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    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    Lyle walked into the snow covered city. "curse the weather in Skyrim" Lyle felt a breeze, he quickly tilted his nose in the air catching the scent." He is here" proclaimed Lyle . Lyle smelled the lizard somewhere around the market area.Lyle remembers the contract. " kill the Lizard who has stolen Skooma from my caravan, The beast's name is Geel Kajiin." Lyle feels little to no remorse for hunting this Lizard. He remembers what his mother told him " Do what you must to provide for your siblings, whatever it takes, remember Kin before everything" Lyle hopes his brother and sisters are safe in the Sabre Tooth cave." I left my 2 oldest cousins watching them they will be safe." Said Lyle reassuring himself. " Now time to get to business". Said Lyle as he walked towards the Bar then he assumed he would go to the Inn next " Hopefully the Lizard has been in skyrim so long his sense of smell has dulled down".


    Well-Known Member
    The air was tense, still. Geel felt as if the world shuddered when Emberlynn and Geminus made eye contact. How this would end was uncertain. Geel opened his mouth to speak and explain...

    But something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. Thank goodness for my sight, he thought, when realized what that blur of motion was. Thick furred and strong jawed, the Khajiit walked towards them. Or more frighteningly, me. What would a fur face want? None in this damned city knows who I am, so why would he approach me?

    Thoughts flying through his mind, he shifted his weight instinctively, facing sideways so as to help block Emberlynn from view. Judging from the armor and honed weapons upon the cat, this was not a social call. Geel faced the intruder, realizing how terrifying this place was. So many threats here, he realized. The mage, the Loup Garou were worrying enough. Now an intruder?

    Derath...You had good reason to fear this place.


    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    Lyle continued walking ,when all of a sudden he felt the guilt. They left their families just to help Lyle and they died because of him. He also couldn't smell the argonians anymore. Did they die too? thought Lyle. He couldn't believe his stupidity. I should've waited for the wolf to be alone. thought Lyle. He came into view of the wolf. The head banging started again as Alkosh spoke in his head. There is your general to be, do not rush In this time you have cuased the death of 2 of your brothers by doing that. wait for them to be done and speak with the wolf. Lyle looked upon the wolf. He nodded as if to say " proceed we won't interfere."

    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    L0L wow embarrassing

    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    Lyle now sees the Lizard. He approaches the Lizard not taking his Eyes off of him. He walked into the Lizards earshot. " what is your name Lizard"?
    The Glass Knight was sitting in the inn, watching the suspicious group. I need to watch them... He thought. Then, another man came to the table, said some things Glass couldn't understand, and looked at some imperial in a very strange way. Definitely something. Glass decided, so he stood up, and made his way to the men. "You guys need a mercenary perhaps? For 250 Septims, i am your man for two weeks." To demonstrate what he could do, Glass unsheathed his war axe, looked at the blue glow it emitted, and threw it in the air. It spun thrice before landing inside his hand again, and in one swift motion back at Glass's hip.


    Well-Known Member
    Geel smirked slightly to himself. Either it's a play, or the man is not certain of who I am. From where I come from, I doubt anything anyone has to say of me is good. Let's guide you in the wrong direction then.

    Placing a frown upon his brow, he said "Who am I? Ebee-Lai, mage from Riften. Pleased to meet you." He looked the man square in the eyes, determined to pull off his ploy. Can't afford another threat in the accursed place... Let him see my eyes, the eyes I never had before. The eyes once blinded by my own stupidity. Let him think I am not the man he is looking for, not the blind, constantly high, fool of a argonian.

    He saw Derath raise his eyebrows at his lie, almost giving him away. Geel slid his clawed foot across the table bottom to poke the boy meaningfully. Shhh Derath.....

    But to no avail. Geel saw Lyle's eyes slit, turning as dangerous as the pits of hell. Dammit, he knows.... How? How is he sure who I am? Perhaps he found the wrong person? But Geel knew it was not so. The intensity of those searching eyes, how well prepared he was for battle...

    And the lingering smell of skooma.

    Geel's eyes widened slightly, a slight cough escaping him. So that's how he knew him... Tall, lean and battle-worn, Geel had originally thought perhaps a hired thug, taking him out for the suspected murder of Farengar. Yes, he had heard how they gossiped about that murder, how they assumed that the argonian was the killer of the boss he was so loyal to. Perhaps a relative of Farengar believed so, sending someone to take revenge.

    But now he knew he was not. This time, it was not his new found sight that helped him find the answer. The more he put it together, the more he realized who the man was. That smell of upturned soil, the soft chiming clink of his weapon. Very similar... and then he smelt the smell of the drug he had come to loathe. Remembered.

    Geel struggled to fight off the lust for the drug, his words slightly strained. Though Derath had cured him, he still left behind memories, senses. The addiction, though far duller than before, still hid in the crevices of his mind. Waiting to be free. To meet someone so haunting of his past...Not to mention so deadly.

    "For 250 septims, I am your man for two weeks." Geel jumped slightly, so preoccupied on his situation that he had not seen the man. Damn... I'm getting complacent. Should have heard the man. He watched the mercenary's sword display, the blade whistling through the air like an arrow. It seemed glimmer with a dangerous blue, as if eager to swallow up the victims it hacks to death.

    Now's my chance. Geel saw the opportunity, and used it to his advantage. "Well then, Sellsword. I see how pretty you look with your sword, but how good are you dealing with an actual situation? That fur-face, khajiit over there, is bothering us. Perhaps you would like to prove your talents by showing the man out? "


    Well-Known Member
    "Only if he resists, I believe."

    Geel gave himself the satisfaction of a smile then. He had the khajiit just where he wanted him, whatever plan he had no doubt foiled. He believed strongly in the strength of this new man, and particularly liked his ability to follow orders without question from whoever who would possibly give him coin. It's not often to find such a sellsword, perhaps I should ask the group whether we should hire him. We definitely need help in the Falmer caverns.
    Glass stepped to the Khajit, his right arm grabbed his soft pelt and crushed him at the wall. "Sir here wants you to leave, understand?" His left hand lashed out at the Khajit's slightly swollen cheekbone.

    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    Lyle was not impressed with the lie. His nose never lied to him. His eyes searched the Lizard looking for any signs of a weapon. None. Lyle was about to approach the Lizard when a warrior came walking his way. The man's right hand pinned him to the wall. "why so serious Human?" " Why the hostilities?" " Why do you want your name on my list so much?" " I'm giving you to the count of 3 to let me go" " If you don't let me go I will remember your scent,armor,mannerism, heart rate." (sensitive hearing)
    When Lyle realized the man wouldn't let go he shrugged of the mans grip and walked away. " Your aggresion will be the death of you." He then looked upon the smiling Lizard. " One day you'll be out of the safety of your group, that day I will be there,I'll let your imagination come up with what I will do" At that Lyle walked outside the city. He climbed a tree and waited for the group to come.

    (OOC lol he has no swollen cheek bone wrong Rp, they are different people Mr. sellsword)
    Ooc: if i say in one rp i get something, i always take it to the next rp. Anyways:

    Ic: The Knight walked back to the man who had said what he had to do. "Happy? The guy smelled, and his dirty pelt is bad for my shining armor."


    Well-Known Member
    Geel smiled slightly, regardless of what the man had said. At least the threat had worked, the immediate threat was gone. For how long... Even he was not sure. At least they were somewhat safer for the moment.

    "A job well done on your part," he said as he watched the fur face leave the party. " For hiring you, only the leader of our group as those comfortable around him can decide. However, I can't let you go without thanking you for that, can I?"

    Geel ruffled through his worn leather bag, pulling out an old tome. Farengar's old tome, he had to remind himself. Yet what good was a book to him if he could never excel in it? Fire was his weapon, and destruction was his guide. He had no talent in this area. The musty book may have been battered beyond belief, but the strength that lay inside each one of these... Geel passed the tome over to the mercenary, explaining.

    "I notice you seem pretty strong with your weapon, deft handed, sure. Though, what happens when you fight a mage, an archer at long distace? Feel brave enough to run across huge fields to chance a shot at them, while they rain their spells and arrows at you from afar? That's why I think you may find this old book useful. Never used it myself, conjuration's never been my strong point. Hopeless at concentrating on the spell long enough.

    But you though, you may have a use for it. The Wolf Familiar in the spellbook is bound to you in spirit the moment you cast it, coming forth to aid you in battle. A great ally, so willing to fight that he would risk life and limb to shield you from ranged shots, help tank the hits whilst you close in. Even if you find yourself unable to master that spell, I'm sure a good shop will good a decent price for it."


    Well-Known Member
    "Issues trusting magic? Just like the Nords here..." Geel remembered the crude remarks given by the people in Whiterun, their hurting laughs about his occupation. They were idiots, he had told himself back then. Yet who could tell? Geel had never wielded a blade, the Falmer sword by his hip feeling useless and limp. Perhaps they are right, and I am the fool. But the Argonian knew it was too late to turn back on his choice now. His body had adapted to magic, his blood tingling with the power of fire.

    "Keep the book, sell it if need be, I've heard the Dawnstar general store has great need of tomes. I myself have no use of it anyway."

    Amber eyes shot round the room, back to Emberlynn and the rest. Now that the threat from the outside was dealt, what about the threat on the inside? What about the danger which could tear the group apart? From Emberlynn to Geminus, then back again his eyes flitted, watching.


    Queen of Evil
    Circe sat at a table in the corner of the inn observing a strange group. Something was going on between a khajiit and an Argonian. She couldn't care less about them however, and a knight in glass armour seemed to be handling the situation. She was more interested in an Imperial sitting at the table with them.

    Ah, a newborn. She thought to herself. She's not doing a very good job a hiding it. Even I was able to keep my mouth shut when I learned I had fangs. And those eyes, constantly changing colour. She needs training from someone who has had experience in this business.

    Circe took a swig of her mead and considered approaching the group at that very moment.

    No I'll wait until their little confrontation is over and then approach.

    The man in glass armour pinned the helpless Khajiit against a wall and they talked through gritted teeth for a moment until the Khajiit shrugged the mercenary off.

    'One day you'll be out of the safety of your group, that day I will be there, I'll let your imagination come up with what I will do'

    Then he strode off out of the inn leaving his threatening message to linger in the minds of everyone in the group. This was Circe moment. She stood from her chair and then carried it across the room to the table the imperial sat at. Putting it by the table she sat down again.

    'Hello, my name is Circe. I believe your friends here could use my help.'

    She patted the red eyed Imperial girl on the shoulder. No doubt they had all noticed that her eyes were also red.


    Queen of Evil
    Circe turned her attention from the group to see the man in glass armour greeting her. She forced her eyes to turn a hazel colour and then spoke.

    'Like I said, my name is Circe. I have just come to acquaint myself with the newcomers to Dawnstar.'

    She didn't want to draw any attention to herself or more importantly the girl whose eyes were flickering red at that very moment. While she spoke she made sure her top lip was covering her fangs discretely.

    'May I ask what you name is?'

    She wasn't really interested. Her aim was to speak to the group alone. Without giving the Knight a chance to reply she spoke once more.

    'I don't suppose you could go and get me a drink, could you?'


    Well-Known Member
    Does Emberlynn know her? Who is she? That was when Geel saw. That was when he knew.

    Gawsh, her eyes, her eyes. Emberlynn, that reddened eyes... The newcomer's eyes gleamed slightly in the firelight, and Geel knew it was the reflection of Emberlynn's own. The deadly red dominated the pupil for awhile, before flickering off. For one moment, Geel let himself believe it was a trick. A mere play of light. He made himself BELIEVE it was a play of light. But Geel knew at that moment, how deadly this place was.

    The sellsword has bitten off more than he can swallow... Or perhaps it is the other side which takes a bite out of him. Geel was tempted not to tell what he knew to others, not to warn him of the dangers lurking beneath the charming face. He knew it would create the risk of the person figuring out what he knew. Beneath the jet black hair, the pale face lurked something more dangerous than Emberlynn could ever be at this point in time.

    Then again, the mercenary had helped him. It was time to repay him with a simple warning. Geel nudged the man slightly with his tail, his eye's signaling danger. He knew he could not simply barge into the two vampire's conversations. The new person would no doubt kill him. All he could do was wait..... He felt useless, unable to save his friends when the threat just stood right in front of them. Damn...Emberlynn, I'm sorry. I should be trying to help. My instincts are screaming at me danger, yet I can't protect you lest I cause our deaths...