone
Shouts: Call of Valor, Call Dragon, Dragonrend, Unrelenting Force
Equipment: Enchanted Heavy Armor, Staff of Magnus
Obs.: The tactician is a charismatic leader who sits back and supports his followers and summoned atronachs while they dish out the damage. His heavy armor makes him a great damage absorber and uses his restoration and illusion magic to heal and rally his followers. Being a master orator and speech giver, he has a high speechcraft skill. The tactician's crafting skills are unmatched, and he uses them to create the finest weapons and armor for those who fight for him.


IL Mentore
The Bounty Hunter
Race: Nord,Orc,Redguard, Imperial
Alignment: Nuetral
Factions: None (unless you want to)
Major Skills: One handed/two handed Heavy armor
Minor Skills: Archery, Restoration, Sneak
Perks: Perk Calculator
Guardian Stone: Uhhhhh idk warrior
Shouts: Unrelenting Force, Slow time, Become Etheral
Equipment: Heavy armor, One/Two Handed, Crossbow/Bow
Obs: You ever play Castlevania 1 on the NES? You did? Then you know how good it feels to accomplish something in a video game after a constant onslaught of clever yet difficult programming. But i digress - You ever purchase a house with the money you made striclty from hunting down wanted criminals and there bandit clans? The Bounty HUnter has! and he also has a thrown made out of skulls and a library of bounty letters. You best hope none of them are yours. Because if he knows your name, he's already found you.


IL Mentore
The Champion
Race: Any (personal preference)
Alignment: Lawful/Good
Factions: None
Major Skills: One/Two handed Heavy/Light Armor
Minor Skills: Archery
Perks: Perk Calculator
Guardian Stone: Warrior Stone/ Lord Stone
Shouts: Become Ethereal, Whirlwind Sprint
Equipment: Daederic Artifacts (one handed daedra weapons w/ spellbreaker) (many two handed daedra weapons)
Obs:This Treasure Hunter is known for collecting items of value in all across Tamriel. Now his journey brings him here to Skyrim. But a brutal civil war ravages the land. Which side will he choose if any? And which daedra will he call upon to grant him the strength he needs to crush his enemies? Molag Bal? Hircine? Peryite? His power is only limited by the fire he holds in his hands when weilding a full arsenal of the daedric artifacts. He is daedric champion chosen to deal a swift and painful revenge and retribuition in their names, one at a time.


Fus.. RO DAH!
Orc Berserker

Race: Orc
Alignment: Evil
Factions: Companions Guild, Dawnguard
Major Skills: Heavy Armor, 2H, SMITHING, Archery
Minor Skills: Restoration, Block, 1H, Lockpicking
Guardian Stone: Warrior Stone
Shouts: Dragonrend, Become Ethereal, Fire Breath, Ice Form
Equipment: Full set of Daedric Armor, Sometimes Daedric War Axe and Healing or Daedric War Axe and Daedric Shield, usually Daedric Warhammer though.
Obs.: These Orcs should be taken seriously. They will charge at anyone who make them angry and will smash off their heads with warhammers.


Fus.. RO DAH!
Orc Berserker

Race: Orc
Alignment: Evil
Factions: Companions Guild, Dawnguard
Major Skills: Heavy Armor, 2H, SMITHING, Archery
Minor Skills: Restoration, Block, 1H, Lockpicking
Guardian Stone: Warrior Stone
Shouts: Dragonrend, Become Ethereal, Fire Breath, Ice Form
Equipment: Full set of Daedric Armor, Sometimes Daedric War Axe and Healing or Daedric War Axe and Daedric Shield, usually Daedric Warhammer though.
Obs.: These Orcs should be taken seriously. They will charge at anyone who make them angry and will smash off their heads with warhammers.
Oops, I forgot the perks, Sorry D: