What games do you play?

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Panem et circenses
  • Heroes of Newerth
  • Starcraft II from time to time
  • Minecraft, still waiting for patch 1.9 (retail :3)
I don't like shooters all that much. I tend to play various indi games from time to time.
Mainly Heroes of Newerth as stated above, the game seems to be going downwards lately with the upcoming of DotA2 but I'm sure it will keep a huge part of the community. The community in HoN is really bad, new players aren't appreciated by most players and get flamed on etc...
Just got round to playing Fallout 3. Fantastic game and not finished with it by a long shot, but had to answer Skyrim's call.

Other than that I played City of Heros/Villains for years, but quit recently and permanently due to the new PvP system sucking beyond belief.

I like retro games too. Sunset Riders, Mario Kart etc.

misty burnham

New Member
black ops and skyrim for the most part right now got mw3 at the midnight release with elite and kicked myself it sucks so hard man! but i also have infamous portal 2 dead rising 2 dragon age 1 collector edition with all the dlc driver san fran assassins creed 1,2 and brotherhood and then the playstation move games there are more i just dont wanna go look for them x.x


The Experimentalist
I have been playing a lot of DotA 2... Got invited to beta recently and I have been unfaithful to Skyrim.. :[


Time Bandit
Grr hex >.< I've been trying to get into that beta forever :sadface:. How did you go about doing it?

Also, games i'm currently playing right now: Skyrim, Gears of War 3, League of Legends, and Batman: Arkham City


The Experimentalist
Grr hex >.< I've been trying to get into that beta forever :sadface: . How did you go about doing it?

Also, games i'm currently playing right now: Skyrim, Gears of War 3, League of Legends, and Batman: Arkham City
I just did a survey on their official website and got the invitation on my mail one day... There are plenty of ways to try to obtain it though. Survey on the official website is still there for you to do and a lot of people are giving away keys on steamgifts.com


New Member
Im currently playing Dota2 all the time some HoN (imma Legacy bitches!)when i got time from Dota :) also Skyrim ofc and im thinking to start playing Deus Ex Human Revolution some time soon (bought the game some time back but still havent even opened the box...) and im also thinking of making Let's play about Deus Ex:) that's all games that im currently playing


New Member
Modern Warfare 3, BF3, Guitar Hero: Metallica, AC: Revelations, WoW on occasion...and just started Skyrim a few days ago. Fear teh lvl 8 who can't decide what class he is!

Six Gun Tarot

Power is Power
FPS, racers (Midnight Club for the Illegal racer in me), RPGs, older J-RPGS (FF-7), and truly anything else i find interesting, Catherine is pretty awesome for a puzzle game :D


You mean other than TES series?! :p

I really love the Pokemon games, and I'm currently playing through Pokemon Black for the second time! Although, my favourite generation has to be the fouth, I simply adored Sinnoh!
I also really enjoy the Final Fantasy series, with my favourites being XII and XII: Revenent Wings.


The Experimentalist
I love playing indie games. Currently, I've been working on Dungeons of Dredmor. It updated a lot since day 1. It was on insane steam sale the other day. Worth checking out. Same goes for Terraria. That game is total baller if you play it with your friends. Updates very frequently with new contents too!


Active Member
Currently Skyrim on pc and mw3 and BF3 on xbox. I play a little bit of Arkham Asylum as well because I've had that game for months and had little progress. I hope to be playing Assassins Creed Revelations and Goldeneye 007 on xbox if I get them for christmas. I also might get crysis 2 for pc, but I'll have to budget my time between that and skyrim. Before Skyrim's release I was playing Crysis Warhead and Just Cause 2 on pc so I might go back to those in a while. I also played through Deus Ex HR, but I won't go back to it for a while. I might get Borderlands and Morrowind if there are any good sales for them on Steam. In February I'm gonna get Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning on xbox probably and maybe the Syndicate reboot.


New Member
Assassins Creed Revelations Multiplayer
Left 4 Dead 2

I played alot of Team Fortress 2... kinda quit it.