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    death raider

    Thalmor Ambassador


    Queen of Evil
    Right, I'll get Circe posted up in a moment for everyone else. Just to let everyone know, she has a bit of an unusual backstory and wasn't born into the Ula. :D


    Account closed
    Right, I'll get Circe posted up in a moment for everyone else. Just to let everyone know, she has a bit of an unusual backstory and wasn't born into the Ula. :D

    Gotta have the quirks. ;) Don't forget the code word Minstrel!


    Queen of Evil
    COOOOOOKIESSSSS! Also Rek, I'm pretty sure I know the answer already, but Circe has red eyes while she is in Werewolf for, and, when she allows it, in human form. That is Ok right because I think we indirectly agreed that her Vamparism overwrited that part of the lycanthropy (can't spell XD) didn't it?


    Account closed
    COOOOOOKIESSSSS! Also Rek, I'm pretty sure I know the answer already, but Circe has red eyes while she is in Werewolf for, and, when she allows it, in human form. That is Ok right because I think we indirectly agreed that her Vamparism overwrited that part of the lycanthropy (can't spell XD) didn't it?

    Mhm. She's a tad different. She's our hybrid <3


    Oh crap, forgot cookies! I saw it, and I kept telling myself to write it, but I frikkin' forgot!

    death raider

    Thalmor Ambassador
    Then you didn't read it. Read the second post, and you will find out! ;) tata!
    ok :)

    "Cookies"- as Reka requested ;)

    Name: Servina

    Race: Bosmer

    Age: 37

    Gender: Female

    Personality: Servina very respectable and will follow after those who are in charge of her. She is very kind hearted considering who she is, but she has a rather nasty side when it comes to it and she will kill those who anger her, even if she likes them or not.


    She has beautiful red hair which has been in her family for over a century and no one in her family has ever had different coloured hair for that long. She has sharp yellow eyes which are fast. She is slim and she is 6'9 foot tall. Servina is quite strong and her other form, she has red fur and she has large claws which she uses to kill her enemies.

    Weapons: She thinks of her mind as a kind of weapon as she is quite intelligent and knows what she is doing. Her bow also comes in handy which was made by her out of wood, and the arrows are drenched in poison. She has claws which she sometimes sharpens in her spare time and she uses them like knives and her teeth she uses to suck the blood out of her enemies.

    Armor: She doesn't have much armor, she usually wears tavern clothes and in times of need she wears rangers clothes.

    Bio: Her life began in Skyrim suprisingly as her family moved there after a hard life in Valenwood as they were treated badly being poor and not having anything of any value. Servina was born on Dragon Bridge ( the actual Bridge) as they were on their way to Solitude before her mother had the baby, but it was too late and Servina was born.

    Servina, in her early days from about the age of 10 to 18 she was a serving girl at the Winking Skeever. She had eventually got fead up of serving people, being treated like a second class citizen and she had also been attacked many times and also some men tried to seduce her, so she ran away leaving her family, but later she was surrounded with guilt and she felt sick, but she didn't know her way back to Solitude and she couldn't bring herself to going there after abandoning them.

    Servina was then transformed into a Kumori and joined a pack where she learnt how to hunt well and how to kill. Servina respected her elders and those who ruled over her, she thinks her life had improved, but she still worries about her family, every waking hour in fact wishing she had brought them with her, but it was too late now she would probably be thought dead.


    Account closed
    Name: Leilani Mundatke
    Gender: Female
    Pack Status: Aatu Alpha, Ula
    Race: Nord
    Age: 30
    Class: Bladesmaster, Warrior
    Combat Prefs: Daedric shortsword, two daedric daggers, daedric bow and arrows, daedric armor/boethiah's champion ebony mail--she is a master in one handed, dual weapons, and archery. She is a master in sneak, as well as speech craft. She has the gift of empathy, which is a trademark of the royal aatu bloodline of the Ula alphas. Empathy allows her to use psychic mental attacks on her opponents, several different techniques, and being Ula in general gives her the capability to speak to other Ula members telepathically while in beast form. However, since she has empathy, she can also read other's minds and does it quite often. She can astral travel, due to having her own spirit wolf guardian from the gift Dabney bestowed upon her, and she can ready energy auras as well as translate energy signatures. Due to being Ula, she also has minor ability over Earth elemental from a blessing bestowed upon the pack by Kynareth. This allows them to manipulate the trees, grasses, and vines within the packlands where they live.
    Appearance: Long golden blonde hair either worn down or in a halfway finished french braid so that the ends can his at her shoulders. She has piercing lime green eyes, pale skin, and a petite athletic body. Leilani looks strong from first appearance, and it is striking despite having a nice feminine physique. She has large, pouty lips, and small delicate but strong hands. On her right cheek, she has a large three claw mark gash scar due to a massacre in her childhood that killed her parents. She is 5'6''.
    Personality: Reserved, but not quiet. She takes things very seriously, and she is highly paranoid and untrustworthy of those who are not in her pack no matter who they are. When someone is dear to her, she protects them with her entire heart and life. She is an amazing friend, ally, and person when you get to know her. From first impression, she is cordial and outgoing; and she knows how to entertain. She is a master in speech, and she uses that to befriend others as well as to her advantage to seek success and fame throughout her life. She is very mysterious and extremely secretive due to having to protect her Ula secret.
    Basic History: She is the alpha of the royal Ula pack. Her parents were murdered by the civilians of Riverwood when she was eight years old, and then burned in alive in front of her very eyes. So she and her sister became homeless for many months, but then were adopted by a group of Khajiit caravaneers and moved to Elsweyr until she hit her twenties. There, they learned the ways of the Ula in the Elsweyr district, and eventually one at a time headed back to their Skyrim homelands to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. Leilani has been all over Skyrim, and she is known very well by many people throughout all of the holds being a thane in several of them. She is a very wealthy and successful adventurer using her empathetic abilities to her advantage to succeed faster than others. She has loved and lost many times, been heart broken quite a few times, but eventually found her mate, Tymvir, and married him. She is happy, fully focused on Ula matters now, and trying to live in the footsteps of her former parent alphas.


    Queen of Evil
    Name: Circe

    Race: Imperial – Vampire – Werewolf (that’s right)

    Age: 70, with the face of a 20 year old

    Class: No real class. Over her life time she has tried almost every form of combat - and despite having natural talent due to vampirism - has never mastered any of them. Still, she has more skill with weapons than the average adventurer.

    She can use daggers very effectively, if she was going to make a kill she would do it silently from behind. Although good with daggers, she prefers to break necks and crack skulls

    She has naturally talented in speech craft (no magical influence) and is also good with most things stealth related due to her striking appearance and Vampirism. Including pick-pocketing and lock-picking, but rarely uses them.

    Appearance: Relatively small with silky black hair below the shoulder. Crimson eyes due to her Vampirism, but the monks (who will be mentioned later) taught her to control their colour and as such she keeps her eyes as a dark brown in public.

    Personality: (I'm sure any of you who have been in an RP with Circe before will not need to ready this. ;)) Circe has a very short temper and wrong step out of line could easily cost you your life. She can and will however, use her attractive appearance to her advantage and can flirt her way to almost anything she wants. She is clever, sly and sinister, don't think she won't think twice about breaking your neck. She has little to no respect for authority (but obviously that is different regarding the Ula) and will speak to a Jarl in the same way she speaks to a Guard, unless she seeks to gain something or wants to lay low.

    Don't misjudge her though, she can and will be very loyal, her emotions are not completely shot either. She enjoys to snuggle up to a man round a fire every once in a while and can have a laugh with a group just like any normal person. She tries to avoid any 'long term' relationships because she knows that eventually her partner will die and she will live on, or simply because she grows annoyed with them. She has killed a boyfriend on two in her time.

    Backstory: Circe had a happy childhood living with her parents in Cyrodil, in a small village. Everyone knew her when she was a young as she was a very joyful and talkative little girl. Her father was a blacksmith and her mother didn't need to work, she often stayed home with Circe or took her on long walks into the forest where they sat upon her favourite hill.

    Sadly, at the age of five, Circe contracted a life threatening disease. Only a few days later she died in her sleep. The whole villiage was shocked. They all came to her funeral at the top of her favourite hill, the place she was also buried. It was a lovely funeral that accommodated for everybody.

    Two nights later though, an Argonian came to the grave and dug up her body in the black on night. He was a necromancer, and took it back to his hideout. He experimented with bringing the body back to life but nothing seemed to work, until he replaced a large quantity of her blood with still-warm vampire blood.

    He left her overnight and by morning he came down and found that she was sitting on the table he had left her on, observing the room with crimson eyes. The Argonian had realised soon enough that the girl was in fact a Vampire and he found that she began to crave blood. She was brought up by this mage and lived with him in his cavern underground. She was a vampire, the necromancer realised soon enough. He helped her feed, bringing her dead bodies to drink from, she never questioned where from.

    Eventually though, she wanted to go outside. She asked her father if she could and he said 'no'. She got angry, more angry than she had ever been and beat the Argonian until he died. Then, she left, taking nothing but the clothes on her back with her.

    She grew up alone in the wilderness of a land called Skyrim, a place she had fled to, meeting many people who didn't question her young appearance. She met monks who taught her the art of meditation and finally, one monk taught her to age. After days of intensive meditationshe began to age. She stayed with these monks for years until one day she stopped ageing, she had the body of a 20 year old woman. The monks told her that "her time had come." they told her to leave and explore the world, and she did. Now, fifty years later she has still never aged again, and was told that she never will. Now the seventy year old vampire wonders from place to place, exploring the word, sometimes reeking havoc, sometimes helping people who need it.

    Additional details:
    • Circe mostly likes to lay low in Skyrim. She owns a manor in the hills near 'Dragon's bridge' that she likes to visit at least once a week, but doesn't worry if she doesn't as her maids will keep the place running.
    • The Monks who I mentioned earlier live in a monastery, hidden on a small, icy mountain (much like the Grey Bears but no way near as high, and they wears more simple robes) She visits them from time to time and they greet her with open arms. They are very jolly, elderly men who have been living there for centuries.
    • Circe has a pet Saber-cat who stays in the monastery when Circe is out on missions. He is a one-of-a-kind and is only tame for the reasons that the monks had made him so with their practices and 'magic'
    Yes, I know what you're thinking. 'She seems very overpowered!' I have been using Circe for quite a while now and she has become my most worked-on character. She has lived for a long time in the body of a young woman which is why she has this manor and the Saber-cat is just something she picked up from the monks who are part of her life story. She is not one of the 'Twilight' vampires so please don't think 'urgh great, another Vampire.' Hopefully any one in this RP who knows me already and has RP'd with Circe before can vouch for the fact that she is not overpowered and I largely focus on her character development.
    That is all.
    You don't have to ready all of the above because I just tend to babble a bit. ;)


    Lord of the Meeblings
    *facepalm* I fogot cookies.... I am a failure.....


    Lord of the Meeblings

    Kir the Silent

    Until Your Flesh Is Consumed
    Cookies :p lol If I'm accepted I'd like to be "The Skinner" :cool: I usually play a kind of grey hero so rping an antagonist would be fun.