The Secret of the Dwemers | Recruting

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    A Rotten Scroungeral
    Sorry for not dropping it sooner, but I had to go to my brother's graduation ceremony. Here's Baadargo!
    Name: Baadargo
    Race: Khajiit
    Age: 40
    Appearance: White fur with black tiger face markings, gray Mohawk with multiple rings in both ears. Same colored beard.
    Well built body, mostly from working and fighting most of his life, and working hard at the smith with the Skaal.

    Wears Stalhrim armor heavy variant, but with the long sleeves torn off, but the shoulder pauldrons remain intact. The gauntlets, legs and boots remain the same, but look a little worn. Equipped with a dwarven greatsword for battle.

    Major: Two-Handed, Destruction (Ice), Heavy Armor
    Minor: Restoration, Alteration, Speech
    History: Born and raised in a caravan in Skyrim, Baadargo was always travelling, and always in the cold harsh weather of Skyrim. He had often heard his father speak of his homeland of Elsweyr, and wondered why he missed it so much. He had only known Skyrim, however, so his viewpoint was a little biased.

    One trip around Solitude, at the age of fourteen, Baadargo came in contact with Ruslan Sendu, a redguard orphan who lived on the streets picking pockets and picking fights for money. After many...interesting encounters, they became good friends, and he eventually invited Ruslan along to stay with the caravan. Then, after gaining his first real friend, his family and caravan traveled to Solstheim, to see if opportunity and fortune was as abundant as in Skyrim.

    Unfortunately, during one of their rounds, the caravan was attacked. Despite the best effort of Do’ Karash, a Goutfang Monk who had stayed to protect the caravan, Ruslan was kidnapped by the bandits, and Baadargo got lost in the mountains running for his life. At least until he encountered the Skaal.

    The people were generally mistrusting of the now orphaned cub, but one of the villagers found it in their heart to take him in and raise him to the best of their abilities. In repayment of their kindness, Baadargo stayed and hunted and trained with the Skaal, learning to protect this new group of people he now called his family. At the age of twenty-five, with the help of the smith at the time, Baadargo learned how to craft his very own armor, out of the the enchanted ice they had become so good at working with. With his new armor donned and sword drawn, he became a warrior of the Skaal people, and they were proud to call him one of their own. On an sort of unrelated note, in his own process of becoming one with the cold weather that he had now become accustomed to, he learned spells from the destruction school that cast ice magic, learning to embrace his new lifestyle, and home.

    Now, at the age of forty, Baadargo often goes out on his own, throughout the lands of Skyrim and Solsthiem, to train and better himself, so that he may become the greatest warrior who ever walked the face of Nirn.

    Personality: Is a quiet, Cat. Calculating and always thinking, he tries to always see every side of every situation, so that he might find the best course of action at any time. Generally distrusting of non-Skaal, he behaves gruff and sometimes rudely to them, but will eventually become more trusting with time. However, he has a great sense of duty, and will protect those under his charge until his dying breath.


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    *cloud of smoke*


    Well, partially. My laptop is still broken. Motherboard failure. Soon I will make a trip to Best Buy and either fix it or just get a new laptop.

    However, I HAVE secured a computer. Using the term 'computer' lightly, though. It's difficult to use, to say the least. But, I am able to sneak in an occasional post if need be.

    So, what has happened so far?


    A Rotten Scroungeral
    You made it back!
    Not much has happened, really. We made it to Windhelm, they're horse shopping I guess I could say. Carenen is gone and Baadargo has taken his place.


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Ha, 'made it back' is a way to put it. I won't be fully back until I can get my laptop repaired or just get a new one. Might just get a new one, why not. The motherboard is hella expensive to replace, why not a new computer?

    I will start on a post right now. It's good to be back (well, kinda back).


    A Rotten Scroungeral
    Id agree on just getting a new one. It seems more reasonable than trying to keep the old one alive, I would think.

    While you may not be fully back, We'll take what we can get, eh? :D


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Posted. Not the greatest post, but it's there. I may revisit it later. We shall see.


    A Rotten Scroungeral
    Hey. Looks great to me. I might want to work on that last one though.
    Tomorrow, more than likely.


    King of Scandinavia
    Good to see that you're back Delusional! Now we're really gonna get this rolling.
    BTW: I just got my drivers license today! CHEERS!:beermug:


    A Rotten Scroungeral
    Congrats!! :D


    IOK's Token Brit
    Congratulations! I'm writing a post as we speak. I would have had it up last night but I was having internet connection issues it would seem.


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    *pulls defibrillator out*

    God damn it, I will not let this roleplay die!

    *rubs defibs together*




    The Hunted, who became the Hunter.
    No idea if you still want people to apply.. But I'll give it a shot.

    Name: Barabus the Alik'r
    Race: Red-guards
    Age: 35
    Class: Freelance Merc

    Appearance: Standing 5'11", weighing 170-175lbs with an athletic build with skin tanned by the great Alik'r desert. His hair is black with a tint of grey, shaved short while a trimmed beard covers his jaw and merges into a neatly cut goatee. His eyes are a deep golden hue, yet one is fused shut by a scar ranging from his left temple through his left eye and down over both lips to the center of his chin.

    Personality: Barabus is fairly mannered outside of battle, but once push comes to shove he becomes a warrior is the truest sense of the word. He holds no love for the Empire due to their abandonment of Hammerfell during the Great War, he sympathizes with the Nords of Skyrim yet understands their wars are not his. Slow to trust people due to his line of work, but once he forms a bond it's as strong as blood-tie, his few friends are his family.

    Equipment: He wears typical leather armor with added chain mail to protect his arms, but instead of the typical skirt Barabus had leather greaves crafted with patches of chain mail to cover critical points on his thighs and calves. Along with that, he has leather gloves instead of bracers, matched with thick leather boots.

    For weapons Barabus chooses to use a shamshir, instead of the traditional scimitar used by most Alik'r warriors. A shamshir has a thinner width blade, making it more lightweight, with the same basic principle of a scimitar, just more wieldy in a fight. His shamshir is named after his great-great grandfather, Otto, and has been passed down from father to son since it was crafted.

    Backstory: Barabus was born in Dragonstar in Hammerfell. His father was an Alik'r warrior and his mother is a seer. From a young age, Barabus knew he was going to be an Alik'r like his forefathers before him, and he trained rigorously to fulfill his story as it was laid out by his mother.

    As time progressed, more of his destiny was revealed, and soon Barabus was a traveling soldier, hunting enemies of Hammerfell. Before each tour, Barabus would consult with his mother to see if she could give him any insight on what's to come.

    On his final tour, Barabus met with his mother for the last time. She revealed that he would indeed die if followed his fellow Alik'r into battle, instead she suggested he leave Hammerfell altogether and start anew. Heeding his mothers words, Barabus left with the clothes on his back and his sword on his hip.

    Traveling from High Rock to the Imperial City Barabus honed his skills even further and began to sell his sword arm to the highest bidder. After running into a few problems along the Skyrim-Cyrodiil border, Barabus was captured by Imperial soldiers and brought to Helgen to face execution..

    I left the end of BIO pretty open ended, I can edit it once we start going and add this into my story.



    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Really Kim? We have us four, but remember that two or three are joining in on the road. I'd say we have quite a lot of participants.

    Although, posting is rather lackadaisical... I suppose another character would be fine. But it might wind up being pretty confusing when everyone comes together and we have a full group, and a large one at that.

    Either way, it's your call man.


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Nah, you're fine. It's not up to me, it's up to Kimrisvik.


    King of Scandinavia
    we are 7 now, and I don't have so much experience to know if oe more can cause trouble or not.


    The Hunted, who became the Hunter.
    Okay, well I can make an opening post? Something along the lines that I just escaped Helgen and was heading North-East and met up with you guys on the road. That way my post won't really affect anything until you decide it's time to meet, that also gives the chance that if things are too hectic with 7-8 people I can withdraw early on without changing anytype of story lines.


    Connoisseur of Hallucinations
    Kimrisvik - generally, 4-6 is a healthy number to keep an RP at, but that's not stopping you from attempting a 8-person RP. I won't tell you how to run your roleplay.


    You wouldn't believe if i told yea
    my goodness I wish I came back to the site before hand my one character would have been key to something likes this haha I hope all is well in this rp! such a sweet idea.