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    The Shadow in the Dark.
    In the last decade of the fourth era, after half a century of peace,the second great war between the Aldmeri dominion and the Mede empire erupted. Justiciar patrols in the empire disappeared, as did any thalmor capable of combat magics. Armies marshaled in secret in northern Valenwood and Anequina. Fleets of Aldmeri ships rested in the Abecean sea, ready to sink imperial vessels and besiege ports. In 4E 253, on the seventh of First Seed, the dominion struck. Their armies marched up to the border of the empire, engaging scattered pockets of imperial scouts as they did so.

    Hoping to deal a devastating blow to the enemy while they still assembled, a force of imperials were sent to intercept the first dominion army, near the northern Anequinan village of Arenthia, and hold them at the crossing of the river Strid. However, legion commanders underestimated the speed of the dominion force, and their own soldiers were caught between the force they'd intercepted, and the vanguard of the second.

    Two whole legions were shattered there. After that the dominion armies marched north, and took the undermanned city of Skingrad. Within the month, Bravil was besieged by both land and sea. Cut off from aid and supplies, it fell two months later. These early defeats spoke of a lack of unity and decisiveness among imperial commanders, and marked the start of a five year losing streak for the empire.

    Five years later the siege of the Imperial City began. Things looked grim for Titus Mede III. But unlooked for and apparently from within his own court,aid was offered. A bargain, to be precise. With forces that are far beyond the comprehension of mortal men.

    However, the emperor was desperate. His people were starving in the streets, and his few allies were either helpless or turning to others to deliver them. He struck the bargain. The very next day, the sun vanished, blotted out by what seemed to be a great eye. As it opened, the sky grew darker, and darker. Daedric forces, pouring out of an Oblivion gate not seen even in the great crisis so many centuries ago, had manifested in the sky over the city. The Daedra honoured their pact. Hundreds of thousands assaulted the besiegers, slaying them by the dozen. What had taken the Aldmeri dominion a decade to achieve, was undone in months. The empire was saved.

    Their part done, the Daedric forces departed. But all was not well within the Imperial City.
    Their saviour, the man who had offered the bargain, was hailed as an imperial hero. The hero of the empire, they called him. He'd acted while the emperor sat by helpless. It was not long before support grew for the man, and calls for Mede III to step down.

    The man, Remus Vandrus, seemed humble, declining all honours and awards. Several months later, Titus Mede III was found dead in his private chambers. Apparently, from natural causes. Few questions were asked. Mede was old, and the war had stressed him greatly. Amazingly, fewer still were asked when his entire household vanished several weeks later.

    Leaderless, the empire began to crumble. Skingrad, Bravil, and Kvatch broke out into anarchy and rioting. The Imperial City itself was on the verge of collapse, not from outside threats this time, but from within. This was when Vandrus stepped forwards as the heir to the empire. After all, he could trace his family lineage throughout centuries of the empires' existence. It was the end of an era. And the beginning of a new one.

    With little choice, the elder council agreed, and Remus Vandrus was crowned emperor. This was a grave mistake, one that the council would never have a chance to regret. Days after his coronation, the council was arrested, on charges of treason. The new emperor declared they had been behind his predecessors' death, and the murder of his family. They were publicly executed several days later.

    Next, were the local counts and countesses of the surrounding cities. One by one they were replaced by the archons. Individuals who had sworn their oaths of allegiance to the new emperor with spells of old magic. Each was given a region to control, inside Cyrodiil, at first, before spreading throughout the remnants of the empire.

    Finally, with astonishing swiftness, the old faith, the nine divines, were abolished. Worshipping them resulted in death. The new faith declared emperor Vandrus, the saviour of the empire, a god. Confessors- those charged with spreading and...enforcing the new faith appeared throughout Cyrodiil almost overnight. The imperial faith would be observed.

    New legions were formed, preparing for a reconquest of Hammerfell. Any man or woman capable of bearing arms was required to enlist. There was no refusal. Those that did not join were conscripted. Those that deserted suffered a fate worse than death. They joined the penitent legions. Miserable creatures in thrall to the empire until their corpses were destroyed.

    The war in Hammerfell began in 5E 14, with the renewed legions marching north and east to take the redguard city of Elinhir. The war for Hammerfell had begun. The redguards of that land, long suspicious of the Mede emperors, and no less of the current one, were much more prepared than the imperials had been when the dominion invaded. The war was both one of conquest and faith. A decade later, others began to grumble against the new empire. The jarls of Skyrim, once again denied the opportunity to worship their gods,rebelled once more in 5E 90.

    However, the emperor had foreseen this. A legion of soldiers, under the command of the archon of Bruma, marched north, slaughtering the nordic rebels before they could march on the empire. Thousands died, and when the fighting was done, construction on the Road of Repentance began. It was built by those captured in the fighting, and paved with the bones of the rebels slain. It lead from Windhelm to the Imperial City. It was completed by 5E 98. A permanent reminder to those who used it of the price of rebellion. The nobles of High Rock were spared such decimation, as their rebellion was scattered, and took somewhat more time to draw the empires' attention, despite starting over a decade before the nords.

    By Last Seed of 5E 98, all of Hammerfell up to the city of Skaven had been conquered. The populace still resisted, but it was a pointless gesture. The empire was triumphant in most of their battles. Groups of Confessors guarded the processions of their priestly leaders, and the conversion of eastern Hammerfell began.

    Scattered resistance remained in the summerset isles, Valenwood, and Elsweyr, fighting on in the name of the dominion, and more frequently, for their own freedom. Despite these rebellious acts, there was no question- the emperors' rule was law.


    The Imperial Law
    As the name suggests, the Imperial Law applies to all citizens of the empire, and everyone from the greatest nobleman to the lowliest peasant are required to abide by it.

    1-The Emperor is never to be referred to by his given name. Those works of literature that mention him by name will be destroyed. Those found to be in possession of these works will be imprisoned. Those who dare speak the emperors' name will be publicly executed after a three day period of torture.

    2- Worship of the false gods, formerly referred to as the 'nine divines' is punishable by death. By the degree of the Imperial Church, there is only the god-emperor. Those found to be harbouring heretics will also be put to death.

    3- The Emperors' Archons' are his will. To defy them is to defy the emperor. To defy the emperor is to welcome death.

    4-Enrollment in the emperors' legions is mandatory. Attempting to evade conscription will result in a public flogging, followed by a week in the stockades. After this time is up, the perpetrator will once more be conscripted into the legion.

    5- Deserters will be transferred to the penitent legions, until their bodies are destroyed in service to the empire.

    6- All mages, regardless of their skill, are required to take the imperial oath, and the brand of the awoken. Refusing to swear the oath will result in reeducation, at the hands of the confessors.


    Servants of the Emperor
    The Archons- At present, there is one Archon for each major city in Tamriel., if they can still be called that, are the greatest of the emperors' servants. Standing at closer to three metres than two, and more often than not encased in armour and wielding mighty spells and powerfully enchanted weapons. They lead the emperors' armies, and rule his cities. They speak with the emperors' voice, and any who attempt to defy them usually meet a nasty end.

    Imperial Sentinels-The Imperial Sentinels, often referred to as royal guard or merely 'sentinels' they guard important locations and individuals, and so see very little frontline combat. They wield dual bladed staves, enchanted to cut through most armours, and all but the most powerful of magical barriers. Sentinel armour is enchanted against magical assault, meaning that anyone who plans to kill them has to get within melee range. Often seen as the bodyguards of Archons.

    Imperial Paladins- Handpicked from the elite of the imperial legions, these men and women wear heavy steel plate, and face concealing helms. The spread throughout the empire, ensuring the word of the imperial faith is followed, and punishing those that do not with a swift blow. Often seen in units of three to five, they are also charged with exterminating monsters such as werewolves and vampires. Many were once vigilants of Stendarr or followers of the other gods, such as Arkay, before they were...converted by the Confessors.

    Confessors- The Confessors, part priest, part sorcerer, these men and women travel throughout Tamriel spreading the faith of the god-emperor. They wear black robes, that conceal the lines of scripture, tattoed on their bodies in an unknown language. The tattoos seem to writhe and squirm, and hurt the eyes of those who are not true servants of the emperor. In battle they wield powerful destruction magic, and generally prefer maces. Their lesser followers are referred to as acolytes, who prefer the ranged security of their magic, but wield maces as well in close combat.

    Imperial Sorcerers/Mages/Battlemages- Magic users of any kind must by licensed by the empire. Failure to do so often ends up in death for the mage. Those that are allowed to practice their are branded with the mark of allegiance, bestowed by the Confessors. The brand is similar to the tattoos of the Confessors, but in the center of the magic users' forehead. As the name suggests, it prevents the caster from using their arts against fellow imperials, or more importantly, the emperor.

    Imperial Legionnaires- Imperial Legionnaires make up the majority of the emperors' forces, grouped into a legion of 5,000 soldiers. They are not required to take any brands, but they do swear an oath of allegiance to the Archons' and the emperor. They are equipped with heavy steel armour, and the typical gladius and shield.

    Penitent - The Penitent are what awaits the deserters or traitors of the legions. Created by arch-confessor Haspur, the penitent are rotting corpses of traitors and deserters that have been tortured to death. Rather like a black soul gem, their corpses are enchanted to hold their souls, until the body is completely destroyed. The unfortunate soul experiences their former body slowly rot away, or sustain damage in battle. For most, being destroyed is a mercy. The Penitent are often used en masse to overrun enemy opposition,

    Gifted- The Gifted are individuals who have fallen victim...or rather, been granted the opportunity to be possessed by a daedra who has made a pact with a powerful Confessor. The bodies of the former mortals tend to undergo horrific changes, which include but are not limited to; bone spikes bursting from the flesh at strange angles, widened jaws, with elongated fangs, fingernails thickening and lengthening into talons, and tusks and horns bursting from the jaws and skulls of the host. They operate more like savage predators, sometimes hunting alone, sometimes as packs. Many an unfortunately imperial has learned that they draw little distinction between friend and foe.


    The Underempire
    Though not an 'under empre' in the sense of it's underground, the Underempire refers to those who resist against the empire. Usually based in the slums or safehouses of daring nobles. Anything goes here, and the imperials know this full well. City guard and Enforcers' rarely enter the area's 'controlled by the underempire, unless they wish to be swarmed by the degenerates and scum of the underempire. The underempire isn't actually controlled by anyone, as it is too decentralized to manage with a single person. Because of this, the denizens of the under empire are not seen as a real threat to those in power. Those who have been cast out and those that refuse the new emperor are here.


    The proper OOC will be up tomorrow. This post is subject to change, but it most likely won't. If you have a question or concern feel free to message me.
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    The Shadow in the Dark.
    So, turns out I'm a filthy liar.

    Expect an overview of each province of the empire, a more detailed description of the under empire, and the major guilds and factions that call it home.


    The Shadow in the Dark.
    <><> Provinces of the empire <><>

    yrodiil, the heartland of the empire, is by far the most prosperous. Fields and orchards are well tended and the cities are undergoing near constant growth. Families are encouraged to have as many children as possible, with small 'incentive' payments granted to smaller families. The cities of Cyrodiil have grown greatly in size, and much of the damage inflicted by the last great war has been repaired. The temples and churces of the old faith have been torn down, with the structures of the Imperial Faith, declaring the emperor the one true god, built upon their ruins.

    To the average citizen the heartland of the empire is a peaceful utopia, untroubled by the wars in Hammerfell and High Rock, and the past rebellions in Skyrim. These people are either lying to themselves, or ignorant of the truth. The further one gets from the center of a city, the less the law is prevalent. Some, such as Leyawiin and Bruma, furthest from the Imperial City, are little more than hubs of scum and villainy, nearly completely run by the under empire. Petty gangs run the streets, demanding increasingly high price for 'protection'. Small wars between the various factions of the under empire make travel through the city dangerous, to say the least. Confessors and their acolytes sweep through, searching for heretics and potential recruits.

    Monsters roam the lands outside of the cities, only slightly brought to heel by the efforts of the Imperial Paladins. More often than not, this is not enough. The empire cares little about the suffering of its citizens. So long as they revere the god-emperor, and send their young men to join the legion.

    Skyrim, the site of the first rebellion against the new empire, is more wasteland the proud home of the nords it was once known as. All but a few burnt out ruins have been garrisoned by the empires' seventh legion. Windhelm was sacked and the palace of kings destroyed, centuries of nordic heritage burning with it. Solitude is ruled by Archon Vithral, who uses the city's prosperous docks to ship goods and slaves back to Cyrodiil. Markarth is used as a staging area for assaults into High Rock.

    Most of the nordic population eek out a living amongst the ruins of their old lives, constantly reminded of their failed rebellion by the Road of Repentance. However, some continue to resist, especially in the region of Falkreath and the Jerall mountains. The jarls are allowed some control over their holds, but all report to the Archon. Any male children are sent off to serve in the legion. Bandit and monster activity is at an all time high.

    Morrowind is one of the few nations to actually profit from the new emperors rulership. Rather than attempt to retake the ruined former province by force, the emperors' diplomats reached out to the great houses. In exchange for Morrowind rejoining the empire, the emperor would send corps of alteration skilled mages, to attempt to reverse the ruination caused by the red mountain. The Dunmer agreed longing for the days of their old homeland.

    At first, no changes were obvious. Now, nearly a century later, life is starting to return along the western border. In return, the dunmer allow the imperials to build great fortresses in the wastes. Prisoners of the empire were sent here to waste away in the miserable conditions. Slavery was once again legitimized in Morrowind, with the fiercesome Red Wardens capturing anyone they come across, often working their charges to death.

    Valenwood is a miserable shadow of its former self. After the defeat of the dominion, the imperials marched south. The surviving dominion forces put up a valiant fight, but the empire could not be held off indefinitely. The legions of the god-emperor fought and burned their way through to the bosmer villages. Most of the wood elves were slain, but many more were taken into slavery. As for the great forests of Valenwood, not all were burnt. Many more were cut down in order to provide lumber for the imperial navy.

    Alinor, the home of the altmer and the capital of the aldmeri dominion, Alinor is occupied by the empire, who are fighting to put down Thalmor lead insurgencies. While many of the altmer people have accepted the war as over, many more have not, and continue to fight. Despite the risk of thalmor assassins and violent unrest, many imperial nobles visit during the pleasant summer months. Many of the isles' docks are used to hold the vessels of the imperial fleet, and trade flourishes between the ports.

    Elsweyr, homeland of the khajiit. Marked as a hotzone of strife and trouble, by both the imperial military and the imperial church. Elsweyr was the location of the death of saint Alandrus, who was torn apart by a mob of enraged khajiit when he attempted to bring them into the imperial faith. Khajiiti rebels wage a guerilla war against the imperial eighth legion, which has been sent in to restore order.

    Hammerfell is in the midst of a war, split between the conquered eastern half of the country, and the rebellious east. Pirates and raiders attack imperial cities from the island of Stros M'kai, and skirmishes throughout the divided country are commonplace.

    High Rock was on the verge of becoming a province of the new empire after the failed rebellion of the nords. However, king Gregoire the first, unifier of the breton people, lead a great army against the imperial legions, forcing them out of High Rock in a year of shock and awe assaults on imperial held positions. The imperials recovered quickly, and reclaimed most of the western reach, save for Evermore, where the king rallies his people even as they are besieged by the imperial legions. The belief is that the king is all that holds the people of high rock together in rebellion...remove him, and the rest of the country will fall.

    Black Marsh was deemed far too dangerous to properly conquer. The attempted invasion of Black Marsh met with disaster, and the empire cannot afford a second. To prevent a counter invasion by the argonians, the land formerly known as argonia has been barricaded by land and sea, and only the most skilled are allowed out of the marshes, to fight for the empire, or as independent contractors.
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    An Excellent Site Member
    Madras this looks awesome. You went full Imperium of Man lol.


    The Shadow in the Dark.
    Thank you. That's what I was aiming for.