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    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    "Wait, Rhyf, what is going on?" Smutticus watches as his friend takes off with their guide. plops, Smutticus thought. What does that mean? Whatever it was something was up. It didn't help as the demonic mare appeared to join them. I heard of a horse like you, Smutticus thought as he narrowed his gaze at the beast. "I know she said if we had too we could ride this horse... But it smells too much like blood... If I had to guess if you aren't the owner you will feel this beautiful creature's hooves..."


    Werewolf Queen of Skyrim
    Kivuli yelps in surprise when she is grabbed, fighting his grip until he finally lets her go in the clearing. Gauging from him pulling his sword on her, he must've guessed what was up. She just sighs heavily and starts removing her gear. "Go with Shadowmere. K-Kivuli will follow...once it's over." Movement just made the pain more intense, but her gear was too valuable to her to let it be torn up by her own changes. "T-treat him with...respect and...he won't harm you."

    Shadowmere peers down at Smutticus, narrowing his eyes for a second before raising his head and looking around. "Where is she?" His voice was deep and gravelly, and echoey with various other octaves resonating in tandem with each word.


    OG Forum member
    Caeser, who was situated in Dense woodland, hunting his next meal, heard a battle in the distance, he immediately replaced his black penitus oculatus helmet and pulled his hood over his head. He scanned the horizon before mounting his horse, who was as white as the snow, had eyes as blue as the heavens, legs as powerful as dwarven pistons and it's body protected by ebony chainmail.
    He smacked his horse's bottom and rode as fast as the horse could go, to Morthal.

    He approached Morthal from the south, enabling him to see straight through the town, He saw a battlefield, he could smell death in the air- reminding him of the great war. He slowed his horse to a gentle walk, he rummaged through his satchel and found his hand-held telescope, Caeser scanned the horizon he saw figures in the distance, they were on foot and one on Horseback, he could not make out the Horses features, but something seemed very odd about it. He rears his steed and goes into a powerful yet silent gallop towards the dark figures.
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    Archer Drake

    Parkour Enthusiast
    If today could get any weirder...exactly that would happen, Drayce thought as Kivuli doubled-over, Rhyf pulled her out of sight and signaled to Smutt, who seemed to want to follow until a dark horse with red eyes like burning coals appeared and struck up a staring contest with Smutt, asking where "she" - probably Kivuli - was.

    Drayce sighed and sat down next to a gnarled tree, shaking his head, "Am I the only one who doesn't have a clue as to what it's going on? Oh, and to answer your question, horse, Kivuli is somewhere in the forest behind me. She seemed to be in a lot of pain."

    A concerned thought bubbled up in Drayce's head, "Kivuli did fight a vampire today. I guess turning into one isn't out of the question. Unless there isn't any pain associated with the change."


    OG Forum member
    He rode closer to the dark figures, and stopped 10 metres infront of the boy sitting on a mangled tree stump, "Citezen, tell me what went on in the town of Morthal, was it some demons? Or perhaps bandits?"

    He said as he rested his hand on the hidden silver sword strategically hidden on his person.
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    Archer Drake

    Parkour Enthusiast
    Drayce was surprised when what looked like a Penitus Ocutalus agent rode up on a mighty steed. The man fired off a series of questions towards Drayce, asking about Morthal.

    Drayce's ears unintentionally flattened against his head and his words caught in his throat. Should he tell this man? What if he was some kind of Deadric sympathizer?

    Drayce shook his head, if this guy was an enemy, he was outnumbered, and he didn't ask for the entire truth either. A lie of omission should satisfy this man, and keep his group out of trouble.

    "I'm afraid your latter suspicion is true. Morthal was indeed the site of a battle with Dremora, the likes of which I haven't seen before."


    OG Forum member
    Caesar's eyes widened.. He had flashbacks of his youth and how his fellow scholars were attacked. He took his hand off of his sword. "Demora.." He mumbled as his heart skipped a beat. He stared at the man sat on the stump.

    Though Caeser did not trust the gentlemans information and felt uneasy he sensed the mans concern for his sudden appearance, he reached into his pouch and took out a sweet roll, wrapped in cloth. He tore it in half, and he rode closer to the man and leant down form the horse and handed it to him to signify that he intended to help "I used to fight alongside the Virgil of Stendarr before my career with the legion, I have killed many daedra"

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    Archer Drake

    Parkour Enthusiast
    The young Khajiit smiled when the man offered him half a sweet roll, his one eye shining brightly in the moonlight. Truth be told, he was starving and this...unexpected delay didn't help.

    It was apparent that this man was bothered by Dremora, he probably had a history with the nightmarish creatures.

    "Thanks. Sorry I don't know more, I didn't last very long against them. I'm sure one of the others could tell you more."


    OG Forum member
    He noticed that the khajit was hungry, so he gave him an apple and half of a small loaf of bread - which was part of his daily rations.

    He dismounted his horse and grabbed his steed by the mouth bindings and walked it towards the others, though the young Khajit on the stump was pleasant- his insinct indicated the ones a little further ahead would be more of a pain, so he cautiously rested his hand on his sword as he approached.

    "Good day citizens, I heard of a Demora attack on Morthal- I was told so by the young man on the stump. Is everything alright?"

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    Wauten Dayhil

    Demon Hunter and Wordplay Extraordinaire
    "I'm not leaving you to shift on your own, assassin," Rhyfalim quietly replied, his blade still ready to be swung at a moment's notice. "Not with how close we are to Smutt and Drayce. I will stand watch, and follow you if you should run. But, should you lose your mind while transformed, and attempt to attack either myself or members of our party, I will be forced to use my blade. And trust me, I can use it well."

    As he explained his purpose in being there, and Kivuli continued to fight her transformation - causing more and more agony - Rhyf rolled his shoulders, loosening his body to be ready for whatever came next. "But, unless worse comes to worst," he continued, hoping she still heard him, "you will eventually revert to your normal self and retrieve your belongings. Then, we will meet up with the others in Dawnstar. Provided nothing happens to them along the way."

    To make sure he was understood, Rhyf settled back against the tree, and respectfully shut his eyes as Kivuli continued to remove her gear, though he was still ready to defend himself if push came to shove.


    Werewolf Queen of Skyrim
    Shadowmere rears up and backs away from Caesar, giving him an angry demonic-sounding whinny. He recognized the Penitus Oculatus symbol, a symbol he despised. "Stay away from my people, Imperial." He snarls to Caesar before trotting off after Kivuli. He knew what organization had destroyed the old sanctuary by Falkreath, and wanted NOTHING to do with them.

    Kivuli sighs. "No sudden movements...and don't look...aggressive...it'll only provoke...an attack." She wheezes out once her gear is off and safely stashed in a nearby clump of grass...and finally gives in. Her body doubles in size as wild and scruffy fur replaced the scales on her body, matching colors but in a much darker shade. Spikes and horns lengthen to match her new size, hair now becoming a rather long mane that still fell into her face. Tail, face, and ears shift to a more wolfish look, as does her eyes. Once done she just stands there hunched over, panting in pain and exhaustion from the ordeal.


    OG Forum member
    Caesar was baffled by what had just happened, he saw the transformation into a Werewolf. He drew is silver sword from his back, and his restoration spell.

    'Oh my, what have I just walked into' he thought

    He turned his head to the gentleman accompanying the werewolf and quickly dashed past the beast, slashing it's leg joint before it completely transformed.

    "You might want to pitch in if we both intend to survive" he said as he grunted

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    Werewolf Queen of Skyrim
    Shadowmere was there in an instant, taking the blow for his rider. He stands between Caesar and Kivuli, looking absolutely furious as his wound heals up. "Leave us, bearer of silver." He growls sinisterly, giving the Oculatus agent one chance to run or face this horse and his rider in battle.

    Kivuli glances up at Shadowmere, before giving a death glare to Caesar. Had he not attacked, she probably would have left him alone. Now he looked like prey to be caught. Yet she does not move, as Shadowmere was her minder while she was like this. She would wait until he was attacked again or he attacks first.
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    OG Forum member
    Caesar remained composed, the strange horse began speaking to him 'what a strange day he thought'

    He recalled seeing the horse during the raid on the sanctuary near Falkreath and said "Horse of demons! I will sheath my sword and will not attack. Beneath this uniform is a man that once hunted daedra- I feel that I will be necessary"

    He then promptly replaced his sword, in hope of not being killed

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    Werewolf Queen of Skyrim
    "Dremora hunter or not, you are Penitus Oculatus. Murderers. Your people slaughtered mine. A crime I cannot forgive." Shadowmere growls, eyes still on Caesar before turning around and nosing Kivuli to make sure she was okay...just to receive a slobbery lick up the cheek from said lycan. Yep, she is fine.

    Didn't stop her deathglare towards Caesar though. Her wolf body had respect towards Shadowmere though. He was, essentially, her pack's advisor as well as fellow fighter. She paws at Shadowmere's shoulder and lets out a whine, she really wanted to rip into this Imperial.

    "Wait, sister. Let us hear this Penitus Oculatus agent's response first."


    OG Forum member
    Caesar still remained un-frightened by the demon horse and the werewolf, he sat on the floor. He reached for his water bladder and drank. It was a foolish move, but he had to kill the Demora. He flung back his hood and took off his helmet and began to eat the remaining bit of bread he had.

    "Okay, shadowmere- horse of demons, I am an officer of the penitus oculatus. My men may have demolished your old sanctuary, you have your new sanctuary now and the brotherhood has killed our emperor, and the men guarding him- whose children and wives I've had to face, telling them that their father died for a 'good cause'... So in my eyes we are even. But why would you care, you have no family, you are a demon"

    He reached into his pouch and downed an entire bottle of wine to rid of the Memories

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    Werewolf Queen of Skyrim
    "So long as you stay with that organization, you are our enemy. One emperor and a few guards versus all but a small fraction of the Brotherhood. We are not 'even', as you put it. One more thing...you've already made yourself look like prey to my Sister, and like any other creature she has a need to feed. I hope you have some decent meat on hand." Shadowmere hisses the last half with a demonic grin on his face. He would so enjoy watching Kivuli rip this murderer apart like a pup would to a doll.


    OG Forum member
    Caesar nodded, he said nothing for a while. He finished his bread and took his last gulp of water before Screwing the cork back on. He then put on his helmet and sat there quietly. Embracing the surroundings.

    He sI'm a racist asshole who doesn't understand boundaries, respect, or basic human decency and I need helped inside as he saw Smutticus, 'hero of the empire'

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    OG Forum member
    Caesar rose to his feet and pulled his hood up. "It's ironic how a demonic horse of sithis shields me from the werewolf, arranging the meeting with sithis and the brotherhood was my pleasure" he turned around and left, within a blink of an eye he got onto his steed and rode off, knowing it was impossible to shift the opinion of the demon horse and the werewolf. He hasn't given up yet, as he knew there was an imperial amongst them and a young khajit who seemed somewhat worthy to rely on.

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