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    I know all! I am the WIKI!
    Wayn was impressed by the man's leap from the tree. A normal human would have been badly injured by that kind of jump, but this was no normal human. The Imperial then introduced himself. His name was Saren. Wayn gave a neutral smile at Saren's welcome. Wayn wasn't new to the wild but he appreciates the sentiment. Thank you. I do not care about humans also. They outcast anything that they do not understand. It's a reason we're stronger than them. There may be more of them but it's quality over quantity. He then crossed his arms and listened to the sounds of the wild. The wind howling through the tall, green trees. The birds tweeting with various calls. Love. Anger. Happiness. He hears deer running scared from the vicious bears or wolves that hunt for prey. Just like him. Wayn enjoyed his heightened senses sometimes. It shows the world in a whole new perspective. To him, it's one of the very few positives about having Lycanthropy.

    Wayn stopped indulging himself in his surroundings and focused his attention back to the rough Imperial. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Wayn Blackheart. As you can see from my robes I was once an Alik'r. He then swayed his hands down to show his garb and hood. Wayn usually was quiet around humans but he doesn't mind the company of werewolves because most know what he's been through. So... Wayn then moved himself near a tree. He was now leaning his side at the tree while talking too Saren. ...What's your story for being here. Brother.


    You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die.
    After watching Aura’s rather affectionate display with the woman known as Desiree, Dmitry shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He also noted how she was somewhat friendly with the other woman, Hana, at the table. It was clear they were both werewolves, so why was Aura being openly affable to them? Face it, vampire, he thought, a kiss like that full-on the lips is more than just affable.

    Being the old fashioned, traditional type of vampire, Dmitry had a hard time processing all that was being played out before him. He looked around the room, mostly focusing on the mortals, none of whom seemed the least bit bothered at the sight of two women kissing. Well, he thought, does this also mean that man to man is acceptable, too? He shook his head at the thought, struggling to adapt to the obvious changing times and attitudes.

    He rose to greet Aura, and after exchanging smiles, said to her, If it’s all the same to you, I think I’ll take my leave yet again, thus allowing you to return to your friends. As he made his way to the front door, Aura followed him and was just about to say something. It was then that Desiree pulled on Aura’s arm. The werewolf mentioned something about a Deadly Hideaway, and then turned away, in search of someone else. Deadly Hideaway. What the hell is that all about? he mused.

    Dmitry looked at Aura, shrugged, and then reached for the door to leave. He had no idea whether this Hideaway was a good thing or a bad thing, and he wasn’t about to stick around to find out.


    Lord of the Meeblings
    Saren nodded to Wayn, "mmm, nice to meet you. A vampire I met told me about a place were people like us can rest and converse in peace. It sounded good." He looked out into the dark woods, taking in all the night sounds. A deer wandered by about a hundred feet from them, Saren smelled its blood as it went past. He briefly considered going after the deer, but he had already fed that night, no reason to do so again.

    He looked back to the Redguard wolf, "It gets lonely after a while wandering by yourself, I am sure the same happens to you." Walking slowly around the clearing Saren cast his gaze back towards town. He was much more comfortable around one of his own kind especially in the wild, so he spoke more freely that usual. "Are there others besides us?"


    Aura quickly grabbed Dmirtys hand and gave a slight tug on him, pulling him closer to her Now where do you think you are going? smiling at him seductivly, working her charms on him You should join me with the rest, It'll be fun, exciting... and perhaps deadly... If you are into those kinds of things... mostly the deadly part she stepped in closer to him, wrapping one arm around his waist while the other let go of him hand and moved up his arm


    You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die.
    Dmitry started to get the impression that this Aura sure was persistent. She follows him to the cemetary. She brings him back to the tavern. Now she won't let him leave the tavern. Persistent. He smiled at her while thinking, Well, when she puts it that way, I really don't see what I have to lose in all this.

    It surprised him a little that her touch made him feel good. Her touch on his hand, now his waist and arm. He couldn't even remember the last vampire woman who touched him this way. He knew his vampire powers assisted him with mortal women, but this. This was different. No charms of any kind were thrown her way, yet here she was, touching him anyway.

    A smile for her crossed his lips again, then he said, Okay. I'll accompany you and the others to this hideaway. The gentleman in him, or what remained of it, resisted the urge to return her touch. For now.


    Graphic Designer
    “I missed you Vil; I have every moment of every minute of every day since I left, I feel pure despair each morning I wake up and you’re not at my side…” Fenris spoke from the heart; staring deep into her sparkling ruby red eyes kissing her passionately, his tongue danced with hers. “I was a fool to leave your side; I feared the Ula would come for us if I didn’t return… I should never have let that fear come between us; I don't care if I have to fight them all myself, I'll do whatever it takes to keep from losing you.” He paused cupping her cheek in his hand, wiping away her tear with his thumb smiling at her lovingly. “I love you Vil and I promise I’ll never leave your side again.” His voice shaking with emotion as he wrapped his arms around the small over her back; kissing tenderly as the door opened and the blonde haired wolf he’d talked with earlier walked in, quickly snapping it shut behind her. "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" Turning to meet her icy blue eyes with the shinning silver moons of his, he slowly ran his hands up Vil's back caressing her beautiful athletic body. “Something I’ve dreamed about every day since I left my loves side; although in my dreams we were alone.” He smiled turning and laying his forehead on Vil's, his silver eyes piercing hers in a affectionate gaze.


    Roleplaying Moderator
    Hana sunk back into her chair as Aura continued to speak, but her body remained rigid, en garde. Her hand seemed to hover ever so slightly over the glistening steel axe at her hip, but instead slipped around the new hot tankard of mead the barmaid brought her way. The unwary tavern tender looked cautiously between the two women, but shrugged her shoulders and sidled back to the bar to serve other guests without a second thought.

    She lifted the cup to her lips, and relished in the scent of the sweet herbs swirling around the rim of the mug, the only comforting thing allowing her to keep her calm. She took a deep gulp and scoffed into her cup, smiling sarcastically.

    "Why..." She began, looking up for the first time. Her eyes flashed gold in the firelight as they narrowed on Aura. "...would I feel any more comforted knowing he could have disappeared with you?" She extended her arm and dropped her drink, tankard and all, into the fireplace; the hot logs fizzled in protest.

    "His place, is back in Dawnstar...back with me, and what's left of our family." She forced, trying to keep her voice low. "Razanur is all that I have left, and knowing you were part of what urged him away makes me none the more pleased with our situation." Her head dropped as she clenched her fists in her lap, fighting hard not to become more angry. The beast blood was boiling within her, fueled by the flames of dispair.

    "Aye!" She cried out, lifting her head, seeing Aura slipping away, as if the pot she had just stirred were nothing to her. In truth, there was little she could do to keep it from boiling over at this point. Leaping up from her seat, she pointed an accusing finger at the vampire huffing in rage. "Dare you walk away from me like that?!"


    She turned her head slowly at Hana as her gaze met with hers "how dare I?" She let go of Dmirty and walked over towards Hana " continue" she held her arms out to her sides "I'm here so please continue" she leaned in close enough to her yet still far enough "you might want to calm down there before someone jumps in and rip you apart"


    Roleplaying Moderator
    Hana leaned in slightly, despite lacking in height her typically meek presence grew demanding as she clenched her fists tightly at her sides and locked eyes with the vampire. Her body flushed with heat as her boiling blood rippled to the surface, and every hair on her body stood on end as the adrenaline of anger coursed through her veins. On the surface, though, she looked calm if not rigid, except for her lips which curled into a snarl. From the back of her throat issued forth a deep, gutteral, and formidable growl, almost too low to be heard, before she tilter her head slightly to the side.

    "Do I look as if I am in fear of any living thing in this room?" An unsettling grin crossed her lips as she shifted her weight onto her heels and crossed her arms, keeping her eager fingers away from the handle of her weapon. "I do take pride in carrying myself as more than a common beast, but..." She paused, her tongue sliding temptingly along her bottom lip, as her smile widened. "...truly, it has been some time since I last tasted flesh."

    Taking a step forward so that she and Aura stood chest to chest, she leaned in close to keep their words from passing by unwelcome ears. The stiffness in her spine gently relaxing, but her senses remained heightened, and alert.

    "My anger lies not with you..." Her dark voice whispered into the other woman's ear. "I pray you do not give me reason to break my fast, and compromise my dignity by kindling unnecessary conflict." She chuckled softly, and eerily as she withdrew; helping herself to an open bottle of unattended mead on a nearby table.


    Standing in her place "look I'm sorry I mentioned your brother, I was hoping that maybe you heard from him is all, so again sorry for bringing him up" she stepped back some "are you going to be coming along to this hideout my sister ànd" she looked around for Des " her lover I'm guessing that's what they are?"


    You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die.
    This latest exchange between Aura and Hana piqued his curiosity about the Hideaway even more. We as vampires are supposed to get along with the werewolves at this place? he silently asked himself. I wonder what sorts of magic this location holds in order for the likes of us to co-exist. And with no bloodshed or loss of life? He smiled to himself, and that smile carried all the skepticism a vampire of his age could possibly muster. Which in his case, was a lot.

    He glanced again at the two women, thinking, Well, I did tell Aura I'd join her and the others, and I am a man of my word. Uh, a vampire of my word, that is. Though something tells me I won't be staying too long.


    Account closed
    "GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF MY GIRL!" Desiree said in a low, menacing voice, as her sudden female tone changed and sounded much deeper and more masculine. Her ice blue eyes began to glow profusely like Leilani or Danacia's when they were working with their mind abilities. Soon, Desiree stomped into the room as the veins on her arms began to ripple, and she grabbed Vil off of Fenris throwing her aside with force onto the bed. Vil screamed as she was tossed, gently bouncing up and down when she hit the bed, and she watched as Desiree's wolf characteristics began to show through.

    Desiree picked Fenris up, using one hand, with the strength of Tymvir himself as she held him up off his feet glaring deep into his silver eyes with her blazing cold ice blue ones. She then swung tossing him with great force as he blew through the wall of the room and out into the public. Desiree slowly stomped out towards him, the entire inn staring at the wolven pair, and then someone drunk yelled out, "BAR FIGHT!" Soon, music picked up fast, and people were going at it all over the place. Desiree jumped onto Fenris, holding him down with ease due to her incredible hulk-like strength. She began to punch, punch, and punch Fenris blasting him hard several times causing bruises to the face. "DON'T," she said each word through a new punch, "EVER TOUCH MY GIRL AGAIN!" Soon, he laid on the ground, and Vil was standing behind Desiree with tear stained eyes. Desiree growled loud and long in Vil's face, the veins all over her body pumping blood now showing a glowing ice blue and pulsating as she was angry through her skin. She grabbed Vil tight by the hand, and then yanked her as they made their way for the door of the inn. "We're LEAVING NOW for the Hideaway. No questions!" She snarled with a snap.


    You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die.
    Everyone's attention turned to the fighting pair of werewolves. Or rather, to the punishment being doled out from Desiree onto another werewolf. Dmitry didn't catch the name of the wolf who was taking punch after punch. Upon her announcement of leaving for the Hideaway, two immediate thoughts ran through the vampire's head: Don't fluff with Desiree. And don't touch Vil. I can remember that, he thought.


    Account closed
    "If you're going to the damn Hideaway, get on following me or I'll leave you behind!" She snapped, passing by Dmitry, Hana, and Aura as she yanked Vil along. Vil had her head down, looking solemn, as she looked back to Fenris who was still lying on the floor crouched now on his side in pain. The door of the inn swung open, and she yanked hard on Vil's arm once more who nearly fumbled following after her. The ice blue color in her veins continued to pulsate all over her body. She stayed silent, and so did Vil, because Vil knew she had no right to argue. The pair continued to head off in the direction of the others, and they met up with Saren and Wayn. Desiree finally released Vil, who stayed by her side with her eyes on the ground.


    Conquers-Many-Foes had spent most of his time in the tavern contemplating whether or not he should investigate this 'Deadly Hideaway' place. It sounded interesting, but it was at a high cost. Conquers was engaged, now. He was an old fashioned one thousand year old vampire, and so took such things quite seriously!The Argonian was certainly not going to just kiss someone while betrothed without any personal gain. Oblivious to the various arguments between drunken patrons outside of his mind, Conquers continued thinking. Eventually, he decided he would investigate this place. But if it wasn't worth it... He'd have a new werewolf's head to mount above his fireplace. The vampire stood up, only to be knocked over again by an obvious werewolf getting flung through a wall and into Conquers torso.

    Conquers scrambled out from underneath the man just as Desiree, the one who had given him the card, pounced on the man. The Argonian debated casting a calm spell, but then decided it would be a waste of time. Someone yelled something about a bar fight and the music inexplicably picked up. Everyone went at each other, fueled by drunken rage and testosterone, while Desiree beat the ever-loving pl*ps out of the man. She began screaming something, but at this point, Conquers had tuned out to protect his eardrums. Once she was done, she snapped around, facing some vampire Dunmer woman. She grabbed the Dunmer's hand and said something or another. Conquers allowed the sound to enter his ears again halfway through the sentence. He heard, "- for the Hideaway. No questions!" Desiree dragged the Dunmer over to the door and swung it open, leaving. The one called Dmitry stared at the scene. Conquers slipped out the door behind them.

    Conquers snaked around behind the group, who ahd not yet noticed his presence, others joining them as they went. By the time they reached the edge of Falkreath, many of the people who had been involved in the card game were with them. Desiree released the Dunmer vampires hand, appearing to have calmed down. Conquers jumped at this chance and spoke for the first time since the card game. "Uh, Desiree, was it? I wisheth to know when thou intends to reveal the location of this interesting Hideaway place.", said the Argonian tentatively, trying to avoid setting the woman off. Some of his vampiric charm entered his voice, hopefully calming her down. He fingered his amulet of Dibella absentmindedly. When going to a bar, Conquers always made sure to keep one on his person. He was also quite gifted with charisma anyway, but it never hurt to have some assistance.


    You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die.
    Dmitry tagged along with the others, not saying a word the whole way. Surprisingly, no thoughts entered his mind either as he just wanted to be done with this Hideaway secret. At the edge of Falkreath, they all stopped and another vampire asked Desiree a question about the Hideaway's location. At this point he could easily tell the vampires from the werewolves in the group. And all of Dmitry's attention was now focused on the werewolves.


    Aura watched the little scene in the bar play out, shrugging her shoulders Meh.. I suppose its time to get going following the others out the door, stopping and standing next to Dmitry folding her arms across her chest


    Graphic Designer
    Fenris got to his feet smiling wolfishly as he shook off the debris cracking his neck, she had caught him unguarded with Vil in his arms and he was completely ill prepared to fight back. Anger building, his lips curled back revealing his pearly white teeth as they started to elongate. Slamming open the tavern door he followed the scent of Vil out of town, transforming in a black mist as he reached the tree; dropping to all fours as his hulkish form took off hot on their trail at a supernatural speed. Sending wildlife scattering in all directions with each huge bound he took over the forest floor. Ears catching the sounds of voices he felt his heart beat faster and his pace quickened and the Wolf within stirred with excitement, breaking through the trees as his eyes landed on Desiree.

    Using his pureblood agility he leapt out catching the group by surprise as he drove Desiree hard against a tree, breaking in his trunk as its long branches swung violently sending birds into flight. Towering over her his claws dug into the tree trunk behind her as he opened his mouth; bringing his dripping fangs scrapping against his neck, as he held her life in his jaws. “I don’t know who you are but I’m not leaving Vil and I don’t care what you have to say about it, I have put up with far worse then you for her already and if fighting you to the death is what I must do I will do it.” Fenris boomed out in a angry tone subconsciously, so that only she could hear his words. "I even sense you changing and I will bite down, you will bleed out before you have the chance..."


    Account closed
    "GET OFF ME YOU ULA BASTARD!" Desiree roared, her ice blue eyes piercing into his own. She didn't move, but she was pissed. "YOU SHOW UP OUT OF NOWHERE, AND I WALK IN ON YOU HAVING YOUR HANDS ALL OVER MY GIRL! PEOPLE MOVE ON FENRIS! YOU CAN'T TAKE SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU ANYMORE!" She was screaming at the top of her lungs in a cute, cracked, angry feminine voice. She squirmed under the large transformed brute as she heard Vil's screams of despair in the background.

    Vil ran over, and she began to angrily hit on Fenris's transformed body. "Get off of Desiree Fenris we're together!" She screamed, heart pounding, scared for her life.


    Graphic Designer
    As Vils voice reached his ears Fenris pulled back his jaws from around her neck as a black mist enveloped them before dissipating, revealing a human Fenris holding Desiree against the tree by her shoulders. Silver moons piercing her icy blue eyes he released his grip; turning to walk to Vil has his demeanor immediately softened to that of the kind loving Fenris he always was when around her, cupping her cheek in his hand he found himself lost in her bright red vampiric eyes. "Have you moved on from me my Aedra? Because I haven't; there has not been a moment since I left your side I didn't think of you, I love you Vil and I've never stopped."