OOC War of the Condemned

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    God of the Arena
    and Hale, that character's fine but where would he come into the story at? I don't know if you've read our interactions with the vampires yet, but they are a lot more fierce and brutal than how skyrim depicts them. Evil fluffers, like in '30 days of night', except Eilene of course...and now you.


    The guy with the axe
    Btw Solace should we show a little restraint or will this be another 'Hey, go apeplops' battle?

    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    I like how Eilene paled even though she's a vampire ;)

    And solace, my guy's like a thousand years old so he basically learned to control his instincts through time, and LOTS of black magic. Also, LOVE 30 days of night!

    Hale Loneshadow

    Well-Known Member
    Well Cren I was thinking this would be a time for me to bring in my other character and his Rouge Knights (basically his own tiny private army of 50 ebony armored badasses...not vamps though haha), so maybe we could start to start to lose until he can use a portal or something to jump in? Ya know, since he's a dark paladin vampire who uses black magics and all :3


    The guy with the axe
    I was planning to lose the front line Crengar had held up so we're good as far as losing ground. :)


    The guy with the axe
    Awesome. Retreat's a strong word for Crengar but I'm sure he'll understand this time. He definitely doesn't want to die zombie food. XP


    Well-Known Member
    Just thought that I'd let everyone know that I had planned on posting the Battle of Whiterun (some of it) tomorrow.


    New Member
    Name: Kyna Althenith

    Race: Raised as Breton

    Age: 23

    Class: Ranger Engineer


    With a height of 5'5" Kyna is slightly shorter than the average height. She has a slim yet physically fit body and sports a short, bright gold, satin-like hair.

    She wears an adept robes, and partially clad with Dwarven armor pieces. Mainly the pauldrons, gauntlets, greaves, and boots. She also wears a utility belt with her with her essential tools. She also has her large bolt quiver clipped to her utility belt. She also wears makeshift goggle-counter on her head.

    Personality: Kyna is as stubborn as they come. She dons a headstrong bravado when it comes to research, persistent at best. She has a natural inborn trait of resourcefulness and practicality. Able to construct anything with a pile of junk to a makeshift construct in a matter of minutes. A woman of strong action and sharp words. Her natural gift comes from her high level of intellect that no one else in Tamriel could possibly comprehend. It almost seemed unnatural but it is her defining character, ever the tome brainiac; calculating everyday problems through equations and algorithmic means.

    Though gifted with superb intellect, she tends to overlook and go way over her head. She depends too much on the calculated possibilities rather than acting it out first. So, negativity and pessimism is her greatest weakness. As a result, she always comes out with a bitter taste of dissatisfaction. But her hunger for more possibilities and wisdom is always there.

    Character Background: How Kyna came to be, was the greatest mystery of her lifetime. It was told that she was found as an infant contained within a capsule inside the dark depths of Blackreach by Althenia one of Calcelmo's top researchers. Althenia knew the child was special, for she exhibits eyes that has strange markings that of a Dwarven Lexicon or an ancient Dwarven schematic.

    Although single, Althenia took the child and raised her as her own daughter. She named the child, Kyna, for the infant bears the goddess, Kynareth's benevolence and purity. In time, Kyna recognized Althenia as her own mother. They together lived at the stone foundations of Markarth for years to come.

    At a young age, Kyna was trained by her mother spells and incantation. But to no avail, she can only cast adept spells at best. She tried and tried but never got the hang to cast spells. However, during at the age of 7 she was already exhibiting her fascination to machinery and artificial constructs. Particularly, she was shown to have a fascination with the Dwemer. She would go on and always sit by the fire, constantly reading books and even copies of research notes from Calcelmo's department.

    Along with her fascination with machines, she began to tinker with almost every machine she sees. Kyna made her first automaton at the age of 11. It was a Dwarven spider made out of Dwemer scrap metals, which she named Kagren. She didn't stop there, during her pubescent years, she spent the time constructing and inventing tools and mechanical constructs. She didn't limit her resources on Dwarven scrap, she even uses metal scraps from broken weapons and tools; and even making her own fully-functional Dwarven Centurion made out of Iron and recycled steel.

    At the age of 18, she tried enrolling for the College of Winterhold. Immerse herself with constant study and research. But unfortunately, her methods were rejected and saw her works as threats to the College's safety. So instead, she went back home to Markarth and worked under Ghorza, the orc smith, to learn the basics of smithing. So that she can make her own materials for her inventions. Years later, she now roams the land as a travelling researcher throughout Skyrim. Visiting and delving into dangerous Dwemer ruins, to further the progress of her studies.

    Through her constant deal with dangers on the road, she learned a few tricks of the trade when it comes to survival in the wilderness. She had her share of ups and downs in her travels, bandits mainly and wild animals. Along the way, she met several hunters that taught her tips on survival situations and how to use the bow. And thankfully over time, she is becoming used to harsh trekking and adventuring in the wilds. Although most of the time, she is met by danger in every turn.

    As of now, she is a self-proclaimed inventor and "Greatest mind, Tamriel has never seen".

    Character Strengths

    Kyna is whip-smart and extremely resourceful and can easily adapt to any environment. As an engineer, she is able to construct any makeshift equipment, Animunculi constructs and even portable traps from metal scraps, in a matter of minutes.

    She is also very proficient with the crossbow, although aided by her inventions. She can cast a few Destruction, Alteration and Restoration magic but only adept at best and she only seldom to do so.

    She is also an excellent alchemist, able to brew a wide plethora of concoctions. From deadly poisons, potent potions, to explosives, stink bombs and incendiary cocktails.

    Kyna also has Kagren, the makeshift dwarven spider. Kagren is always at the company of Kyna travelling with her wherever she goes. Kagren is like a walking travel pack, Kyna uses him for extra baggage and storage to load her ammunition, potions and miscellaneous items. He is also Kyna's personal assistant, helping her construct her inventions etc.

    Weapons and Equipment

    Brutrigg Crossbow


    Kyna's most dangerous weapon. The Brutrigg is a custom-made, steam-powered siege crossbow that fires high-speed large penetrating bolts that can easily pierce through any conventional metal; except for Ebony, Skyforge Steel and other rare metals, and can travel at great distances. It can also fire a variety of ammunition like conventional bolts and explosive rounds and mines. The weapon has three conjoined bows and heavily-reinforced threads, it also has a built-in scope for better accuracy.

    She uses this mainly when dealing with Dwemer Automatons and hunting. But because of the weapon's sheer size and power, the recoil strong enough to disorient you or even make you fall into your butt. Also when firing Large bolts, it takes time to reload. The weight is also an issue, Kyna can't really run as fast with this weapon drawn.

    Dwarven Light Recurve Crossbow

    Kyna's default weapon; light, strong and efficient. Another custom-made crossbow, she uses it mainly on close quarters. Quick to reload and light to carry.

    Dwarven Steam Waraxe

    Another of Kyna's work of art. A modified Dwarven Waraxe, outfitted with a tiny steam engine. The engine is triggered by the lever on the handle that heats the Axe's blade to white-hot so that it can easily cut through the toughest hides like it was parchment. It also deals with fire damage. She only uses this on tight situations.

    Dwemer Goggles

    Special goggles of dwarven made. Kyna always wears this on her head, she uses this on dark areas, and caves so that she would have a sight of a Khajiit stalking in the dark. While worn, the goggles enhances her vision in the dark. So that she wouldn't have to have the trouble of carrying a torch around. Because Torches are annoying.


    New Member
    I noticed XD, Welll I've been searching for a good Elder Scrolls RP. Think I'll settle here.

    So battle of Whiterun you say? Hmm... If I may ask, where are the majority of the characters at?