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    Savage Spirit
    With a grunt and a groan Azarias stood from the table, his helmet held under arm and his machine gun slung across his back as he left the stench of alcohol and the bar behind. "I'm not quite sure I caught your name. I'm Azarias. Though you've probably heard of me" He laughed jokingly, seemingly to himself as the other man followed him, maintaining a position almost behind him. It almost got Azarias worried that he might receive a knife in the back. This man seemed like the sort that might like knives.

    Stepping inside the room which housed the range Azarias helmet quickly slipped over his head, and his vision came to life with a blue hue coating his face, his targets already scrambling to find their foe. There was nothing quite like stepping on the battlefield in full armour, taking aim and mowing down every target before you. Shotguns are fun too, of course. But machine guns are where the party's at. With that he took his stance and pulled on the trigger, bringing him to the place he loved most, lost in the sound of gunfire as he shot at the targets before him. It wasn't nearly as good as the battlefield, but hey, it felt good to unload rounds at a crappy target that couldn't fight back.

    Valin Oakthorn

    Vagabond Extraordinaire
    "I'm not quite sure I caught your name. I'm Azarias. Though you've probably heard of me" The man says. I ignore the arrogant addition at the end of his remark. It was a joke so I won't think much of it.

    I follow him down a few hallways until we reach the firing range. I immediately feel under dressed. Azarias puts on his helmet and pulls out one of his many guns. All that I'm wearing is a black V-neck and pair of jeans. I also lack any form of weapon besides two knives. I notice a few large boxes in the room filled with various weapons. I search through them taking all the knives I can find. All of the weapons in these boxes are crap. I guess that's how they prevent theft.

    I head to the fence-like structure that separates the actual room from the area where the dummies are. The structure is thick enough so i set the knives I found on it. I have sixteen.

    There's a dummy about twenty-five yards down. I grab a knife by the blade. I feel it's weight, it's balance. I raise it up next to my ear and throw the knife hard towards the dummy. I watch as it spins for a moment. It connects. The blade is lodged firmly in the forehead of the dummy. I pick up another knife.

    "Rogue." I say to Azarias. "My name is Rogue."
    I say throwing another knife down toward the dummy. It hits it's heart.


    Savage Spirit
    "I'm gonna call you Big Head. Cause you seem to like knives. And I just think it suits ya" Azarias smirked as the man failed to miss a beat, though he was sure his comment must have startled him at least a little. Holstering his gun on his back once more he allowed his helmet to scan over Rogue/Big Head's body, measuring and calculating all his movements. He threw each knife with the precision of a machine, never missing a beat, never missing his target. It was impressive, and Azarias wondered if he was trying to strike fear into him. Perhaps he should try and get the man to relax a little.

    "You're good with the knives, I'll give you that Big Head. Ready to head back to the base now? I've someone I'm supposed to meet with, and I think it may be worth your while tagging along"

    Valin Oakthorn

    Vagabond Extraordinaire
    "I'm gonna call you Big Head. Cause you seem to like knives. And I just think it suits ya" The man says. It surprises me. What kind of guy call people Big Head. I'm not even completely sure that it is an insult. I don't know if I should be offended or not. I decide I should be.

    I've killed people for less than that. It'd be simple, just have him take his helmet off and get the jump on him. No. I can't do that, he's a guardian.

    I don't know how to respond so I just throw my knives a bit harder.

    "You're good with the knives, I'll give you that Big Head. Ready to head back to the base now? I've someone I'm supposed to meet with, and I think it may be worth your while tagging along" He says. Seriously? I feel like I'm being pranked. I'm almost thirty and I'm being called Big Head. I decide not to be offended by the fact he is calling me Big Head, but by the fact he thinks Big Head will offend me. God this is a weird situation.

    "Well, alright then." I say, releasing my last knife. "Where exactly are we headed? I need to stop back at my quarters and grab a few things, and I can meet you wherever your meeting this other person." I say. I want my armor and weapons.
