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    Queen of Evil
    Circe winked to her Khajiit as he called out to the others, then stepped towards him as he handed the lead over to her.

    "I'll just splash a bit of blood across my face, and then we can begin." She said, revealing her fangs and then biting slowly into her bottom lip. Then, taking one hand to her mouth she began to spread the blood across her cheeks and forehead until Wosturn himself might have believed that she had eaten Doonkur. "Now, I hope you don't mind being thrown over my shoulder because you don't have a say in the matter."

    Before the man could even blink Circe had her arms wrapped around him, and with little effort threw him across her shoulder. After a little turn to the direction of the camp she began a sprint only slightly faster than a mortal could manage and continued to spread blood across herself and then Kahjiit over her shoulder. It was little over ten seconds before she burst into the centre of camp and let out a blood-curdling scream while observing the group with crimson eyes.

    "I want blood!" She called, dropping Doonkur to the floor, but lightly enough to avoid injury. "I'm feeling like Argonian today, pity we don't have any Argonians in the group... or do we?"

    (OOC: Yes I know, very sucky post, but I really don't feel too good today. Sorry guys.)


    You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die.
    Did she really have to drop me like that? thought Doonkur. Get over yourself, Khajiit. She probably did it for effect. Now lie still and keep those eyes closed! You're supposed to be dead, remember?

    He thought of the others and wondered which of them, if any, would be fooled from he and Circe's childish joke. Forget Wostrun, as Circe said. There was no way in fooling the vampire. Donmjark was a veteran of many battles, so Doonkur was also sure he had seen his fair share of ruses, or in this case, an attempted ruse. He wasn't so sure about Cheyna, but her being a fellow Khajiit, surely her superior nose could detect that her comrade was not truly dead.

    And that left M'ar. A little smile started to form on his lips, a smile he was sure to quickly be rid of, for dead Khajiits do not smile. Poor kid, he thought. We really need to quit picking on him.

    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    M'ar trembled in his skin. He wanted to grow wings and fly away. The argonian whimpered quietly as Circe came into view.She had blood on her face and her fangs were visible. She demanded blood..Specifically argonian. Why....

    M'ar looked further down and saw Doonkur. The Khajiit was dead on the floor. Another tear slipped from his Scaly cheeks. He frowned Angrily and stood. He climbed up a nearby tree and position himself above the vampress.

    "You want Argonian!!!Bon appetit!!" He leaped from branch and landed on the vampire's back. He had her in a headlock and pulled backwards. He flexed his muscles and squeezed his hardest. He had to give his comrades time to escape. He felt a shift in footing. Crap...

    (one of these days M'ar will be strong enough to kill vampires...Just wait...Lol. I know there is no french/Italian in Skyrim but I thought Bon appetit would be a nice touch :) )


    Queen of Evil
    Circe had not so much been surprised by the attack, but simply too lazy to move. It would have been a good move on the kid's behalf if the Vampire he now had in a headlock had been anyone else, but this was not anyone else. While he tensed his muscles around her neck, Circe also tensed her own muscles slightly so that the boy could have easily been strangling a brick. Slightly to Circe was more than a match for M'ar, but it was still sweet that - if these circumstances were real - he would have risked his life for the team.

    "Foolish boy!" Circe called out. "For that, your death shall not be a pretty one."

    With that, the Vampire stood, the weight of the M'ar now only coming close to a feather in her eye. The Argonian fell to the floor and Circe forced a laugh to scare M'ar while she picked him up by the back of his clothes and turned him to face her. The Vanpire left M'ar to hang there in silence for a few second, before licking lips and moving close to his neck.

    "I guess we'll have to rip a few of these little scales from your neck first, don't worry, this will only hurt a lot."

    Now she took her free hand a moved it quickly up to the Argonian's neck, tapping a small scale where his jugular vein would be. Atleast ten times she tapped it, until her wicked grin turned into a wide smile full of love.

    "Sorry M'ar, but your face was priceless." She said dropping the boy slightly but catching him in her embrace and spinning him around. "Please don't hate me! Your such a sweet boy you know, risking your life for your friends."

    (OOC: sent from my phone guys because I am still in bed, not feeling too well. I'll put colour in Circe's text later and sorry for any which I am sure there will be plenty of. Just hope it's readable)

    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    M'ar shivered as she spoke. The argonian tightened his grip but it seemed as if he was choking a log. She spoke of his death. M'ar bared his teeth still squeezing with all his might. The vampire shifted and M'ar fell on his back. He yelped landing on his tail.

    He cringed at the vampires laugh.The argonain was about to stand and attack but he was pulled upward. He was turned around and face the vampire her eyes crimson. M'ar looked down watching his feet dangle. He looked up and regretted it as the vampress licked her lips.The He leaned away from the woman's face, his arms reaching back trying to take off his shirt so he could slip away.

    She mentioned taking off his scales. "NO!!! Please anything..." He remembered the stories his parents told him of how the elves used to pull the scales off of argonians to leard information. It was supposed to be the most painful thing you can do to an argonian other than cutting the tail off. The boy shivered in the woman's grasp. He bared his teeth and shook violently.He didn't want to become chow..

    As the woman tapped at his scales M'ar started to slowly slid his arms into his tunic. Soon he would be able to slip from her grip. M'ar winced everytime she touched his scales. He felt it slowly coming off until she dropped him. He yearned for his feet to touch the ground but before they did he was hugged. She hugged him and spun him around.

    The argonian was growing dizzy and confused. "Sorry M'ar but your face was priceless." "Please don't hate me! You're Such a sweet boy you know. Risking your life for your friends."

    M'ar didn't know what to do. He couldn't do much as he was spun. He slowly positioned his arms and tried to push away from the woman. He didn't budge...Her hold was too strong. M'ar pushed one more time still no budge. He sighed and let his arms slump to his side.

    "Please let me go!!! Fine!!Fine!!! I forgive you!!!" M'ar's heart was beating out of his chest. His head was right below her chin. He hated being so close to her mouth...Her fangs.

    "Please? My arms are starting to go numb.." M'ar wiggled trying to get free.


    You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die.
    At this latest exchange, Doonkur rolled over and sat up, smiling widely. Relax, M'ar. You are truly in no danger, he said, in as soothing a voice as he could muster. Circe and I were just playing a prank on you all. Well, mostly you. Forgive me for playing a part in scaring you.

    The Khajiit looked at M'ar, and in all seriousness said, But I will also tell you this. With what I've heard and seen of your most recent actions, I am glad and proud to be your ally in our hunt for the Dark Brotherhood. Because anyone who would sacrifice himself for the safety of others, well, I would be most honored to fight by your side.

    Doonkur then smiled again at the young Argonian, winked, and said, Besides, if it's any consolation to you, this was all Circe's idea. He stepped closer to the two of them, playfully nudging Circe with his left elbow, while giving M'ar a friendly pat on his shoulder.

    (OOC: An ever so slight EDIT as Doonk just had to nudge Circe, The Vampress Jokester. lol)


    True to the Name
    "Yes, you are right. It is tough, knowing that I could easily go out of your way and partake in the feast that is our khajiit friend. But as you can see, I need not to control such blood lust." I took a blood vial from my satchel as I talk with Donmjark and drank its contents to the last drop. It was still quite fresh so in truth, I didn't lie about controlling blood lust. It was not the khajiit's blood I was craving, though.

    Soon enough, fear took M'ar as he started walking away, mumbling some story of beasts. I tried my best not to laugh at his ridiculous acts of trying to hide from our senses as he stuffed and spread dirt on his body. As he bid Doonkur goodbye, I could sense Circe ready herself and in a few moments allowed for herself to appear in the middle of the camp. She has blood all over her face. I almost fell for the ploy, until of course, I got a proper whiff of that blood. Her blood. I let out a short sigh, quite disappointed in myself that that small detail escaped me. She let out a bloodthirsty cry, perhaps terrifying the kid further by stating her preference of argonian blood. I looked at Donmjark and wondered how we would react, if he would at all.

    M'ar made his move at Circe. His mobility is applaudable, considering he is but a child. He landed on the vampiress' back and locked her head in his arms. I tried my hardest not to burst in laughter at the after-dinner show. The two struggled, or rather only M'ar did. Her hand made its way to the argonian's scaly neck. The kid cried out to plea for mercy. That was truly my limit. I laughed out loud and fell on my sides on the dirt. Normally, I wouldn't allow for my hair to be specked by dirt. It was not one of those days however as the moment didn't fully allow for me to control the spasms on my sides. The air I expelled from excessive laughter could be dangerous for a mortal. Thankfully I am not, so I just let out all I could. I somehow eventually stopped with my back on the ground, exhausted from the jest Circe and Doonkur pulled.


    You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die.
    (OOC - To our readers: In order to move this RP along, the following is posted with the permission and gentle urging of Minstrel)

    Circe teasingly glared at Doonkur, for both his nudge and for ratting her out that this ploy was all her idea. She winked at the Khajiit, then turned her attention back to M'ar. Would it make you feel better if Doonkur and I promised to never play another joke on you ever again? she asked the youth, as she placed him back on the ground.

    Before the young Argonian answered, the Khajiit tapped the vampiress on her shoulder. As she turned to look his way, he handed her a dampened cloth. Once in her grasp, Doonkur began to indicate on his own face the areas of blood that required cleaning up on her face.

    caravan guard

    lone Khajiit
    M'ar nodded at the Vampire. He was glad to not be joked with anymore. It would nice if I could be in on a joke for once.. M'ar yawned tired. The argonian walked over near the fire. He crouched and rolled on his back. He looked up in the stars and wondered what they were.

    He heard stories of gods and wizards but M'ar wanted a real answer. He wanted someone from an actual college of stars to explain them to him. He sighed and closed his eyes. He wandered into sleep peacefully yet shaken. His heart still raced from the "joke."


    Queen of Evil
    (OOC: Guess who's back! Right, this RP has had a really rough start if I'm honest, and I must admit that is mainly due to me being very bad at leading an RP, but my holidays are over and my life seems to be plodding along as usual so I see no reason why we can't get this RP on the move again and make it amazing. I hope you're still up for it (and I'm sorry this is the second time that is has come to a long halt) but I'm going to post and hopefully we'll get this RP back on track.)

    Circe nodded to Doonkur with a thankful smile as she received the rag and proceeded to wipe the blood from her face. It was obvious by the speed in which she cleaned her face that she had done this many times in her life, and when she lowered the rag from her face and passed it back to Doonkur there was not a single drop of blood to be seen on her.

    "Thank you, Doonkur." The Vampire said as she patted the Khajiit on the shoulder and wandered past him to the fire. After letting the heat of the flames dry her face briefly she raised her voice and turned to speak to the group. "Well I guess it's getting late, and you'll be wanting plenty of sleep for tomorrow. I suggest that you all get your bedrolls out and get some rest. For any of you who are worried about bandits or wolves, don't worry, I'll be sitting in that tree and watching over camp. I doubt I will get much sleep, but if I do feel like drifting off for a bit my ears won't leave camp." Circe felt like a mother while she spoke to the camp, telling them all to get their bedrolls out and get some sleep. Of course, they would need it and she didn't want anyone to be sloppy when they confronted Babette's grandmother. She still wasn't sure how that would turn out, and if it did end in a fight she didn't know if they would all leave with their lives. "Goodnight everyone, if you want to speak with me you know where to find me."

    With that she left the group to go about preparing for their sleep and strolled up to a nice sized tree on the edge of camp. Coming to stand by the trunk she looked up and found a strong branch not too far off of the group facing the fire. After looking around her for a moment she bent her knees slightly and pushed herself from the ground to land smoothly on the branch. There was a moment of shuffling as she found a comfortable position before she smiled to herself satisfied and also happy with her new team-mates. There was a bit of everything in the group, clever ones, quiet ones... young ones she though with grin. I think this will be a quest to remember.

    Start Dale

    I got 99 problems but a Deadra ain't one.
    (ooc: Hey guys sorry for absence just been struggling to get my assignments handed in so been absent. I'll be back in the role play monday. Look forward to seeing you all then :) )

    Donmjark watched Circe bound into the trees. Without taking off his armour he propped himself against a tree in a sluched position with his bed roll wrapped about his person. He rested his Battleaxe over his lap with both arms draped over it. Only someone observant would have seen the hooks slide around the battle axe shaft lock into position securing his blade from theft, taking deep breaths Donmjark slowly let himself subside into sleep.


    You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die.
    After exchanging "good nights" with the others, Doonkur gathered his things and found a spot near the fire. He smoothed out his bedroll, and climbed inside. As he got comfortable and before dozing off, he reflected on the day and night just completed.

    Good company, he thought. Good stories. Even some laughs thrown in. Well, at the young M'ar's expense. His smile at the joke they had pulled on the young Argonian didn't last too long. His thoughts raced about and he was reminded as to why they were all together in the first place. The Dark Brotherhood. It would be a while before sleep claimed the Khajiit.