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Doctor Langstrom

I want to be FEARED!
I’d Like Some Italian…

Fandom: Resident Evil

Pairing: Parker Luciani/Raymond Vester (M/M)

Rating: M (Mature) for some language and heavy amounts of sexual content, you have been warned

Genre: Romance (smutfic)

Updated Author’s Note: This was a little smutfic I wrote after playing Revelations on the 3DS, so it’s a bit dated. However, I wanted to repost it so my new followers could get a look at it. Without having to dig deep into my blog or tags to find it.

Author’s Note: A nice smutty fan-fiction featuring two characters from Resident Evil: Revelations. Basically, Parker Luciani and Raymond Vester getting it on. Yea, it means gay sex. Don’t like that, don’t read. Easy, right? You’ve been warned. Everyone else, go on, read, and enjoy!


A light patter of rain hit the city streets, signaling a dark and dreary day was ahead. One man however braved the storm, staring at his watch as he walked. His red hair swayed in the wind, causing him to scowl.

He couldn’t understand why he had put so much effort into his appearance. He was merely only joining a friend for dinner. At said friend’s apartment.

Raymond Vester rolled his eyes at the thought. He at first found it odd that his former colleague had invited him. Was this truly a friendly get together, or did Parker Luciani have something else planned?

Having entered the apartment complex and taking the elevator to Parker’s apartment, Raymond lost track of the thought. He couldn’t believe he was actually nervous. He rolled his eyes as he tried to push the feelings out of his mind.

Lightly knocking on the door, Raymond stared down at the floor, waiting for someone to answer. His mind kept wandering to the events that could possibly unfold, causing him no sense of ease.

The door opened, a bearded face poking out. “Raymond! I honestly didn’t think you’d come. Being you and all.” Raymond couldn’t help but slightly frown at the jab being taken at him. He shrugged it off, walking inside.

“Nice place you have here, Parker. Surprised you can afford it. Being you and all.” Raymond grinned at his playful insult.

Parker chuckled at the comment, moving his way into the kitchen. “Make yourself at home, Raymond. I’m almost finished with dinner. Hope you like Italian.” Parker winked at the other man as he said this, Raymond catching it out of the corner of his eye.

“Wonder what that was about…” the red head mumbled under his breath. Throwing his jacket onto the couch, he sat down, taking in the surroundings of Parker’s living space. It was modest, it seemed the Italian liked the color black. As well as the Italian European Football team. Raymond smirked at just how cliché it was.

Parker stepped out from the kitchen, joining Raymond. The smaller man slightly jumped up in surprise, glaring at the other.

“Am I not allowed to sit and chat with you, Raymond?”

“I thought you were finishing dinner…” the red head drawled.

“It’s simmering. About another ten minutes and we can eat. I figured you’d like my company, as this is a friendly dinner.” At those words, for some reason, a pink tint appeared on Raymond’s cheeks. He honestly didn’t know what he could possibly talk about with Parker. The two of them seemed too different to have an engaging conversation.

“Are you nervous, Cadet?” Parker couldn’t resist using the term, knowing it would get under Raymond’s skin.

“I’m not a ‘Cadet’ anymore…So please, stop calling me that.” Raymond crossed his arms, turning away from Parker. The Italian, however, only moved closer, unfolding Raymond’s arms. “Don’t do that. There’s no need for you to be so nervous, Cadet.”

A now deep shade of red was spread over Raymond’s face and he couldn’t understand why. Emotions were rising up within him; just having Parker near him was causing things to stir.

Raymond turned around to say something sarcastic, but was surprised that Parker was no longer beside him. Pushing himself off the couch, he soon found the other back in the kitchen. He leant against the wall, watching Parker.

“What’s wrong Cadet? Miss me?” Parker was removing a dish from the oven, placing it on the counter. The smaller man only huffed in annoyance, still unclear on Parker’s true intentions.

Parker seemed to have read Raymond’s mind though, “You want to know why I really asked you to come over for dinner, don’t you Raymond?”

Raymond’s gaze shifted back towards the larger man, “Yes. Just seems odd for you to ask me to come over for dinner. Even as friends, it is certainly strange.”

Parker made a short laugh, “I thought it was obvious Raymond. I’m attracted to you.” Parker glanced up at Raymond, taking note of the expression on the other man’s face. “I thought you would have guessed, Cadet. You always had a sharp mind.”

“But…um…what does that mean?” Raymond was finding it difficult to form words, much less rational thought. Parker didn’t answer the question right away, only moving the food aside and walking towards Raymond.

“Well, it means this…” Parker leaned in slowly towards Raymond’s face, lightly brushing his lips against the other man’s. The kiss was short; Parker stared into Raymond’s eyes as they broke apart. “Did you like it, Cadet?”

Raymond’s cheeks were flushed, his breathing erratic. He couldn’t find the ability to answer the other man. Only nod stupidly. It was enough for Parker, causing him to bring Raymond into another kiss. This time more passionate and forceful, his hand working its way up Raymond’s chest.

A tiny moan escaped from Raymond’s lips as he returned the heated kiss with earnest. Movements of uncontrolled touching and groping ensued before Parker separated from Raymond.

“Perhaps we should take this to my bedroom…”

Raymond looked up at Parker, his nervousness returning, “Bedroom? But, I’ve never…um…” The blush was still over his cheeks, almost as if it was permanent. Parker began to lightly nip at Raymond’s neck, “Don’t worry, Cadet. I’ll take good care of you. I’ll be gentle.”

Leading the smaller man into his room, Parker pushed him softly onto the bed. The Italian straddled Raymond, bringing him into another searing kiss. He smiled as it appeared Raymond was beginning to get the hang of it.

Reaching into one of his drawers, Parker pulled out a box as well as a small tube. Raymond took notice, sitting up.

“And those are?” his drawl had returned.

Parker grinned, “Condoms and lube.” This caused the red head to stiffly lay back down upon the bed, his nervousness apparent again. Parker laid down next to him, running his hands up Raymond’s leg. “Relax, Ray.”

Parker removed his shirt, his chiseled chest causing Raymond to feel a slight tightness in his pants. Parker smiled as he watched Raymond try to hide his erection, “Now don’t do that. Nothing to be ashamed of, Ray.”

Parker reached down, rubbing his hand against Raymond’s groin, triggering a soft moan from the red head. Kissing Raymond again, the Italian slowly slipped his hands into Ray’s pants. Raymond was now panting, his hands gripping onto Parker’s shoulders.

“Parker…ugh…” He threw his head back from the pleasure, small moans omitting from his bruised lips. Parker couldn’t help but chuckle. Raymond, who was usually so reserved, was extremely vocal in bed. The larger man couldn’t help but consider himself so fortunate for such a scenario.

“If you are getting so much pleasure from this Raymond, just wait until we progress even further…” Raymond smiled nervously, yet genuinely at his apparently new lover.

Parker began unfastening Raymond’s pants, pulling them off with ease. Raymond helped by removing his shirt, tossing it alongside his pants. “All that remains are your boxers, Ray. White, huh? You need to stop being so dull. I’m here to fix that.”

Raymond’s face turned into a pout, “I’m far from bor…ING!” He was caught off guard when Parker quickly took off his boxers, already licking the tip of Raymond’s length with his expert tongue. Parker ran his wet appendage down the shaft, his teeth scraping the sides slightly. Raymond could only close his eyes, his brain overloading from the sheer intense pleasure. Without realizing, Raymond gripped his fingers firmly into Parker’s hair.

“Oh..OoOh…ugh…” Inaudible sounds were the only thing that Raymond could produce, he felt like he was going to explode. A tightening in the pit of his stomach was about to erupt at any moment.

Then the feeling disappeared.

“Wait…what?” Raymond sat up, eyeing Parker. Who only kissed him gently on the lips. “Don’t want you let loose just yet, do we?”

Raymond scowled, but Parker moved the smaller man into position. “Parker, what are you doing?” Parker merely smiled, pouring some of the gel from the tube onto his hand. “Well, you’re a virgin, so…I need to prepare you.”

It finally clicked in Raymond’s head, “Oh…”

“The sensation may hurt and feel odd, Ray. Just tell me to stop if it becomes too uncomfortable.” Raymond nodded in understanding, readying himself for the intrusion. Parker took extreme care, pushing in one finger, slowly pulling it in and out. Raymond’s hands now clenched the bed, trying his best to get used to the alien feeling.

Parker inserted another finger, watching for any discomfort on Raymond’s face. None could be seen, so one more finger was added. Pumping his fingers in and out, he searched for Raymond’s sweet spot, the one that would cause the red head immense pleasure.


The Italian smirked as the red head arched his back in pleasure.

“Looks like I found it.” Parker removed his fingers, grabbing the box of condoms and taking one. Raymond watched intently as his new lover slipped one on. Leaning down, Parker kissed Raymond, “You sure you’re ready?”


Parker positioned himself at Raymond’s entrance, sliding in as slow as possible. The larger man shuddered at the tightness, but controlled himself for his lover’s sake. Raymond’s hands gripped onto Parker’s back for support. The feeling was an odd sensation. Neither painful nor pleasurable. Parker waited patiently for Raymond to adjust, smiling as he looked down upon the smaller man.

Raymond bucked his hips, signaling for Parker to begin to move. Parker obliged, making a rhythm out of thrusts into the red head. Small moans escaped from Raymond, his head thrown back in ecstasy as Parker nipped and kissed all over his body.

The slow and steady paced soon quickened. Parker pounded into the one beneath him, Raymond once again arching his back. Raking his nails down the Italian’s back, the same feeling from earlier returning. The tightening in his stomach, he felt like he was about to explode.


With one more thrust from Parker, Raymond came, still moaning Parker’s name. The larger man was not far behind, and after a few more pumps into Raymond he exploded inside the red head, almost collapsing from the pleasure.

Parker slumped down beside Raymond, gazing lovingly at him. Raymond surprisingly returned the look. Though still having a somewhat confused face. Parker merely grinned, “Guess this means we’re ‘together’”.

Raymond only crossed his arms, “What is that supposed to mean?”

“You know what it means.”

Raymond replied by simply moving closer to Parker, allowing the other man to embrace him.

“So, Ray Ray, how was dinner?”

“You are not calling me that!”

“It’s better than Cadet, right?”

“…I guess…”
