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Hale Loneshadow
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  • Your description of Vladamir is funny Hale, and you're not far off! Picture Arcturus Mengsk from Starcraft II and you've pretty much got Vladamir :D
    Oh yes! Hale! Since you are back, i urge thee to post in the Fading Hope Thread. Because, One does not simply get hijacked by life. Jk! I know life intervenes sometimes, but we could really use the help of a Ranger in this matter. So if you could post asap, that would be much appreciated. Thanks and Welcome back :D!
    Dabiene Caristiana
    Dabiene Caristiana
    I agree with this one here ^ We'd love to have you back! :3 No pressure though, my life is becoming hellish too, I know the feeling.
    Hale! Would it be okay if we added Vixen Blackbriar to our soon-to-be Pirate RP??
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    Reactions: Hale Loneshadow
    DO IT! with sufficient planning my folks would LOVE to meet you guys! We have room to crash too! And I have a bit of money for stuff like food and gas to help you guys on the way home.
    I'd have to like, arrange for days off and clear it with Nates family and Hale would have to be available and willing and it would take a TON of planning.
    I dunno. Maybe it could happen. It would be a REALLY long drive though...
    Yes, it would, but it could be done.
    Is your phone fixed yet? We'll never be able to pursue a night of drunk shenanigans without your phone!
    ...That sounds different than what I'd intended it to sound like...
    You know what I mean! GO FIX YOUR PHONE! =P
    Hale Loneshadow
    Hale Loneshadow
    Hehe, I think you meant it EXACTLY how it sounded :p , lol. Aaaand, I'm getting it fixed/replaced this friday! You should come with me to this sweet little bar by me :)
    Yay for fixed phone! Do you mean Friday as in tomorrow? Or Next Friday?
    I work tomorrow until 10pm *pout* But I have Saturday and Sunday off, so it's not like I couldn't go out late Friday.
    Hmm, if we do hang out, I'll have to figure out how to get there. Chicago sucks at having proper public transportation. I guess I could take a cab if need be. ^_^
    So, it totally occurs to me that if we start up a pirate RP too, this give me legitimate reason to include sea-faring tentacle monsters. I like this plan. <3
    Hale Loneshadow
    Hale Loneshadow
    Uhhh HELL YEAH! I like this plan too :D Give me a little time to think up a plot/start for this one, if you don't mind I'd like to take the reigns on this one <3 :)
    By all means, you lead the show, ringmaster! =3 Just link me to it when it's ready, dear. <3
    What's going on mate? You're still here on the site but you're in lurker mode. I miss your posting. And Rayven. And Docta.
    To everyone I've met and become close to, I love you all <3
    Aww. I love you too Hale :) It's your turn to post in Reforging an Empire though.
    Hale Loneshadow
    Hale Loneshadow
    I will this morning! Right after I go get some Chipotle... :D
    Ah, Chipotle! Suh a fine establishment gives you the knowledge and wisdom to post. Please my friend, take your time.
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