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    The guy with the axe
    ((Of you wish to join, be sure to PM me first.))

    The end of the great war brought a terrible tragedy to the Empire. Emperor Titus Mede, shortly after boldly denying the terms of the White-Gold Concordant, was killed in his very throne and thus completing the Dominion's brutal conquest. The new Emperor, a wicked Thalmor lord called Tyrdion, has been using what is left of both the Imperial and the Dominion forces to try to wrest an iron grip throughout Tamriel. With such little numbers left over though, his squeeze has been slow but effective.

    Skyrim, Hammerfell, and much of High Rock has broken away from the New Empire; But at a terrible price. With the rise of the dragons causing agricultural damage, and trade blockades being enforced throughout the borders, food is steadily becoming more scarce. Starvation throughout the smaller towns in Skyrim is common and many of the Khajiit and Breton trading outfits find buisness hard. It's a dark time for the free regions of Tamriel.

    In all this time, Tyrdion looks North, where the Thalmor's last great goal remains: The elimination of Talos worship. If left unchecked, his ultimate conquest will be complete, and all the land will come to darkness under the Dominion Emperor's boot. Who will be the hope for Man, and all free folk?

    OOC - Changes of fate. (Discussion and recruitment) | Skyrim Forums


    The guy with the axe
    A typical grim day in Whiterun. People shuffling around in ragged clothes, looking for their next meal. Even the noble families, such as the Battle-born, have been forced to give up their materialism just to keep food on the table for their family. Meanwhile, the Plains district runs quiet, many of the merchant stands forced to shut down from lack of buisness.

    From the worn palace of Dragonsreach, a horn is sounded. Irileth, Balgruuf's Housecarl, strides through the city at a quick pace. "Citizens of Whiterun! A call to arms has been initiated! Anyone that is able in battle are requested to meet with the guard outside the gate! Everyone else is required to take cover in the Dungeons for your safety! Take only provisions with you!" The message was repeated a few times to get the message across.

    The city stirred in a mix fairly close to chaos, as many of the volunteers were groveled by their families not to go. Some of the volunteers were too young to even carry a sword, children as young as 12 winters. The guard itself was only a few dozen. So far, it's not an inspiring sight.

    death raider

    Thalmor Ambassador
    J'Olama ran out from the Bee and Barb, hold a bow in her hand. A cry was sent out through the city for a call for arms as, there must have been another attack. J'Olama ran past screaming and wailing people as they tried to escape with their lives. She looked round to see a few men running to the city gates, but not many women, which irritated her as she didn't want to be stuck with just men.

    J'Olama loaded her bow with an arrow and when she got to the gates she looked back at the city she called home.
    " Goodbye Whiterun and let the Divines save us!" J'Olama cried carrying on outside the city to see a few people standing with weapons in hand and a few showed fear upon their faces, but who was to blame them? J'Olama got onto the city walls and looked out into the distance, to see figures in the distance.

    There must have been easily a hundred and J'Olama looked back at their own force to see not even half of their enemies armies. J'Olama was ready for a battle and she wasn't looking forward to it too much. J'Olama carried on to look out and the massive army was coming ever closer.


    Slade was leaving Arcadia's Cauldron when he heard the yell
    "Those damned Thalmor must be coming.I should go to Irileth,perhaps she's got something better for me.."he thought as he went towards the gate at a fast pace.
    The looks of the scared people running towards the dungeon amused him and yet made his blood boil
    "Those people are forsaken if the elves come in here.Well,I should try my best,it's much better for me to have the Empire rather than the blasted Dominion."

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    The beggar awoke in a pile of garbage, but he was happy. He had a wide smile on his lips, happier than any man in his position had any right to be. This beggar had wandered into Whiterun a little after the Helgen attacks. Soon after Brenuin disappeared. But one Redguard beggar was as good as another. This man though seemed to be an idiot. And so became his name to the local people. He often talked to Brenuin's head after all it is a lonely existence.

    "Hey Brenuin! Hey! Hey! Brenuin. Look... I wonder what that is all about."
    "I don't suppose the dungeons is your choice."
    "Silly Brenuin. I am a ADVENTURER!!!"

    Idiot grabbed the corpse's head and turned it towards himself. The head looked sarcastic and worried to the insane man. He looked at the Dark Elf running through the streets. Know what I need, Idiot thought. Some meat, Mm meat. The beggar stood up still holding Brenuin's head. The curious man soon dropped his cadaverous friend and went to the meeting grounds.


    As he advances towards the gates,he looks around to see if there are any other people going in his direction.
    He only notices a few,then his look stumbles upon the strange beggar.
    Slade wonders "I wonder what he's got in his set..This might turn out to bequite enjoyable!";he stops for a moment and ponders "I must also think of an escape route in case we lose,as our winning chances would be really low"then he continues forward towards the gates

    blue 468

    Well-Known Member
    Robin. Walked through the cloud district, dreary she thoughtg to her self walking down to the market a horn sounded, the Jarl issued a call to arms. Robiin scowled holding the hilt of her blade in her, she walked down toward the gates where everyone was gathering. Common folk and mercenaries alike gathered about, Robbin had a bad taste in her mouth the growing tension was anoying her.


    Patroclus sat in the inn drinking his ale when the guards came in. "You there come with us! You are required to defend the city!" Patroclus laughed "I fight for gold nothing more." They didn't take that to good and one swung at him. Patroclus caught it spun him a around and put his knife to the guards neck. "Leave now." he replied throwing the guard to the ground. He then began to make his way to the front gate to join the defense.


    The guy with the axe
    With the small force gathered before the gates, Whiterun's small militia bore witness to it's enemy. An entire detachment of Thalmor with two rows of Imperials in front of almost a century of High elf warriors, archers and a few wizards topped with three catapaults and a seige ram. It seems they're not so intent on taking the city walls intact. All and all, the Thalmor's force stood with a century of men, more than twice than what the less equipped army of Whiterun.

    Jarl Balgruuf stood above the gate to address the men. "Honorable men and women of Skyrim. The vile "Emperor" comes knocking at our door, thinking we will cower beneath his shadow! Not only is he sorely wrong, but he's made the mistake of attacking Whiterun!!" A handful of the men rose their weapons to this. "Lets show those snotty elves we will NOT be cowed into submission! Victory or Sovngarde!!!" Balgruuf lead the charge, his housecarl at his side, into a near hopeless battlefield.

    ((Alright! Go ahead and have some fun guys. :) ))

    Seanu Reaves

    The Shogun of Gaming
    Madness... This is madness, The Beggar thought. NO! THIS! IS! WHITERUN!!! The Beggar watched the charge from the ramparts. He was whistling a tune, and watched to two waves crash into each other. He turned and reached into his pack, and pulled out a crossbow. He soon began shooting the crossbow expertly, and giggled. Though he shot expertly he still did not differentiate friend from foe. Honestly he worked the crossbow like a pro but aimed with strange techniques.

    "Three sixty degree... NO! SCOPE!" The surrounding men backed away from the strange man who had just jumped spun and shot. He was hitting the enemy by still the chance of getting killed by the madman. The beggar suddenly put his crossbow away much to the relief of the surrounding men. The Beggar took off after a butterfly seemingly oblivious to the massive battle.


    New Member
    Siegard rose up quickly from the bed, Njada grasped for his hand. Siegard asked "Do you hear that? It sounds like.. like a battle." Quickly trying to put on his tunic and pants, he stumbled over and knocked a vase of a cupboard. "Careful, someone might hear you. Do you know what will happen to both of us if Vilkas finds out??" said Njada as she lay in the bed, draped with the bed covers. "I think Vilkas is the least of our worries right now. Can't you hear that??". "It's probably just them doing some training up there, come back to bed. I'm getting cold.." remarked Njada amorously. Now with his tunic, belt and pants on, Siegard retrieved his bow and quiver quickly from where he had placed it the night before and set of up the stairs to the doors of Jorrvaskr.

    When he reached the doors and threw them open, he was met by the sight of a red sky, lit by flames burning, and he could hear the sound of men in battle all around. Quickly he ran towards the cities main gates, and what he saw, he thought he would never see in a life time. The Elves had come for Whiterun's people. And had spared no expense. Swiftly he took his bow and started to fire upon his adversaries from a distance. He loosed one, then two, three. Then he reached for the fourth, but grasped only air. "Oh for the love of the Divines! No arrows! Of course I have no arrows NOW! And where are my shoes!" he thought. He quickly grabbed up a fallen elf's sword and shield, and entered the fray, bare footed..


    The guy with the axe
    The battle went off to a bad start for Whiterun, as every hostile they killed seemed to cost them two men. After the Companions joined in the bout, the odds were a bit more even but the Thalmor's advantage of better skilled archers still proved costly. Two of the catapaults aimed for the city while the third shot into the Whiterun militia to scatter their ranks.

    Just to add to the epicness.))

    death raider

    Thalmor Ambassador
    The battle had begun and the High Elves forces were massive and litterally trampled over the defenders. The battle was choas, blades hitting blades, shields bassing against shields. J'Olama readied her bow and aimed it at one of the incoming Thalmor and with a wail of anger she released the arrow onto the Thalmor and into his throat. The Thalmor clutched his throat in pain and agony and fell to the floor, raving and riving.

    More Thalmor pressed on and J'Olama noticed a begger running after a butterfly and J'Olama crabbed hold of the mans arm.
    " What do you think your doing? We are in a middle of a battle!" J'Olama screamed at the man then let go of him. J'Olama then took out a dagger from her belt and ran af a Thalmor soldier and she stabbed him hard in the stomach then dropping his body to the floor.

    J'Olama was then hit with a mace right in the arm. She calasped onto the floor, her arm screaming out in pain. The Thalmor brought up his mace and before he threw it down onto her body an arrow embeded itself in the Thalmors eye and he fell backwards, smashing his head onto the ground. J'Olama got up and twirled round to see a Khajiit caravaner and three others with him, fitting with their weapons. J'Olama was surprised they were still in business, or maybe they weren't, maybe they were just having to take refuge in the city because they didn't want to return home now the Thalmor were under control.

    blue 468

    Well-Known Member
    Robiin sighed when Jarl Balgruuf lead the charge, she thought it was a mistake, that they should have fought from the walls. Pushing the thought aside she pulled out he bow and began shooting arrows into the crowd but eventually her quiver was empty. Drawing her sword she slowly walked toward the onslaught of Thalmor, the first one to see her swung, Robiin ducked and thrust her sword into the elf's gut.

    Robiin fought and fought but it seemed that every solider she killed two more took there place, she was growing tired and had received numerous cuts and bruises. Robiin looked around at the battle, there seemed to be more gold of the Thalmor than anything else and those who fought with them seemed to dwindle as every minute passed.


    Slade went up the gates and unsheated his blade,then jumped on the Thalmor force crashing on 2 of them.
    A warrior went towards him with the shield in front,trying to bash him.Slade quickly threw his sword next to him and rolled to the left,then grabbed his sword and thrusted it through the back of the elf's neck.Another elf with daggers was going towards him.At the sight of that,he sheated his swords and got his knives.He waited until he was close.The elf got close and he lunged at Slade,who threw a dagger in the elf's neck.
    Getting the dagger from him,he looks to his left.He's hit by a fireball and crashed into the wall,then on his knees,putting his hands in front of him.The mage was charging another fireball.
    "I got to think of something fast,that fireball drained the juice out of me.".
    Without hesitating,he rolls in front of him and grabs a soldier,using him as a body shield.The mage stopped charging the fireball,getting impaled by a guard's sword.
    The soldier breaks free of Slade's grasp and grabs his short sword,attacking Slade.
    Unprepared for this,he gets a cut on his chest.Angry,he throws a dagger at the soldier's knee and kicks him in the face,leaving him dizzy.He slowly retreats towards the wall,fending off any other attackers,so he can make a plan.


    Patroclus arrived at the gate just about the time they charged. It was chaos and madness all in one. They were so greatly out numbered Patroclus drew his sword and charged. If you were to see him he would have looked like a tornado spinning,slashing,stabbing all at one it seemed. A mage shot lightning at him Patroclus dived out of the way and grabbed a nearby elf to take the next blow. He then got surrounded three of the thalmor cornered him to the wall of the city. The first charged aiming for Patrocluses throat he side stepped drew his bolo knife and watched the man get his sword stuck in the wall. He sliced off the mans arm and then his head. The next was cautious before he charged. Patroclus dodged him and grab a hold of the man by the shoulders. With the man as a hostage he charged the last one who drew his sword to protect himself. Witch in end killed the hostage just as the hostages sword killed him. Patroclus made his way back to the battle field where an arrow hit him in the shoulder Patroclus then headed back to the city he knew they were too outnumbered..


    The guy with the axe
    Soon the horn sounded again, apparently to fall back as many of the remaining guardsmen poured towards the gates, some of them getting caught by one of the catapaults boulders. The siege ram moved forward, guarded all around by it's Thalmor drivers while the catapaults and the archers continued to rain their fire into the city walls.

    The Jarl stood atop the gateway, assessing the situation while shaking off a few wounds stubbornly. "We can't let that ram reach the city gates! Archers, take down the drivers! Light your arrows with fire if you have to!" Many of the guardsmen began doing so but the arrows could hardly penetrate the hide covering, and the fire's burn was too slow.


    Hearing about the ram,Slade yelled towards Balgruuf:
    "Jarl!Bring your court mage to set that thing on fire! And I want a few men with me!I got a plan for when they get in!"

    blue 468

    Well-Known Member
    Every minute seemed like an hour, every step forward she seemed to take two steps back. The fighting seemed to be one sided they were loosing and with the arrival of the Thalmor ram Robiin started loosing hope of winning, she briefly thought about just leaving Whiterun and heading south but remembered that everywhere there were Thalmor, and what her father said before he left to fight in the Great War "Robiin remember one thing before I leave, never back down, never give in, and always fight for what you believe in." Robiin snapped out of her daydream as a solider swung at her head, ducking beneath it she sunk her sword into his chest, looking forward toward the sea of golden armor she charged forward with a few determined Whiterun guards.


    Deathstrike ducked a swing from a soldier's mace and pushes him so he may unsheate his sword.He thrusted the sword with ease through the elf.Looking around him he seen that they were getting pushed back...but he also noticed something else.He screamed at the top of his lungs towards the small force:
    "I need a few soldiers with me!We can pull the drawbridge to halt their advance!"